Update: The contest is over. Thanks to all who entered!!
The following is a list of entries into our 2nd Flash Game Design Competition (in no particular order). Click the game icon to go to the review page for that game.
"Rings and Sticks" ...by Komix | |
"Gateway II" ...by Anders Gustafsson | |
"PLANned" ...by Wouter | |
"NOBuzzle Tree" ...by Shu Wan, Cheng | |
"Grow Word" ...by Tonypa | |
"Orbit" ...by Sean Hawkes | |
"Tower of Babblers" ...by Lars A. Doucet | |
"Sprout" ...by Jeff Nusz | |
"Frog and Vine" ...by Matt Slaybaugh | |
"Grow the Robot" ...by Starkraven Madd | |
"enQbate" ...by Aquilino Griffin | |
"Chicken Grow" ...by Bart Bonte | |
"Jelly Fusion" ...by Matthew Dirks | |
"Growbal Warming" ...by Richard Ohanian | |
Wooty tooty flip-bam-booty!
We're hosting our 2nd Flash Game Design !
(and the crowd goes wild! rwar!)
Here's the scoop: you, casual gamer / game designer / Flash whiz, design a simple puzzle game in Flash (version 8, AS 2.0).
Yes, the type of entry we're looking for is the same as what we called for during our first . And while the entries we received contained various interpretations of "simple puzzle game", all things considered, the simple puzzle idea proved to be an excellent choice. So we're doing it again!!
But there is a catch. This time your game design must incorporate this theme: "grow".
You are, of course, free to interpret that any way you choose; however, the extent to which your game addresses the theme is left up to the judges to decide. Entries not meeting this requirement will be disqualified.
If you're wondering what we mean by "simple puzzle game" consider this: Think of something that you might find in a point-and-click game, Myst, or the like. Not necessarily an entire point-and-click game, but that's ok, too! For some inspiration, check out the entries from our first , and especially Andrew VanHeuklon's brilliant collection of Flash puzzles called Click Drag Type. That collection was actually the inspiration for these competitions.
Use your imagination and be creative. We are looking to create a collection of the best entries submitted to the like we did in August. Impress us with your game design skills and you will score fame, recognition, prizes, as well as a proper review of your work by the JIG Casual Gameplay review staff.

As before, we're looking for a ton of great entries to make this competition really spectacular. And we've got the prizes to back it up! In addition to seeing your name in pixels and the millions of people that will play your game—yes, millions. Our first competition has already received over 2 million plays!—we have some nice cash prizes to award this time:
- 1st place:
- $1,000
- (1) Flash 8 Professional license*
- 2nd place:
- $500
- (1) Flash 8 Professional license*
- Audience award:
- as before, determined by JIG community popular vote and worth at least $200.
*If your winning entry makes an exceptional or innovative use of either Premiere Pro for video or After Effects for animation/video, Adobe will upgrade this prize to the Adobe Video Bundle, worth over $2,000!
Although the Flash 8 Professional license is available for Windows or Mac, the Adobe Video Bundle is available for Windows only.
Entrants who do not have After Effects, Premiere Pro, and/or Flash 8 Professional can download a 30 day trial from the Adobe website.
In addition to all of the above prizes, your game will be eligible to recieve a bid from ArcadeTown for publishing there as well.
Winners will be judged by the JIG Casual Gameplay staff based on creativity, originality, aesthetics, and how well it incorporates the theme. You don't have to make anything complex, just wow us with a great idea or two.

To enter the JIG CasualGameplay Game Design , all you have to do is create a simple and original Flash puzzle game and send it to us.
Like the first , your game will appear in a collection for the site, and so it must support our specifications and our very simple API listed below. If you do not know how to do this, you will need to send us the final .fla file 48 hours prior to the deadline so we can add the appropriate support for you.
By submitting an entry to the , you grant Jayisgames.com and CasualGameplay.com a permanent, non-exclusive license to host the game, either individually or as part of a larger collection. We will always include credit to the original author and display a link to you or your sponsor's site, if desired. Please provide us with your name, shipping address, and preferred link (optional) when submitting your entry.
Also, in return for winning one of the Adobe prizes, you give Adobe the rights to publicize information about you and your game, and what was done with its products as part of the development process (i.e., talk about the game designer, what tools were used, get a quote, etc.).
Once you have your game polished and ready to go, send it to: [email protected]

The deadline for entries is
Friday, February 23rd. at 11:59PM (GMT-5:00).
So, start the brainstorming and get ready to wow us!
Friends of Jayisgames: Please help spread word of this by posting a note along with a link to this entry on your blog or website. Feel free to use this banner to link back to us. Thank you kindly!
Many thanks to the kind folks at Adobe and ArcadeTown for sponsoring this .
Specifications and the finer details of submitting an entry follow...
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