Eater of Worlds is a stylish side scrolling action game with a fun little twist: you're a blob that absorbs everything it comes in contact with. From fish to seaweed, cats, trees, humans and trucks, the world is your buffet and you're ready to eat. Gather as many objects as you can across the game's three levels and see if you can secure a space on the high score board.
This game will inevitably be compared to Katamari Damacy, so I'll get that out of the way right from the start. Yes, you do pick up objects and grow in size, but the similarities end there. Eater of Worlds is much more action-oriented and requires you to avoid obstacles and dash around the screen to grab everything you possibly can. Use the arrow keys to move left/right and nearer/farther from the screen. Tap the space bar to jump over the crazy spine-covered bad guys. Hitting one of these causes you to lose a handful of objects, so time your jumps carefully.
Each item you pick up is shown inside the blob, which if you think about it is kind of gross. Solution: don't think about it, just roll over stuff and be happy. After completing the three levels and submitting your score you get a custom URL to share with the world. Use it to challenge people to beat your high score.
The author of Eater of Worlds, Martin, was previously featured here for his series of rapid game prototypes written in Flash over the course of several weeks. Check out a few of our favorites from Prototyprally.
Analysis: I really enjoyed the pseudo-3D visual style of Eater of Worlds, though it does make it more difficult to orient yourself in the environment. Sometimes I swear I grabbed an item only to watch as it scrolled off the screen without me. Hit detection makes leaping over some of the spine enemies a bit difficult as well, but it's nothing you don't learn to compensate for.
In the first level there's a short period where the screen throbs in time with the thumping background music. The idea that the game would have some sort of musical element, even one as rudimentary as this, was exciting to me. Unfortunately it didn't pan out and the throbbing was cut from the rest of the game. Too bad!
Eater of Worlds is a unique and fun little game that shows a lot of promise to become even better. The presentation, including visual style and music, are a real treat, but it suffers from somewhat thin gameplay. Once you work through the three short levels there really isn't much of a reason to come back. Toss in a few twists and turns in the form of obstacles or power-ups and Eater of Worlds will be an eater of your time. As it stands, this is a great time waster and a clever idea that's well worth the experience!
Thanks to Wouter and Maxro for sending this one in!
Note: The game might take some time to load on a slower connection, so be patient.
I agree with every word in the review.
I think this guy will give really nice games to us in the future, so let's keep an eye on him.
He released some kind of tonypa-ish rocketmania type of game yesterday too, not too original but nice:
Interesting game, but I was thrown off by the graphics. The game doesn't seem like it was made in flash at all. As for gameplay, I like the style, because just like the other games, it is innovative in it's own way.
got through level one find have been on level 2 for 30 mins. does it go to level 3?
Hm... I had a bug on the level in the screenshot, with the city, where after a while it just turned into a blank screen with the background scrolling. Has anyone else had this problem?
got through level one find have been on level 2 for 30 mins. does it go to level 3?
uhm...i think i got stuck on level two. i just kept rolling, stuff came out but it was sparse, with only a few bombs. i played it for about 6 or 7 minutes (the music stopped at one point) and i kinda gave up on it.
otherwise cool.
I had the same problem with level 2. The music never came on, and the level seemed to go on indefinitely. The bombs were sparse, so I gave up after my eyes started bugging out.
This game seems like it has potential, but it's really bug-y.
The first time I played, level 2 went on infinitely. I played it for over 5 minutes before giving up.
The second time I played, the music in level 1 abruptly stopped, and then the level went on infinitely again.
Seems like there's some big problems that still need to be worked out.
Seems fun, though!
i encountered the same bug too, after i tired of a level, i had to right click and select "play" to move on to the next one. i'm sure it skewed my high score of 511 or so objects in my ball.
wow seem like a few of this guys game a fairly buggy
i played another one and it froze the whole browser after i could not exit the instructions screen
and i think there is a border between eat of time and total waste of time basically just anoying i usally like these types of game where the more you progress the biger you get but this one dosent seem to have much point beacuse in reality the size of the player dosent relly affect game play at all inivative kind of but needs some work and even if he did a reworked version I still dont think i would relly go back and play it. still better then i could do LOL. and if it dosent go on to the next lvl in a few minutes exit or youll be going forever like i was grrrr
Looks like an interesting game with potential, once Martin will get around to fix the bugs. He warned us that there's bound to be some, so credit for that. :-)
Yes, lv. 2 goes on for me as well, even right now when I'm typing! Bombs are so scarce that I can easily leave the game on and still have a giant ball that barely fits the screen! :-)
Same issue with the levels. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so sparse during these off times. And yes, right click, select play, gets ya right past that.
i love the thumping on the music part
reminds of that game where u gotta evade stars or so
music was daft punk in that game and it was really well synced !
Um... when I finished the 1st level, it said, on the right-hand bar: 999999 objects picked up. 999 objects lost. Total: 2997432122 objects.
Weird game. I played through level one & lived which is pretty unique for me. But when it was supposed to load level 2 it froze on the main screen with this big upper black patch wobbling up & down. Very buggy.
Reminds me of that barnyard 'breakout' game with the rolling ball of collected animals (which I loved.....the game, not the animals....don't make me slap you).
There are a few flaws with this game (besides the bugs, which I didn't get) that really take away from the experiance it could provide:
It doesn't seem that the objects you can pick up depend on your size at all
Picking up big objects is not more profitable than picking up smaller ones.
I am not sure if this is the case, but I think that when you lose objects, the look of the blob isn't affected at all.
As far as comparisons to Katamari: "This game will inevitably be compared to Katamari Damacy, so I'll get that out of the way right from the start. Yes, you do pick up objects and grow in size, but the similarities end there."
I don't see how such a valid comparison should be "got out of the way" or how "the simalarities end there" when that premise is the only thing the game has. This game is only an adaptation of that premise with jumping. Katamari also has elemnts of danger that cause you to lose items and I feel like a lot more action is possible.
Overall, I feel like this isn't nearly of the quality that most games on this web page are.
Not to say that it's horrible, or to insult anyone. It's interesting, but it needs a lot of development in graphics, gameplay, depth, and in realistic growth of the blob that it lacks at this point. I look forward to a more polished version, because I think the idea could produce entertaining results.
i found a bug i guess
I should use this for DND as a plot device... but which miniature should I use?