An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


If your question isn't answered by our FAQ or the user comments below, please feel free to post a new comment and we'll do our best to help you. If you have a question about an individual game reviewed on the site, please post your question in a comment on that game's review/discussion page instead. Thank you! :)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is this site about? JayisGames, originally started as a personal blog in 2003, is an online weblog dedicated to reviewing what we feel are the best free online, casual, freeware, and indie games around. Every review we post is honest, and written by passionate gamers just like you!

How do you decide what games to review? We select and discuss games privately amongst ourselves on a private forum. We look at things like the controls, the mechanics, the depth, but most importantly... we look for games that are fun! We try to review all sorts of games, from the simple arcade games to the huge complex strategy titles, doing our best to provide something for everyone, no matter what type of gamer you are. If a game is on this site, it's because we felt it deserved to be here, regardless of how simple or complex it is.

How do I search the site for games I want? You can either use the site's search bar in the upper right corner, or you can use tags! Tags are the tiny links beneath a review's title that help categorize and describe it, and clicking on one tag will display every other review that also shares that designation. If you want to customize your search, type the following URL into your browser's address bar: By changing tagname to whatever tag you're looking for, you can find whatever you need. If you add a +, you can search for games with multiple specific tags, while ! will only display games that exclude the tag written after. For example, would only show online point-and-click adventure games, while!horror would ensure that no horror games are displayed in your search results.

I found a game I think you should review! How do I tell you about it? Please use our online game submission form.

Why didn't you review the game I submitted? We receive literally hundreds of game submissions each week, and we try to be very selective about the games we feature. If we don't choose to review a game you sent in, it's nothing personal!

What sort of games won't you review? We will not receive any game that features deliberately hateful and malicious content aimed at hurting any group of people. This includes racism, homophobia, and so forth.

How can I tell if a game is "safe" to play or not? The little square coloured icon above a game's title image is its rating. We use different colours to mark games that have different content levels in them, so while a game with a rating-g might be safe for kids, a game that's rating-y might have a few red flags. Feel free to ask in the comments if you want to know why a game received any particular rating! If a game contains content that could be seen as "triggering", we will do our best to warn you about it at the top of the review.

Why do you review games with higher content ratings? We believe everyone has the right to play what they want, and we are not here to censor content... just objectively review it. As long as a game is not racist, homophobic, or otherwise deliberately hurtful towards anyone, we will feature it if we believe it's worth it, and make sure to clearly mark it with a rating so you can make an informed decision about whether you want to play something.

Why do you review some games that cost money? If we review a game, it's because we like it, period. While we feature many free games throughout the week (usually at least two per day!), we only feature games that cost money on the weekends as indie reviews.

Do you get any affiliate revenue from reviewing games that cost money? We do not get any sort of affiliate revenue from games sold through Steam, or indeed through most other online outlets. We receive a small amount of affiliate revenue for games sold through Good Old, Big Fish Games, and occasionally through certain indie developers that sell their games through BMT Micro. We never accept money from a developer to review a game, and receiving affiliate revenue for a potential title does not guarantee that we will review it.

Why does this site have ads? JayisGames is a free site and is supported entirely by ad revenue, which means programs like Ad Blocker hurt our site! Even if you don't click on an ad, when an ad loads on a page, we still get revenue from it, which means that by using programs that stop ads from loading (Ad Blocker), you prevent the site from earning the money it so desperately needs to survive. With monthly operating costs in the thousands, we use the revenue from ads to pay for hosting, bandwith, and to pay our writers! If you enjoy JayisGames and playing games on it, please consider turning your ad blocker off when you visit us.

I saw an ad with content I objected to. What do I do about it? We work hard to make sure our ads are not only safe and malware free, but also to make sure that the content in them is acceptable to all our viewers. All of our ads are chosen not by us, but by our ad provider, which attempts to tailor what you see. Sometimes content we don't want sneaks through, such as the grossly inappropriate League of Angels advertisements, because the ad network classifies those as appropriate given that they're categorized as gaming ads. When this happens, we rely on you to report anything unsuitable to us so we can take steps to block it! If you see an ad that features adult content, take a screenshot and e-mail it to dora AT jayisgames DOT com.

What are your community guidelines for posting comments? All we ask is that players remain respectful, do not drop links to other sites, and stay on topic. Any comment meant as a direct personal attack towards another commenter will not be tolerated. If you disagree with another player, make sure to do so in a respectful and intelligent manner. Comments containing deliberately rude, hurtful, or pointlessly profane are not permitted. Also, comments leaving links to promote other sites will be marked as spam and removed.

Frequently Asked Questions For Games

  1. Why doesn't this Flash game load? All I get is a blank screen.
  2. I can't get this Flash game to load past 84% (for example), it just stops there. Why?
  3. Flash is telling me Jayisgames wants to store information on my computer, is this safe?
  4. I want to start a Flash game over again, reset my saved progress due to a bug, or copy my saved game over to a different computer, where can I find the Flash saved game files on my computer?
  5. Why doesn't this Flash game save my progress? Every time I come back to it I have to start again from the beginning.
  6. I'm trying to delete my saved progress in this Flash game, but clearing my browser cookies and clearing my browser cache had no effect. How can I reset the saved game data for this Flash game?
  7. Why do the arrow keys scroll the page when I'm playing a Flash game?
  8. When I play Flash games they appear too big for the screen, so the bottom and right are slightly cut off. How do I fix this?
  9. Why does this Shockwave game crash on a Mac?
  10. Why doesn't this game work with my touch pad?
  11. I downloaded a game and it never saves my game when I quit, I always have to start again from the beginning. What should I do?
  12. I downloaded and purchased a game from Big Fish Games, but I've been having trouble with it crashing. What should I do?

1. Why doesn't this Flash game load? All I get is a blank screen. This is a very common problem reported by people trying to play a Flash game and could be due to one of several reasons. Go through this checklist to see if any of them are the culprit:
  • Make sure your Flash Player is up-to-date. Flash Player plug-in.
  • Turn off any browser extensions you have installed to see if any of those are causing the conflict.
  • Are you sure it's a Flash game and not a Shockwave game? Shockwave games require a different plug-in. Get Shockwave here.
  • Try a different browser.
  • If none of the above help and you are using Windows Vista, then follow these steps to allow Flash to your firewall settings:
    1. Click on the Start (or Windows) button on the Windows Taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
    2. Click on Control Panel.
    3. Click on Security.
    4. Find the Windows Firewall section on the Security window.
    5. Click on Allow a Program Through Windows Firewall.
    6. Click on Add Program.
    7. Select Adobe Flash Player from the program list.
    8. Click OK.
    Adobe Flash Player should now be added to your Firewall's list of accepted programs

2. I can't get this Flash game to load past 83% (for example), it just stops there. Why? It is possible that when your browser downloaded the game file the first time, the file became corrupted either by the author uploading a new version at the same time or for some other reason. Try emptying your browser cache, then reload the game page. Refreshing what's in your browser cache should do the trick.

3. Flash is telling me Jayisgames wants to store information on my computer, is this safe? Yes, it's perfectly safe. Flash requires local storage on your computer to store game saves, and without it your progress can't be saved. It's harmless and won't cause any harm to your computer. In fact, if you play a lot of games here at JIG, you will need to even expand the size of the allowed local storage given to JIG for Flash game saves. The reason is that Flash stores game saves by domain, which means game saves for the games we host are all stored in the same place. You can right-click and choose "Settings" on any Flash game hosted on JIG to increase (or change) the size of local storage. If you're a frequent visitor to JIG, I recommend allowing unlimited. You should never have a problem with that setting since Flash game saves are all relatively small in size.

4. I want to start a Flash game over again, reset my saved progress due to a bug, or copy my saved game over to a different computer, where can I find the Flash saved game files on my computer? Flash Game Saves (.sol files) —There are save files that Flash uses to save state locally on your computer. You can copy these files between computers, or you can delete them to reset a game that you want to start again, or to correct a situation where the game save file may have been corrupted.

For games that are hosted on Jayisgames, look for either or inside the "random series of letters and numbers" directory that you'll find at the location specified for your computer's OS below. Inside that folder will contain all the save files for all the games you've played on JIG so far. You'll want to remove the .sol file inside the directory associated with the game you're playing.

NOTE: To see the folder that the files are in, you must enable Show Hidden Files & Folders in Folder Options.

  • Windows 7
    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\#SharedObjects\random series of letters and numbers\
  • Windows Vista
    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\#SharedObjects\random series of letters and numbers\
  • Windows 2000/XP
    C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\random series of letters and numbers\
  • Windows 95/ME
    C:\Windows\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\random series of letters and numbers\
  • Mac OS X
    /Users/Short name/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/random series of letters and numbers/
  • Mac OS 9
    Macintosh HD/System Folder/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Shared Objects/random string of letters and numbers/

5. Why doesn't this Flash game save my progress? Every time I come back to it I have to start again from the beginning. Flash requires local storage on your computer to store game saves, and without it your progress can't be saved. In fact, if you play a lot of games here at JIG, you will eventually need to expand the size of the allowed local storage given to JIG for Flash game saves. The reason is that Flash stores game saves by domain, which means game saves for the games we host are all stored in the same place. You can right-click and choose "Settings" on any Flash game hosted on JIG to increase (or change) the size of local storage. If you're a frequent visitor to JIG, I recommend allowing unlimited. You should never have a problem with that setting since Flash game saves are all relatively small in size.

6. I'm trying to delete my saved progress in this Flash game, but clearing my browser cookies had no effect. How can I reset the saved game data for this Flash game? Flash doesn't save data in cookies or your browser cache. Flash stores save data by the domain of where you play the game from. Check the FAQ question just above this one for locations of the Flash saved game files (.sol files). For games hosted at JIG, look for the domains and For games hosted elsewhere, look for the domain name on which the game is hosted.

7. Why do the arrow keys scroll the page when I'm playing a Flash game? This is a known issue with Internet Explorer when trying to play Flash games embedded on a page. Please try using a different browser, like Firefox. That will fix the issue for you.

8. When I play Flash games they appear too big for the screen, so the bottom and right are slightly cut off. How do I fix this? It sounds like your browser may be zoomed. To reset your browser to 100% size follow these steps:
  • Firefox: From the menu select: View->Zoom->Reset, or just type Command-0 (zero) on Mac OS, CTRL-0 (zero) on Windows.
  • Chrome: From the menu select: View->Actual Size, or type Command-0 (zero) on Mac OS, CTRL-0 (zero) on Windows.
  • Safari: From the menu select: View->Actual Size, or type Command-0 (zero) on Mac OS, CTRL-0 (zero) on Windows.
  • IE: From the menu select: Page->Zoom->100% (there doesn't appear to be a command-key equivalent for this).
  • Opera: From the menu select: Page->Zoom->100%, or type Command-0 (zero) on Mac OS, CTRL-0 (zero) on Windows.

9. Why does this Shockwave game crash on a Mac? It is common for Shockwave games to run poorly on Intel-based Macs. However, you can force your browser to open using Rosetta (a pre-OS X compatibility mode) and that may help Shockwave from crashing the browser. Follow these steps:

  • Open your Applications folder and click once on Safari to select it. (I've found Safari handles Shockwave under Rosetta best.)
  • From the File menu, choose "Get Info".
  • Check the box "Open using Rosetta".
  • Launch Safari and try the Shockwave game again.
Note: Running Safari in Rosetta will decrease performance, so you may wish to toggle it on/off as needed.

10. Why doesn't this game work with my touch pad? Touch pads were originally input devices of convenience made expressly for portable computers. Now it seems that we're in a transition period from mouse-based to touch-based interfaces. The problem is that most Flash games have been designed for a mouse, not a touch pad. If you use a laptop as your primary computer, invest in a small portable mouse. You'll be glad you did. :)

11. I downloaded a game and it never saves my game when I quit, I always have to start again from the beginning. What should I do? Most game save issues result from a user account on your desktop having limited rights and therefore not being able to save a game properly. This problem occurs most often with Vista and Windows 7. Here's what to do:
  • If you are on Windows Vista or Windows 7, try setting the game into compatibility mode:
    1. Right-click on the game's shortcut icon on your desktop
    2. Select properties
    3. Click the compatibility tab.
    4. Make sure your compatibility settings are as follows: Operating System Windows XP SP2 (Windows XP SP3 if you are on Windows 7); Permissions Boxes: Run As Administrator checked.

12. I downloaded and purchased a game from Big Fish Games, but I've been having trouble with it crashing. What should I do? Big Fish Games has an exceptional Customer Support department, which is one of the reasons we recommend Big Fish so highly here at Jayisgames. Please use this support form to report the trouble you have been experiencing. Someone will help resolve your issue in a timely manner.

If you do not see your support question answered here, then please post a question in the comments and we'll try to address any problems that come up. =)

Please use this page for support issues only. For game review requests or suggestions, please use our Game Submit form.


When installing Ravehearst 1 Mystery Case Files....The game installs, all icons/shortcuts are present on desktop and installation complete is showing in my apps.
When I click on icon to play game Microsoft windows popup appears stating that the game has stopped working, I click the problem details and it states under problem event APPCRASH. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times and still having this problem. I am hoping you might have an answer to this issue/problem. Thank you in advance for your time.

XxXx lurv xXxX March 2, 2010 2:00 PM

I bought this game the other day for my iPod touch and when I use the game, everything is fine but when I go off the game and back on it, the game starts all over again......any ideas of what may seem to be the problem?

[You might want to contact the developer of the game. -Jay]


I like to download the occasional Flash game so I can run it on my machine offline, full-screen, etc. Is there any way to download the games in the Design Competitions? They all seem to be actively loaded from the game-selection program. I can download that, but trying to play one of the actual games doesn't work, because they're only online. All links to those games on this website only point to the Design Competition flash. Any way around this?

[Sorry, no there is no way around that. -Jay]

SmileyRiley April 22, 2010 7:06 PM

Is there a way to search and specify NOT downloadable other words, games that play in a browser.
So, for example, one could search for " "point and click" NOT download " ....

[There is no way to combine tags at this time. Hopefully someday. In the meantime, you might try the 'browser' tag, or just use your browser's "find" command when viewing a tag listing (i.e., find 'browser' while viewing the 'pointandclick' tag listing, or find 'pointandclick' while viewing the 'browser' tag listing.) -Jay]

[UPDATE 04/15/12: You can now search for multiple tags. Use the plus sign (+) for AND, and exclamation point (!) for NOT. So, for point and click and not download, use this link:!download See our Tags Index page for more info. -Jay]

SmileyRiley April 22, 2010 8:13 PM

Thanks, Jay - I didn't know you could do that! Never too old to learn something, eh? (*grin*).

davidob May 5, 2010 10:57 AM

Just bought a htc Desire and was looking for reviews of mobile games for the Android platform. Do you plan to cover (and tag) games for this platform?

[We do intend to feature Android games once there are enough interesting, innovative and unique games to pull from. If you have suggestions, please send them to us using our online game submit form (found in the menu above). -Jay]

[Update: Android games are now featured periodically in our weekly Mobile Monday column. -Jay]

stephanie collard May 5, 2010 2:32 PM

i purchased virtual families and after it had downloaded and i went to play it a box came up saying 'this display card does not support (800x600x16BPP)@60Hz'. i have tried to change my screen resolution but this does not help. any ideas of what to do?

[A video card that doesn't support 800x600? That sounds really strange. Anyways, you should contact the customer support department of the site you purchased the game from, maybe they will have a suggestion for you. -Jay]

Redwall May 8, 2010 5:35 PM

I tried playing The Museum of Broken Memories, and it wouldn't load after installation. I have Vista, and I tried running it in compatibility mode as well as running it and it's installer as administrator. Help would be greatly appreciated.

[Please try contacting the developer about this issue. -Jay]


I've downloaded Little Folk of Faerys and the movement is EXTREMELY jerky. How do I fix this?

[Please contact customer support from the site you purchased the game from. -Jay]


I am trying to submit a game, and it says my E-mail is invalid. It works everywhere else, and i have no idea why it won't work here. I also used it to register, and it was fine.
Why doesn't it work for the submit form?

[Please try it again. A change was made to the form late yesterday, and I believe that caused a bug in the validation script. It should be ok now. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Jay]


Recently when I try to search for a game, I can't see any results, even for games I know have reviews on the site. Everything in the sides of the page loads, but the middle is completely blank. I just cleared my cache and it didn't help. I'm using Google Chrome on Vista.

[I cannot reproduce the problem. Site search is working as it should. Are you using any ad blockers? Search results come from Google, which includes ads. Perhaps your local settings are providing a conflict? Try going to the Google homepage and typing your query in there, including as one of your search terms. -Jay]


Yes, it seems to be a problem with the adblock. I turned it off for this site and got search results again. Thanks for the help.

[Thank you for turning off your ad blocker. Doing so helps us continue to be able to bring you free games. -Jay]


I've been a proud visitor of jay since it was on the RIT page, memories~. Anyway I registered with TypeKey long ago, and when the favorites boxes came out you can be sure I picked out the best. Well every so often my favorites just... disappear. Occasionally I am kicked out of my TypeKey address, I assume you guys have a 2 week limit or something, but I do log in again only to find my favorites that I painstakingly searched for are gone. It is very frustrating to not have direct access to games that were shown years ago. I just lost the favorites I picked out not more than 5 days ago and added to just yesterday. Any details on what the problem might be? I'm using the same computer, so it's the same IP and everything. Thanks in advance.

[Hello, and thank you for playing with us all these years! :) The favorites you select are stored in a cookie in your browser, so if you delete your cookies (or change browsers) then you will also lose your favorites. Your TypeKey authentication is also saved in a cookie, so if your cookies are deleted you will have to log in again. Something somewhere on your computer is messing with your cookies, so I would look at what might be doing that. Do you ever clear out your browser's saved data? Double check the settings if you do to be sure your cookies aren't also getting cleared. I hope that helps! Thanks again for all your visits! :D -Jay]


Is it that JIG do not support downloading games anymore?
How come every link goes to Big Fish Games?

[The Casual Gameplay store is down for maintenance right now, but only temporarily so. The previous company that we worked with, GameCenterSolution, has ceased operations as of June 30th. So we are revamping the store to bring you new options. Big Fish Games will continue to be our primary affiliate partner due to their lowest prices in the industry and their exceptional customer support. -Jay]


I get very odd (but consistent) errors with many Flash games on my new Win7 (Home Premium, fwiw) laptop. I know the games are fine, as they load on my home PC, but after loading most Flash games either a) freak out and do random things or b) never leave the loading screen. A few Flash games do work, though, so I'm puzzled.

I've done everything recommended, using another browser, _completely_ uninstalling and reinstalling Flash (and duh, rebooting) with zero success. Any ideas?

[I have a Win7 Home Premium install I can try to reproduce what you're seeing. Can you give me an example Flash game URL that doesn't work for you along with the browser/version you're using and the Flash Player version you have installed? -Jay]



"Shockwave Flash":
FF: 3.6.8
IE: 8.0.7600.16385


Oh, forgot to give a game:

This one starts flashing between the loading screen and the start menu, and repeatedly emitting a brief *kshh* noise.

[Hi Forsythe, I could not reproduce what you are seeing on a similar Windows 7 Home Premium configuration using the same browsers and Flash Player version. The game, Harmony Keeper, loads completely and plays without any issues at all in both IE and Firefox (same versions as yours). The issue must be something specific to the way you have your computer or OS configured. I really don't know what to suggest next, I'm sorry. If I were able to reproduce the issue I might be able to work on a fix for it, but since the same configuration is working fine for me, the best conclusion I can think of is that the conflict is coming from some other piece of software on your computer. -Jay]


Anyone know how to get the door remote in the game Out-Of Order? The Journalist do's not give me the game nor no options in the talk part.

[Please post your questions about individual games on the game review pages. For Out of Order, use this page: Thank you! -Jay]


I can't get my spoiler tags to work. It keeps giving me invalid comment format. Am I doing something wrong?


Never mind. I think I figured it out! =)

forgot my login October 17, 2010 5:08 PM

Two questions for the price of one comment!

1. Is the JayisGames' Chat function down, or is the problem on my end? I can get to the page (via the Help Squad drop-down in the site header bar) but all I get is a blank page. I'm running Firefox 3.5.13 on WinXP Tablet Edition (I know I'm not running the latest Firefox, but the add-on I use to keep my browser header tidy hasn't yet been updated to be compatible with 3.6.x; Tablet Edition is basically MCE with some extra doodads like screen-orientation options & handwriting recognition.) I do use NoScript, but I have everything on the page allowed, and nothing shows up as a "blocked object" -- which is usually what happens if some sort of embedded media needs to be allowed separately.

2. The password-reset function for registered users is a nice, handy feature... so long as one remembers what one's login / username is. I can't remember what I used, and none of the standard 'net nicks I use are recognized. (Serves me right for apparently having decided to be a smart-aleck with some clever new handle.) Is there a way for you guys to send an email to my registered email address reminding me what my login name is? Or, alternatively, is it possible to set up a new login with an already-registered email address?

[1) The chat feature uses a Java applet to function, and therefore you need Java on your computer. You can also connect to our chat server ( via any IRC client. The channel we're in is #casualgameplay. 2) Yes, you may send us an email from the email address in your account to our contact address (found in the site footer), and we'll help you figure out what your user name is. Remember that your user name is not the same as your display name. -Jay]


Hooray, I'm logged in again!

Not sure why my login didn't work earlier, since I went back to an article I knew I'd commented on months ago to check what it was, so I know I tried the correct login. The important thing is that it works now. Thanks for responding so quickly!


Hey, I submitted a game a while back, but received no confirmation email. Does that mean I should submit again?

[Due to the number of game submissions we get each day, we cannot respond to each one. If we have not featured the game, it is likely that we turned it down. We evaluate a great many games every day at JIG, and only a very few of them get selected for a review. If you think that we may have missed a game that you feel strongly deserves a review, please feel free to submit it again. -Jay]

Jeff Lowrey November 12, 2010 11:34 AM

I really really dislike the new Apture top bar that intrudes itself with features that I didn't ask for and don't see any value in.

I mean, let's be clear.

I REALLY REALLY DISLIKE this top bar. Please provide me an option to remove it entirely from my experience.

[Hi Jeff, I'm sorry that you really really dislike the Apture features. You can do one simple click on the left-most part to hide the bar from your browsing experience at JIG. It does provide a few exceptional features that we are especially fond of. One of the most exciting features it provides is that you can highlight any word or phrase for a quick pop-up definition and search from both the site here at JIG as well as the entire Internet. When viewing one of our many walkthroughs on the site that contain links to screenshots, a simple mouse over the little camera image will pop-up the image without moving you from the page. We are very excited about the features of the bar here at JIG, and we hope that you grow to love them, too. -Jay]



Finally found a fix for my issues with Flash; Flash has a bug that aborts loading/playing many flash apps. Allowing 3rd-party content via the Shockwave settings manager fixes it.



Synesthesia December 3, 2010 11:24 PM

Looking for a forum to find a game.

I know this is not the appropriate spot to field this question. I could not get "chat" to work on Help Squad tab and I'm looking for a game. I could not find it on a search in Jay or on All Games tab. Bad keywords I guess.

I am looking for a flash game about World War I fighter planes. As I remember it, the game was 3rd person perspective (Top Down). This game involved using two fighter planes. A player would move the planes turned based via a controllable arrow, guiding the planes trajectory during its turn (a bit like the GUI controls on a catapult game).

The story line of this, unknown, game was sorties of increasingly difficulty. One would fly against German bombers, Zeppelins, and fighters, ect.

I appreciate any input.

Synesthesia December 3, 2010 11:26 PM


It's not Dogfight 2

Good game but the one I am looking for is different.

Thank you.

Synesthesia December 8, 2010 10:04 PM

About the game I am looking for (listed in two above posts), It's a WW2 Airplane game not WW1.

Thank you for any info anyone has.


can i play a game without downloading it? And, i am suggesting that you guys can make your chat better, because i tried it on my computer and it did not work. it said something about plug-ins. What in the world is a plug-in? Do i get a plug in the mail and jam it into my computer?

[Can you play a game without downloading it? If it has the "browser" tag, then yes. If it says "download" then, no. As for our chat, you can use your own IRC client to connect to: and then join channel #casualgameplay. The chat client we have integrated into the site is an old Java-based one, but it works. You'll need Java installed for it to load correctly. -Jay]


Does anyone know if you can input more than one tag at a time and if so CAN YOU TELL ME!?

[Sorry, but multiple tag search is not supported at this time. Hopefully we'll have this ability sometime in 2011. -Jay]

[UPDATE 04/15/12: You can now search for multiple tags. Use the plus sign (+) for AND, and exclamation point (!) for NOT. So, for point and click and not download, use this link:!download See our Tags Index page for more info. -Jay]


Just letting you know, the link on this page doesn't work anymore:


[Thank you. It looks like the server is not responding that is hosting that game, and other pages on the site still link to the game, so I'm thinking at this point that it could be a temporary situation. -Jay]


My flash player is not working on games for example Bloons Tower Defense 3 and 4 blank screen...I have loaded most recent flash player... can you help please. everything was fine until a week ago i messed with the global settings of flash player so i uninstalled and re installed my flash player and still having problems thank you

[Try deleting the files listed on this page: You might need to reinstall Flash Player again after you do that. I hope that helps. -Jay]

sunnylauren February 4, 2011 5:55 PM

Is there a place on this website where I can ask for the titles of games I've played? There are two that I remember the gameplay but not the names, and I'd like to play them again.

[You can post your questions here if you like. Or send an email to our contact address found in the site footer. -Jay]

sunnylauren March 17, 2011 5:16 PM

I have a suggestion. Would there be an easy way for you to enable the site to let people search for games using multiple tags at one time, instead of just one? Like if, for instance, I wanted to search for games that were both horror and mystery, I want to be able to find all games with both those tags. Maybe you could have a checklist or something where people could choose the tags they want.

[UPDATE 04/15/12: You can now search for multiple tags. Use the plus sign (+) for AND, and exclamation point (!) for NOT. So, for point and click and not download, use this link:!download See our Tags Index page for more info. -Jay]


Hi, guys!

I desperately need your help! I'm playing "Haunted Manor - Lord of the mirrors" from Bigfish Games on my pc. I want to install the game on my notebook but can't find the savegame files anywhere on Win7 (32bits). Can you help, pleeease? I don't want to start all over from ground zero. Thanks for your time!

[Please contact Big Fish customer support with your question, they will be able to help you with that. Thanks! -Jay]


How come I can't create an account or leave comments anonymously? Neither worked!!!

[I don't know. Please contact us at our contact email address (found in the site footer) and we'll help you privately over email. Please include a description of what exactly happens when you try, along with your OS and browser versions you're using. -Jay]


Regarding Favorites, is there no way to save them according to your Casual Gameplay account? I just wonder... since I saved my favorites on my computer, went to my boyfriend's house and used his computer and my favorites were saved. Now I made the mistake of cleaning out the junk in his files, cookies and cache since the laptop was slowing down and now my favorites are gone. Is it really saved via cookies or is there a way to preserve them through multiple computers?

[Yes, favorites are currently saved via browser cookies only. Sorry. -Jay]

mr1black May 5, 2011 7:33 PM

As of a few days ago the search option doesn't give any results in chrome browser, just regular side-panels and big white nothing in the middle. I tried searching in IE and it works, and I deleted all the cookies in Chrome, but search still doesn't work. Could it anyhow be because of the new chrome version (11.0.696), or am I missing something other like flash update?

[I'm running the same version of Chrome on both Mac OS 10.5.8 and Windows 7 and the search results come up without any issues. I don't know what to suggest, sorry. :( -Jay]


Ooh, I have a suggestion. You know those little icons in the 'details' part of each review? Like that little mushroom one, yes that one sir! Could we maybe have an info message appear when we hover on it (indicating it is an Adventure, etc.) cause I find myself going to another page to reference it.

I mean, I can read the tags too but somehow they're not as 'proper' as I expect them to be... at least in my head. Maybe it's because we don't really have a set definition for each tag? For example, I see an 'adventure' tag. I immediately think collecting or combining items, solving different logical things, along with a witty main character. Turns out it's a hidden object game. Boo. Then there are the 'escape' tags, which are fairly straightforward but then I recently played the Trapped series, which is not an escape game in the conventional sense. Er... I'm fairly confident whoever's reading this knows what I mean. Anyway, all very aesthetic issues and not that important, but if someone else can tell me what they think about this, I'd like that very much.

[It's an excellent suggestion, and I'd really love to implement this. The immediate problem in doing so is that those icons are set as background images via CSS and therefore can have no mouseover text attribute set for them. Without some significant reformating of the review headers, I just don't think it would be possible to do this, unfortunately. I will definitely keep it in mind, though, for our next major site revision, which should be coming soon-ish. Thanks for the feedback! :) -Jay]

tylerrose May 22, 2011 3:43 PM

I am playing the game Myst and have been stuck on the part with the keyboard and control panel. I have been trying to solve it for over a week and I just cannot do it. Is there any way I can skip it and move on, it is at the end of the game and I have worked very hard at this game and really want to finish it and do the sequel ...

[Please post your question to our Myst review page: Unfortunately, we do not offer support for individual games other than via our commenting system on our reviews. Thanks for understanding, and thank you for your visits. -Jay]

Papachabre June 10, 2011 5:32 AM

I don't know if you guys read these, but if you click 'Hot Games', the first game you see is Sphere by neutral. The link is broken.

[The links don't appear to be broken for me. Maybe it was just a temporary issue? -Jay]


Hi! How can I help be apart of the walkthrough guide? [As I mean from that as in judge each game as do Dora, and many other people do for each game.] To that answer I have another, May I be apart of it??

[Do you mean how to become a review or walkthrough writer for the site? If so, please send some review and writings samples to our contact email address found in the site footer. Thank you! :) -Jay]


Thanks Jay! I just emailed it to you :] Thanks!



How many countries had strawberrycafe blocked access to since lunar room escape?

It is 403 forbidden from singapore, australia, china and taiwan

[I don't know the answer to your question. Since I can only access it from here in the US, I have no way of testing it. Sorry. -Jay]

Michele Smith July 8, 2011 11:59 AM

Do you know where I can find a walkthrough for Architect episode 1? I cant find one anywhere and Im stuck on a bunch of the levels. Usually you have what I need that is why I love this site!

[Thanks for the kind words. :) Unfortunately, if it's not a game that we have featured here, we won't have a review for it. Have you tried posting your question in the BFG forums? That may be a good place to start when you can't find your answers here. Good luck with the game. :) -Jay]

V2Blast July 8, 2011 11:21 PM

Somehow I managed not to notice the Apture thingy until now, and was about to complain about it.

Then I noticed the opt-out feature. I am contented once more. :P


My bookmark of "" takes me to[snip]

Kinda weird, no?

[Please empty your browser cache and reload the page. The problem was caused by a temporary glitch on the site that was active for only a few seconds. -Jay]

VoxPopuli42 July 23, 2011 12:38 AM

I'm having trouble getting spoilers to open- they're showing up, page fully loaded, and NotScript (I'm using Chrome) is on temporary universal allowance... and yet they refuse to work. Any suggestions? This happens on and off, sometimes they work but a vast majority they do not. Even refreshing pages and/or restarting browser doesn't help

[I don't know what "NotScript" is, but I would venture a guess that is the root of your problem. I am running Chrome on both Mac OS and Windows 7 and never have a problem with spoilers. Ever. They are always functioning as they should. If you have added extensions to Chrome try disabling those extensions to see if they are interfering with the spoilers on the page. Spoilers require Javascript to be enabled and functioning properly. -Jay]

Indie59 July 28, 2011 4:23 AM

I'm having trouble playing flash games on this site. I never used to have this problem, as I've been coming here for years and I've tried as many steps as I could think of: I have disabled any ad-ons, and tried different browsers (firefox, safari, chrome) to no avail- I even started troubleshooting flash (10,1,102,64 installed).

I know it's not a global problem, as I can play games on yahoo and other sites (like Tesshi-e), but get nothing but a black screen here. I can still right-click and get the flash settings panel.. any ideas?

[When did the problem begin for you? Try updating your Flash Player, it's up to 10.2 now. If you're getting the Flash settings panel then it must be a Flash Player issue. -Jay]


@Jay on the restroom escape
After about 10 minutes of no response in all three browsers, I tried to clear the history and bam! it then work.

The internet connection on that day is also unnaturally slow, maybe it is this which causes the problem.

Btw I'm in Australia and I use vista

[Great, thanks for the report, and I'm happy you got it working. :) -Jay]

Indie59 July 29, 2011 1:48 AM

[When did the problem begin for you? Try updating your Flash Player, it's up to 10.2 now. If you're getting the Flash settings panel then it must be a Flash Player issue. -Jay]

I probably started to notice it a few weeks ago, and with JIG hosting more and more games, it became more obvious.

I updated to the most recent flash, and still nada. Ads load, as do other sites, but not the games here. And I haven't messed with any settings or anything that I can think of..

[I'll send you an email so we can try to figure out what the problem is. -Jay]


I'm having aggravation with the pre-game ads for games hosted on JIG. Lots of stuttering or freezing, so the 30-second ad takes a lot longer. I'm usually willing to sit through a 30-second ad if it plays straight through, but that's not what is happening.

Don't know if it's just bandwidth or what, but I'm feeling like I have to seek out other sites to actually play on. Save me!

[ACK. I hear your frustration and I'm sorry the ads are stuttering and causing issues for you. It's most likely a streaming issue caused by a slow or spotty internet connection. Make sure your OS and browser are updated to the latest versions. Feel free to contact me using our contact email (found in the site footer) for individual support with troubleshooting site issues. Thanks. Also, I do hope to be able to offer an ad-free experience for our loyal visitors very soon, but it's not ready yet. Hang in there! We appreciate your patience and support very much! -Jay]


Just noticed that my favourited games list has disappeared!

Is there any way to recover it? I'm not sure I'll be able to recall them, even if there weren't that many.


[I'm sorry that happened to you! :( Favorites are stored as cookies in your browser, so if you change browsers or delete your cookies, all your favorites will be gone. We're working on a site improvement that will store favorites in the database for signed-in visitors, but that won't be ready until later this year. In the meantime, use the site search to find those games you lost, or use the tag listings for your favorite genre to narrow down the search if you don't remember what to search for. -Jay]


do you have the list of levels as they are listed in the DATA of the program?
Totem Tribe Gold on a windows 7 machine.

Thanks, Jackie

ps: I need to uninstall a level so that I can replay it.
thanks, Jackie

[Please post your questions about specific games on our review page for the game in question. Review page for Totem Tribe Gold. Thank you! -Jay]


I up'd to FF7, but I don't think that's the problem, because before I did that, some of the ads on the JiG hosted games were hanging up and the game would not load. Now I have 0 games loading. I've tried Castaway II, Wonderputt, and Rebuild. Since I was playing Rebuild last night with no problem (and that's quite a memory hog), I'm concerned that there's something gumming things up from the ad side. The ad loading countdown will go, it'll go to zero, and absolutely nothing happens.

I've just tried a bunch of other Flash sites, including Neutral, and their ads and games load.

[I'm also using FF7 so that shouldn't be a problem. Try emptying your browser cache and reload. Also, make sure you allow cookies to be set by JIG. If you continue having issues, please send us an email to our contact address for personalized assistance. -Jay]


In the New Games section at the top, there doesn't seem to be a way to get to the JIG review/walkthrough/comments for a game. Is that deliberate?

[The New Games section is part of our new online browser games portal, and not all of these games will have a review, so, yes, it's deliberate. You can find whether these games have a review either under the game window on the game page (found by clicking "Play Now"), or on the category listing for New Games: You will see a "Read Review" button on that page, if one exists. -Jay]


I just want to say that although I love checking out what new games are here I am unable to play any that are on the JayIsGame server. I am on dial up and the 31 second ad takes a long time to buffer and often doesn't buffer at all so I can't get to the game. This is a huge dissapointment and makes me miss the old days when games were hosted somewhere else that didn't have that kind of ad. When the ad loads it stops and jumps an does nothing except to annoy me and remind me never to buy that product. I do realize the ads help support the site but for me it means losing a customer.

[I'm sorry. :( All the sites are using these ads now, and with revenue declining, there's really no way for us to avoid using them, too. We want to stay in business and continue to bring great games to our visitors, but without ad revenue we just cannot continue to. I am working on a completely ad-free experience for those who support us by purchasing a site membership, but that won't be finished for a couple months yet. -Jay]

Anonymous October 25, 2011 6:13 PM

What happened to the review for Jacko in Hell? One minute it was there, the next it was gone. A few people commented that they thought this game was below JIG's standards, but I thought it was quite good so I hope it wasn't removed for that reason.

[Although our play testing of the game was mostly enjoyable as well, there were a few bugs being reported that were a real detriment to the game, so we thought it best to take our review down until the game gets updated. The game is still up, but we unpublished our review until the developer can fix the bugs. -Jay]

judy fredrichs October 26, 2011 6:05 PM

Do you have an idea why I can no longer see the 'spoiler' tags on JayIs? I looked at several of the 'walkthroughs' on different games listed here and they no longer are visible - I only see a blank space where the grey spoiler boxes should be. Also, "error on page" with a yellow exclamation is in the lower left task bar -- even on this page! Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

[Hi Judy, what OS and browser versions are you using? The spoiler tags are all working for me in all the browsers I have tested, including IE 8 & 9 (I don't have access to earlier versions of IE to test, unfortunately). Please try emptying your browser cache and reload the page where spoilers are giving you an issue. Feel free to use our "Contact" email address for individual attention and support. -Jay]


I can see the spoiler tags in Chrome. Have IE8 (cannot upgrade due to XP). Deleted cache, but still can't see tags in IE, so will use Chrome in the future. Thanks for your quick response. You are the best!

[You're welcome, Judy, but I'm sorry IE continues to give you a problem with my site. I'm also running IE 8 on a Windows XP computer here at my office and the spoiler tags are showing up fine. Try emptying your cache again of all browsing history, and try restarting your browser. If that doesn't help, try rebooting your computer. Something inside there is messing things up. I know the site and spoiler tags are configured correctly. Thanks for being patient with us. :) -Jay]

Vogonviking October 30, 2011 8:03 AM

Are there games on JIG that I can play on my iPod touch without having to download as an app? Which tag would I use to find them? I know Apple doesn't support Flash so my choice will be limited. That's why I love Letters in Boxes because I can play it on my iPod!


I'm having problems playing Gemcraft on the jayisgames site. Periodically while I'm playing, an in-game ad loads and plays between levels. This would be fine, except that on about the third one per game session, the audio plays without the video, and I'm stuck not being able to advance. The game window remains darkened, and clicking in it doesn't produce an effect. Any idea what's going on? Thanks!

[Hi Emily, I'm sorry that's happening to you. I've contacted the developers in hopes of getting the interlevel ads turned off for us. I'll update here when I get a reply. Thanks for reporting this. -Jay]


the boccia it is a wonderful game, before i played it, mas now your say: DONT USER IN MY REGION (BRASIL)...WHY????? SO, WHERE I PLAY THIS GAME IN OTHER SITE?

[I'm sorry, but we have no control over that game as it is not hosted here at JIG. I've sent a note to the developer asking for permission to host the game here. Otherwise, you'll have to contact the Channel 4, the current hosting site for the game, regarding access to the game. -Jay]


Since yesterday, none of your jig-hosted games are loading. Initially chalked this up to the FF update, but since then I've checked Flash, Shockwave, and Java and have the latest versions, and I've tried using IE, but all that I get on jayisgames is a white box. Also tried allowing flash through the firewall as per the FAQ. Games load fine elsewhere (for example, I can play Wondermind on Kongregate, and Minute Hardcore at Armor Games) - but I'd really love to just click on your reviews instead of google-searching interesting ones!

[I'll send you an email to troubleshoot the issue with you. -Jay]


I used your awesome fancy sub-listing (Online > Adventures, to be specific) to look for more games, and discovered quite a few games with no review links. They have blurbs, but no visible review, and I don't remember reading one on the front page. Were there supposed to be time delayed posts that never showed up? Or do you need reviews? Because some of these look intriguing.

Solatoral January 17, 2012 5:11 AM

This'll sound really stupid, but I need help :C.
Occassionally when I play flash games they dont save. For example I finished Symphony up to the stage 3-7. I then asked for a solution and I got a reply. When I reopened the game today to test it, all my progress was wiped.

This also has been having on almost any other site (rarely nitrome, but sometimes), and I'm finding it really annoying because I hate having to repeat games that I don't want to, or cant finish in one sit through (mostly games with levels, not games like Vorago that need 1 play through).
I'm not clearing my history, cookies or bookmarks or anything to cause this to happen.

One last problem I just remembered. When I post on JIG, it takes a while for it to post, and the chat box "lags" for a bit. This is only on JIG and I was wondering if this was normal or is something wrong on my end?

[Two issues here, both different from the other. The first, the game saves not correctly saving on your computer might be one of these 2 issues: either you haven't allowed Flash enough room for the domains, or it might be a permissions problem with the OS you're using (Vista is notorious for these types of issues). We have a support FAQ that explains both. The second, about the commenting system, it's been behaving slowly due to an increase in the amount of spam that's trying to get in. It's been so much it's clogging the pipes here. We plan to move to a more capable server soon, which should improve the lag you're seeing. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Jay]

I don't know if you'll be able to help cause it sounds stupid/maybe unsolveable, but I thought I'd ask anyway.


Just started having a problem in that the walkthrough spoilers are not appearing when I play games on the imac (lion) with the touchpad. All the rest of the text is there, just not the "blued out" hints

I have checked that flash is up to date, any other suggestions most welcome

[Spoilers on this site are controlled by Javascript, so make sure the browser you're using has Javascript enabled. Also, please make sure the page loads in its entirety, as the Javascript that controls the spoilers runs after the page has loaded. If you continue to experience issues with them, please email us at our Contact email address (found in the site footer) for individual support. -Jay]


Dear Jay et al:

My five-year-old granddaughter April and I love to play Minoto games.

Today, we noticed that his list of games (when viewed in Firefox) is chopping off! That means Minoto is adding games that we can't even see!

We tried looking at Minoto's site for a "contact" button, so we could tell him about the problem. However, the entire site is in Japanese! (Not that big of a surprise, actually)

Can someone let him know about this? We will also try viewing the site in Explorer, as well as changing our Firefox settings.


Lynne and April

[Hi Lynn and April, Have you tried using Chrome? That browser has a nice translate function built into it, so it's at least a little easier navigating a Japanese only site like Minoto's. Also, you might want to try using this link instead. That will give you pages of games that you can navigate through using page number links at the top and bottom of each list. I hope that works for you. :) -Jay]


Hi, I have a strange issue. I come to this site almost every day and I've almost never had a problem.

Browser: Google Chrome 17.0.963.46
Computer: Acer Aspire One D250-1165 netbook
Hardware: Intel Atom CPU N270 @1.60GHz, ~1GB RAM
System: Ubuntu 10.04 (32-bit) Kernel Linux 2.6.32-38-generic, GNOME 2.30.2

It recently had a big update and now, when I try to play a browser game hosted here, I get a little "Missing Plug-In" message where the game should be loading.

I checked my settings and both instances of Flash are enabled:
Name: Shockwave Flash
Version: 11.1 r102
Location: /opt/google/chrome/

Name: Shockwave Flash
Version: 11.1 r102
Location: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/

Sites such as YouTube, ArmorGames, and Kongregate give me no problem at all. That's what makes this really strange.

I've tried hard-refreshing the page and I've tried rebooting the system. Neither work.

nerdypants March 8, 2012 1:44 AM

I've visited this site a few times today. The first two times I came here, the first thing I saw was a couple of Java loading symbols and nothing else. I immediately closed out of that tab and tried again, and the JIG front page loaded normally.

But just now, when I tried to get to the front page, I got a warning that it was an "attack site". Again, I immediately closed out, and tried again. The front page loaded normally.

What is going on?

[The JIG servers have not been compromised. We are working with our advertising partners to ban a particular ad that had slipped through their networks, which may have caused a redirect to an unsafe site. I have received a few reports about it on the 8th, and I am working hard to prevent it from happening again. My web hosting provider has completed a scan and found no malware of any kind on the server, and Google also says the site is safe. Thank you for reporting it, I apologize for the inconvenience, and I assure you that we take this matter very seriously. -Jay]

[Update: As it turns out the JIG server was compromised on 03/08 and I have a blog post up explaining the issue. -Jay]


Very strange! I restarted my computer, changing absolutely no settings, and came back to play the same set of games hosted here. Now there's a border that pops up with a link highlight, like the entire flash game is a link. This is such a small dumb detail, but it's driving me crazy! Many of the games I play are dark, and the light border boxes it in. It doesn't matter if that awesome darken-button is on or not.


hi. your site doesn't work on my old computer anymore. maybe because i'm running osx 10.4.11
sure wish it still worked. i really like the room escape games. thank you.


I dig the new tabs, JIG! Serves all kinds of functions and has room to grow. Thumbs up.

[Thanks for noticing! :) I am very excited about the leverage the new tabs give us in terms of future growth. Whereas before we were arguably having an identity crisis, the tabs now allow us to explore our multiple personalities easily and efficiently! -Jay]

Vogonviking April 15, 2012 1:58 PM

Hi, I notice the new combined category index search with the "+" or "!" operations but I cannot for the life of me work out how to use it! Should I be typing the tags into a search box?

While I am here, will Steve be doing any more Letters in Boxes? I am missing them very much.

Thanks :)

Vogonviking April 15, 2012 2:31 PM

Thanks Jay, it will be very helpful for rediscovering some great games.

neo1973 May 3, 2012 1:36 AM

Jay -
Not really a support issue, but hopefully someone else will read this and not get taken like I did.

I saw the ad for Big Fish Games Ravenhearst Files on sale back in November. I ran over and bought it, as I had bought other games from Big Fish. Little did I know that I was subscribing to a monthy pay subscription to whatever game service they have. Heck, I have no idea what I've even been paying for the last 4 months.

What I do want to say is that I consider myself a fairly savvy online shopper, and I don't part with my personal information lightly. I also am pretty thorough checking for sneaky back-door tactics like the one Big Fish pulled, but obviously I missed this one.

What's even more abhorrent is that when ending my subscription, they survey to as to why and the very first option is "I didn't know I was signing up for a subscription service." THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! Needless to say, this is completely unethical, and I feel it's something that your frequent visitors (like myself and others) should be made aware of.

Sorry for the rant, but I couldn't find a feedback page at Big Fish (big surprise, I know.)

elle May 3, 2012 2:58 PM replied to neo1973

Hi Neo1973,

I'd like to second Jay's remarks and also add that I had a similar situation once. But, Big Fish Games is very customer friendly. Just contact them and politely ask for a refund. Chances are pretty good you'll get it. Or, there are some good games in our archives. I'd be happy to recommend some of my favorites! Just ask :)

Ruesiken May 17, 2012 4:34 PM

Is it possible to delete or edit a post that I made?

Example: I overlooked an error in my post and need to re-post slightly different information.

Is this a function you could add? does it pre exist and I've yet again overlooked it? or do you feel in the long run that this function is superfluous?

[Yes, we can delete or edit any comment you create, just tell us what you would like us to do directly in a comment. We do not support comment editing at this time. -Jay]


Hi Ruesiken. Currently only JIG authors can edit/delete/reply to comments, so I've gone back and deleted the original comment for you. If there's any additional information you need to change or add, please let me know. :)


The link to play Blokus online: appears to be dead. Take a look at for further details. :(


Just a heads-up that the latest Firefox 13.0 version does not seem to load Flash correctly (Windows XP for me). I've spent the better part of a day and a half going through the Mozilla and Adobe forums trying to find a solution -- it's the one that fails to load youtube, and/or loads the audio and nothing else. It affects the jayisgames hosted games. It's not Flash, because I ran multiple versions, and the only change before-and-after was the Firefox update.

However, some sites work. I currently have Kotorinosu loading its games. I don't know enough about Flash to know why, it might be something about frames or parameters or whatever. I'm not aware of any fix besides loading things in IE, and it's been reported that Chrome also works. Just letting you know in case someone brings it up elsewhere.

bigheadfour4 June 23, 2012 11:32 AM

hi my name is randy i am trying to get in the chat on hear and i did do a jave for it and its saying that is block can you help me out


Hope this will land in the correct place, and I know is not a big issue, just an irritation, but the "keep me signed in" is still not working for me since that devil malware day.

Is it just me, and something I need to fix this end, or is it something general?


Hah, we may need tabs for the Help Squad! It's fun to read all the Pocket Planes action, and definitely cool to see JIG doing something as a community, but the other games' comments are tucked in between the ongoing conversations. Just a thought for the wish-list.

P.S. A few Flash and Firefox updates later, Flash does work now. It was indeed an update issue and not extensions, as noted there was literally nothing else different from one day to another, and I did uninstall nearly everything for that bug-hunt. Both Adobe and Moz did a few more updates, and it was fixed.


In Plants vs Zombies, why do the items in Crazy Dave's shop say sold out when I haven't purchased them (such as the extra seed slots for 80,000)?

[Please post your questions about specific games on the respective game review and discussion pages. Plants vs. Zombies review and discussion page. Thank you! -Jay]


Hello Support people of JIG.

I just navigated to your page in the first time in a while on Firefox (I usually use Chrome) and Firefox gave me a warning about your site being full of malware and tried to redirect me. I have no idea how this came about, but wanted to give you a heads up and make sure you were aware of this. Hope you get it resolved soon, as I would hate to think of people being mislead away from your wonderful page.



Hi Jay,

I decided that I wanted to review some of the old CGDC games, so I went to this page where all the competitions are listed.

From there I went to the Casual Gameplay Design Competition #5 which, as you know, lists all the games submitted.

From there, I clicked on the Desert Obelisk by Cirr (both the picture link and the verbal Title link) and they both brought me to this page: with a large button labeled PLAY. When I click on the PLAY button, nothing happens. This occurs with all the games pictured on that page.

So, can you please tell me how else I might be able to get to previous CGDC games?

Thank you!

Fred M. Sloniker September 25, 2012 3:11 AM

Since the site recovered from the malware attack, I haven't been able to load any games on their pages; I just get a black box of a Flash square. If I go in, view the source, and navigate directly to the .swf file, it works, but that's hardly ideal. Any idea what the issue might be? I haven't changed any settings since before the attack...


Thank you for your pledges. Scaper, you'll receive your badge in a couple of hours. NotSoWize & Restless: I need your Patreon names to be able to affect to you the right badge regarding the amount of the pledges. You can send me the info:
[email protected]

Again many thanks for all the patrons, we received even two pledges of $50!

Paul May 25, 2016 12:03 PM replied to Jeff

what is up with this site? for the kast few weeks there has been no new games. Is something wrong? I miss playing the games from the different companies like no1game,mskutnik, etc. I hope you bring them back soon.

justkillme441 May 25, 2016 3:49 PM replied to Paul

oh, Paul - you always make me smile :) - I know, I miss
them too


well why aren't they coming back,justkillme? is there a situation with money or are they just not doing it anymore?

wallac7 May 25, 2016 7:47 PM

@Paul They are trying to fund the site through pattern so that they can bring it back up however currently they do not have the funds.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 25, 2016 7:55 PM

Paul, since the explanation is the last posted article, and this is a conversation that has been going on for several years, I'm not sure if you are joking?


Paul, the site needs to be supported by donations to keep it running. If you go to this site:

you can find out how to sign into Patreon and start donating to JayIsGames.

There is more explanation at that link.

Paul May 25, 2016 10:57 PM replied to Scaper

dsr, since the last game posted for JayIsGames was in April and as I have simply checked back daily for updates but sees no games,obviously I wasdnlt joking when I posted the original question. But now that you guys have explained it to me I understand now. I hope you guys get the funds soon.


I received offers from people who want to write reviews for free to keep the site active. Obviously on games which meet our standards. If you are interested by writing on your preferred recent games, feel free to send a mail to [email protected] and I will be able to send some additional information. Thanks in advance.

As you wish you can write just some lines for our 'Play this!' format (for instance: ) or longer reviews (for instance: )

Of course if we reach the first Patreon goal, the team who is very loyal will be back!


Actually, Paul's confusion highlights a possible problem: the "until we meet again" message is not the latest article you see if you go to one of the specific tabs. For example, I have the Browser tab bookmarked (, not the main site, and the latest article I see is "Subject 26".


If the notice for Patreon would have been put up right off the top, I don't think there would have been any problem getting enough. But asking after everyone has seen the closed sign. T__T


Just saw the announcement. Since there is no option to comment on the post itself, I'd like to say it here: Thank you for everything. This website has been a staple in my life for roughly ten years now, and even though I haven't really visited it a lot in the past few months, reading that JayIsGames is coming to an end had me tearing up a bit.

From banner games to treasure hunts, from Letters in Boxes to Casual Gameplay Design Competitions, JayIsGames had it all. We solved the Mysteries of Time and Space, flipped the Submachine inside-out, treated plushies with personality disorders. We did dolphin acrobatics in outer space, cleaned up King Dugan's roach-filled dungeons, dismantled a boatload of household utensils and escaped from a whole metric ton of locked rooms (only to get stuck again on the next week)! We crossed paths with Nitrome, Eyezmaze, Skutnik, Neutral, Nerdook, Jmtb02 and too many other amazing developers to list here.

Day after day you'd would bring a new gem to light, with sometimes hilarious, sometimes touching reviews, but always with so much soul and so much polish. And this might sound strange, but most of what I know about English, I learned reading those reviews. So, to Dora, Jay, JohnB, Psychotronic, Joye, Jess, SonicLover, and all of the incredibly talented JIG staff, THANK YOU. We truly had the best games, wrapped in the best of communities, and that made all the difference in the world. You will always have a special place in my heart.

Until we meet again :)


Theres a new game called What't inside the box by bart bonte. Well im just asking about the new game to add this website, it just a requesting but,you said that there is no new game so you need donation, and im trying to help you this website,and im going to find some new games and you going add this to your website. PS: im a behavour person

Patreon Crew SonicLover July 3, 2016 2:20 PM

Bug report: no game published since the "Until we meet again" announcement can be added to my favorites. The add button isn't there, and they don't show up on the grid in the favorites editor. Maybe someone turned something off and forgot to turn it on again?


Just to let you know I've disabled for the moment the 'New Free Online games' box to come back to the 'old' blog style with new articles sorted on the homepage by the publish date.

josephine17 July 9, 2016 2:44 PM

I made a donation as soon as I saw the site was closing down, and I'm really glad you guys are back (more or less) now! I always turned here to find new stuff, and the review writers were fantastic. I'd come here to read reviews even for things I wasn't planning to play, just because they were so entertaining. I noticed reviews are much shorter now, though -- hope it's just a funding issue that can get worked out at some point and not a new direction for JayIsGames!

I'm wondering about tags on the games, though. The last few games I've looked at aren't tagged with the name of the developer (and are tagged with many fewer tags in general). This used to be a way for me to find games similar to ones I really enjoyed. Is that going to come back at some point?


Katrina July 9, 2016 4:32 PM

My version of snark busters high society is in Russian so I cant understand the safe codes what can I do


Just wanted to say I am thrilled that you are back. Congrats and keep the escapes coming.


Egad (or something like that!) I loved that B Bonte game. It was one of the first ones I wanted to write something about and send to Jeff. Trouble is I did a search to make sure it wasn't already on the site and there's an old game "What's In the Box" that I saw listed. I assumed--you know what THAT does.
I know that ya'll are used to way better than I'm doing but I'm really trying.
If you do find a game or even want to toss in some ideas about what sort of thing I should be looking for or where to look I've set up and email:
[email protected]
Constructive input would be really appreciated.



I played a game here a couple of years ago now.

You had to hack into a computer system. There were terminals you had to log into and collect information/clues from to progress

I cant for the life of me remember what it was called or despite searching find it.

any clues what it was called?

ThemePark August 14, 2016 8:16 AM replied to Vienna

That sounds like Uplink.

Patreon Contributor kktkkr August 14, 2016 11:30 AM replied to Vienna

Somehow that description immediately reminded me of the Mu Complex series.


The 'All' tab doesn't seem to be working at present. When I click on it (Firefox), I get a white screen. (I was trying to see if anyone had reviewed the new '10 Gnomes')


Are the forums intentionally disabled, or is something wrong?

At I see the following listed at the top of the page:

Games and Apps [...] Browser Games [...] PC and Mac Games

iPhone and iPad Games [...] Android Games [...] General Discussion

The Lounge [...] General Discussion

BUT they're all just text, not clickable links, and there's nothing beneath the list of sub-forums. (The Start Topic link works fine, aside from not actually posting the new topic once I typed one up.)

I'm running Firefox 47.0 and Windows 7, and do not have any ad- or script-blockers running.


Hello, I'm trying to play a game and it won't work, the screen won't even load all I see is the blue background and that's all. I can't even see a box to place my comment there or anything. What can I do? The game I'm trying to play is That Uncle that Works for Nintendo, and I'm using Chrome.I tried in Opera as well and didn't work either. Thanks in advance.


Hi Consuelo,

I've checked that game for you and fixed the problem that prevented the page from displaying properly.

For some reason, a required file wasn't generated.

All is good now.



Is anyone else playing Rusty Lake: Roots? I REALLY miss the comments and hints from the JiG community and could use some help. I'm a donor, btw.



there is a new point-and-click adventure game by Marek and Marcin Rudowski, The Trader of Stories: The Big Old Tree that Dreams. Their earlier games were A Drain of Truth and Bell´s Heart, both popular on JIG (#mrudowski). The new one is beautiful like the previous games. I don´t dare to write a comment and I don´t know how to post it. Is there someone who can do it? I would send you a link.

Also, a new Tesshi-e was released around Christmas.

And a new short (very short this time but lovely) Where Is 2017? by Matheusz Skutnik.

I am a big fan of escape games and I can find new games from Japanese developers by myself but I really miss JIG.

If there is someone who can post the games and write a short comment I would love to let you know about new good games. Sadly, there are not many.


Hmm, I don´t have a Supporter badge. Maybe I did something wrong. But I am a Supporter.

Patreon Crew nomyle January 14, 2017 8:45 AM replied to chrpa

Hi chrpa,

I'm glad that you still take interest in JIG, and that you still look for good games on the internet. You can list games and send them to me. Sadly, I don't have much time to search for games, and I'm probably missing lots of good ones. I can review the games and publish them.

Actually, I want to ask a favor from you. As you could probably see, there aren't many reviewers around here currently. I know I can review the games, but it will take me weeks, and that will be too long. So the favour I want to ask you is this: can you review one of the games you posted about? I can help you, and you can send me the review and I'll make sure it will be published. That will help us more than you can think.

Thanks in advance,
Noam O.

Patreon Crew chrpa January 14, 2017 2:30 PM replied to nomyle

Hi Noam,

thank you for your answer. I´ll send you some games and I´ll try to write reviews. Just one silly question - where shall I send them?


Patreon Crew nomyle January 14, 2017 3:18 PM replied to chrpa

Yup, I always wondered if one gets notified by mail when these comments are replied. Send it to me here:
[email protected]

Meterman70 June 11, 2017 6:21 PM

I wish to call attention to the user 'yash' and the comment they left on a game - it is very clearly spam:

Patreon Crew Jeff June 12, 2017 3:26 AM replied to Meterman70

Thank you. I banned him and removed the comment.


Another Malware attack? Most pages will not load...

Patreon Crew Jeff July 26, 2017 2:37 PM replied to Brf

Nope. Was a wrong update of PHP.


Had to sign up to leave a comment but here's my issue:

I tried to play The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo recently but nothing was coming up. I updated my Flash player, refreshed multiple times, even switched to a different browser. I was getting nothing. I tried looking up the game on another site and one was available to play, but there was a point where it got unplayable and the options started to redirect to a link for some reason. Not sure what the heck is going on but whatever the issue is, I hope it gets fixed soon.

Please let me know what the potential problems might be because I was able to play this game with no problems a year or two ago.

Thank you!


Hi! I'm so glad y'all are still here! I joined this ite Years ago and had so much fun! I hope it's ok to ask this because I've been wracking my brain (and googling) to find a game Jay had on here. However, I can't remember the name and don't know what other key words to try. It was a point and click, interactive game either developed in Germany or with the scenery being in Germany. It was beautiful. I mainly remember the character walking through the forest and at some point he has to find apples for cows (horses?). He has items to find and often combines, I believe. I want to say it began with a W, but again, I'm turning up nothing. I would truly appreciate any help! Thanks SO much.

Cyberjar88 December 24, 2017 6:30 PM

A user is spamming the comments on multiple games with the same message every time.


Jayyl, or whoevber ios seeing this. for the last few days someone named Games Ze posts spam on multiple games with the same stuff. Please remove the user. Thanks.

vexingcosmos February 28, 2018 1:02 AM

So I have been looking for this game I played a while ago. I believe it was on this site, but I cannot seem to find it under any relevant tags. It was a surreal game which started with an egg(?) that could become a plant that you could either feed or water to turn it into a venus fly trap or rose. I know the venus fly trap had a fly option because it rather scared me when the fly became bigger than the plant and then ate it. It had a lot of weird endings too. They would all loop back to the beginning though with an egg(?) I would really appreciate any help with finding this game because I remember really enjoying it. As for the title, I only remember thinking it was weird. Thank-you!

AaronzDad March 5, 2018 8:22 AM

Wow, it's been a while since I've visited JIG and I missed a LOT! Sorry to hear you had to shutter the place but I'm glad to see things back in operation again.

I was just trying to kill some time while I transferred some files and thought I'd play a short game, then I thought about checking in on some of my old favorites.

But I couldn't sign in! Boo hoo hoo!

Whatever happened to signing in with typepad? I tried using the new MoveableType but apparently someone else stole my user name there (or I really don't remember my password or what email address I used there).

Dang Dang Dang!

I made a new moveable type account and it's letting me use my old faithful username but I'd like to get into my "real" account if that is possible.

Or maybe it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, I'm glad to see you guys up and running and when I get back home in a couple weeks (currently out of the country) I'm gonna go over to Patreon and send you a few shekels.


Hello, i'm here to ask where can i report the bugs for a particular game (in this case "The Uncle Who Worked At Nintendo"), because i've some that are really annoying to the point that i'm actually stuck and can't do anything.

Thanks in advance for your attention.


How do we report SPAMMERS?? In the comments of "The Secret of Tetrapylae", the comment left by Cassandra D. Everhart has a link to a website offering stove repair!
Please consider putting a "REPORT" link next to comments that are inappropriate or have spam / links to advertisements. (Making it impossible for users to EMBED links in the comments field in the first place would be a step in the right think?)


This has been a problem for a while now: parts of the site layout appear broken because of a missing stylesheet (v2-new-screen.css) on the server.

I've been fixing the visual issues for myself by loading an old copy in the browser, but I think it would be better to restore the file at its source.


Thanks for your quick note, kktkkr!

May I know one or more URLs where you see the layout broken?

I'm asking because this CSS file already exists:

Once I could reproduce the issue I could fix it right away.

Many thanks,
Mihai Bocsaru


I am getting an HTTP-500 on that css link


Hi Brf,

If you are available, I would like to meet you on Skype or on Team Viewer and to check this issue together.

Will you be available tomorrow or any other day this week?

Many thanks,
Mihai Bocsaru


Hi kktkkr and Brf,

Please check the site and confirm that the issue is now fixed.

You may like to use a "hard refresh" by pressing:



COMMAND + SHIFT + R (on a Mac)



Yes, it works now. Thank you very much.


Thank you for the fix!


Glad to hear that! You're welcome!


You're very welcome!


Yes. It works now :)


Hello, just to let you know that Mihai fixed the problem with the tags so they work now as expected. Great News! Thank you Mihai!

LaineyEvelyn September 18, 2020 1:55 PM

I don't know what happened, but your site is pretty much useless now for any kind of walkthrough now. I used to use your site religiously for help and information while playing the Westward series. Now, I get nothing when I pull up your site. I'm required to log in, which I've never had to do. I try to search walkthroughs and regardless if I click on date or title, I get a blank screen.
The walkthroughs you've had available for the Westward series were the best ones available. I am seriously annoyed I am unable to utilize your site to find the information I could previously access without issue.
It would be great if you'd reverse whatever changes were recently made or you would make sure all the walkthroughs players previously depended on from your site were once again available.


I would like to delete my jayisgames account.


hopefully i can post this. your site is mad broken rn


Sorry to bother you, but what were the banner mini games that you made? There was the 2 banner by Rob Allen and the "Robot want JIG" but I don't remember if there was other or not.
(Well you could say that "Escape from Jay is games" was also a banner games)


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