Warbears is all about playing, getting stuck, then starting all over again. There is no warning to tell you when you're about to do something stupid, so you may find yourself (as I did) restarting after a full half hour of play. Fortunately Iasio's beautiful animations and music gives the game a very comfortable mood, so you won't get frustrated. Mission 2 is much more polished than the first game with better sound and visuals and more streamlined gameplay.
For puzzle strategists and curious onlookers alike, this game provides enough of a challenge to tickle the grey matter without overwhelming you at any time. From the opening title to the four eventual endings, Warbears: Mission 2 is a well deserved sequel and a very enjoyable game.
Be sure to check out Gionatan's original Warbears as well.
Thanks to Lily and video_game_freak for giving us the heads-up!
Walkthrough Guide
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The following spoiler contains many more spoilers, each in sequential order, on the steps to follow in order to complete the game. Within those spoilers, there are also extra spoilers that contain how to get bonus points, how to not lose points, tips, and alternate endings. If played without the alternate ending spoilers, you should arrive to the refrigerator ending. For the warbear+jewel ending, "do-nothing" ending, and the warbeer ending, use/read the alternate ending spoilers-within-spoilers. This is a complete and concise walkthrough, unless I am missing something here, of which it would not be completely complete, and unless you think this is too long to be concise, of which it would then not be concise. I've done my best. Enjoy, and cheat responsibly.
Shooting Glass
Steve should shoot target in the glass. Now he knows it's bulletproof. This is useful later, so you don't lose points for taking unnecessary risks. Bonus Points!:
Hit the center on your first shot. "That was perfect!" It also reduces the risk of getting a, "that was unprofessional" point deduction.
Scaring a Squirrel
Ryoh should cut the clothesline. Then have him attack the tree at medium power twice in a row, and very quickly. This should scare the squirrel out and onto the roof. Tip :
Steve will sometime after this say that he left his mobile on. Leave it on. No reason
The Circuit Panel
Move Kla to the right once, and inspect the circuit panel, or the box thing. You need a fuse. Move him back to the rocks, and grab a rock. Go back to the circuit panel and wait.
Screaming Squirrel
Ryoh should cut the tree down now. Click the sword when the bar is at maximum power. Bonus Points:
Hit the tree the first time the bar goes up. Perfect!
The leaves will block one of the target's views, so Kla should be able to go to the door without being shot. Make Kla attempt to open the door 2 times in a row, sounding the alarm. The squirrel should go crazy. Steve will shoot at him, causing some ledge to break.
Butting In
Lucas should move to the left until he is shot at. Move back and ask Steve for help. Talking his suggestion, stand in front of the broken pipes and headbutt the building. Bonus Points:
Have Lucas tell Steve that he'll get him out of there. Steve will apologize about some donuts. Friendship brings joy!
Lucas should clamber up the pipes and into the open window. Got inside the building!
The Puzzle
You solve it by trying to fill the "pie-graph" type chart exactly - no more no less. There is a switch for 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pick the order of the #s, so that 2nd and the 4th #s are added to the graph, and the 1st and the 3rd are multiplied by 2, and then added to the graph. Answer:
Into the Basement
Move Ryoh onto the roof. Move Lucas to the door. Have a conversation, and Ryoh will say that it's clear to use explosives. Explode the door. Enter the room and grab the key. Go back and open the other door. Go down to the basement, where a big boulder will roll down and break the stairs. Bonus Points:
Rather than getting hit by the boulder, move to the left and dodge it. Good reflexes!
Passing the Fuse
Move Lucas to the left. Take a fuse from the box behind him. Now Kla should go down the steps, and open the basement window thing. Move to the right, in front of the stairs, and open the thing there too. Prop up the pipe on the railing as well. Have Lucas give Kla the fuse. Kla should go back and put it in the circuit panel.
Opening Doors
Hack the circuit panel using Kla. It's a memorizing/matching game. Match the colors exactly, ignoring the black one. Bonus points :
Solve it on your first try. Do it in 3 tries or more, and you'll lose points.
Unlock the front door, and open the basement door. Now go to the front door and leave it open. Come back to the circuit panel.
Basement Escape
Move Lucas right of the second circuit box in the basement. Get Kla to take the fuse out of the circuit panel. Move right, and pass it to Lucas. Have Lucas put the fuse in, then move left and press the button. The panel should open. Push the switch, then go back to the circuit box. Take the fuse out. Hand it back to Kla, who should go to the circuit panel and open the basement door again. Move Lucas through the door. Have Kla take the fuse out, and give it back to Lucas again. Replace the fuse in it's original box. Now have Ryoh come up and down the roof. Lower the string, and have Lucas climb up. Phew!
Steve's Turn
Have Lucas jump out the window and onto the pipe, which will flip the glass jar off of Steve. Move Steve into the front door. Shoot all 3 bullseyes. Bonus Points:
Shoot the bull's-eye on your first shot. You may dodge a few times, then shoot, as long as it's your first shot at that particular target.
Alternate Ending:
Helps you fully win the game. At the last target, there will be a small dot below the center target. Shoot that first. You know you've shot it when the vase to the side breaks. You will still get a perfect bonus if you shoot it first, and then the bull's-eye target. Afterwards, use Steve to grab the blue jewel to there., and you will get a + for, "Got a shiny item".
Computer Hacking
Move Kla into the building. He'll tell Steve to go outside and shoot a panel, the 2nd blue dot to the right. Do so. Bonus Points:
Do it on your first try. Perfect!
Hack the computer. Bonus points:
Press the MP3 button. This will revive one of the targets. Quickly, before he shoots Kla, throw a the rock you got at him. Yeah!
Escape Pod
Have Ryoh use his sword and then tie a rope from the pod to the door. Wait. Alternate ending:
Do nothing, and let the rocket blast away. (= Not the best though.
When the rocket stops, have Ryoh climb up the rope and take take control of the rocket. Change all the squares on the left to red. Alternate ending:
Warbeer ending. As well as changing the squares to the left, change the squares to the right all to green. If you grabbed the jewel:
This is the best ending. It may seem at first that it is the same, but stay a while, and the commander will tell Steve that he has the object.
Have Steve shoot the pod. Not the best ending however.
Extra Tips:
I would suggest to save time that you do 2 things at once. For example, moving Kla to the circuit panel, while moving Lucas to the pipe. Having Kla talk about the fuse, then read what he's saying while Ryoh cuts the clothesline. If you do things on your first try (ex. not shooting twice to hit a target), then you'll get bonus points. The old dude that cut the dressed up tree, and the cell phone may not mean anything. Sometimes the answer is revealed by what they say when you lose, so when you try again, you know it. But you won't really care, I'm sure, because you've probably read my walkthrough. I'm glad that Warbears isn't the kind of game that gets too boring if you use a walkthrough. Happy reading, and good luck!
Posted by: Ainegue
December 28, 2007 4:12 PM