New Mystery of Time and Space (MOTAS) rooms!
The excellent point-and-click game Mystery of Time and Space has been updated with new levels! Billed as an interactive graphic adventure, MOTAS is one of the best and most expansive room escape games on the web. It was also one of the earliest, dating back to the primitive internet era of 2002, just as humans were emerging from the forest and learning to walk on two legs, comb their hair, and hire lawyers.
Every so often the game's author, Jan Albartus, tacks on a few new levels to expand the experience. Each is crafted with unique puzzles and tough challenges to overcome, and an in-game save feature lets you take a break and pick up where you left off. There's even an online level editor to make your own rooms. Start playing and get entranced by one of the classics!
Play Mystery of Time and Space
Thanks to Redab37 for sending this one in!
Since we reviewed this one a couple of years ago, you may find a treasure trove of hints, tips and perhaps even a walkthrough or two for the first 14 levels there, so don't give up! =)
Walkthrough Guide
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Here's a complete walkthrough (levels 1-19)...
Level 1 Walkthrough
get key from under pillow
open locker and get screwdriver out of box
put wall poster under door
use screwdriver to take elepant pic off wall
then you'll get a thin screw use thin screw in door lock
pull out poster from under the door and get key
Level 2 Walkthrough
Get the diskette box from the top of the cabinet and go to the next room and take the lower right hand corner pin from the flag.
Use pin on diskette box to get the floppy out.
Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive on the right hand side of computer and turn computer on.
Now you have the 1 2 8 6 4 code...enter it into the panel by the door.
Level 3 Walkthrough
Go through the door to the floor room and switch off the light.
Get the 3 wall tiles and switch the light back on.
Move the floor tiles at a 90 degree angle to each other and create a pattern that will link top right hole to left one so that the head can move all the way across the room.
At the rathole next to the stairs, put the diskette box over the rat hole. Wait for the head to be under the trap to click on it and capture the head.
Click on right hand side of stairs to raise them. Put the three wall tiles into the slots under the stairs.
Pull out the wall tiles in this order from left to right pull out first tile 2 times second tile once third tile twice and then put the box with the head in it on the should move across them if you've pulled them out right.
Move the chair to the left side of the on stairs to lower stairs.
Level 4 Walkthrough
Get piece of wood out of fireplace Put piece of wood under laser burn it put it back in fireplace
Put triangle under laser ...break it (turn off lamp if need be for more power) put it back in panel by door
When putting pieces back in panel by door, put small triangle on bottom large one towards the left and fit the other pieces in after that.
Level 5 Walkthrough
smilie face the buttons in this order (if the code says 6 then count across from left to right to the sixth button and press that button and so on) 6, 7, 11, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 11, 6, 10, 1, 7, 6, 6, 9, 7, 4, 5, 11, 12, 1, 11, 6 last button is 1101
after you've finished the smiley panel, then go into next room, move cabinet and box, and get key from small panel on wall
Level 6 Walkthrough
Lift doormat and let key drop down through the grate
Fix flashlight by using batteries from radio and headlight from motorcycle (use screwdriver to get headlight)
Open tiles under rug in this order click upper left one then lower right one then lower left one
Click on hose once then click on opening once go down and find key on the floor between 2 cabinets
Level 7 Walkthrough
Get blue wheel out of picture frame in room that has the note on the table...put it on the leftmost pipe
Go up elevator and get green wheel out of cabinet drawer....put it on rightmost pipe
Find a pen and a piece of paper...the pen is in a desk drawer...(look for a room with a mailbox...there is a ladder in that room go up that ladder to the room with the desk)...the piece of paper is on a table in a room with a towel draped over a pipe
Put the pen and piece of paper on the clone note that was on the table should give you a letter to mail after mailing the letter then look in the bottom of the mailbox for the red wheel put it on middle pipe
Find floppy the floppy is in a locker the locker is in a room with a big box that says "this side up" then first put the floppy in the disk drives in teletransporter room (right hand side of room)
Click on the small wheels to first change the color of the big wheel at the end they should all turn grey do it in this order click small green then red...big wheel should change to blue then small green then blue...big wheel should change to purple...then small red then blue all wheels should change to grey
When all the wheels are grey open panel click on user input screen step into transporter
Level 8 Walkthrough
Pick up the screwdriver off of the table and go to the panel on the wall beside the poster.
Click on the buttons on the panel so that the numbers will add up to the number at the top of the panel and then press the "enter code" button. You will have to do this 12 times.
Move through the fireplace room, and then the upper right room and click on picture frame to reveal a hidden part of the room.
Use the screwdriver on the grating to be able to go through the opening to the next room where you will pick up the clock weights from the clock.
Go back to the room with the poster and number panel on the wall and press the panel which will make the wall move.
Go into the secret room and pull the string down from the right hand side of the ceiling fixture...then put the weights on it once the string is pulled out.
Take the horse chess piece and go back to the clock room...then put the horse piece on the pedestal.
Keep moving horse chess piece towards pedestal piece, always attempting to get it to land on pedestal piece, while at the same time trying to move both of them towards the fireplace....and then continue doing this until both pieces eventually end up in the fireplace.
Once both pieces are in the fireplace, then go back to the other fireplace room and go into the lower right hand room (originally the room that had the force field in front of it.)
Once in that room, open locker 1, put on the alien suit, open the air lock door and enter the cabin.
Level 9 Walkthrough
Open the cupboard that's by the spaceship and get a key from the box.
In the next room open the cupboard with the key. In it you will find a floppy disk and a big triangle.
Put the triangle on the broken part of the high voltage panel to fix the force field and then go back to the spaceship room.
Now you can enter the door that was previously locked on the other side of the locker.
In the room that has the computer in it, open the cupboard and you will find another key there.
Then go back to the spaceship room again and open the locker with the will show you the word QUEST.
Go back into the computer room, and put the floppy disk into the disk drive and then restart the computer.
Type QUEST on the computer and then press the return/enter key.
A picture will appear with some letters...remember the letters and click on the door to change the will see some more letters in the next room...take all the letters and make a word with them and type that word on the computer.
Then you should get the following message: "I hope I unlocked the door".
Now go over a couple of rooms till you get to a room with 2 cupboards, and 2 chairs with a plant between the cupboard closest to you and find a key.
"Here is the machine that will unlock the doors in room#7. Default position is door#1 opened in room#7. You will have to go to room#7, open the door that corresponds to what the machine shows, and there will be the exit door behind one of them. This is random so I can't tell you which door to open. Just try them all, and change which door is opened by hitting the center of the machine." Once you find the correct door, then use the key to open it.
Level 10 Walkthrough
Go to the room on the left and open the cabinet and take the white ball and a key.
Going back through the first room, go upstairs and open the right hand locker with the key getting the red pass card out of it.
Go back to the circular puzzle room and use the red pass card over the green circle at the bottom of the puzzle which will make the colored circle move down.
Enter puzzle and line up colors with each other red with red blue with blueetc OR...
Click on colored part of puzzle to enter it and then you're going to be clicking the colors "in the following order"
the first one is lower right red
then lower left red
lower left yellow (small one)
lower right yellow
upper right green
upper right red
upper left green
upper left blue
upper right red
upper right green
lower right red
lower right green
upper right green
upper left red
To enter the puzzle ...Use the red pass card on that green circle....and open the black center. Inside it you will find a key which will open the exit door in room #1.
Level 11 Walkthrough
Walk through the rooms till you get to a room with a chalkboard.
Open the cupboard and get a key and a screwdriver...Then pick up the chalk from chalkboard.
Go back to the first room where you will open the chest and find a coin in it and then go to the pool table room when done.
Put the white ball on the pool table, the coin in the slot, and use the chalk on the cuestick.
Aim cuestick mostly to the middle right hole and shoot...The reward is another key (found in front side of pool table)...use key to open door.
Level 12 Walkthrough
click on the first button, going down, skip two, click the next, skip two, click the next all the way to the end of column
always move left to right and top to bottom.
Next go to column #3, skip #2 competely
on column #3, click every button that has a black button to its immediate left. do this for the rest of wall
the last column will leave four buttons black, but that's okay.
green wall solutions:
Green Wall Solution
green wall video 8.396 MB
Once the green wall is done the wall will move. Go to the room on the left closest to the green wall, and on the shelves you will find a light bulb...take it and go to the room on the right closest to the green wall.
Open the left cupboard, and get the wire-cutter. Then push the right cupboard and enter the room behind it.
Erase the wrinkle in the rug, and move the chair over to the lamp, then get a key from the ceiling light.
Now put the light bulb into the lamp on the table and turn it the code along the wall that appears when you move the light up and down to read the full code. There should be 8 numbers...write these down to remember them.
After the code is written down move locker to clear the path, and go back to the green wall room and then the lower right hand room.
Move the table with clock on it first, then the box, then the tall piece of furniture, then desk with green picture and plant, and finally the bed...go down in hole under bed to laser gates row.
Move the shelves under opening in ceiling, and then go into laser room 1 and push the red button which will deactivate laser gate #1.
Go into laser room#2 and open the right panel on the machine with screwdriver, and then cut the green wire with the wire-cutter.
Go back to laser gates row. Now you can go to the laser room#3 and press left corner of wall under window to open the secret passage.
In laser room 3 open the cupboard with your key, where you will find the last key and a go back to laser room 1.
In laser room 1, press blue button. It will reactivate first laser gate, and deactivate the third one.
Go to laser room#3 through hole in ceiling above shelves, and go through the hole under cabinet in lamp room where you got the 8 numbers off the wall to be able to access the final room. The room you're trying to get to has a number panel in it with an E on it and a laser wall in front of a door.
Enter the 8 number code that you wrote down into the 123E panel SLOWLY and then press E, (it won't look like it's doing anything) and then when laser wall in front of door disappears, use the key found in laser room#3 to open the last door.
Level 13 Walkthrough
Go outside and click on the block under the wagon..then click on the manhole. This powers the elevator inside.
Take the elevator to floor D and click on the shelves to pick up the waterproof tape.
Then go to level B and put the red card on the "eye." You'll see a picturejust to the right of the eye... Click on its caption and remember the color andcompass direction. Then go further right down the hallway and do the same forthe other three pictures.
Return to level A. Enter the room to your right where there is a colormachine. The 4 sides rotate when you press the button on the right (not the redlever). The button on the left only changes the shape from rectangular totriangular...but I've been told it doesn't matter which way it's set.
Using the colors and directions from the pictures, click the small colorbuttons. To start, the side of the machine facing you is south, so use thosesmall color buttons in front to put the correct color for south on that side ofthe machine.
Now click on button on the right once to move the machine to west...put thecorrect color for west on that on right hand button once...putcorrect color for on right hand button once...put correct colorfor east..then rotate machine to let south side face you again.
When you have all the colors lined up on each side correctly, then pull thered lever on the right side of the machine.
You should now have the golden key.
Go to floor C. To the right of the elevator is a wall puzzle. Click on it toreveal a color puzzle. There are four sides to the puzzle...Starting in anyinside corner click until you get all the colors filled in for thatsection..then go to the rest of inside corners and do the same.
After finishing wall puzzle it will open up to reveal a key. Take the keyinto the room to your right and use it to open the cupboard and get the bucket.
Return to A level and go outside. Moving all the way to your left you shouldsee a well and a gate with a fire in front of it.
Take the bucket and place it at the end of the rope attached to the well.Click on it and then click on the wheel on the side of the well to bring up thebucket. Use the waterproof tape to fix the bucket, and then use the wheel todrop and raise the bucket once more.
Click on the bucket with water and use it to put out the flames and then usethe golden key and unlock the door.
Level 14 Walkthrough
Go out the door on your right, go to the end of the street, go right to the park, then right again to the mill.
Get the axe on the stump.
Click on the axe, then click on the piece of sandpaper near the left corner of the screen. This will sharpen the axe. Now you will need to sharpen the axe on all the other pieces of sandpaper located in flood control, front end of the street, underneath the container in the first room, and the room to the left of that one.
When your axe is fully sharpened, go back to the mill.
Use the axe to cut the rope that is holding the windmill down.
Go to flood control.
Click on the buttons until the boat is all the way to the left side. You can do this by clicking the buttons in this order: 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3.
Exit flood control and go to the park.
Use the rope to get the spade from the boat that is now floating down the river.
Go back to the front end of the street and use the spade to knock down the pair of pants hanging from the wire. You will get a key.
Go back to the original room, then the room left of it with the projectors. Write down the numbers on the wall.
Go to the end of the street and unlock the door to the left.
You will need to solve this color block. Start by getting the movable piece to the top-left, then the one on the top-right, the one on the top-middle, the one on the bottom-right, the one on the bottom-middle, then the one on the bottom-left.
A panel will open up where the color block was. Click on the circle on the left side of this panel.
A doorway to the left will open. Go in and enter in the code you wrote down from the projectors.
Go right, and use the screwdriver to knock down the panel. Enter the hole.
Level 15 Walkthrough
Use the screwdriver on the panel in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Now put the screwdriver where the panel was.
The four screens will light up, and you must put them in chronological order of the game.
First screen of the game, the bedroom you wake up in.
The second screen of the game, has a clock on it.
The bridge.
The end screen with the table and talking robot.
Enter the door to your right.
Click on the ball on top of the pole in the middle of the screen. A portal will come down, and you enter it.
Level 16 Walkthrough
Go into the second doorway to the right.
Read the note on the right wall.
Flip the switches according to the note, and the power will come back on.
Exit that room, and go into the first doorway on the right.
Click on the icon 'My Computer.'
Click on 'Desktop Images' to change the background.
Click on 'readme.txt.' Write down the password at the bottom. It will be taters***.
Exit out of the window.
Write down the numbers after 'UNOX Operating System v.*.**.
Open up 'My Computer' again.
Click on 'Password Settings.'
Enter taters*** into the top text box that says 'Enter Password.'
Enter *.** into the bottom-right text box that says 'UNOX Version.'
Click the LOGIN button on the bottom-right corner of the window.
Click on the last icon in the last column on the right. It will be titled BLENDER.
Write down the numbers that appear in the middle of the screen *.**.
Exit out of the window.
Go to 'My Computer' then 'Password Settings.'
Enter the numbers you just got into the text box that says 'Blender Version' then click LOGIN again.
Now go to 'My Documents.' Click on the Saved Email Folder and click on the Document that's in it.
If there are a lot of boxes and no spaces between any of the words, click on DECODER 2. If the words are spaced out, you don't need to click on anything. Once the words are spaced out, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Write down the numbers. Exit the window.
Click on the START button, then click on UNLOCK THE DOOR.
Enter the numbers you were just given into the text box, then click UNLOCK THE DOOR.
Exit the room.
Click on the square panel in front of you in the middle of the screen. It will open.
Go outside.
Level 17 Walkthrough
Go to the left.
Click the bottom-right of the window so the target is now on the UFO.
Click on the arrows in this sequence: Up, Up, Right, Right, Down.
The UFO head should fly off. Click inside the UFO, where the head just was. You will get the MOTAS device.
Click on the MOTAS device, then on the third orb that appears. You will be taken back to a previous level. Pick up the screwdriver on the chair.
Click on the second orb.
Use the screwdriver to open up the door marked 2. You hide inside and watch your former self go by. You will get an IC board.
Click on the first orb, and put the IC board in the UFO.
Click on the third orb.
Click on the broken UFO to get another IC board.
Click on the first orb and insert the other IC board into the UFO.
Click on the UFO and read the note that was beneath it.
Now when you click on the MOTAS device again, a fourth orb appears. Click on it.
Level 18 Walkthrough
Enter the screen to the right, and click on the big black block. It will move aside to reveal a note.
Click on the note and write down the numbers.
Go back to the left screen, and enter the numbers by clicking on the dice looking objects.
Once the correct code is entered, a panel will slide up. Put the MOTAS device in the insertion slot at the bottom of the panel without switching any of the switches. At this point the two bottom circles should be pointing to the MOTAS device, the top circle should be pointing down, and the little triangle switches should be down, up, down, up, down. The MOTAS device should float as soon as you put it in.
Now switch the switches again so that the two bottom circles of the panel are pointing toward the MOTAS device and the one on top is pointing upwards. The little triangle switches need to be up, down, up, down, up. When the MOTAS device is floating for the second time pick it up.
It's important to have the MOTAS device float twice, and I think you have to do it in this order. Otherwise you can go back to the screen with the alien, but time won't reverse when you click on the alien. [What confused me about the original walkthrough is that it doesn't make clear that the MOTAS device needs to float twice.]
Click on the MOTAS device, then click on the second orb.
Click on the alien and the UFO. The alien will get in and fly away. (because time is going backwards)
Click on the note it left behind.
Level 19 Walkthrough
Go one screen left.
You can click on three things: the big green button, then the two smaller knobs. Click on both of the knobs, then on the big green button. This will put you in the future.
Go as far right as you can. You will see a big tree, a fence, and a seed. Pick up the seed.
Go back into the room with the three buttons. Click on the left knob, then the big green button. This will put you in the past.
Go all the way to the right again, to the room with the tree and fence. Now there will be a ladder on the right side. Pick it up.
Go back to the room you started in, the one to the right of the three buttons. Put the seed in the plant pot.
Go right and click on the left knob then the big green button to be in the future again.
Go right to where you planted the seed. Put the ladder against the plant pot and fully grown tree.
You can now go into the room above. Go up then right. Click on the bookcase and write down the code.
Go back into the room with the buttons. Click on the right knob then the big green button. This will put you back in the present.
Go into the room on your left and enter in the code you were given.
The panel will slide open. Enter in.
Posted by: newbie
January 18, 2007 10:06 PM