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Browser Games Tagged with "primera"

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Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, primera, puzzle, vitaminhana, weekday-escape, yonashi


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Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, game, ichima, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, strawberrycafe, weekday-escape


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Categories: blog, browser, escape, esklavos, free, game, no1game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • The Aviator Escape
  • • Fly the Sky
  • • Marble Escape
Weekday Escape N°125 This week on Weekday Escape! Primera locks you up somewhere tidy with a soothing widdle place for your widdle head. Esklavos sends you off to stop a mad scientist, provided you can start the plane first. And no1game eschews the little green men for a challenge that's no less enigmatic.


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Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, tototoroom, vitaminhana, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Picnic
  • • Where's the Door?
  • • Garden
Weekday Escape N°121 This week on Weekday Escape! Vitamin Hana will give you a plethora of doors, but do any of them actually lead out? Tototo Room lets you get some fresh air, but you'll have to do a little wiggle in return. And Primera invites you out to get a bite and some sand and sunshine, but there's a lot of locks in the way.


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: blog, browser, escape, esklavos, free, game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, vitaminhana, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Stains and the Gurur
  • • Work at the Coffee Shop
  • • My Puppy's
Weekday Escape N°118 This week on Weekday Escape! Esklavos' pooch is on the road in search of enlightenment and reliable transportation. Primera's pup needs a little TLC and a few less locks and codes. And Vitamin Hana needs a granda mocha half caff with extra whip and a shot of low-cal raspberry, stat!


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, game, nagamochigames, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, vitaminhana, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Give Me Everything
  • • Afternoon Tea
  • • Escape With the Fire Dragon
Weekday Escape N°112 This week on Weekday Escape! Vitamin Hana locks you up with a creepy little companion who demands you satisfy her before you can leave. Primera may have trapped you, but there are some refreshments to be had. And Nagamochi Games locks you up with a dragon!... a very cute one that's under glass.


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, funkyland, game, maymay, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Girl's Room No. 16: Eyeliner
  • • Blueberry Pie
  • • Painting
Weekday Escape N°106 This week on Weekday Escape! Funkyland isn't ready to go out, Christmas or not, unless we toss the place for five tubes of eyeliner. Primera thinks painting a masterpiece involves sunglasses and puzzles. And MayMay would like you to serve up something sweet, but this is one kitchen where you'll need more than a recipe from Google.


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: blog, browser, detaramefactory, escape, free, game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, vitaminhana, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Gadget
  • • Sweet Potato Party!
  • • Choo! Choo! Train!
Weekday Escape N°101 This week on Weekday Escape! Vitamin Hana traps you, but at least you've got some toys to putter around with. Primera uses the wonders of technology and kitty cats to keep you captive. And Detarame Factory provides two tiny games... one of which has squirrels and rains of Pocky!


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: amajeto, blog, browser, chokochai, escape, free, game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • 3 Cats and the School of Witchcraft
  • • Violin
  • • Jigsaw Puzzle Escape 1
Weekday Escape N°97 This week on your Weekday Escape! A trio of kittens gets a letter from an owl that entire generations of people have been waiting their whole lives for. Someone goes to extremes to keep their musical collection under lock and eye. And an escape done in a very familiar style that calls upon the skills we've all learned spending weeknights with our grandparents.


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: browser, escape, esklavos, free, game, no1game, primera, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • The Senses Escape
  • • Five Flowers
  • • Find the Escape-Men 161: Hyperbaric Chamber
Weekday Escape N°90 This week on your one and only Weekday Escape! Primera picks a pack of pretty pansies, and then locks you up with them. no1games goes all high-tech with a hyperbaric chamber. And Esklavos? Pretty as a picture... as usual!


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, funkyland, game, no1game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Find the Escape-Men Part 152: Pet Shop
  • • Fruit Kitchens No.21: Chocolate Vine Violet
  • • Azil's Garden
Weekday Escape N°77 Welcome back, dear reader, to another enthralling and witty installment of Weekday Escape. When we last left off, we were playing some escape games and, well, since that went over rather nicely, it seemed a good idea to do the same thing again this week. Just for a little extra variety, though, here are three new games from No1Game, FunkyLand and Primera. Have fun, stay safe, and be kind to animals.


(not enough votes yet)

Categories: blog, browser, escape, free, funkyland, game, pointandclick, primera, puzzle, vitaminhana, weekday-escape

Games Featured:
  • • Fruit Kitchens No.20: Chinese Quince Yellow
  • • Bedroom Starlight
  • • Marbles
Weekday Escape N°73 FunkyLand, Vitamin Hana, and newcomer Primera are featured in this week's excursion into the magic that is escape games. Do you have doubts? Spend a few moments in this whimsy-lush kitchen, or see the starry sky out this cute bedroom, or gathering marbles in this single scene and see if you're still not convinced.

Game One Escape Chacha delivers an escape game that makes you use your brain, as you're faced with such devilish conundrums as codes of all kinds, locked doors, comfy couches, and... horror or horrors... a coffee maker!

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