An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Don't Escape 3

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Don't Escape 3

DoraIf you like point-and-click horror adventures, ScriptWelder's is a name that should make you a little twitterpated, especially given how Don't Escape and Don't Escape 2 turned a popular genre on its head. Instead of trying to find a way out of a place, you're trying to find a way to keep yourself securely in, and in grand babel fish tradition, that's a lot harder than it sounds. So when, in Don't Escape 3, you wake up with a pounding headache aboard a starship, in the airlock, with flashing warning lights and the computer counting down to... something... you know you're in trouble. Right off the bat, you have to think on your feet, and things only get more complicated when you begin exploring the ship. Your cursor changes when it passes over things you can click on to interact with, and moving it to the top of the screen will cause your inventory to drop down. To combine items you're carrying, click first one object, and then another, and if the combo is valid, it'll automatically combine. The mood is tense. Ominous. Almost predatory. And you don't have a lot of time, since the ship only has enough air left for an hour... but even with a distress call activated, you're not in the clear, since the ship is detecting an intruder. But don't worry. Nothing bad ever happens in space.

Don't Escape 3Compared to the first two games, Don't Escape 3 feels much more like a typical adventure game in that the plot is as much a mystery as the solution to your predicament. As usual, ScriptWelder has crafted a fantastic atmosphere, with a soundtrack that will set your nerves on edge, making this entry into the series a more traditional horror game to boot. It's a more structured experience with clear goals, at least in some aspects, so you don't spend as much time blundering around aimlessly as you may have in the sequel. Time only passes when you're given the option to complete certain tasks, so you don't actually need to worry about rushing, though past a certain point you'll need to think and plan if you want to get the best outcome. Don't Escape 3 is actually pretty good about nudging you where you need to go by dropping clues in the text, but it doesn't hold your hand either, so figuring out how to get the best possible ending feels particularly satisfying. There's a surprising amount of depth to the layers of events and puzzles to crack, and even if you might see the "true" ending coming, getting there is a fantastically creepy time, and another fine example of why ScriptWelder's creations are always so celebrated. After all, if a slurry of bodies, strange visions, and ominous messages doesn't sound like a good time to you, well, I guess you won't be invited to my birthday party this year.

Play Don't Escape 3

Thanks to Cyberjar88 for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Decontamination, The Truth, and Lost in Space Walkthrough

Click the console on the right side of the airlock.
Click Restore Safety Protocols
Click Abort Ejection
Click Open Interior
Exit the airlock
Pick up PADD and check Status, then close it.
Proceed left, then enter the lab.
Collect Antibiotics from the first aid kit, the flask on the work bench, and the log under the table.
Analyze the Antibiotic, then leave the lab.
Proceed Right and enter the bridge.
Pick up fuse on the lower right of the bridge screen, click the left most console to receive a message, then the console in the middle of the room. Click Access Mission orders. Turn off the padd, and exit the bridge.
Collect the plasma torch torch.
Continue left until you reach the lab door.
Open the fusebox and use the fuse on it.
Proceed right to the door labled Quarters and enter.
Remove the knife from the corpse, use the flask on the blood near it, then access the food dispenser. Take the alcohol. Enter the door to the left.
Open the cabinet and take the detergent. Exit the bathroom, and head right.
Collect the Workshop Blueprints, Torch fuel, and some leaves from the hydroponic garden. Exit the room.
Move right to the bridge door and use the Knife on the grate. Collect the key.
Move left to the lab and enter it.
Use the key on the locker, then collect the glasses and the acid.
Analyze Blood, leaves, detergent, acid, and alcohol.
Use Blood, Leaves, and antibiotic on the centrifuge, then begin mixxing. Use the flask on the centrifuge to collect the result.
Leave the lab, and click on the door to engineering. Click the small yellow square in the center of the door.
Use the protective glasses on yourself, (if you haven't already) combine the plasma torch with it's fuel. Click the torch, and trace the yellow line until the panel comes free. Pull the switch.
Enter the door, collect the keycard, then return to the airlock.
Use the keycard on the space suit case, and use it on yourself.
Click the panel on the right of the airlock, then Close interior door, decompression, open exterior. Close the interface, then click the now open door.
Click the panel with the yellow triangle on it, and then click the rope underneath it. Then click the debris field.
Click the middle piece of debris to uncover a crystal. Collect it, and return to the airlock.
Cycle the airlock, by clicking the panel, then close exterior door, then restore pressure, then open interior door.
Move right to the escape pod door, use the keycard on it panel near it, and enter the escape pod. Collect the toolbox, then return to engineering.
Put your space suit back on, and head left into the vapors. Enter the life support room.
Use the blueprint disk on the workshop, then the chemical mixture on the fire circuit access point. Click on the life support control console. Click Activate auxiliary life support, then Fire Sprinkler matinence. Click Isolation Ward.
Click the workshop and make a portable igniter, and a Datapad mark 2 processor. Combine the processor with your padd when it is complete. Exit back to the hallway with the dead crewman. Use your newly upgraded padd to check the security feed. Click the right panel twice, and the circular panel twice and obtain the first digit of the passcode. (Note - this code appears to change game to game). Proceed to the lab. (At your option, you can repair the fans, but it is, on the whole, unnecessary.)
Enter the isolation ward, collect the explosives from the locker, the log on the floor and obtain the second digit of the code by watching the dr's fate on security (Click the Doctor, then the killer).
Return to the lab, grab another bottle of antibiotics from the first aid kit, then return to the downed welder outside quarters. Watch his fate on security to pick up digit number 3 (click on the second tank, then the welder).
Enter quarters, then complete the code by watching the security one last time (Click the man to proceed).
Proceed right, get some more leaves, then click on the panel beside the door, and key in your code.
Enter the bunk room, click the suit twice, then pick up the captain's key card. Head up to the bridge and use the center console to Deactivate safety protocols and pick up the last log.
Return to the lab. Combine Antibiotics, Leaves, and Alcohol. Use this mixture on the explosives, then combine it with the igniter.
Return to the ship's power code by engineering, and attach the bomb to it. Detonate with your padd.

Other Achievements:

Don't abort the ejection at the start of the game.

Escape Pod

At any point after you have the blue key card, use the escape pod.

Hull Breach

Set the bomb off in the isolation ward instead of at the ship's power core.


TheJollyDodger July 25, 2015 11:48 AM

Scriptwelder is the best.

To help people out:

Use the data pad's security camera functions in areas where murders happened, excluding the bridge.

merchantfan July 25, 2015 1:26 PM

Ugh, runs so slow.

mew4ever23 July 25, 2015 2:21 PM

Decontamination, The Truth, and Lost in Space Walkthrough

Click the console on the right side of the airlock.
Click Restore Safety Protocols
Click Abort Ejection
Click Open Interior
Exit the airlock
Pick up PADD and check Status, then close it.
Proceed left, then enter the lab.
Collect Antibiotics from the first aid kit, the flask on the work bench, and the log under the table.
Analyze the Antibiotic, then leave the lab.
Proceed Right and enter the bridge.
Pick up fuse on the lower right of the bridge screen, click the left most console to receive a message, then the console in the middle of the room. Click Access Mission orders. Turn off the padd, and exit the bridge.
Collect the plasma torch torch.
Continue left until you reach the lab door.
Open the fusebox and use the fuse on it.
Proceed right to the door labled Quarters and enter.
Remove the knife from the corpse, use the flask on the blood near it, then access the food dispenser. Take the alcohol. Enter the door to the left.
Open the cabinet and take the detergent. Exit the bathroom, and head right.
Collect the Workshop Blueprints, Torch fuel, and some leaves from the hydroponic garden. Exit the room.
Move right to the bridge door and use the Knife on the grate. Collect the key.
Move left to the lab and enter it.
Use the key on the locker, then collect the glasses and the acid.
Analyze Blood, leaves, detergent, acid, and alcohol.
Use Blood, Leaves, and antibiotic on the centrifuge, then begin mixxing. Use the flask on the centrifuge to collect the result.
Leave the lab, and click on the door to engineering. Click the small yellow square in the center of the door.
Use the protective glasses on yourself, (if you haven't already) combine the plasma torch with it's fuel. Click the torch, and trace the yellow line until the panel comes free. Pull the switch.
Enter the door, collect the keycard, then return to the airlock.
Use the keycard on the space suit case, and use it on yourself.
Click the panel on the right of the airlock, then Close interior door, decompression, open exterior. Close the interface, then click the now open door.
Click the panel with the yellow triangle on it, and then click the rope underneath it. Then click the debris field.
Click the middle piece of debris to uncover a crystal. Collect it, and return to the airlock.
Cycle the airlock, by clicking the panel, then close exterior door, then restore pressure, then open interior door.
Move right to the escape pod door, use the keycard on it panel near it, and enter the escape pod. Collect the toolbox, then return to engineering.
Put your space suit back on, and head left into the vapors. Enter the life support room.
Use the blueprint disk on the workshop, then the chemical mixture on the fire circuit access point. Click on the life support control console. Click Activate auxiliary life support, then Fire Sprinkler matinence. Click Isolation Ward.
Click the workshop and make a portable igniter, and a Datapad mark 2 processor. Combine the processor with your padd when it is complete. Exit back to the hallway with the dead crewman. Use your newly upgraded padd to check the security feed. Click the right panel twice, and the circular panel twice and obtain the first digit of the passcode. (Note - this code appears to change game to game). Proceed to the lab. (At your option, you can repair the fans, but it is, on the whole, unnecessary.)
Enter the isolation ward, collect the explosives from the locker, the log on the floor and obtain the second digit of the code by watching the dr's fate on security (Click the Doctor, then the killer).
Return to the lab, grab another bottle of antibiotics from the first aid kit, then return to the downed welder outside quarters. Watch his fate on security to pick up digit number 3 (click on the second tank, then the welder).
Enter quarters, then complete the code by watching the security one last time (Click the man to proceed).
Proceed right, get some more leaves, then click on the panel beside the door, and key in your code.
Enter the bunk room, click the suit twice, then pick up the captain's key card. Head up to the bridge and use the center console to Deactivate safety protocols and pick up the last log.
Return to the lab. Combine Antibiotics, Leaves, and Alcohol. Use this mixture on the explosives, then combine it with the igniter.
Return to the ship's power code by engineering, and attach the bomb to it. Detonate with your padd.

mew4ever23 July 25, 2015 3:22 PM

Other Achievements:

Don't abort the ejection at the start of the game.

Escape Pod

At any point after you have the blue key card, use the escape pod.

Hull Breach

Set the bomb off in the isolation ward instead of at the ship's power core.

1Yearwonder July 25, 2015 3:51 PM

I would really like to play this game, I was so excited when I saw this posted.

Unfortunately, every time I enter the lab I become trapped in there. I've tried restarting, clearing my cookies, and on a different browser. No joy. To complete this game you need to be able to enter and leave the lab at least once at the beginning, and I am not able to do that.

Also, when I put things in the centrifuge, when I chose the option to remove everything from the centrifuge, those ingredients simply disappear rather than returning to my inventory. Not awesome when I'm trapped in a room and cant re-collect anything from the rest of the ship.

I hope these issues are looked at soon, as I said, I'm excited to play this game. I hope that soon I'm able to.

isengrin July 25, 2015 4:09 PM

Excellent game. Don't escape seems to be shifting through various horror tropes. Can't wait for the next one if ever.


I'm not too happy you had to kill yourself for the best ending. But I suppose it's why the game is still called "DON'T ESCAPE" and the clue for what you had to do ultimately.


A subtle thing that I noticed is the 'Armor Games' intro is muted in Scriptwelder's games. I really appreciated that! The very loud clanging swords have always been quite jarring to me when they appear in all of the other Armor Games.

Paula July 25, 2015 11:18 PM replied to merchantfan

I noticed that it runs better if you go 'offline' after the game is loaded.

Perhaps the website's ads/activity is slowing the game down. If you are able try that it should help.


You can drop the contamination level at the end of the game:

Toss the crystal you coughed up into the crystals in the isolation room. There are hidden crystals.

One is outside. Enter the airlock, decompress, open the outside door and go outside. Once you get outside, open the tether panel and attach the tether, then go to the wreckage. Click on panels and you can find another crystal. Tossing this crystal and the crystal you coughed up brought the contamination level down to 40%, implying there are more hidden crystals I've left to find.

I've found one, there should be two more?


Oh No!

Someone on the ship is contaminated and killing everyone who could it be? *looks at title*

Great game in seriousness, puzzles were intuitive, music was suspenseful, had a blast even if the "twist" is less of an out-of-the-blue surprise and more like a toddler-hiding-behind-the-curtains surprise.


Do the other things in the 3D printer do anything at all?


lag?? game drags like games of olden days and you struggle to move the mouse. Can't imagine how one plays with lesser computer or slower ISP..

Patreon Contributor Questioner July 26, 2015 4:03 AM

Another "ending":

By placing the bomb in the power core, and detonating it by using the pad in the escape pod, you will automatically use the pod the moment the ship explodes.

Jamilworm July 26, 2015 10:51 AM

After almost one full play through I just couldn't take the lag anymore. If it were smooth then i would have enjoyed playing through several times and trying to find the different endings. What a shame.


On Windows 7 and Chrome. Game runs perfectly fine for me. Not sure why.

Back to the game, I feel like it's not as good as the previous games. The plot is a lot weaker, as there wasn't an obvious goal or direction, compared to the other two games, where you at least had a grasp of what you should be doing ("don't escape").

At one point in the game, the only thing stopping me from using the escape pod was the central theme of the game. Only by checking the comments here did I realise the next step was

using the security cameras on each dead crew member

, which wasn't particularly intuitive in my opinion, and could have done much better by dropping some hints. Making the protagonist seem like he cares, for one.

Furthermore, the workshop items were rather vague, but maybe it was intended? I still don't know if most items are useless or have some obscure use.

Lastly, the time management wasn't done as well as the 2nd game, since I had plenty of time to spare despite making a handful of mistakes. Ditching it altogether for something else might have been better (easier said than done, I know).

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Really expected more from Script Welder.


I was also having trouble with the lag, but I noticed a simple way to solve it. After the game loads, take it offline. That is, disconnect from the internet (if you can). It solved the problem for me almost immediately.

Paula July 26, 2015 1:19 PM replied to Nickyh

I think the lag might be related to the ads on the website. I'm just curious, do you use ad-blocker for chrome? I did before, but haven't been recently.

jcfclark July 26, 2015 2:38 PM

I was making real progress until I decided to restore the security cam footage and watch it, now I cannot stop watching it -- seems to be no exit.

fuzzyface July 26, 2015 2:41 PM

The lag is likely to the ads. Get an adblocker then the game works flawlessy. (Yes don't lecture me how evil this is for websites that need support, but while advertisment industry just can't stop eating tons of CPU/RAM for flash animations, they have it coming)

Kyttynjirr July 26, 2015 3:42 PM replied to Michael Weidenhamer

Michael, how do you find out what the current contamination level is?

Kyttynjirr July 26, 2015 3:45 PM replied to jcfclark

jcfclark, the footage doesn't auto-forward -- you have to click through it by finding hotspots within the footage. I just had to move my cursor around the screen til I found them.

Night Stryke July 26, 2015 4:39 PM

So I got stuck and had to refer to the walkthrough, but I still don't understand how you'd know

which items to combine in the centrifugal mixer. I analyzed them all, but the results are meaningless to me.


for the centrafuge...

there's a paper on the table. says.. x+y+z= combo 1. WARNING z+y+x=combo 2. You analize the components and do simple math to figure out what part should be what

throwawayx3t July 27, 2015 2:54 PM

I found this a very enjoyable game. Difficulty was about right - it took me about 7-8 plays to get all of the achievements without help. Ironically the part where I was stuck longest was that I didn't realize I had to

flip the switch in the dark room.

The horror was well done too - the room with the flickering light creeped me out every time I had to go through it.

The only part I thought unintuitive was the order of the achievements. Wouldn't humanity finding out what happened be the best solution, in case this problem was ever encountered again? The decompression achievement was the last one I found, incidentally.

Never noticed any lag either, but I do use adblockers. As a balance between making sure game sites are paid and stopping ad problems, I'll suggest my approach. I use adblock but not the block lists. I just block ad sources for ads that are annoying, offensive, or problematic as I come upon them. If more people allowed benign ads while blocking irritating ones, I think the ad makers would respons and we's all see fewer bad ads.

mew4ever23 July 27, 2015 6:48 PM replied to Night Stryke

There's a paper on the desk telling you the combinations for each formula. To determine what goes into each, look at the analysis and determine what compounds will give you the right number of each symbol.

Paula July 28, 2015 3:00 AM replied to cams

I don't think the other items have any use.

Tried getting the

flux stabilizer

thinking it might help fix the navigation system.
But no luck.

Was really hoping for some easter eggs there!

Nickyh July 28, 2015 9:48 AM replied to Paula

Pretty sure I paused Adblock prior to playing, as I usually do. Perhaps the ads aren't affecting me because I'm not in the US, so a different set of ads is targeting me.


I still think you should be able to drink the disolvent or put it on the pancakes.


I'm on windows xp and I'm running smoothly.


I think this should have a horror tag or something like it. Not everyone appreciates these sorts of games! Thanks.


I'm having a terrible time with the Hull Breach achievement. I almost wonder if I've somehow locked myself out of getting it. I've tried

tossing both crystals into the lab and blowing it up, but from there my only option is to wait for the escape pod to be rescued, which doesn't seem to do the trick.


Whoops. Power of the Post! Turns out all I had to do was

be IN the lab on blowing it up.

Nice to see there's a slightly better ending than

nobody ever learning what happened.

JohnTFS October 6, 2015 7:11 PM replied to Revvy

A couple things to consider regarding the various endings:

From the second you wake up in the airlock, you're dead. There is no cure. The only real question is "Can I stop this thing from killing even more people?"

If you simply Decompress, the Warsaw arrives and they all die.

If you use the Escape Pod, you are "rescued" by the Warsaw at which point they (and you) all die.

If you trigger a Hull Breach, the wreckage is taken to a secret base to study. Given how infectious the crystal is, it's a pretty safe bet that in studying/recreating/finding more of it, many more people will die.

The Lost in Space combined with the Decontamination ending is the only one that eliminates all possibility of immediate further contamination and forestalls the possibility of others researching/seeking the crystals.


Hull Breach is best ending IMO , because in it world will know these crystals are dangerous. In other endings there is risk , that more crystals could be found by others and all rebegins.


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