An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Don't Escape

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Don't Escape

DoraIn ScriptWelder's point-and-click puzzle game Don't Escape, you're not trying to find a way out of the tiny, cramped hunter's cottage, but rather a way to keep yourself in. See, werewolves aren't exactly known for their cuddly-wuddliness, whatever pop culture has taught you, and as a werewolf yourself, your only hope to avoid delivering bloody carnage to the townspeople nearby is to make sure you can't get out when the moon rises at night. There doesn't seem to be much outside, or in the single room that makes up the cottage's interior, but somehow you're going to have to make it work and shut off all avenues of escape when the beast comes out. Click around to gather items and try to figure out ways to keep yourself inside by creating as many obstacles as possible. If you can interact with something, your crosshairs will dim slightly. When you think you've done enough, click the hourglass in your inventory to advance time to dusk and cross your fingers, because if the werewolf inside you is still strong enough to get past all of your hastily erected blockades, the hapless villages don't stand a chance. Remember, nobody is ever Team Mass Murderer.

Don't EscapeIt's a clever concept, twisting the old escape-the-room formula around to force you to try to think of every possible way to keep yourself trapped later on. With a moody atmosphere and visuals, the game's concept feels even more urgent, and the lack of any real instruction beyond "keep yourself inside" means you're really going to have to get resourceful to succeed. The downside is the game's dark, somewhat muddy graphics make it both hard to see at times and easy to miss items, and when some interactive areas aren't indicated visually unless you mouse over that exact point, you wind up having to sweep the mouse around to make sure you aren't missing anything instead of relying on your own deduction. There is, for instance, a second page to the notes on the table, but clicking anywhere except one particular portion of the screen just exits you out of looking at them, so you'd be forgiven in thinking there's nothing there at all. Still, despite relying on some truly fiendish scrounging for success and some red herring items, Don't Escape is a fresh and welcome change to the genre. It almost feels like the sort of thing that could become a genre of its own, in fact, and I'd love to see even more installments and scenarios in the future.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Don't Escape walkthrough

NOTE: If you have trouble seeing, you can tweak the brightness in the game's settings.

If you use an item on yourself and you want to undo it, just use the item on yourself a second time.

Well this is a refreshing change. There's no amnesia, no locked doors. But maybe there should be. Time to lock yourself in before the moon comes out.

PART 1: INITIAL SUPPLIES (Collect ALL the things!)

  • Take the rope from the hook on the left, by the shelf.
    Turn right once again and take the glass bottle from the table.

  • There's a bit of dark floorboard at the very bottom of the screen. Click it to look down, and click the square of loose flooring. A treasure trove!

    • In the upper right corner, you'll find a piece of meat, and in the box, you'll find some spice.

    • To leave, click twice on the far left side of the hole.

  • Turn right so you're facing the window. Take the silver key from the jacket, and the small golden key from under the bed.

  • Check out each drawer in the chest of drawers. Open the third one from the top and take the tinderbox from inside it.

  • Turn right and take the dried herb from the hook on the wall, and a piece of root from the top of the barrel farthest from you.

  • Use the small key (the gold one) on the chest. Oooh, a hammer and nails.

  • Turn right one more time, so you're facing the open door, and go outside! (It's still daytime so it's safe.)

    • Take the axe from the stump, the chopped wood logs from next to the stump, the chain from under the cabin roof, and the mushroom from near the rightmost fence post. Head back inside.


  • While facing the door from inside, turn right and examine the papers on the table. There's a second page, so after you read the first page, click on the one behind it (the overlap is on the left).

    • There's something here about how "a handful of hot dust, a crunchy herb, and something that grows in earth but is not a plant" can weaken the beast. Best to keep those in mind.

  • Turn twice so you're facing the fireplace. The first step in brewing a potion is boiling the water, so you'd better do that first.

    • Place the chopped wood below the pot, then use the tinderbox on the wood. FIRE!

  • The next step is ingredients. There are many things you can add, but not all of them are useful.

    • "Hot dust." Well it's all going to be hot once it's in the fire, so maybe that's not what the witch meant.

      • "Hot" can also mean "spicy," so add the spice to the pot.

    • The herb is already well-dried, so that can go right in.

    • Next up is something that grows but isn't a plant.

      • Fungi aren't plants, so add the mushroom.

    • Use the glass bottle on the pot. You have a vial of potion!

      • The notes said it wears off very quickly, so better not use it right away.


  • Turn so you're facing the front door. Click the door to close it, and use the silver key on the door to lock it. But a werewolf is stronger than a simple lock�

    • Click on the very left of the shelf to push the shelf in front of the door.

  • Turn 180 degrees and close the window. There's no keyhole here, but it has to lock somehow.

    • Click the latch at the center of the closed window to lock it up. The hook is on the left.

  • There has to be a way to use the raw meat.

    • Since the potion is slow-acting, combine the potion and the meat. Yummy. And this way, the beast gets the full dose.

      • Put the meat on the hook above the table (on the screen with the barrels).

  • But where to put it?

    • Use the axe on the table. Take the planks.

    • Use the planks on the window, then use the hammer & nails on the planks. That should make things tougher for the beastie�

  • You should also immobilize yourself somehow.

    • Since the beast can chew through the rope and break the chain, you should tie yourself up with both. (Use the rope on your face in the inventory, then do the same with the chain. Both icons should have a check mark.)

  • Once you're all tied up, click the hourglass and choose "yes," and then read about your night!

Walkthrough by Hopeful Nebula!


Don't Escape walkthrough

NOTE: If you have trouble seeing, you can tweak the brightness in the game's settings.

If you use an item on yourself and you want to undo it, just use the item on yourself a second time.

Well this is a refreshing change. There's no amnesia, no locked doors. But maybe there should be. Time to lock yourself in before the moon comes out.

PART 1: INITIAL SUPPLIES (Collect ALL the things!)

  • Take the rope from the hook on the left, by the shelf.
    Turn right once again and take the glass bottle from the table.

  • There's a bit of dark floorboard at the very bottom of the screen. Click it to look down, and click the square of loose flooring. A treasure trove!

    • In the upper right corner, you'll find a piece of meat, and in the box, you'll find some spice.

    • To leave, click twice on the far left side of the hole.

  • Turn right so you're facing the window. Take the silver key from the jacket, and the small golden key from under the bed.

  • Check out each drawer in the chest of drawers. Open the third one from the top and take the tinderbox from inside it.

  • Turn right and take the dried herb from the hook on the wall, and a piece of root from the top of the barrel farthest from you.

  • Use the small key (the gold one) on the chest. Oooh, a hammer and nails.

  • Turn right one more time, so you're facing the open door, and go outside! (It's still daytime so it's safe.)

    • Take the axe from the stump, the chopped wood logs from next to the stump, the chain from under the cabin roof, and the mushroom from near the rightmost fence post. Head back inside.


  • While facing the door from inside, turn right and examine the papers on the table. There's a second page, so after you read the first page, click on the one behind it (the overlap is on the left).

    • There's something here about how "a handful of hot dust, a crunchy herb, and something that grows in earth but is not a plant" can weaken the beast. Best to keep those in mind.

  • Turn twice so you're facing the fireplace. The first step in brewing a potion is boiling the water, so you'd better do that first.

    • Place the chopped wood below the pot, then use the tinderbox on the wood. FIRE!

  • The next step is ingredients. There are many things you can add, but not all of them are useful.

    • "Hot dust." Well it's all going to be hot once it's in the fire, so maybe that's not what the witch meant.

      • "Hot" can also mean "spicy," so add the spice to the pot.

    • The herb is already well-dried, so that can go right in.

    • Next up is something that grows but isn't a plant.

      • Fungi aren't plants, so add the mushroom.

    • Use the glass bottle on the pot. You have a vial of potion!

      • The notes said it wears off very quickly, so better not use it right away.


  • Turn so you're facing the front door. Click the door to close it, and use the silver key on the door to lock it. But a werewolf is stronger than a simple lock�

    • Click on the very left of the shelf to push the shelf in front of the door.

  • Turn 180 degrees and close the window. There's no keyhole here, but it has to lock somehow.

    • Click the latch at the center of the closed window to lock it up. The hook is on the left.

  • There has to be a way to use the raw meat.

    • Since the potion is slow-acting, combine the potion and the meat. Yummy. And this way, the beast gets the full dose.

      • Put the meat on the hook above the table (on the screen with the barrels).

  • But where to put it?

    • Use the axe on the table. Take the planks.

    • Use the planks on the window, then use the hammer & nails on the planks. That should make things tougher for the beastie�

  • You should also immobilize yourself somehow.

    • Since the beast can chew through the rope and break the chain, you should tie yourself up with both. (Use the rope on your face in the inventory, then do the same with the chain. Both icons should have a check mark.)

  • Once you're all tied up, click the hourglass and choose "yes," and then read about your night!

Walkthrough by Hopeful Nebula!


Wow, that is dark. I mean -- it's really, really dark! *bumps into wall* Other than the pixel hunting, this was fun. Rampaging also generates some random endings.


Very clever concept. Tricky enough to allow for experimentation and replayability(sp?), but not bang-your-head-against-the-keyboard-throw-monitor-through-window-cry-yourself-to-sleep difficult.

Would love to see more games with this concept.

vulpisfoxfire June 8, 2013 6:49 PM

Hmmm. So the


has no actual use?

Cale Gibbard June 8, 2013 9:59 PM

Yeah, the root is a red herring, presumably to trick you if you haven't found the mushroom.


God damn I love Scriptwelder. This game is genius! Now all we need is a sequel to Deep Sleep and I'll be a super happy camper.

merchantfan June 9, 2013 3:47 PM

The bit with the multiple endings was clever. I went back to see the different percentage endings. I messed up the potion and drank it before I saw the walkthrough so I was doomed the first time, so I got the ending where

only two people die, one gets turned and you escape unwounded. From what I can see there's a maximum of 10 people killed, anywhere over 50% gets you killed by the monster hunters, and if you get somewhere around the 40s you can get wounded but escape


Patreon Donator dsrtrosy June 9, 2013 9:18 PM


I got 90% and still escaped, although I was wounded, so I'm not sure what the percentages actually dictate--except maybe the number of people in the village who are killed?

Tobberian June 10, 2013 8:11 AM

For good complete ending you must:

"A calm night"
Before or after you hang the meat use the potion on it.

Tobberian June 10, 2013 8:18 AM

Ops missed it in walkthrough, feel free to delete above.

Nice game.. pixel hunting wasn't that bad and cursor even changed colour. :)

JetSetVegas June 11, 2013 7:03 PM

The concept of this game was pretty good, but I felt the trial and error and guessing took away from it. If the concept was more linear and there was clear thought as to how to use the objects this game would be top notch. Some objects were too easy to miss and the use of some objects required just clicking around hoping something stuck. Hot dust?

zebra.lover.forever June 21, 2013 1:18 AM

Loved the game and the different endings that seem to be based on the percentage of stamina you have. It's fun to go back after you beat it and try to get multiple endings just for fun and to read through the warewolfe's reactions to the cabin and whatnot. I was messing around and started it then just left the door open and I think the window was closed and it said, "door wasn't even closed."

kaylina.kata June 22, 2013 7:51 PM

I love this game!!!!! I only looked at the ingredient list to help because that is the only thing i got wrong. :( I got the best result. :D


I really enjoy this game for its original concept. The graphics also really appeal to me. I love finding the items which is satisfying but not too difficult.

Since this game is difficult to win the first time (unless you are really clever and thorough), it also enjoys the important distinction of being easily replayable a number of times without becoming tedious. (There are not a lot of "escape" games I could say that about.)

However I am having a problem making the potion. The best score I can attain is 20% because "the potion does not work."

In order to get a message that "the potion seems ready," I have to add the: root; dried herb; and mushroom (the spice does not need to be added apparently to get this message.)

I have done these actions in this order: lock door; push shelf in front of door; close and lock window; nail planks over window; fill glass bottle with potion; put the potion on the meat; hang the meat on the hook; chain and tie myself with rope.

I inspected the walkthrough after trying about 7 times to beat the game. I found that I have followed the walkthrough instructions and still cannot win the game. :( This somehow has not diminished my enjoyment of this original and aesthetically pleasing game! Good job, Scriptwelder!

kanna March 15, 2015 9:01 PM replied to andr01d

Off the top of my head, I remember that there is a red herring in the game with regard to making that potion. But first, did you find the recipe for the potion, on the second page of the note? As long as you examine that recipe carefully, you can probably figure out what went wrong.


There are two possible candidates for one of the ingredients and one of them is wrong.

There should be three ingredients.

kanna March 15, 2015 9:03 PM replied to kanna

Actually, upon checking again I realize you probably aren't making the mistake I was talking about above (which I believe was very common among most players) but just need to double-check the recipe clue (in the game).


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