Several rooms hold as many puzzles and items to find for solving the mystery of the Submachine. Use your mouse to point-and-click your way through the game, and to pick up items that you find along the way. Drag and drop an item from your inventory to place it where it's needed.
Crisp and attractive graphics are pleasantly complemented by atmospheric sound and effects to enhance the overall experience. Created by Mateusz Skutnik ("Murtaugh"), Submachine is a straightforward and polished point-and-clicker that is accessible to most anyone.
We've been here covering the entire Submachine series since the very beginning with reviews and walkthroughs for all of them...Outside the main storyline, and yet still another great Submachine, is a game created for the band Future Loop Foundation:
- The original Submachine
- Submachine Remix (extended version)
- Submachine Zero: Ancient Adventure
- Submachine 2: The Lighthouse
- Submachine 3: The Loop
- Submachine 4: The Lab
- Submachine 5: The Root
- Submachine 6: The Edge
- Submachine 7: The Core
- Submachine Network Exploration Experience
- Submachine: 32 Chambers
- Submachine 8: The Plan
- Submachine 9: The Temple
- Submachine: Future Loop Foundation
Hi Jay! Love your site - I'm here every day.
I was wondering - did you have any trouble loading this game? I tried loading it in Firefox, and just got a black screen. Switched to IE and it freezes up at about the 33% loaded mark. I have DSL.
I've been desperately trying to play this game for about a week now. (Found it on another site.)
If anyone can help, I'd be most appreciative! Thanks.
Fun stuff, if *very* brief :) I think 10-15 minutes is quite a generous estimate!
I would write a nice little comment or a begging for information, except I've only just now actually managed to get the game to work.
It seems the server it's on adores killing all active transfers every 10 seconds or so, making it impossible to load this game through traditional means.
If however you have a download program that supports resuming (I used WGET) you can get the file direct and play it like that.
So if anyone else is having this odd proble,, I hope I helped you play this odd game.
woo-hoo, an escape the room i can actually do :D
You werent kidding when it said easy (i admit i got stuck looking for the last tile for about, 2minutes (mainly due to the sun shining on my screen so i couldnt see where to click lol)
but good game for the younger ones i think, not exactly a challenge...
Too short, but fun! I really like the point & click games where you don't need to click on the EXACT pixel.
easy, I unusually finished the game without any help! ^^
Nice game. Very simple, but still fun...
EASY! Even I was able to do it without any help!
Nice one Jay, I thought you had forgotten about point-and-click adventures... Seems not.
What the heck is the spoon for?
It was easy - even I could do it and I am rubbish at 'escape the room' games!
simple but cute.
i loved it! great one jay!
i didn't even need a walkthrough.
I feel silly but I just can't seem to find the last piece.... hint any one?
i cant figure this game out at all srry:(
what is the 50 euro cent for
(but the code)
or is that it?
Agree with everyone else. Pretty easy, although not too much so. As an aside, was the note supposed to be a clue as to which pumps were where or did I look to deeply into that?
I must be stupid can't find the last tile. what do you do with the spoon?
what material is the spoon made out of.. and what is one property of that material ? :)
nevermind, finally got it.
Renews my faith in my ability to do ETR games without clues.
Looking around the rooms, think of what kids do with forks that sometimes causes self-injury...? Do it with the spoon.
Oh, and what was the note all about, anyway? I've racked my brains trying to figure what relation it has as a clue.
There is no spoon.
I think the note is more a red herring than a clue. Just making the game a bit more interesting, I guess.
Now see i tried that with the spoon about 15 times and it never worked. Finally i was like one more try and i'll try again later, then it worked!!!! *pulls hair*
That was nice, and it didn't have those areas behind shelves and etc. where you have an itty bitty space you have to click >.<
Nice diversion!
Probably the first Point and Click where I didn't get stuck so long I needed help. But awesome little game.
Maybe it's because I'm using the university's connection, but I didn't have trouble getting it to load.
ok, i can't get the last piece to the thing on the wall???
ok, I feel really stupid, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what to do with the spoon and the fuse =/ I have the rest of the pieces. I have some idea of what to do, but it's not working and I feel like maybe I'm just clicking in the wrong place. please help! if you don't want to post it here, IM me: stiiiachild. thanks!
I'm so sick of point-and-click games that are completely random and impossible to do without help. This is a nice break from that.
Great little game. I love how finding objects hidden in some remote pixel was not a factor of the game! Instead you had to use your head to figure out what to do with them!
This is a great game. Quite fun, easy, and it gives you enough satisfaction to give you the urge to complete it.
Look for the fusebox and place the fuse there. Once the power starts, stick the spoon between the electric currents.
Am I the only one who cannot figure out the clock?!? Please help!
I didn't think that the note was red herring, but a fairly obscure and unnecessary clue. If you imagine that the two pumps on the left are up, then they are his two arms. Get rid of the one on the left and raise the hidden one on the right and it's done! It may simply be coincidence, but the whole water connection seemed far too specific to me.
I can't figure out what to do with the clock either...help.
where is the fuse? that's probably a stupid question but i can't find it.
I felt like it was short...
That was pretty good. It's nice to not be completely stuck for once XD
I have been getting games off your site for a long time.. just thought I would comment on this one.
I like point and click room games, and most of the time it takes me a long time to get myself out.
submachine was nice and easy for a change. I enjoyed it a lot.
I feel like authors of games like this never know what to do, so they just end it with a sunset and call it an ending. Blah.
Hi Alex, considering that I wind up reading every comment posted to this site, I have seen a fair share of comments from gamers who become disappointed with how a particular game ends.
This interests me from a game design perspective, and it begs several questions:
How should a game end?
What is the purpose of the end to a game?
Short of making the screen open-up to pour gold, treasure and candy out into the lap of the winning gamer, what possible reward could be offered that would satisfy these hard-to-please customers?
Shouldn't the mere action of playing a game be reward enough? In other words, might you be expecting just a little too much (especially if the game is free)?
If you are one who has ever complained about the ending of a game, do you, or have you ever, used cheat codes or spoilers to help you get to the ending of a game?
Where can I find links or websites with other point-and-click games like this one... great game.
How do u get into the box with the binary code..the 4 buttons with 0's and 1's. If I need the power on first, how do I find the fuse? Thanks
Binary code? Hmm, when I played the box allowed selecting numbers 0-9.
And no, the power is not required to open the box.
Great game! This was my first point-n-click experience and it was good. I was very close to giving up, when I figured it out! And thats good gamedesign ! Thumbs up!
But the ending was kind of a letdown, even if it must be nice for the hero to get out in the open ;-)
Wow, a point&click that I acutally finished in one sitting without spoilers and cheats.
Fun little game. Great coffee break.
Thanks again Jay!
its very hard.. i only have the spoon and the coin and the note... i already used the valve but i dunno whaat it does.. and i dunno what else to do ..someone help?
Alright Jay dude....
"How should a game end?"
Well, they had that piece of paper about the dude's karma arm and stuff, they could at least give some closure on that. They didn't wrap up the story at all. Who am I playing as? Why am I in a series of rooms? How did I get there? You know, any explination at all.
"What is the purpose of the end to a game?"
To wrap stuff up, usually.
"Short of making the screen open-up to pour gold, treasure and candy out into the lap of the winning gamer, what possible reward could be offered that would satisfy these hard-to-please customers?"
Again, some kind of closure on the story they at least somewhat developed.
"houldn't the mere action of playing a game be reward enough? In other words, might you be expecting just a little too much (especially if the game is free)?"
The game was kind of fun, but it being free isn't an excuse for the creator to half-ass it. He created the story element of that piece of paper and never wrapped it up.
"If you are one who has ever complained about the ending of a game, do you, or have you ever, used cheat codes or spoilers to help you get to the ending of a game?"
Never cheat, sometimes I look at help for certain puzzles I can't figure out.
Thanks, Alex, for the replies to my questions. You make a good point about closure. I agree that a game that winds things up at its conclusion is indeed more rewarding than those that don't.
And yet, even with games that provide excellent closure, still people will complain.
Haha, I actually liked that game, probably my favorite flash adventure. :D
This one was easy :D
For "true". Personally for me the note was a red herring considering that...
The combination for the pumps was placed below the fuse box
Arg i can get passed that thing with the number/symbols (the [0000] box)
I have a pearl, but i have no idea waht to do,
how do u crack the number code?
i figured it out... its all pretty logical
Whenever I click on the link for the game the only thing that pops up is the box, and it has a brown colored square with an m looking symbol, and says: 1594 KB. Is my computer just not letting it load? Sorry if thats so confusing.
Hi Shelby - the game should load, albeit slowly. Be patient.
What you are seeing is the loading screen. =)
Thanks, Maybe my computer is just being slow today. Ill try again and be more patient with it. Thanks again!
i have 3 of those tiles, used fuse, knob thing, and pearl i cant figure out that to do with the spoon anyone know?
Hey jay this game is easy once you figure it out for yourself.
Where is this pearl that some people are speaking of. I have found three of the tiles, the spoon, the wheel, the fuse the coin, and the letter. I have placed all of them where they go, but I still have two empty places on my item screen. Can someone please give me a little hint.
Nevermind I finally did it.
what am I supposed to do after I have put the spoon in the machine and collected the third tile with two missings items left?
what do you do to the clock? ive done the rest
Oh, and the code is-
4913- look @ the euro
Ok for those of you who can't beat this here's a walkthrough:
First go up the ladder to get the wheel, next go back down and left twice. Get the spoon and then drag and drop the wheel on top of the circle on the top right. Next click the middle and right bolts (on the bottom below the pump things) and turn the wheel once your done. You'll here a noise, go back right 2 times and then up the same ladder again, grab the pearl on the bottom right and then go back down, and then right once. After that go down the ladder twice. Pick up the paper. Put the pearl on the hook next to the other pearl on the clock and when the little door opens grab the piece. go back up twice and put the piece where it belongs on the circle. Then go back down three times. Now go right once. Hit the bells in the order:
(I numbered them from left to right)
1, 4, 2
Now click the box the appears and grab the piece, go back up and place it on the circle. Go back to the room with the bells (where you just got the piece) and grab the coin on the floor, its a Euro-Penny. Notice the date, remember the date, and head to the top where you put the first 2 pieces in the circle. Once you get back to the circle, go right twice. Now click the box on the right that is connected to the pole that is connected to the ceiling with all the wires and stuff. Enter the four number on the top of the coin. When you finish entering the code, you'll hear a noise. Click anywhere to get away from the box and the click in the tiny opening of the newly opened box on the right, grab the piece and the fuse. Now go put the piece in the circle and then go down once. Put the fuse in the open spot on the machine then go down two more times. Now hit the switch since there's power, once it turns on put the spoon on the lightbulbs. Grab the piece once the machine over powers and blows, next go put the final piece in the circle. It will spin and make cool noises once you put the final piece in. When the doors appear, click them, and hit the top button on the elevator. When it stops shaking, hit the bottom button... and enjoy the ending! (if you couldn't figure out the thing on the coin it's 4913 the code to the thing.
only the code for the fuse screwed me up the rest was not too hard.
Best is stil that japanese one where you solve your own death
Which Japanese game is that, Captain? Viridian Room?
Wow! That was an easy one. Just pay attention to the details.
WOW!! fairly simple game for the most part very good and logical, strange ending though
What spoon?! Everyone is talking about the spoon like it is so easy to find. I see NO SPOON! Everything else was easy!
Nevermind! I was playing the extended version. Playing the 1st version first and everything is falling into place.
Spoiler for the spoon:
You'll find it in the cabinet under the small clock. Opening the cabinet shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
good one jay! i loved this game but the only part i got stuck on was the spoon thing and what does a spoon have to do with the rest of the game?
ok - I just did this...it wasn't all that easy! I wanted to do it again - to try the red door to see what happened... and it's changed! I did exactly the same things - but I can't get that stupid pipe to burst!
simple and really easy you just have to use common sense to escape
how do you get the ladder underneath the hatch thing on the first floor?
im really stuck ive got three pieces but i cant find the last one the ones i hav got are from
the bell thing the spoon place and the clock please help
Please tell me how to get the last one, I'm getting very frustrated!
O.K. To get the fuse you have to enter the code on the coin into the code taker thing. And then pull the lever on the big machine thing, then through the spoon at the electricity to get the last tile.
U know, wasn't a HORRID game, but really a game with the title submarine...it could have had so much more...bunkers..the places that the men on a sub actually have or do business in. Like in Motas where you have all these different types of rooms. Not to put down the author..cuz I enjoyed myself, but this game could have had so much more to it regarding rooms and such. The title is intriguing and could be the start of a reeally awesome game. Thats my 2 cents. Thanks for the site Jay! I love it!
help me find the spoon, find the last piece and GET ME OUTTA HERE!
hey everyone keeps saying where the spoon is but i really cant find it so can someone please tell me. im dumb. HELP ME LOL.
I like it and I almost managed to do it without a walkthrough, but than I could not finish the 4th piece. The walktrough up here mentions a piece that is in the same box with the fuse. Now, the box I found the fuse in did NOT contain a piece. How's that?
"but really a game with the title submarine...it could have had so much more"
its titled Submachine Adventure.
Please help with the last piece.
use the spoon at the bottom of the machine were its eltrical
I'm having trouble finding the ORIGINAL version; the link links to the 'extended version'...
In the extended version, the spoon is
in the room with the radio. Play around with the radio until you get the spoon
Now i feel really really really dumb but i can't find the spoon!!!
How do you just play around with the clock!??!?!?!
wait! i got the spoon ! phew do i feel dumb or what!!!
I really liked this!! Part of it was that it was so easy, and part of it was that it reminded me of Myst: the puzzles were very logical, and they were all about trying to locate some gadget. I HATE the room escape games where you have to rapid-fire click around a room to be able to find the right spot. I think it would have been more difficult if ALL the details weren't clues...that is, if there was more background decoration like the note (which on the site he claims is in fact just to distract the players) then the clues wouldn't have been as obvious, but still as logical.
I also really enjoyed the matrix references...the spoon and the red/blue doors at the end.
PS, this is probably only in the extended edition, but has anybody found
the hidden room??? Apparently when you find it, you are then
able to open the locked door behind the red-door ending of the game.
I'm still looking for it!!
lol...I just found the hidden room...I was wrong before about what finding it lets you do at the end...it's such a small bit of extra content that it's hardly worth finding unless you're a completionist. But at least I can say I did it!!
Hey everyone. Hey Jay. Look, I finally got a TypeKey thing!
I just wanted to ask about the SECRET DOOR, because I AM a completionist...
Ok, so I've gotten all four pieces and I'm looking everywhere, and the only thing I could think of is the red trap door looking thing on the uppermost right lever, where the only thing in the room is a lever for the water puzzle. Is that it or what, 'cause I can't get it to open...?
Hmmmmm hidden room:
I got Wisdom but haven't found anything to do with it yet! Ideas?
elemeno - you gonna share your info? Or are you just going to sit on it? I can't find the final piece. Driving me nuts. :) Silly extended version.
the fuse is for the room under the clock room .... there is a part missing t the thing as u can see.. and then go to the room i think 2 rooms down .... and then pull the bar down that is on the box and then it will strt up put the spoon where the electricity is and wait ... then a box under it will open and then a peice is in there the coin is for the room where u a box is at and u click on the thing next to it to put in numbers and the numbers on the top of the coin it the numbers u put in ... i think they r 4913 ... the the box will open and click it and 2 things r inside
What do u do in the room where u put the wheel on the pipes? i click on the circles to make the bars go up but what is it for? and what do i do with the clock?
I still can't find the 4th piece. I got the one when I used the spoon on the fuse box, the one in the clock and the one in the room with the bells, but I can't find the last one. There was only the white strip in the box (the one you opened by typing in the code), so am I what am I missing? I have everything but the last piece.
When the fourth triangle is not in the box...
Make sure not to blow the power with the spoon too soon or you will not be able to find one of the peices!
Thought i'd create a walkthrough for the extended game,since no one else has,and people are stuck on the forth triangle piece!
1.)Start out by going 3 screens left and one screen up to get the valve(wheel)
2.)Go one screen down and one screen right and put the valve(wheel)on the pipe/hole.It should click on
3.)Go right 1,down 1,and left 1 screen and click on the left and middle screws,so they move up
4.)Then go back to the valve and click on it so it spins.You should hear a "shhhhh,ckkkk" sound
5.)Now go right 1,down 1,right 1,down 1,right 1,and down 1.You should see a broken pipe with purple liquid,beside it a pearl.Pick it up,and head back to the valve,but left one.
6.)You're about to get your first piece.Place the pearl in the empty space in the clock.The pearls should counterweigh themselves and the box should open,giving you tile B
7.)Now go right 2,down 3,and right 1.You should be at a box will bells overhead.Press random bells until the boxes line up in midair.A box will appear and if you click on it,you will get tile D
8.)Now go left 1,up 2,left 1,and down 1.You should see light bulbs,metal,and a coin.Pick up the coin.
9.)Go Up 1,right 1,down 2,and left 1.You should be in a wired room,with a box and a kind of combination lock.Click on your 50 euro cent coin.On the top,it should have a 4 digit number,memorize it.Then click on the combination lock,and click on the boxes till the numbers match the four digit number on the coin,then click away.The box should be open.
10.)A fuse is inside!Pick it up,then go right 1,up 2,right 1,and down 1.Put the fuse in the slot in the top-left hand corner.You should hear a "zzzzzztt"
11.)Go up 1,left 1,up 1,right 2,and click on the handle on the machine.Power!
12.)Go right 1,up 1,flip the switch.
13.)do down 1,left 3,and up 1,flip the switch.
14.)Go down 1,right 2,and down 2,flip the switch.
15.)Go up 1,right 1,down 1,right 1,and up 1.Grab the 3rd piece C.
16.)Go down one,and let your mouse hover on the right button.The top drawer will slowly open(you'll hear music)
17.)Grab the spoon from the drawer,and go left 1,up 1,left 1,up 1,right 2.
18.)Put the spoon on the lightbulbs(should be electricity
19.)The power will short curcuit,causing a door to open and the last piece to appear!Take it and...
20.)Go left 2,put all four pieces in.The diamond should rotate,and in a flash of light,a door should appear
21.)Click on the handles,then the glowing square.Turns out it's an elevator!Press the top button first,then when it stops,the bottom button
22.)You now have a choice between a blue door and a red one.The blue one takes you to a field that gives you some othe options while the red one takes you to a room with two doors,one which you can contact the author,and the other is a secret hich i'm still trying to figure out.Any idea what the light switch at the end is for?
This is rediculous, I can't get the pipe to break.
By the way, i don't think it has been said but this confused mee so i thought i would mention it... the code for the pumps is in the room between the bell room and the box room, on the top left hand corner. I hope that helps :) it's not about the arms or letter...
it took me ages to work out wat 2 do with the spoon ....
have fun on this brill game!!
I timed myslef it literally took me only 3 minutes :D
Where is the spoon?!? I looked everywhere and it is no where to be found! I looked at the walkthrough and the spoon wasn't where iit said! Plz respond ty
The spoon was the only difficult part for me, maybe because I'm working without any sound right now.
find the radio, then let your mouse hover over the right button, and the drawer will slowly open
I think ive found the secret room but I cant get into it.
if you go to the room right at the top with just the switch and nothing else, then if you look at the roof it looks like there is some kind of opening. But i dont know how to open it :(
I'm having a problem. I managed to make it through the door with the two dragons, but I can't get past the steps in the wall. I use the lighter once on the way down then can't go any farther. any suggestions?
Jessica - your question is for Submachine Zero, not the original Submachine. Try going to this page for help.
srry bout the post, I thought I had the right board.
Ok I've read the the hints and spoilers, but I still can't find the pearl. I'm playing the extended version and am getting nowhere!!! Someone help me please
A hint towards the "secret room"?
After having short-circuited the generator with the spoon, there is another "fuse box" blown open. It's in one of the lower left rooms, where you found the coin (I think), and after it's open, there's another switch behind. I've tried to throw that switch, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Maybe that helps finding a little more.
Hi Jay,
I'm using XP and Firefox and couldn't load 1 or 2 from the freegamesonline.com link. I did find them at arcadetown.com and they loaded fine from there. Love Submachine and JIG.
Cheers, Kate! I've updated the links accordingly. =)
jwgrl, break the pipe with the purple liquid
what is with the code for the bells, i can't work out where it is from. Is it a random order?
i cant find the pearl i done it all exept the pearl bit
I couldnt figure it out either but here is for the secret door
Once you have all the pieces, dont place the last one. go from where you place the tiles and go down, left, down and flip the swich that is where a metal box use to be. go back to where you place the tiles and go right, up, up. There will be "wisdom" there.
I hope that helps everyone :-)
simply cute and fun.i solve it in 5 minutes but... I love point & click games! i beat Jinx 1, Jinx 2, attic escape and now this. I will play the second and third and (why not) the extended version. Really thanks Jay! can you tell me all of the point and click games on your page?
Marcelo: Look at this page (it takes some time till it is is generated).
the spoon is hard to get
to get it you need to place the mose pointer over the right butten and hold it there yil the drawer is fully open then you can get the spoon
I'm playing the extended version, I've done everything, but i need help!
and then i went back and flipped all the switches, and turned the lights under the circular glass donut shaped thing green, but it hasn't given me a tile. What am i doing wrong, I can't find any mention of the donut in any walkthrough I look at...
You need to make sure the
main switch is on as well.
Oh, and did you check out the Submachine Remix page in here?
I have repeatedly tried to get the pearl
by breaking the watery pipe, but whenever I turn the wheel a few floors up, I don't hear anything different
You need to play around with the valves in the same room as the wheel.
Numbered easy-to-read walkthrough:
1. Go to your left and pick up the SPOON.
2. Go right,down three times, and right again. Pick up the COIN in the right-hand corner.
3. Go back to the starting room, and on your way up, pick up the DIARY
4. From the starting room, go right twice. Click on your coin and notice the date at the top: 4913. Click on the metal box on the right side of the room and press the buttons until you get this number.
5. Click the box that opens up and get the FUSE and TILE C
6. Go left twice (back to the starting room) and go down one. Drag the fuse to the metal...thing. Also, notice the position of the screws in the metal thing.
7. Go up, then left. Click on the screws so that they match the screws on the metal thing (from left to right: Horizontal, Vertical, Vertical).
8. Now go down to the room on the very bottom: directly left of where you got the coin. Pull the lever on the machine.
9. Drag the spoon to the electrified part of the machine. Pick up TILE A.
10. Now go to the room on the right.
Bells are numbered from 1 to 4, left to right:
4, 2, 1
11. Click on the box that appears and pick up TILE D.
12. Go back to the starting room. Go right, then up, and pick up the VALVE.
13. Go down, left, and left again. Use the valve on the hole on the pipe, then click on it to turn it.
14. Go right, right, and up, and pick up the PEARL (right side).
15. Go down, left, and down twice. Drag the pearl to the claw on the left and pick up TILE B.
16. Use all of the tiles on the diamond shape to reveal a door. Click on the door and enter the elevator.
17. Click the top button on the right, then click the bottom button to open the door. Click on the scenery to find your way out.
this game was easy '~'
it was also really fun!!!
how did you know the order for the bells?
There is no pearl in the room with the purple liquid. I have everything except the pearl and the last piece. What am I missing?
never mind read the walkthrough and figured it out i really like these games!
If you have a pearl and don't know what to do with it.. put it on the string thing in the clock. easy as =]
Mom(if that is your name),You have to somehow break the pipe with the purple liquid leaking from it..[Hint]It has something to do with the room where you put the valve.From The room where you put the valve,go right once,down once and left once.The hint is there.
Amanda,You are missing the pearl and the last tile you are looking for.The tile is in the top thing of the clock.
can anybody give me hints for i can finish Submachine the game!!
This game was so easy! For me, it was funny when:
the thing what made the electric blew up when you put a spoon on it.
where are all the secrets for submachine 4? i found all but one and its very annoying. please help me someone.........
You might want to try the walkthrough for Submachine 4.
WOW ..... great game ...
To break the pipe in the top room:
In the room (far to the left at the top) with 3 little boxes do this:
click on the first one and leave the other ones then turn the valve
the valve is in the room with the water leak
I can't work out how to get 2 of the peices
Anyone help me?
Sure Eddy
Which 2 pieces have you got?
I am doing the extended version and I can NOT find the pearl. I have been searching forever! please help!
the submachines have taunted me for ages and i have finally beaten them all. i may or may not have gotten help on a few but i beat the first and the third with out a walkthrough. also zero but that ones a little different then the others. great games i love them.my favorite intro is for the loop. and i die a little every time i have to go to the walk through.C> (a tear for the ones that have fallen to this deadly game)
great game, really, simple and nice! короче, ниибаццо игрушка!!!!
i cant find the pearl please help!!!
To get the last tile , you must have the fuse , you insert to some electric board thing , than you go down to the big electrical doohickey thing and pull the switch , you than put the spoon on the 2 electrical shockers thing and the spoon will EXPLODE!!!!!!....Sorry , i got excited -_-...Thus , the metal piece on the bottom rolls out of place due to the EXPLOSION and you will see the last tile...Good luck and Happy Playing...
To get the things inside the box you put in the number on the base of the coin...Like there is numbers -5435- , means you put in -5435-..
ok in the room where you get the coin eventualy there is a leaver there but get everything then pull that leaver and it opens the door and adds a ladder in the room above the starter room
ok in the room where you get the coin eventualy there is a leaver there but get everything then pull that leaver and it opens the door and adds a ladder in the room above the starter room"
Posted by: Anonymous | November 24, 2007 3:52 PM
Played this game a few months back and didnt know about that. Thanks youve given me a reason to play it again
The following contains a walkthrough listed in sequencial order. However, part of the order in which you need to collect the tiles may be changed, and some may not.
Starting Items:
Go up the ladder and get the wheel (valve). Go back down, then to the left 2 times and grab the spoon. Right once and down the ladder twice. Grap the paper (diary). Then continue down, and though the door. Take the coin.
The Tiles:
The Bells + Tile D:
The room with the bells that contained the coin. Find the right combination of bells to ring in order to lift up all the cubes above the box. Answer:
The 4th bell, then the 2nd, then the 1st.
When all the bells are floating, a square will apear on the box. Click on it and take the triangle (Tile D).
The Secret Code + Tile C
Enter the room twice left of the room with the grey triangles. Click on the coin in your inventory and examine the #s at the top. Enter these #s into the panel. Answer:
If done correctly, the box in th room should open, and you will hear a noise. Look inside the box, and take both the grey triangle (Tile C) and the fuse.
The Pipes + Tile B
Enter the room with the pipes. Place the valve/wheel on the pipe going up. You can click on the screws to the little things on the other pipes. This resricts the water from certain rooms - try to concentrate all the water to the topmost room's broken pipe, and explode the leak. Answer
Pipe 2 and 3
. Then turn the wheel. If there's a big noise, then thats it. Go to the uppermost room. Near the right side of the room, there's a small white dot. That is a pearl - click on it. Now go down to the room with the clock. Place (click and drag) the pearl into the clock. It'll open the top panel, revealing a grey triangle. Take it.
The Big Machine + Tile A
Begin in the room with the panel in the wall. Drag the fuse from your inventory to the missing socket. Go down to the large maching, and push the switch. Bzzt! Now place a spoon on the 2 lightbulb shaped things conducting the electricity. This'll cause a shortcircuit and kabloom the machine a bit, causing a panel at the bottom to fall open. Take the triangle (Tile A).
Elevator + Ending
When you have collected all the tiles/triangles, go to the room with the odd grey symbol on the wall. Place the triangles on the symbol. When all 4 are placed, the thing will spin and reveal an elevator. Enter the elevator. Press the up button to the right. Then press the down button. Click on the beutiful scenery at the end. The End - You win! :D
Finding the pearl:
You need to break that pipe on the topmost room. That done, the pearl will apear as a white speck on the rightish part of the room.
Oh, and correction in my walkthrough : In my explaination of tile 3, I said the room twice left of the room with the grey symbol thing - it should be the room
twice right
Ichigo2ogo said that there is a number at the base of the coin:
Isn't it at the top of the coin?
And cool a secret room? *plays again* And cool, and extended version? *plays that too* SUBMACHINE RULEZ! :D That was randomly fun. And cool, more submachines? COOL! *plays those too*.
What do you do with the wisdom in the secret room?
It was a little easy though. I finished it in a few minutes.
Yay! Finished all by my lonesome without a walkthrough. lol
Nice little short and sweet game.
If you are still searching for the pearl and are playing the extended version, follow Josh's directions, except only turn the middle screw, instead of the left and middle screws (at least, this is what worked in my case. It might be that each game is different).
Regarding the valve wheel
One screen to the left of the screen with the picture of the light house there are 3 cylinders that can be adjusted on 1 of 2 positions. The combination varies from game to game. There is a visual clue as to the combonation elsewhere in the game. Look for another screen where 2 screws appear...copy that pattern.
Another nudge if anyone wants it:
The other screws are on the bottom level of the structure. Look for a metal panel.
Regarding the "donut thing" as someone else called it:
The red & green lights indicate how many circuit breakers you have switched on
where is the last tile
Well , im typing in the full submachine series
again ... w/ the 5th episode =D (of course there will be a 6th >:o , if not then no)
Submachine Zero : Ancient Adventure
Submachine : Extended Version
Submachine 2 : The Lighthouse
Submachine 3 : The Loop
Submachine 4 : The Lab
Submachine 5 : The Root
Submachine : Future Loop Foundation
There are 8 submachines ;D , newcomers are going to be busy 4 awhile O.o
Sorry for the double post , i just double post for some reason even though i click the submit button only once.
where is the red dore and where is tile b&c
Help... What do I do with the clock?
Wow! Cool cute game.
The thing that made me take so long was the euro-penny. I didn't notice it right away and took longer because of that.
Great game, even loved the ending... but truthfully, i feel really dumb. i couldn't figure out how to get OUT of the elevator!! lmao
i thought the bottom button would be for DOWN. ha
Wow, that game was a welcome break from all those other impossible escape-the-rooms. Even though I still ended up needing the walkthrough (very helpful, Ainegue)...
Thanks Jay!
can anyone tell me what the storyline behind the game is
Walkthrough for Submachine
The game starts in a room where you see a ladder
Climb up and see a linking pipe. Take the valve on the floor
Go back down and go in the room on the left where there is a ladder going down, but do not go down yet. In this room, see a round panel on the wall
Go to the left in a room to pick up a spoon from the floor. While in there, place the valve in the hole on the pipe going up. We will come back to this room
Come back to the ladder and go down to see a panel with three fuses and missing one. Notice the three lines in the small circles. Remember their positions
Go down more to find a diary. Click on it in inventory to read it. See the clock
Go down more to see a generator with a lever. Go through the door on the right to see four bells. Take the coin on the floor and click on it in inventory to see the number 4913
While in this room, click from left to right on bell 4-1-2 to see the four little blocks stay up: a small panel will be seen: click it to get tile D
Go back up with the three ladders and go right to where the game started. Go in the room on the right. Click on the panel with the four white squares: click on the button under each square to enter the number 4-9-1-3. Then click anywhere on the panel to back up
The box on the left is now open: take a fuse and tile C
Get out of this room and go to the room on the left to go down the ladder
Put the white fuse on the panel and go down the two ladders to pull the lever on the generator
Up the three ladders to the room with the round panel
Go to the room on the left to the three pumps and click from the left on the lower buttons 2 and 3 to see the moving part go up. Remembering the lines we saw before
Turn the valve
Go out to the room on the right and again on the right and up the ladder to see the broken pipe. On the right of the ladder, pick up a pearl on the floor
Go down, door on the left, go down 2 times to the clock. Place the pearl at the end of the left cord of the clock and a door will open on top: take tile B
In front of the clock, go down to the generator and place the spoon on the wires to see a small panel come out the generator at the bottom. Pick up tile A
Back up three times
On the round panel on the wall, place the four tiles in any order to see a door appear. Click on it and go forward to the elevator. See two buttons: click the top one. Go up and click the bottom one to open the door
Go outside
Submachine 1: The Basement Walkthrough
Wow! What a strange dream! And what an interesting game! I wonder when I'm going to wake up… I've been asleep for a while now. Ah well. No harm in playing this game until I wake up. Let's see… How about I go left? I wonder what this device is… Let's go left again. Hmm… Pressure pumps. And a spoon, I might as well pick it up just in case. We'll go back right and climb down the ladder. Looks like there's a fuse missing. Those symbols under the fuses look like the switches on the pressure pumps. We'll get to them soon. Let's go down. Hey, a diary page! Let's read…
‘Last Summer I went camping under the big waterfall of Kent. I guess this was a great trip for me, however some people don't understand why. Well, I did lose my left arm, but what the hell, I found out that I had a third arm. The invisible one. Since then I started to learn how to use my karma arm, and soon my skills were those of a master. It wasn't a surprise to me when people started turning their backs on me, since I was considered to be a freak and mentally ill. Funny thing. I can't tell them the truth. It would be like explaining the possibility of space travel to a goldfish. So I'm just trying to…'
Looks like there's a second page somewhere. There is a clock here with two strings in it, one has a pearl attached to it. Let's go down. Pretty big power box. Flicking the switch seems to do nothing. Better go into the room on the right. Hmm… Bells and cubes. And a coin! Let's pick it up! I wonder what these bells do… Let's ring the first one. Whoa! The last three cubes are floating! Let's ring the second one. The last two are down again. The third bell lifted the first and the last cube up. The last bell put the outside cubes down and the lifted third one up. Let's ring the third bell again because it interacts with the outside cubes. Now that all of them are up, a panel has appeared. Behind it is a triangular tile. This must go into that weird device upstairs. Let's go up the three ladders and to the left so we can change the pressure pumps. Now we should move right twice and see what is up that ladder. Looks like a leaking pipe. And on the ground is a valve that we can attach to the pipe in the pressure pumps room. Let's go there and put it in. Turning it made a noise from upstairs. Probably about that leaking pipe. Let's check it out. The pipe has burst open! There's a pearl on the ground. It would probably go with that clock downstairs. Down, left and down twice and we're here. Does the pearl do on the empty string? It sure does, and it opens a compartment at the top with another tile! One room left, the room next to the ladder that leads to the now broken pipe. There's a box with some mechanism and some wires attached. It leads to a small machine with space for four numbers. Where would the code be? Wait a minute! We should check out the coin! 50 cents?! Not much! Wait a second… Those four numbers at the top could be the code! Let's enter it into the machine and… Hey, presto! The box is open! We've got a fuse and another tile with us now. We should probably insert the fuse into the slot with the others downstairs. And we can now flip that switch on the power box two floors down. I wonder what would happen if we put the spoon on those two weird looking things exerting electricity. Zap… zap… zap… BOOM!! Cool! And a hatch fell of the power box which concealed a tile. That's four tiles! Time to consult that weird device three floors up. Let's put in the tiles and see what happens… Whoa! What happened there? Oh well… Who cares, because we found an elevator. Let's hop in and take a ride. And now we're free! Well certainly IS a strange dream. I hope I wake up soon…
Submachine 1: The Basement Walkthrough
Wow! What a strange dream! And what an interesting game! I wonder when I'm going to wake up… I've been asleep for a while now. Ah well. No harm in playing this game until I wake up. Let's see… How about I go left? I wonder what this device is… Let's go left again. Hmm… Pressure pumps. And a spoon, I might as well pick it up just in case. We'll go back right and climb down the ladder. Looks like there's a fuse missing. Those symbols under the fuses look like the switches on the pressure pumps. We'll get to them soon. Let's go down. Hey, a diary page! Let's read…
‘Last Summer I went camping under the big waterfall of Kent. I guess this was a great trip for me, however some people don't understand why. Well, I did lose my left arm, but what the hell, I found out that I had a third arm. The invisible one. Since then I started to learn how to use my karma arm, and soon my skills were those of a master. It wasn't a surprise to me when people started turning their backs on me, since I was considered to be a freak and mentally ill. Funny thing. I can't tell them the truth. It would be like explaining the possibility of space travel to a goldfish. So I'm just trying to…'
Looks like there's a second page somewhere. There is a clock here with two strings in it, one has a pearl attached to it. Let's go down. Pretty big power box. Flicking the switch seems to do nothing. Better go into the room on the right. Hmm… Bells and cubes. And a coin! Let's pick it up! I wonder what these bells do… Let's ring the first one. Whoa! The last three cubes are floating! Let's ring the second one. The last two are down again. The third bell lifted the first and the last cube up. The last bell put the outside cubes down and the lifted third one up. Let's ring the third bell again because it interacts with the outside cubes. Now that all of them are up, a panel has appeared. Behind it is a triangular tile. This must go into that weird device upstairs. Let's go up the three ladders and to the left so we can change the pressure pumps. Now we should move right twice and see what is up that ladder. Looks like a leaking pipe. And on the ground is a valve that we can attach to the pipe in the pressure pumps room. Let's go there and put it in. Turning it made a noise from upstairs. Probably about that leaking pipe. Let's check it out. The pipe has burst open! There's a pearl on the ground. It would probably go with that clock downstairs. Down, left and down twice and we're here. Does the pearl do on the empty string? It sure does, and it opens a compartment at the top with another tile! One room left, the room next to the ladder that leads to the now broken pipe. There's a box with some mechanism and some wires attached. It leads to a small machine with space for four numbers. Where would the code be? Wait a minute! We should check out the coin! 50 cents?! Not much! Wait a second… Those four numbers at the top could be the code! Let's enter it into the machine and… Hey, presto! The box is open! We've got a fuse and another tile with us now. We should probably insert the fuse into the slot with the others downstairs. And we can now flip that switch on the power box two floors down. I wonder what would happen if we put the spoon on those two weird looking things exerting electricity. Zap… zap… zap… BOOM!! Cool! And a hatch fell of the power box which concealed a tile. That's four tiles! Time to consult that weird device three floors up. Let's put in the tiles and see what happens… Whoa! What happened there? Oh well… Who cares, because we found an elevator. Let's hop in and take a ride. And now we're free! Well certainly IS a strange dream. I hope I wake up soon…
Okay, so I beat the game and everything. I was honestly a little bit confused about the diary entry, but hey, I'll figure it out eventually. Whatever. Two questions, though: I clicked on the lever on the electrical box (the one that was covered until you put the spoon in the large generator) and went up to the very top room (it had previously been inaccessible; you got to it through a door in the ceiling). In that room was a clear, diamond-looking, spinning stone thing called the "Wisdom Gem." I clicked on it and it was transferred to my inventory, but I never did find a use for it. Do you know what it's for?
Also: are there two versions of this game?? Everyone here on jayisgames is saying that the code for the white squares (the code on the 50-cent piece) is something like 4912 or something like that. On my game (which I played on pastelgames.com), the code was 2337. Also, when I read the walkthroughs from a number of comments, it seemed as though my whole game was layed out differently, with rooms (like the one with the leaking pipe) in totally different places. I was wondering if you know why.
Thank you Jay! I come to your site very often to play games and for walkthroughs as well (they've all proved very helpful).
P.S.~ sarah, thank you for the walkthrough! Couldn't figure out how to get the pearl.
I remember playing this for the first time in 2005... Though I think I was... Am... Too young to be playing this. But the series sure got off to a mysterious start.
Submachine Review:
“From Humble Beginnings”
The Submachine series is one of the most influential and compelling sagas that online gaming has ever experienced. For a series with no character interactions and a narrative told solely through puzzle-solving and notes left by past explorers, it is amazing to examine its lore, which has expanded into a fully-fledged universe full of mystery and unknown worlds. With nine canonical installments and several memorable spin-offs under the series’ belt, it is clear that Submachine will always be Mateusz Skutnik’s crown jewel.
That being said, it is interesting to note how the original game, the one that started it all, holds up. It lacks the artistic intricacies and puzzle-solving complexity of more recent adventures, but manages to stand its ground in the series through an engrossing atmosphere, the perfect touch of intrigue, and an ending that signals that many great things are on the horizon.
The set-up is basic: escape. The characters of Murtaugh and Elizabeth, as well as the inter-dimensional web that Skutnik has so deftly woven, had not been introduced yet, so this game is more focused on puzzle-solving and simple point-and-click exploration. For what it is, it’s a good game. About ten minutes in length, you will be searching for objects and puzzle pieces required to escape your unknown location. While many of the puzzles are quite straightforward, there are times when you must take a few moments to gather your thoughts to deduce how to move forward. The art style is fantastic despite its age and the soundtrack sets the perfect eerie backdrop for your journey.
However, there are some flaws. For instance, the lack of secrets and branching pathways lessens the desire to replay the game, especially when compared to the more recent editions which encourage intense investigations for each and every new location. In addition, there is very little closure at the game’s conclusion. Although the ambiguity promotes a sense of promise for future installments, it also allows the players to forget and disregard this brief exposition as they progress farther into the series.
Overall, though, the first entry of the Submachine legend is a quality, yet brief, experience. Despite some easy puzzles and a lack of replayability, the atmosphere and intriguing glimpses at the series’ budding narrative make Submachine a memorable opening to an equally memorable franchise.
On another site there is an updated version of the original.