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November 2018 Archives

Weekday EscapeHi! It's time for a break and time to relax with the new Weekday Escape!

Another Kamonosoukutsu's game recently ported to PC arrived - you visit beautiful room of Ms. Dog this time and need to fulfill her request to get out of here. Then come two games by tomoLaSiDo, in the first one you can try your drawing skills, and in the end of WE waits Selfdefiant's asylum. Prepare for a tough battle with Evil! Higher rank forces have apparently developed resistance against sacred objects (no wonder after all the successfully exorcised buildings), so you have to upgrade your methods of fight too!

Have a good time and enjoy!

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Rating: 4/5 (47 votes)
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Crown Dungeon 2One sunny day, our yellow eyed hero from Crown Dungeon by DrawManEater is having a picnic with his pumpkin head friend, when suddenly a portal opens in the air and greedy hand steals his friend's head!

Once again, you have to help the hero to get through a set of dungeons in pursuit of something valuable and precious. This time it's not lust for gold and power what drives him, but concern about his best friend. The hand clutching the pumpkin entices our fairly angry guy further and deeper to magic labyrinth to face dangerous creatures, their perils and lethal traps.

Weekday EscapeHi! The new Weekday Escape has just arrived!

This week we got three very good games, all quite long and nourishing. The first one is by the last WE newcomer Dasyutu who wants you to escape cosy place with many books. After a year pause returns AppGoya with quality game, and proves they still have it - hopefully their next game comes earlier! Finally you find yourself in Yonashi's strange room with strange devices (which you must find first) and strangely behaving animal(s)...

Have a good time and enjoy!

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Rating: 3.8/5 (23 votes)
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The Racoon Who Lost Their ShapeArceusLove can come in all sizes and shapes - and in this case, literally. Join a racoon for his journey to find his special someone - a crescent lost in a house fire a long time ago. Together with an extraordinary coincidence, this racoon has inherited the ability to talk to these "shape-people" - which bears no explanation other than that they are people that are shapes - from beyond the veil of death. Sometimes his clientele ask to simply pass on a message, other times there is some unfinished business left with spirits still on the more lively side of things. But still, the racoon keep searching for his lost love.

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Rating: 3/5 (83 votes)
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HoraceArceusAsimov's robots may have had three basic rules, but those are still three more than the main and title character, Horace, is endowed with in the first game from author, developer, coder, and pretty-much-everything-else Paul Helman. Magically emerging into the world with his own consciousness, Horace explores everything with an endearing combination of curiosity and naivety. After five years (or is it now six?), Paul is ready to share the fruits of his indie labor with you - and if you can believe it, it's only going to get better for the future, full version!

Weekday EscapeHello and welcome! Yes it's Wednesday again and this means new Weekday Escape!

Luckily for PC players, Kamonosoukutsu recently ported few games from Android to PC so we get two this week! Meet Mr. Bear and Mr. Tiger, and try to get out from their beautiful residences! Next escape is from classical Dasyutu's room, and you need to find red maple leaves here, so instead of running around woods and picking them, you can do that virtually, and continue in No1game's autumn game; however, more important is to look for the cunning green guys there - their mimicry is a bit useless this time...

Have a good time and enjoy!

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Rating: 3.6/5 (106 votes)
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Return of the TentacleArceusIn a debut of a fan-beloved original, Day of the Tentacle, Return of the Tentacle delivers a thrilling, pun and comedy filled point-and-click adventure. Purple Tentacle is back with an ambitious plan to conquer the world, seek revenge, and worst of all, wants to make sure to kill you first! What's more there are the two telltale signs that it's not some lookalike or wannabe. One: he left a note scrawled on purple paper! And two: it's signed at the bottom, "Insincerely Yours, Purple!"

Weekday EscapeThe 200th Weekday Escape is here fully loaded with awesome games!

By a coincidence, we got several great games to this round anniversary. From Amajeto one more escape under the full moon on Halloween night with glowing pumpkins everywhere around. From Rinnogogo charming and poetic story about cats' emotional life and magic. From Detarame Factory lovely game about a girl, her chipmunk and a hot-air balloon, and from Flash512 another dungeon escape from a medieval castle. Bonus grow game by Jon Schubbe is almost as old as JiG and much, much fun!

Have a good time and enjoy!

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Rating: 3.6/5 (77 votes)
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Forgotten Hill: Little Cabin in the WoodsWhen does "taking liberties" go too far? Like the lost episode of a Brothers Grimm story, Little Cabin in the Woods - A Forgotten Hill Tale is a twisted take on the mundane. This latest work from FM Studios is quick and to the point -- an abbreviated, self-contained side story installment of Forgotten Hill.


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