Date JF379: We have finally created Subject XY, and biologically he's exactly as we engineered him to be. We will soon put him through virtual training. Here at Core Laboratories, we're always reassuring ourselves that the cake is perfectly real, and that there is no obligation to think with portals.
Date JF392: Subject XY has successfully completed his virtual training. Will keep him in status until we find room in our schedule to give him the next step.
Date JF418: XY has passed the Prism Lab training with flying colors (no pun intended).
Date JF420: We have now given Subject XY his briefing and permitted him access to the Soul Laboratory. We now have a female companion for XY; said companion will henceforth be referred to as Subject XX.
Date JF466: Subjects XY and XX have now been shipped to their current living quarters on Earth. We were going to send some cake with them, but we had a shortage. Too bad; it's quite delicious and moist, and I'm sure they would enjoy it. We hope they can protect our former home planet from any issues that may arise.
Date JF481: Our first issue arose. An alien being has decided to attack Earth while it was vulnerable. We can't let this happen. Unfortunately, the planet's defense systems are powered by a special Power Core Deluxe which we forgot to charge before leaving.
Thankfully, there is a way around this. Subject XY will have to take the P.C.D. and teleport to a special station on the edge of the galaxy. There he will find three towers. He must solve puzzles in each tower, traveling between them until he reaches the top of each tower, where the recharge stations sit. There he must recharge the P.C.D. and return to Earth once he's finished.
(We would have chosen Subject XX for the task instead, but as a strong advocate of sexual stereotypes, we assumed she would do something boneheaded like getting our only teleport control wristband vaporized.)
This assignment will be henceforth referred to by the top secret code name: Tower Core.
Date JF483: Shortly after we sent XY off for his assignment, we received a cryptic message from beyond the mysterious dimensional boundary known as the Fourth Wall. It read as follows:
Analysis: Tower Core is another shining star from John Feltham, the author of the previous "Core" series of games. It continues the storyline established in Soul Core without a hitch, and even provides a recap accessible from the main menu.
Play all the Core Series games:
As with the previous games, Feltham has produced a point-and-click cocktail that's a perfect blend of familiar and new. The soundtrack and graphics do everything to add to the atmosphere, and do so perfectly. The difficulty level is just right, too, and you can even toggle on "cluetips" if you get stuck.
I'll admit that I used the "cluetips" practically all the time, but that didn't mean I never got stuck. There was one roadblock I had a hard time circumventing because I thought I had already tried what turned out to be the solution. But don't let that deter you; either way, this is a game that Core fans will eat up, and then come back for seconds.
We are completely baffled regarding who this Feltham person is or why our unknown messenger referred to Subject XY's previous and current assignments as "games", but all the same we wish XY the best of luck.
Walkthrough Guide
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Talk to the woman if you like, but it's not necessary. Turn around and turn off that annoying alarm by pressing the red button. Then grab the little watch-thing off the desk. That's your teleport controller.
Click on the red computer console on the wall. Click the dot in the center, read the stuff, then scroll down to find the necessary coordinates for the teleportation.
I'm not sure if these coordinates change each time, but it doesn't look like it.
X: 764
Y: 395
Z: 405
Zoom back out. Click the little button beside the door to open it and leave. First place to go is the turret, so head there and pick up the Deluxe Power Core from the power socket.
Head to the Telepad and drag the Teleport Controller from your inventory to the Telepad. Enter the coordinates from the computer console at the living quarters and press the button on the watch marked "Enter." Then step onto the Telepad.
Welcome to... whatever this place is. Click the arrow on the right first and head into the Tech Tower.
Grab the goggles from the Transmat machine. Click on the goggles to equip them. Hey, cool, it's just like Samus Aran's scan visor! *Ahem* ...anyway, equip the goggles and scan the handprint scanner. Your hand print obviously won't be accepted, so this is necessary. It says calcium carbonate is necessary. If you don't know what that is, Google it or stick with me.
Remove the goggles and leave the Tech Tower. Click left twice and head into the Spirit Tower.
Don't mess with any of the stuff just yet. Just drag some chalk dust into your inventory and head back to Tech Tower.
Put the goggles and the chalk dust into the transmat machine. Yes, chalk dust is calcium carbonate. Voila! Stone hand! Grab it and the goggles.
Use the stone hand on the scanner. Then grab the hand again and head on up.
Another computer console. Click it and then click on the icon on the left. This will give you two series' of symbols. These change each time, so write them down. BOTH of them.
Head back to the Spirit Tower. Notice the symbols above each item? Yep. Drag each item to the bonfire in the correct order for one of the invocations and ring the bell on the left. The Invocation of Passage opens the door to the next floor. The Invocation of the Blade gets you a small knife.
Head up to the second floor of the Spirit Tower and put the stone hand on the glowing pad there. Then put on the goggles. It'll show you the weight of each item. Unfortunately, this also changes each game.
So here's what you do: Add up all the numbers and then divide the total in half. After that, just do some addition until you get half on one side and half on the other. Balance the scales and you're free to proceed. You can't put more than 3 things in a basket.
While you've got those goggles on, look up and note the geometric pattern. We'll be using that later.
Use your knife on the gleaming gems and take them. Now it's time to play a little game. Put the five "queens" on the board so that they cannot capture each other.
Put the first one in the lower left corner. The second one row up and two to the right. Same with the third. Put the fourth queen on the top row in the fourth square and the fifth in the fourth row, second square.
There's nothing more you can do here, so it's time to head to the Crystal Tower.
I still don't get whatever pattern is here, so experiment until you get all the little waterfalls open. The switches are next to the door. Once you get them open, head up.
Yet another puzzle that changes its order... sigh. Put the gems into their correct slots on the wheel. The eye indicates when a gem is in the right spot. The ruby and sapphire gems are also used here. Once you get them in the right order and the door is opened, head up.
Grab the stick and head to Spirit Tower. What? You really can't do anything else here. Just grab the stick and go back to the Spirit Tower.
Light the stick and go back to Crystal Tower.
Go up to the second floor and drag the flaming stick to one of the torches. They'll light up. Now head to Tech Tower.
Up to the second floor with ya. Click on the computer console and then click on the Crystal Tower symbol. Have it dispense a seed for you. Zoom out and grab it. (In case you're wondering, the Tech Tower symbol is just a hint for a future puzzle.)
Remember that geometric symbol? Good. See that big pad of squares above the stairway? Move the mouse over it and stuff lights up. Recreate the pattern and head to the third floor.
Grab the Explosive Growth bomb and the bottle of red dye. Then have a peek through the telescope. This also changes each time. Note the positions of each star, then head the Crystal Tower.
Head to the third floor and plant the seed. Then head up to the fourth floor. Remember the positions of the stars on the grid? Yep, that was a hint for the five stars you see before you.
Head back down and put the Explosive Growth bomb next to the seedling. Press the center to prime it. Hey, relax, will ya? It's an Explosive GROWTH bomb.
Head back to Tech Tower and hit the detonator button for the bomb. Head back to Crystal Tower and up to the fourth floor.
I told you so. Pick the apple from the tree. Then click on the branch closest to the tube of water and put in the red dye. Head down to the first floor and note the order that the waterfalls change color. This changes each game as well.
Head to Spirit Tower and up to the fourth floor. Put the apple onto the alter. Then click the apple to put it in the mouth of the face. Take the gem. Now to do something you'll probably hate me for.
Put the Teleport Controller onto the alter. You heard me. Use the goggles to scan the debris and then gather up the debris.
Head up to the top floor and put the Power Core into the socket. Push the button above it to fill it with spiritual energy. Take note of the X coordinates just left of the stairs. I'm guessing this changes each game, too. Your done here, so head to the Crystal Tower.
Put the gemstone into the door on the fourth floor of Crystal Tower and head up. Put the crystal energy into the Power Core and note the Y coordinates. Head to Tech Tower.
Put the goggles and the remains of your teleport controller into the Transmat machine. Flip the switch, take the controller (you can take the goggles too, if you want), and head up to the third floor.
Push the buttons above the stairs in the correct order, as you learned from the red waterfalls of Crystal Tower. Head up.
Yep. It's one of THOSE puzzles. Here's how it works: Nuclear canister kills the plant, plant eats the bug, bug drains the green thing, green thing eats the mog-rat.
Move the green thing and the plant into the right chamber first. Move the green thing back. Move the Mog-rat and the bug to the right and take the plant back to the left. Move the nuclear canister to the right. Go back to the left and take the green thing and the plant and move them to the right. The door is now open.
Fill the canister with technological energy and note the Z coordinates. Leave and go back to the Telepad.
Enter the coordinates and leave for Earth. Get to the turret and put in the power core. Push the button on the left to charge the turret, then the one on the right to fire. The world is saved!
Posted by: Wolfgang DelaSangre
April 3, 2009 8:33 PM
Turn around and pick up the watch from the desk, push the button under the alarm if you want but it's not necessary click on the screen go down to the bottom and write down the coordinates
push the button by the door then click outside go to the defense turret and click the ting in the center then go to the telepad, drag your watch onto it then input the coordinates that were on the screen push enter then click on the teleporter
turn around and go left then enter the building and take the chalk dust
exit and turn right twice enter that building take the glasses and use them
click on the handprint scaner the remove the glasses and put them back also put the chalk dust in the compartment and push the button
take the hand and the glasses use the hand on the handprint scanner afterwards pick it back up
go upstairs click on the computer the click on the farthest left symbol write down the two codes it shows
leave and go to the spirit tower enter the two codes by dragging the item under the symbol into the fire when you are done with a code ring the bell
Take the knife and go upstairs put the stone hand in the empty slot then use the goggles write down the mass for each thing also look up and copy the image shown
Weight puzzle
add together the weights then divide by two this is the weight that both scales have to have, put the two weights with a different decimal in each scale it is now a simple problem to figure out the other two to fit in
go upstairs use the knife to pry out a gem from each of the heads
Checkerboard puzzle
all you have to do is put them in so that none of the peices are along the same vertical, horizontal or diagonal line
Here's a grid
Go upstairs and drag you watch onto the pedestal/altar scan the debris then pick it up
go upstairs put the power core in the slot and push the button also write down the x coordinate then pick up the power core go to the tech tower put the goggles in the slot and the debris in the compartment push the button and retrieve your stuff
leave and go to the left and then enter the building, pull the lever with three dots above it, then pull the one with two until there is only one more hole open (if there remains two hole open pull the three dot lever) then pule the lever with one dot above it until all the holes are filled
go upstairs and put the ruby and sapphire in the empty slots by the other gems then drag in gems to fill the slots in the center when it is filled push the button in the center any gems in the right spot will shine and make a sound, take out any wrong ones and put in a new combination repeat until it is complete
go upstairs, take the stick a then go to the spirit tower light the stick and go to the second floor of the crystal tower light the torches and go to the second floor of the tech tower
click on the computer then the crystal symbol push dispense seed go back and take the seed from the slot if you notice above the door there are squares that when you mouse over turn on or off input the symbol found in the weight room
go upstairs and take the two items look through the telescope and note the position of the stars in relation to the grid go to the fourth floor of the crystal tower and match up the stars to the grid
Plant the seed and put the bomb next to it then prime the bomb by clicking on it go to the third floor of the tech tower and push the detonate button go back to the fourth floor of the crystal tower and take the apple from the tree and click on the branch second-farthest from the right put the red dye in the water and go to the first floor and note in which order the water turns red in, this is the password for the third floor of the tech tower, put in the password and go upstairs
I number everything in the box left to right e.g. the plant is number 4, if a room is not in focus the higher numbers will kill the ones directly lower so you have to bring 2+4 to B then 1+3/3+5 to B then 2+4 to A then 1/5 (whichever you left behind before) to B then 2+4 to B
Go upstairs put the core in push the button and write down the z coordinate take back the core and go to the fourth floor of the spirit tower and put the apple on the pedestal
Take the crystal and put it in the door on the fourth floor of the crystal tower go upstairs and charge the core and write down the y coordinate
leave the tower and then push back put your watch on the telepad and enter the coordinates enter then go to the defense turret put the fully charged core in the center and push the button with the arrows on it then push the button with the crosshairs on it
Posted by: Cake
April 3, 2009 8:51 PM