There's no story behind The Great Kitchen Escape, but it doesn't really need one. The goal is to find items in the kitchen and assemble a few of them to make your way out of the room. Your inventory is displayed at the top of the screen and a tiny tool icon in the upper left corner takes you to the assembly menu. Look everywhere and click everything to uncover all the items, as you never know what role an object will play in the grand scheme of things.
The Great Kitchen Escape is a very short game and not very difficult, but the visuals, music and atmosphere are just so fun you won't be able to help yourself. You feel like a kid in a cartoon as you snoop through cabinets and play with the parrot in a cage. No pixel hunting or frustration, just pure and simple room escaping. A perfect diversion guaranteed to induce a smile or two.
Walkthrough Guide
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Wow, I loved this game! In case you need it, here's a walkthrough:
Here we go...
On the start screen, take the red kettle.
Open the bottom left cabinet and get the mixer.
Open the top right cabinet and get the beater.
Go right.
Click on the Raido.
Click the back of the radio, remove the cover, and get the batteries.
Go back twice, and go right.
Get the power chord from the bottommost cabinet.
Get the bowl from the right of the fridge.
Open the freezer (Top of the fridge) and get the frozen fish.
Go right, and click on the birdcage.
Click on the bird's tail to get the feather.
Go back, and click on the dog.
Use the feather on the dog's nose. Get the collar.
Go back and right, to the start screen.
Place the kettle in the sink and fill it with water. Take it back.
Place the kettle with water back on the stand you got it from.
Attach power chord to the kettle. Click on the end of the power chord to plug it in.
Press the button on the kettle handle to heat it up. Take boiling water.
Go right twice. Place the bowl on the counter.
Place the frozen fish in the bowl, and fill it with boiling water.
Look in the bowl, and take the knife.
Click on the construct icon in the top left corner.
Place the rest of your items on their spots in the diagram. Take the drill.
Click on the explore icon, then go back.
Go right and use the drill on the door.
Congrats! You're free!
Posted by: rkr7
January 31, 2008 4:34 PM