Retro Room

I really liked this game. In contrast to Lab Escape (which concentrates on a more realistic scenario), the situation in Retro Room is purely contrived; for some reason you can't remember how to leave your own office, and so must figure out codes, collect items, etc in order to open the ubiquitous locked door. The puzzles themselves are nicely modulated to be thought-provoking but not headache-inducing, occasionally challenging but not maddening (I particularly enjoyed one rather creative puzzle involving tetris-like blocks). Pixel-hunting, also, is blessedly absent. A quick note: in order to put objects away after clicking on them, press the space bar.
I do wish that the game had included some sort of music or soundtrack, but the graphics are well-designed and the overall package good enough to overlook such a minor flaw. Indeed, Retro Room is a near-ideal escape for a coffee break: easy enough to be finished quickly, interesting enough to engage (and perhaps revive?) the mind. Enjoy!
Walkthrough Guide
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I managed to solve this one yesterday, so here's a walkthrough and some hints
hope it helps
- Hints
- Blue blocks
One behind the couch
One of the blue figurine's arms on the desk
One in a drawer of the desk
One in a hole in the wall next to the balloon (click the balloon to see it)
One behind a box next to the door
- Green block
One under the couch
One in the ice block, you'll need the matches
in the drawers of the desk
to melt it
One forming the 1 of the 12 from the clock
One in the balloon, you'll need a tack
under the drawers of the desk
to pop it (no, you can't use the knife... beats me why)
One on the painting you can see from the desk view (bottom right of the green square)
- The code to the safe
Find 2 projectors and 3 slides
Put the 2 projectors on the empty shelves, and a slide on each projector's lens
The code is on a white screen above the couch and should be :
- Walkthrough
Click on the couch, then under it, get the green block hidden on the left, and the slide on the right.
Go back to the full view of the couch, and click above it so you can look behind it
Go right, click on the little blue figurine. Take the ice block and the figurine's right arm (assuming it's facing you)
Go back to full view, click the painting you see on the left, and click around the bottom right corner of the green square to get another block
Go back, click on the drawers. Open them to find matches and another blue block
Click on the matches, then on the ice block so that you have everything in view. Then click the matchbox, and hold the match over the ice until it's melted, get the green block.
Click under the drawers to find a tack
Go back to the full view and click the computer, solve the puzzle to get another slide.
Answer :
Go back and go right. Lift the mat in front of the door to get a third slide.
Click the projector and put a slide on the lens
Go back and right, take the green block from the clock.
Click the set of drawers, open the top one to get a projector.
Click behind the drawers to find a knife
Go back, and click the balloon.
Use the tack to pop it and get a green block
Get the blue block from the hole on the wall
Go back to the door, and click the box on the bottom left corner, get the blue block hiding behind one of the boxes
Use the knife on the box on the left, take the projector
Put a projector on each empty shelf (one left of the door, the other over the desk) and put a slide on each projector's lens
Go back to the couch and click the paintings above it, you'll see a white screen on the left with a code
846, doesn't seem to change
Put all your green and blue blocks on their corresponding paintings, note the shape of the holes left once you're done
a 3 with a right arrow, and a 5 with a top arrow
Go back to the safe, enter the code and get a yellow block.
Step back from the safe, and click on the grey squares on the left
Click the grey block on the 3rd column from the left and 5th line from the bottom to reveal and get another yellow block
Go to the door, complete the yellow panels with your blocks, and voila, you're out
Posted by: Seregmegilmor
September 24, 2008 6:03 AM