Lab Escape is definitely not suitable for your third grader's safety education class—unless, of course, he or she is destined for the mighty and terrible role of Escape Game Protagonist. In that case, the cavalier handling of sensitive, questionable chemicals is just fine! After all, we've used some pretty odd methods to get out of rooms in the past... why not take the more direct (and toxic) route?
This is certainly one of the more straightforward room escapes I've come across. Worry not about secret codes or enigmatic messages; Lab Escape just requires you to take stock of your surroundings and act accordingly. Sure, objects are stashed in strange places; besides that, however, the scenario is fairly realistic, if perhaps one not likely to be encountered in day to day life. This isn't a bad thing, however; it's kinda nice to take a break from more fantastical situations.
Lab Escape is truly bite-sized, and you'll probably find yourself finished with it in under 10 minutes (assuming some little detail doesn't trip you up). Aside from one somewhat unintuitive action, progress through the game is logical and straightforward. The graphics are nice enough, though I do wish that there was some sort of a soundtrack or music; it would have added a good deal to the ambiance, and in a game this simple and short "setting the mood" is quite important. Still, Lab Escape is certainly enjoyable...and anyways, who doesn't love messing around with dangerous chemicals?
Walkthrough Guide
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LabEscape walkthrough
Good places to snoop around:
Under stool
Round things on wall
Electric sockets
Ventilation slot
Waste bin (yellow bucket)
Now for some more hidden things:
The floor corners (Hmm, there's only ONE you really can reach)
The tall cupboard
Look just above the green lamp
And then you need to use tools:
Pin to poke the centrifuge
Keys for the safe
... and then passing card inside...
So, got most of the things needed.
Now for some chemistry!
Test tube in the holder on the bench.
Then pour the unhealthy liquid from the safe
Nothing happens... maybe some drops of water?
The something, stuck in the vent?
You did check the tap first?
cold... and warm...
You do have an empty beaker, use it.
Back to the lab bench
Take a deep breath ;-)
Wait a few seconds, and then..
Posted by: JIGuest | September 24, 2008 5:01 AM
Access Card:
Zoom in on base of big fridge
Take access card
Yellow Key:
Zoom out, then look at corner of floor to left of door
Pull back carpet, take key
Gas Mask:
Zoom out, then look under chair
Take gas mask
Turn around and look at socket above broken glass
Take pin
Test Tube:
Turn left and use pin to open centrifuge (in the "open" hole)
Take test tube
Green Key:
Turn left and look at barrel
Take key
Look at small cupboard with two holes
Put yellow key in top hole
Put green key in bottom hole
Use access card to activate machine
Take beaker
Put test tube in test tube rack
Add beaker contents to it
Go to the sink and turn the tap
Look at the grill, fill the beaker with dripping water
Wear gas mask!
Add water to test tube
Open the door
You're out!
Posted by: Agent Icarus
September 24, 2008 6:13 AM