Just a week following the release of Covert Front, Mateusz Skutnik is up to his shenanigans again. He writes to tell me of something "completely new and unforeseen," something different than anything to have come from him before.
Fade in: Daymare Town, a strange and oddly deserted town that gives the unsettling feeling that eyes are peering from around corners. It is a drab and dreary town, not a very pleasant place to be. But now you're stuck, and you'll do anything you can to leave.
The artwork in this game consists of sketches that create a much different atmosphere for a point-and-click game. Also, the difficulty has been kicked up a notch with the author claiming that Daymare Town is the hardest puzzle game he has made by far. It is for "advanced" point-and-click gamers, only.
You are hereby warned. Proceed at your own risk. Escape if you can.
Play the entire Daymare Town series...
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Walkthrough Guide
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Woo, my first walkthrough, complete with tags(which I hope I got right)! Enjoy.
Area - The Yard pt. 1
1: Click on "A stone" near the bottom middle of the yard
1a: Pick up the string
1b: Click on the right side of the stone, pick up the key
2: Click on the ledge on the bottom left corner of the screen for bird 1
2a: Click on the sky at the top of the screen, then the corner of the roof and chimney for bird 2
3: Click on the well
3a: Pick up the hook on the left side of the well
3b: Combine the string and the hook
3c: Pick up the coin on the right side of the well
4: Click on the sewer
4a: Use the hook and string on the sewer
4b: Pick up puzzle block 1
Proeed to the armory
Area - The Armory
1: Enter the door
2: Click on the "What is that.." in the bottom left corner
2a: Open it and collect the screwdriver
3: Click on the painting of the soldier, note the direction the buttons point (Left, Up, Up, Right)
4: Enter the torture room
4a: Enter the recess, ignore the little man for now
4b: Click on the sink
4c: Use the hook and string on the sink hole, pick up the key
5: Go up to the armory first floor
5a: Pick up the cloth in the corner
5b: Combine the screwdriver and the cloth
6: Enter the office
6a: Click on the gap in the upper right corner, then the opening at the top for bird 3
Area - The Bookhouse
1: Click on the small hole in the wall on the right side
1a: Pick up the lighter
2: Take the elevator up the the floor 1
2a: Click on the rightmost picture
2b: Click on the left side of the picture frame, collect the paper
2c: Click on the bird for bird 4
2d: Click on the windows, get the book
3: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -1
3a: Enter the room to the right
3b Click on the book on the 4th row from the bottom, towards the right side with the dot on it, for bird 5
4: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -2
4a: Click on the puzzle lining up the black triabgles with the way they were facing on the soldier painting (Top left faces left, Top right faces, Bottom left faces up, Bottom right faces right), collect puzzle block 2
4b: Go to the room to the right, click on the rock
4c: Click on the rock again, as it's floating place the piece of paper underneath to break it and collect puzzle block 6
5: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -3
5a: Click where it says "Turn around"
5b: Enter "Scary," collect the plate, head back to the yard
Area - The Yard pt. 2
1: Click on the armory, and then on the left "strange ornament"
1a: Use the plate on the missing area
1b: Enter the armory and go up to the second floor, collect puzzle block 4
1c: Go back to the man in the torture room
1d: Give him the book, collect puzzle block 5, go back to the yard
2: Click on the passage, then on the grate "What a terrible smell"
2a: Put the small torch(screwdriver + cloth) in the hole and use the lighter on it to expose a group of men
2b: Give the brightest one cthe coinc for puzzle block 3
Area - City Hall pt. 1
1: Go inside city hall
1a: Click in the top middle of the screen, then halfway up the left side of the all for bird 6
2: Enter the 2nd office on the right side
2a: Click on the safe, use the sinkmouth key to open it, take out puzzle block 7
3: Enter the 3rd room on the left side
3a: Click on the top right corener
3b: Click on the next for bird 7, go back to the hallway
4: Click at the end of the hallway
4a: Go left, and click on the end of the stiarcase to continue
4b: There are Pedestals with shapes missiong, corresponding to the puzzle pieces
4c: Put puzzle block 1 in the second pedestal, click the button so the top comes down
4d: Put puzzle block 7 in the 4th pedestal, push the button
4e: Put puzzle block 6 in the 1st pedestal, push the button
4f: Put puzzle block 3 in the 3rd pedestal, push the button
5: Go down the staircase to the right
5a: Click on the top of the screen, then the right most hole for bird 8
6: Click on the right side to go to a contraption, ignore it for now
6a: Click on the bottom left of the banister for bird 9 and then go back to the end of the hallway
7: This time we're going right
7a: Click on the staircase to continue to 4 more pedestals, fitting in the missing pieces and pushing the buttons(Block 5 in pedestal 4, block 2 in 2, block 4 in 1), go back out to the yard
Area - City Hall pt. 2
1: Instead of going in this time, click on the left side
1a: Go up the staircase and the next until you see a locked door
1b: Use the other key on the locked door and go in
1c: Notice the chained up man, and the picture next to him
1d: Click on the window and then the loop on the left side of the tree's branches for bird 10(the last bird)
2: Go back to the bottom of the staircase, and click on the left side of the screen (The sighing face on the wall has no real purpose as far as I've noticed)
2a: Click near the corner of the wall to expose a pedestal with an egg on it, pick up the egg
Note: If you haven't seen all the birds, there will be no egg on the pedestal. There are 10 dots on the pedestal symbolizing the birds. However many black dots there are, that's how many birds you've seen. The white dots indicate how many birds remain to be seen. (Cheers, Vee!)
2b: Go back to the chained up man, and give him the egg, he'll disappear
3: Go back to the armory door and go inside
3a: Make your way back to the contraption(left at the end of the hallway)
3b: Since all the puzzle pieces should be in place, click on the lever
3c: This set the contraption in motion to lower a bridge
3d: Click on the bridge
You have just left Daymare Town...
Posted by: Clemz
July 25, 2007 8:49 AM
Complete Walkthrough
Click on the well
Click on coin located on the left ledge of the well
Just to the left of the well and very small is a hook
Click back to the main screen
Click on the sky
Click to the right lower half of the chimney, see 1st bird
Click on the stone down right of the well
Left and a little up from the stone is some string
Click to the right of the stone, but still on it and you go behind the stone
Take key
Go back to main screen
Click on the left most building's ledge, see 2nd bird
Go back to main screen and go to Amory
Click on door and look at base of staircase at small cabinet door
Open doors and get screwdriver
Click on sad clown looking man
Notice the position of the packman like buttons
Go up stairs and look to the right of the column and get cloth
Go downstairs then click on office area to the right
Click on area to the right of the window where it looks like the wallpaper is rolling down
Click in the light part of the chimney area to see 3rd bird
Click back to original screen
Click on Book House
Just to the right is an opening, click it
Get lighter
Go in Book House into elevator
Go to floor 1
Click on house picture
Click to the right to see something behind picture
Take scroll
Click back to close up of picture
Click to the right of the chimney where it looks like a string is there
See 4th Bird
Click back to larger view of floor
Click to the right and collect book
Go to floor -3
Turn around
Go towards black passage
Collect round pie shaped piece
Go back in elevator to floor -2
Click to the right of the damaged light switch to get puzzle
Put packman looking pieces in same order as clown picture in armory
Collect triangle piece
Go to the right where the scissor and rock are
Click on rock and put scroll under it
Rock breaks to reveal square piece
Go back to elevator and go to floor -1
Click to the right where the bookshelves are
Click on book with the small dot fourth shelf down quarter over from right
See 5th bird
Take elevator back to 0 floor and go to main screen
Combine screwdriver and cloth
Combine string and hook
Click on sewer grate above the well
Use hook/string in sewer,
Get round piece
Click back to main screen
Click on passage
Click passage again and see hole branching from grate
Put screwdriver with cloth in hole
Light with lighter
Give coin to man
He gives you Square holed piece and takes torch
Click back to main screen
Click on Armory
Click close up on missing round piece to left of door
Place round piece in slot
Click in Armory and go to top floor revealing an L shaped piece
Go downstairs
Go through door to basement
Go to the left of the hooks revealing a sink and a scary bearded man
Give the book to the man and he starts to read and a reverse L shape falls out
Click on sink and use hook and string to fetch key
Click back to main screen
Click on city hall
Go in and click on back most left door
Click top right to view long chimney type area
Click on nest to see 6th bird
Click back to hallway with all doors
Click above wooden plank at top
Click to the right part between wood planks in the middle to reveal 7th bird
Go back to main hallway
Click on second door on right
Click on box to right of the desk on the floor
Use key to open box
Get U shaped piece
Go back to hallway
Click on middle of screen by railing
Go to the left
Go downstairs
Go downstairs again
Click on top of circle
Click on right circle
See 8th bird
Click back to circle
Go right see machine
Click on left part of banister
See 9th bird
Go back to front of city hall
Go left
Go upstairs twice
Open door with key
See chained man
Look out window middle top left in tree
See 10th bird
Go downstairs facing bottom of staircase
Go left and left again
Take golden egg from pedestal
Go back up stairs
Give egg to chained man
He disappears
Go back to city hall
Go down the hallway to the right and place pieces and push buttons
Go back up and to the left and place remaining pieces and push buttons
Go downstairs to big machine
Pull handle
Click on handrail at top of staircase
Posted by: Walkthrough | August 12, 2007 3:42 PM