An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Daymare Town

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4.5/5 (705 votes)

DayMare Town is a strange and oddly deserted town that gives the unsettling feeling that eyes are peering from around corners. It is drab and dreary, not a very pleasant place to be. But now you're stuck, and you'll do anything you can to leave.

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Woo, my first walkthrough, complete with tags(which I hope I got right)! Enjoy.

Area - The Yard pt. 1
1: Click on "A stone" near the bottom middle of the yard
1a: Pick up the string
1b: Click on the right side of the stone, pick up the key
2: Click on the ledge on the bottom left corner of the screen for bird 1
2a: Click on the sky at the top of the screen, then the corner of the roof and chimney for bird 2
3: Click on the well
3a: Pick up the hook on the left side of the well
3b: Combine the string and the hook
3c: Pick up the coin on the right side of the well
4: Click on the sewer
4a: Use the hook and string on the sewer
4b: Pick up puzzle block 1
Proeed to the armory

Area - The Armory
1: Enter the door
2: Click on the "What is that.." in the bottom left corner
2a: Open it and collect the screwdriver
3: Click on the painting of the soldier, note the direction the buttons point (Left, Up, Up, Right)
4: Enter the torture room
4a: Enter the recess, ignore the little man for now
4b: Click on the sink
4c: Use the hook and string on the sink hole, pick up the key
5: Go up to the armory first floor
5a: Pick up the cloth in the corner
5b: Combine the screwdriver and the cloth
6: Enter the office
6a: Click on the gap in the upper right corner, then the opening at the top for bird 3

Area - The Bookhouse
1: Click on the small hole in the wall on the right side
1a: Pick up the lighter
2: Take the elevator up the the floor 1
2a: Click on the rightmost picture
2b: Click on the left side of the picture frame, collect the paper
2c: Click on the bird for bird 4
2d: Click on the windows, get the book
3: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -1
3a: Enter the room to the right
3b Click on the book on the 4th row from the bottom, towards the right side with the dot on it, for bird 5
4: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -2
4a: Click on the puzzle lining up the black triabgles with the way they were facing on the soldier painting (Top left faces left, Top right faces, Bottom left faces up, Bottom right faces right), collect puzzle block 2
4b: Go to the room to the right, click on the rock
4c: Click on the rock again, as it's floating place the piece of paper underneath to break it and collect puzzle block 6
5: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -3
5a: Click where it says "Turn around"
5b: Enter "Scary," collect the plate, head back to the yard

Area - The Yard pt. 2
1: Click on the armory, and then on the left "strange ornament"
1a: Use the plate on the missing area
1b: Enter the armory and go up to the second floor, collect puzzle block 4
1c: Go back to the man in the torture room
1d: Give him the book, collect puzzle block 5, go back to the yard
2: Click on the passage, then on the grate "What a terrible smell"
2a: Put the small torch(screwdriver + cloth) in the hole and use the lighter on it to expose a group of men
2b: Give the brightest one cthe coinc for puzzle block 3

Area - City Hall pt. 1
1: Go inside city hall
1a: Click in the top middle of the screen, then halfway up the left side of the all for bird 6
2: Enter the 2nd office on the right side
2a: Click on the safe, use the sinkmouth key to open it, take out puzzle block 7
3: Enter the 3rd room on the left side
3a: Click on the top right corener
3b: Click on the next for bird 7, go back to the hallway
4: Click at the end of the hallway
4a: Go left, and click on the end of the stiarcase to continue
4b: There are Pedestals with shapes missiong, corresponding to the puzzle pieces
4c: Put puzzle block 1 in the second pedestal, click the button so the top comes down
4d: Put puzzle block 7 in the 4th pedestal, push the button
4e: Put puzzle block 6 in the 1st pedestal, push the button
4f: Put puzzle block 3 in the 3rd pedestal, push the button
5: Go down the staircase to the right
5a: Click on the top of the screen, then the right most hole for bird 8
6: Click on the right side to go to a contraption, ignore it for now
6a: Click on the bottom left of the banister for bird 9 and then go back to the end of the hallway
7: This time we're going right
7a: Click on the staircase to continue to 4 more pedestals, fitting in the missing pieces and pushing the buttons(Block 5 in pedestal 4, block 2 in 2, block 4 in 1), go back out to the yard

Area - City Hall pt. 2
1: Instead of going in this time, click on the left side
1a: Go up the staircase and the next until you see a locked door
1b: Use the other key on the locked door and go in
1c: Notice the chained up man, and the picture next to him
1d: Click on the window and then the loop on the left side of the tree's branches for bird 10(the last bird)
2: Go back to the bottom of the staircase, and click on the left side of the screen (The sighing face on the wall has no real purpose as far as I've noticed)
2a: Click near the corner of the wall to expose a pedestal with an egg on it, pick up the egg
Note: If you haven't seen all the birds, there will be no egg on the pedestal. There are 10 dots on the pedestal symbolizing the birds. However many black dots there are, that's how many birds you've seen. The white dots indicate how many birds remain to be seen. (Cheers, Vee!)
2b: Go back to the chained up man, and give him the egg, he'll disappear
3: Go back to the armory door and go inside
3a: Make your way back to the contraption(left at the end of the hallway)
3b: Since all the puzzle pieces should be in place, click on the lever
3c: This set the contraption in motion to lower a bridge
3d: Click on the bridge
You have just left Daymare Town...

Complete Walkthrough

  1. Click on the well

  2. Click on coin located on the left ledge of the well

  3. Just to the left of the well and very small is a hook

  4. Click back to the main screen

  5. Click on the sky

  6. Click to the right lower half of the chimney, see 1st bird

  7. Click on the stone down right of the well

  8. Left and a little up from the stone is some string

  9. Click to the right of the stone, but still on it and you go behind the stone

  10. Take key

  11. Go back to main screen

  12. Click on the left most building's ledge, see 2nd bird

  13. Go back to main screen and go to Amory

  14. Click on door and look at base of staircase at small cabinet door

  15. Open doors and get screwdriver

  16. Click on sad clown looking man

  17. Notice the position of the packman like buttons

  18. Go up stairs and look to the right of the column and get cloth

  19. Go downstairs then click on office area to the right

  20. Click on area to the right of the window where it looks like the wallpaper is rolling down

  21. Click in the light part of the chimney area to see 3rd bird

  22. Click back to original screen

  23. Click on Book House

  24. Just to the right is an opening, click it

  25. Get lighter

  26. Go in Book House into elevator

  27. Go to floor 1

  28. Click on house picture

  29. Click to the right to see something behind picture

  30. Take scroll

  31. Click back to close up of picture

  32. Click to the right of the chimney where it looks like a string is there

  33. See 4th Bird

  34. Click back to larger view of floor

  35. Click to the right and collect book

  36. Go to floor -3

  37. Turn around

  38. Go towards black passage

  39. Collect round pie shaped piece

  40. Go back in elevator to floor -2

  41. Click to the right of the damaged light switch to get puzzle

  42. Put packman looking pieces in same order as clown picture in armory

  43. Collect triangle piece

  44. Go to the right where the scissor and rock are

  45. Click on rock and put scroll under it

  46. Rock breaks to reveal square piece

  47. Go back to elevator and go to floor -1

  48. Click to the right where the bookshelves are

  49. Click on book with the small dot fourth shelf down quarter over from right

  50. See 5th bird

  51. Take elevator back to 0 floor and go to main screen

  52. Combine screwdriver and cloth

  53. Combine string and hook

  54. Click on sewer grate above the well

  55. Use hook/string in sewer,

  56. Get round piece

  57. Click back to main screen

  58. Click on passage

  59. Click passage again and see hole branching from grate

  60. Put screwdriver with cloth in hole

  61. Light with lighter

  62. Give coin to man

  63. He gives you Square holed piece and takes torch

  64. Click back to main screen

  65. Click on Armory

  66. Click close up on missing round piece to left of door

  67. Place round piece in slot

  68. Click in Armory and go to top floor revealing an L shaped piece

  69. Go downstairs

  70. Go through door to basement

  71. Go to the left of the hooks revealing a sink and a scary bearded man

  72. Give the book to the man and he starts to read and a reverse L shape falls out

  73. Click on sink and use hook and string to fetch key

  74. Click back to main screen

  75. Click on city hall

  76. Go in and click on back most left door

  77. Click top right to view long chimney type area

  78. Click on nest to see 6th bird

  79. Click back to hallway with all doors

  80. Click above wooden plank at top

  81. Click to the right part between wood planks in the middle to reveal 7th bird

  82. Go back to main hallway

  83. Click on second door on right

  84. Click on box to right of the desk on the floor

  85. Use key to open box

  86. Get U shaped piece

  87. Go back to hallway

  88. Click on middle of screen by railing

  89. Go to the left

  90. Go downstairs

  91. Go downstairs again

  92. Click on top of circle

  93. Click on right circle

  94. See 8th bird

  95. Click back to circle

  96. Go right see machine

  97. Click on left part of banister

  98. See 9th bird

  99. Go back to front of city hall

  100. Go left

  101. Go upstairs twice

  102. Open door with key

  103. See chained man

  104. Look out window middle top left in tree

  105. See 10th bird

  106. Go downstairs facing bottom of staircase

  107. Go left and left again

  108. Take golden egg from pedestal

  109. Go back up stairs

  110. Give egg to chained man

  111. He disappears

  112. Go back to city hall

  113. Go down the hallway to the right and place pieces and push buttons

  114. Go back up and to the left and place remaining pieces and push buttons

  115. Go downstairs to big machine

  116. Pull handle

  117. Click on handrail at top of staircase



When does this guy stop? If I tried to make one of these games, it would take me a month trying to figure out how to make something clickable. And I can't get anywhere.


any one else playing this?
It's a cool game but I'm kinda stuck..


I have a coin, cloth, screwdriver, lighter, book, and am officially stuck. Don't know what to do with any of them!
I have two of the Chinese puzzle blocks, and put them in place in the Town hall.


Oih. I have played like 2 hours and now I'm missing

one bird and one piece of puzzles


It is very nice and beautiful game and because I'm this far i won't give up now.

Doesn't anyone else play this, because it's so quiet in here? Or is there night in somewhere else? It's midday in Finland :) Sorry my bad english.

Help me if you can, thanks.:)


Lucky for me the TAB cheat works or I would of missed half the things that can be clicked.

w_nightshade July 25, 2007 5:17 AM

I seem to have missed the secret puzzle!

I do have a key and nowhere to use it...


I think I'm doing alright. I've got all the puzzle pieces except the plain square one.

Unsure if this kind of stuff is meant to be in spoilers, but better safe than sorry. Anyone have any idea what the rock and scissors are meant to do or what the point of giving the golden egg to the little prisoner guy was?


Whew, thanks for the tip about the TAB cheat. That made things a bit easier, though they're still really hard.


Oop. Finished. I'm usually rubbish at these things.


Wow this one is great :)

I've managed to get relly far...

I only need

The last puzzle piece.
Anyone know where to find it? The plain square.

Anyone need help up to that point...?


How do I get

little fellow behind locked door free? yep, the door is now unlocked of course and now I see poor little thing in chain..

Donovan July 25, 2007 6:08 AM

Davient, I recall getting the plain square this way: behind the picture of the house in one of the floors of the elevator, there is a "piece of paper". You gotta click on the stone that's on the table with the scissors to lift it, then put the "piece of paper" under it before it falls, and thus the stone will break (?!), inside it is the plain square. But I have trouble finding the square with the square-shaped hole... Can anyone tell me?


Scratch that

I found that last puzzle piece
Now completed the game :)

But there's more???

At the end of the game it says, "Oops! Looks like you forgot to solve the secret puzzle! Oh well"
If you want some ideas for the secret puzzle...

Birds, lots of birds all over the place... Maybe need to find them all?

Tribal face on the wall, goes ooooh, when you click his necklace.

Statue near tribal face.

Guy needs rescuing from his chains?

Jonnyblayde July 25, 2007 6:17 AM

I love this game, but it's driving me nuts.

I need

The last puzzle piece, 1 more bird, how to lower the stairs, and how to open the locked door to the right of the mask...

I love Mateusz work, but he must be demented to come up with some of these things :)


that statue near the tribal face

those dots turn black with every bird you find. you need to find them all, i only have 2 to go


Oops! I completed the game before I wanted to.

I didn't complete the secret puzzle like I intended before I clicked on the way out. Hmph!

It took me a lot of hints, too. I don't think I would know what to do if I hadn't had any, but I always enjoy Skutnik's games.

Alex Waterston July 25, 2007 6:24 AM

Argh, I can't find the last square piece!
I've found loads of birdies though.


The secret puzzle:

You sure you want to know?

Find all of the birds to get the golden egg and give it to the prisoner.


For those of you looking for the last piece...

I'm guessing it'll be the puzzle I was stumped on...
You remember the rock that moves?

near some scissors

Reaux! Sham! Beaux!

Rock Paper Scissors

Paper beats rock :)

Help for those wanting to complete the secret puzzle...

As has been said find the birds

There's a nice pedestal hidden just off the yard that indicates how many birds you have found :)
It's near the groaning face :)

jwm0429 July 25, 2007 7:38 AM

Where do you find

the paper for the rock,paper, scissors puzzle? I've tabbed and looked all over the game, and have yet to find it. If you could point me in the right area, I'd appreciate it!


Is there a reason that you can turn the knobs on the faucet? I wasn't sure if it had a purpose or not since I haven't finished.


What do I have to do with the book?

TheGentleSherpa July 25, 2007 7:58 AM


look behind one of the paintings, its rolled up and stuck there

Now, the last piece of the puzzle for me! Can anyone direct me?

can't find the second to last puzzle piece going from left to right, on the side of the stairs with the handle and machinery.
Also, what is the use for the cloth, the lighter, the screwdriver, and the coin? Are both of my answers the same thing?


hey...I can't find the last puzzle piece...with a hole but not a circle and not the triangle...and what is this passage with the "terrible smell"? cant figure out its use :(


The piece of paper is in

the book house, i think it is on the 1st floor but i cant quite remember now, it could be on -1. it is rolled up and hard to see so look carefully

and can anyone help me?

i have the lighter, hook on string, small coin, the screwdriver, sinkmouth key and the small cloth. I need the last 2 puzzle pieces (the square with a square cut out of it and the one that looks like a reversed C. I am stuck on the box (in the second office on the right) and the passage with a terrible smell in the main square.

Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance ^^


piece of paper:

The paper is behind the right picture on the first floor in the book house



Sink key goes in the office box.

After that, you're where I am.


I feel stupid..I can't find the groaning face. Or the bird-counter. I thought it was near the picture with the soldier..but..


Woo, my first walkthrough, complete with tags(which I hope I got right)! Enjoy.

Area - The Yard pt. 1
1: Click on "A stone" near the bottom middle of the yard
1a: Pick up the string
1b: Click on the right side of the stone, pick up the key
2: Click on the ledge on the bottom left corner of the screen for bird 1
2a: Click on the sky at the top of the screen, then the corner of the roof and chimney for bird 2
3: Click on the well
3a: Pick up the hook on the left side of the well
3b: Combine the string and the hook
3c: Pick up the coin on the right side of the well
4: Click on the sewer
4a: Use the hook and string on the sewer
4b: Pick up puzzle block 1
Proeed to the armory

Area - The Armory
1: Enter the door
2: Click on the "What is that.." in the bottom left corner
2a: Open it and collect the screwdriver
3: Click on the painting of the soldier, note the direction the buttons point (Left, Up, Up, Right)
4: Enter the torture room
4a: Enter the recess, ignore the little man for now
4b: Click on the sink
4c: Use the hook and string on the sink hole, pick up the key
5: Go up to the armory first floor
5a: Pick up the cloth in the corner
5b: Combine the screwdriver and the cloth
6: Enter the office
6a: Click on the gap in the upper right corner, then the opening at the top for bird 3

Area - The Bookhouse
1: Click on the small hole in the wall on the right side
1a: Pick up the lighter
2: Take the elevator up the the floor 1
2a: Click on the rightmost picture
2b: Click on the left side of the picture frame, collect the paper
2c: Click on the bird for bird 4
2d: Click on the windows, get the book
3: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -1
3a: Enter the room to the right
3b Click on the book on the 4th row from the bottom, towards the right side with the dot on it, for bird 5
4: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -2
4a: Click on the puzzle lining up the black triabgles with the way they were facing on the soldier painting (Top left faces left, Top right faces, Bottom left faces up, Bottom right faces right), collect puzzle block 2
4b: Go to the room to the right, click on the rock
4c: Click on the rock again, as it's floating place the piece of paper underneath to break it and collect puzzle block 6
5: Go back to the elevator and go to floor -3
5a: Click where it says "Turn around"
5b: Enter "Scary," collect the plate, head back to the yard

Area - The Yard pt. 2
1: Click on the armory, and then on the left "strange ornament"
1a: Use the plate on the missing area
1b: Enter the armory and go up to the second floor, collect puzzle block 4
1c: Go back to the man in the torture room
1d: Give him the book, collect puzzle block 5, go back to the yard
2: Click on the passage, then on the grate "What a terrible smell"
2a: Put the small torch(screwdriver + cloth) in the hole and use the lighter on it to expose a group of men
2b: Give the brightest one cthe coinc for puzzle block 3

Area - City Hall pt. 1
1: Go inside city hall
1a: Click in the top middle of the screen, then halfway up the left side of the all for bird 6
2: Enter the 2nd office on the right side
2a: Click on the safe, use the sinkmouth key to open it, take out puzzle block 7
3: Enter the 3rd room on the left side
3a: Click on the top right corener
3b: Click on the next for bird 7, go back to the hallway
4: Click at the end of the hallway
4a: Go left, and click on the end of the stiarcase to continue
4b: There are Pedestals with shapes missiong, corresponding to the puzzle pieces
4c: Put puzzle block 1 in the second pedestal, click the button so the top comes down
4d: Put puzzle block 7 in the 4th pedestal, push the button
4e: Put puzzle block 6 in the 1st pedestal, push the button
4f: Put puzzle block 3 in the 3rd pedestal, push the button
5: Go down the staircase to the right
5a: Click on the top of the screen, then the right most hole for bird 8
6: Click on the right side to go to a contraption, ignore it for now
6a: Click on the bottom left of the banister for bird 9 and then go back to the end of the hallway
7: This time we're going right
7a: Click on the staircase to continue to 4 more pedestals, fitting in the missing pieces and pushing the buttons(Block 5 in pedestal 4, block 2 in 2, block 4 in 1), go back out to the yard

Area - City Hall pt. 2
1: Instead of going in this time, click on the left side
1a: Go up the staircase and the next until you see a locked door
1b: Use the other key on the locked door and go in
1c: Notice the chained up man, and the picture next to him
1d: Click on the window and then the loop on the left side of the tree's branches for bird 10(the last bird)
2: Go back to the bottom of the staircase, and click on the left side of the screen (The sighing face on the wall has no real purpose as far as I've noticed)
2a: Click near the corner of the wall to expose a pedestal with an egg on it, pick up the egg
Note: If you haven't seen all the birds, there will be no egg on the pedestal. There are 10 dots on the pedestal symbolizing the birds. However many black dots there are, that's how many birds you've seen. The white dots indicate how many birds remain to be seen. (Cheers, Vee!)
2b: Go back to the chained up man, and give him the egg, he'll disappear
3: Go back to the armory door and go inside
3a: Make your way back to the contraption(left at the end of the hallway)
3b: Since all the puzzle pieces should be in place, click on the lever
3c: This set the contraption in motion to lower a bridge
3d: Click on the bridge
You have just left Daymare Town...


what's the scary thing in the basement?


I just wanted to comment that the peice of paper shattering the rock is based on 'rock paper sicsors' where rock beats siscors, siscors beat paper, and paper beats rock.

It makes sense then, but if you're not thinking of that when you play the puzzle, it makes little sense.


wow corruptor... l2spoiler tag please.


The characters in this are very 'Tove Jansson'-like if you ask me.


Clemz, I love your walkthrough but I cannot for the life of me find

the bird you say is on floor 1 of the bookroom. I've tabbed and everything. No bird. I found all the others, but that one eludes me.


Tombot, you mean Moomin? If so, then I agree with you. I recall having seen something like the little black hairy guys in Moomins.


awesome!! Definitely no idea how you beat this without

using TAB to find the birds.

I don't think it was his hardest game in terms of puzzle difficulty, I just think it was his hardest in terms of pixel hunting. Of course once you start using TAB that difficulty goes away. If I had been using TAB from the beginning I don't think I would have needed a hint at all, but I suppose there's no way to know.
I hope the fact that

the little guy crosses the bridge to a new town

at the end of the game means that there will be a sequel! Style was very cool. No more bird hunts though please ;)


To get the plain square..

put the scroll under the rock, and the scroll will break the rock, revealing the plain square.. to get the scroll, its behind the picture of the house



it's in the painting.

videogamefreak July 25, 2007 12:32 PM

OKay, so i was tryin to get the guy that was locked up free so i clicked on him and heard his... gabble, so i thought he is saying something. i went to the voice recorder, recorded him, and slowed it down. guess what i heard :)

Haha it sounded like chewbacca from star wars XD


TAB key did not work on my system (IE7). This was a very nice game, but without TAB many of the little hotspots are just too hard to find.


I think it's a lovely little game, even though
a) I'm not all that keen on point-and-click doodahs
b) I'll have to look at some of these spoilers later on to get any further.
I guessed the "scissor - stone - paper" connection, but still didn't figure it out.
Fiendish, but fun!
Greetings all round


He disabled it I assume, I'm happy bout that, didn't want to play until he did, so I'm off again :)
For me one of the best pnc I encountered ever, super-stylish.


Hmm. Whats the deal with the birds?


Almost got it all! Only needed help for the last puzzle piece, and the last bird. I can't believe that I didn't get the

key, that is behind the

stone in the yard.
I had a feeling that I was missing things on the very first screen


Ah, the TAB is gone now. Well, it was cheat anyway and I am glad its fixed.

Ratchet July 25, 2007 4:06 PM

Help! I've

gotten all the pieces in place and

given the little guy the egg,

and the bridge still won't lower. :/



Did you make sure to push all the buttons so all the pedestals are in the down position? I believe one of them on the left pathway is already done.


This guy cannot disappoint me. Incredible.

His artwork is so ingrained in me now this game plays just as lucid as the Submachines. I like his rough drawing a lot because it's easier for him to hide things and create red herrings.

I tried without hints and finished, but without the secret. I couldn't release the captive. And I can only find 4 birds. (I didn't know there were more till I finished and read that post up there. Was that an egg in a skinny nest way up on top of a rooftop I saw from the captives' window?
That little critter sitting near the sink shocked me a bit. I didn't see him there during the short effort I made earlier this morning.


OMG, the first time I played it, there wasn't a man there. And now that i'm going back to it, it freaked me out. God, I nearly had a heart attack.


Wow, Mateusz really doesn't stop. He really can create wonderful point-and-clickers at an alarmingly fast rate.

However I must proceed in my grumpy manner. This game is one large pixel-hunt, made into extreme with the (otherwise really great and atmospheric) choice of artwork. Making progress in this game invariably means careful mouse-sweeping of each screen or using the TAB cheat (which for me sadly doesn't work).

Otherwise, a pretty enjoyable game, but for me pretty unplayable without a walkthrough. Kudos to people who like clicking every insignificant squibble on every screen, but I really don't have time for such a thing.


TAB CHEAT? Ok, I tried pressing TAB and nothing happens? Does it not work on a Mac?

Cool game though!

achennar July 26, 2007 2:16 PM

This man is incredible! I love all his "scape" games. The submachine series is superb.
!!!!Larga vida a Mateusz!!!!

roseann July 26, 2007 3:38 PM

i am stuck trying to get the paper to break the rock. did it last night but having problems would be nice if you can save your progress... help!! what do i need to do?


Geez... whew I really like the rest of his games, but this one... ehhh... I dunno. Good game, just too much suspense/scaryness in it for me. yeah... You say nothing scary? well... for me...

As I explored the town, seeing the Librarian (the furry dude) in random places, then not seeing him when I clicked there kinda spooked me, and when I clicked the sink in the torture room in the armory after seeing him a few times, when the "dunnnnnn" sound went off and the librarian was sitting there in the corner, crud it scared the heck outta me... mainly because he wasn't there before

Although the fact that he killed the TAB key cheat was cool because most escape game designers don't do that, thus he made it a heck of a lot harder for someone like me. good game though. as I said, just not the kind of escape game I can play. I mean, what I explained in the spoiler sent shivers up and down my spine, something I'm not used to, nor like. meh.

Oh yeah, in case you want a hint as to what I said in in the spoiler without reading it, Fummy said it all

"I will send you back to the 0's and 1's you are made of!"



Don't know if you're still reading these posts, but you probably are since you removed the TAB cheat. Just wanted to make a little clearer something I hinted at in my last post, in case you care: you claimed this was your hardest point-and-click to date. I contend that difficulty in finding where to click isn't "hard" per se, just tedious. Your Submachine puzzles were much more creative, although I think I enjoy the world you created for Daymare Town even more than the one for Submachine (which I wouldn't have thought possible at the time!)

Anyway, I think you're incredibly talented at coming up with really creative ways to fill a puzzle world, so please don't go down the path of pixel hunters and consider it an improvement.

Best regards, from a fan of yours!!


The sad thing is, folks who played with the TAB cheat got a much more satisfying experience. Was Skutnik's intention really to make the player carefully mouse-sweep each and every location? Because that's not "hard", that's pretty much my definition of "tedious".

But if Mateus really insists on pixel hunts, can there be at least an audio clue when a hotspot is near? Wind rising up, a squeak, whatever, just to make the searching process a little bit easier and less time-consuming.

doodoobutt July 27, 2007 12:26 PM

regarding the tab cheat which everyone says is disabled:

click just outside of the frame of the playing area, then push tab. simply pushing tab does not yield results, but this method is working for me... just 4 more birds to find!

doodoobutt July 27, 2007 12:48 PM

clarification of TAB use:

(sorry for the 2nd post)

move the mouse outside of the active playing frame. click outside of the playing area. do not move the mouse back into the playing field. push tab. moving the mouse back into the playing field will necessitate beginning the process again.

i concur that the birds are perhaps too elusive without tab - but then again - the birds are an enticement to see everything/do everything/be everything, and have that warm fuzzy feeling that accompanies all of those things.


I cant find the 10th bird!

the walkthrough said it is in the window with then guy in the chains but i can't find it D;


I can't find any of the darn birds!!!


I can't find the hook !!!


I can't get the paper in the right place under the floating rock. It always looks right. Where have
I gone wrong?


Lylly -
try putting it a little lower. It took me 4 or 5 times but it does work.


The atmosphere was good, the sound helped it, but my problem was differentiating certain clickable objects from the lines around it. I was just about to give up and consult a walkthrough before I clicked randomly in one place and found something I could use. I enjoyed Covert Front more, and thanks to these games, I'm getting better at this point-n-clickery.


*singsong voice* Cree-py!

The style reminded me a little of Edward Gorey. I hope for a sequel too, maybe expand the world of Daymare a little bit--how did we get there? What is it? Who are the people?


Is it just me or does the game restart at random clicks for others too?


i just got to the door at the top of the stairs

left of city hall but i lack this "other key." what other key?

Chorale July 29, 2007 1:52 PM

I'm having difficulty locating a bird. xD

When you said...

Area - City Hall pt. 1
1: Go inside city hall
1a: Click in the top middle of the screen, then halfway up the left side of the wall for bird 6
Do you mean halfway up the wall of the hallway? I'm lost. I need clarification. T.T


I can't find one of the puzzles pieces. It's the square one on the left.


I know what I'm doing wrong, I can't get the piece out of the well. I can't get the string and hook to work on it. Is that where it is?


im kinda stuck i cant use the hook on the string at the passage.. i clicked everywhere but still nothing happens.

Anonymous July 30, 2007 5:20 AM

darn it i cant find the 6th bird


Like everyone else is saying, the birds were way too hard to find without the walkthrough (without TAB of course!), but also one more gripe:

Why would anyone think to combine the screwdriver with the cloth, and then light it to make a torch? Item combinations should be clever and tricky, but that one just plain made no sense.


... i didnt find ANY birds... even using walkthrough...


Can't find bird # 6!

In the walkthrough it says

Area - City Hall pt. 1 1: Go inside city hall 1a: Click in the top middle of the screen, then halfway up the left side of the wall for bird 6. Do you mean halfway up the wall of the hallway? Or like on the ground, or somthing?

PLEASE tell me its really bothering me!


I have enjoyed the game thus far, and have not had the need to use a walkthrough until I couldn't find the last bird. (Or what I thought was the last bird...) I am having problems finding bird 6.

I have tried in city hall as per the walkthrough, but to no avail.

If anyone can help please do.


Teacup, and I think PIXXIE too,

"Area - City Hall pt. 1 1: Go inside city hall 1a: Click in the top middle of the screen, then halfway up the left side of the wall for bird 6. Do you mean halfway up the wall of the hallway? Or like on the ground, or something?"
It's actually the crossbeam you have to click first in City Hall.


Me too Moose,

I just got to the door at the top of the stairs

left of city hall but I lack this "other key." What other key?

Where is it?

peaseblossom August 1, 2007 1:15 PM

I can't find bird 4

I know it's in the book house on level 1, but for the life of me, I cannot see it


i need help finding the birds can someone post all the places they are in?


guy i missed the puzzle and you have get all the birds


i think i have clicked everywhere on the well but for some reason i cant get the

(don't know if this is a spoiler..) string and hook attached to it! i got every puzzle piece but the one in there


OMG!!! What the heck!!! Geez...this game is scary as soon as i started playing this game i thought "this will be a cool game to play" then came my encounter!!! I don't know what the heck this thing was but I was looking through the window in the armoury and I got down and there was this "thing" sticking it's head or something around the wall/doorframe (I jumped!!!) It then disappeared and I froze and I looked around it and there...was...nobody there. Can anyone please tell me what that thing was?!

atombonds August 2, 2007 2:21 AM

I'm having trouble with bird 6 too.

Maybe it's just outside my screen? I'm clicking on the crossbeam in the hallway and there's no hand at all. I've combed the walls of the hallway and I can't find anything.

atombonds August 2, 2007 1:44 PM


there isn't anything in the well. You can use the hook/string on the sink and the sewer, and that's it as far as I know.

atombonds August 2, 2007 2:04 PM

Nevermind, I figured out what the problem was. I was playing the game through Facebook, and it cuts off the top part of the window, so there was no way I could find bird 6 to click on it anyways! I opened the game through the link on this page and it works now.


hey i can find some of the birds but even with the help i cant find the 6 bird


For first I`m not Skutnik for second where is hook and string ?? Plz help


This game is awesome.

It scared me when I went in the torture room and a lady under a sink popped out at me.


atombonds I did not say anything was in the well I said the WALL in the armoury.anyway what is it? this little black guy that appears in random place's like when you put the cursor over him he runs away and you hear a scuttling noise.can anyone tell me who or what he is?


i was really enjoying this game like crazy- the drawings are wonderful (the characters look like Tove Jansson illustrations and the scenery is really charming) and the gameplay is good and everything
and then i accidentally hit the paypal donate button which opens in the same window, which is such a tiny petty stupid little problem and so, so, so, so frustrating to have happen.

anonymous August 4, 2007 3:39 AM

omg what the heck does the dumb side puzzle do? i dont get it at all... why did s/he (i dunno which i dont pay atention) put that dumb thing in there anyway!?

by the way. those who're stuck on the 6th bird, click on the top-middle in the hallway screen after you clicked onthe hallway to go to the end of it. you should see a bunch of pillars going across the walls. just go slowly up the corner of the left wall and you should find it. s-----l-----o-----w-----l-----y

lordzeppelin August 4, 2007 9:18 AM

can someone plz tell me the bird locations?

byebyebaby August 4, 2007 4:40 PM

This is a wonderful game, well organized and executed, and though some get frustrated with the "pixel hunt", I think it just makes it that much more rewarding when you finish the game.

And I wouldn't call this game scary,

When the librarian is sitting near the sink, that scared the bejeebus out of me!

byebyebaby August 4, 2007 4:44 PM

Another thing I love about this game is the open endedness of this game, and how not all hints lead to a conclusion.

The night window, and the opening mouth guy both dont lead to solving the puzzle, but I really enjoy a good red herring to make you think.



About the bird on floor one of the bookroom...

when you click on the picture of the house if you look closely there is a tiny bird sitting on the rough in the photo... click on it and you have your bird... dont forget to look behind the frame if you havent already


Ok, I have the puzzle pieces but I can't get them into the pedastals????


Thanks to the spoilers, my friend Sam and I finally figured out how to lower the bridge.

If i see a bird today, I may feel the need to shoot him.

Hope there's a sequel.
Great game.


When I click the link to play the game, I just get a PayPal beg.


Hi! This is one of my first point and click escape games, and I love it. I just can't find the last puzzle piece and even though I found all the birds in the walkthrough, I still can't get the egg. For the city hall bird try

click the rafter in the hallway with all the doors, then hover over all the boards until you can click and that's where the bird is


Okay, I figured it out! Hooray! I know there is a walkthrough, but I thought it would be helpful to have these if you get stuck in solving....


P1: Use hook/string to get it out of the sewer in front of the City Hall.
P2: The little puzzle in the wall on the -2 floor of the Book House.
P3: Smash the paper so it breaks the rock on the -2 floor in the Book House.
P4: The upstairs on the podium in the armory AFTER you put the plate in the front of the building.
P5: In the torture room of the armory, the scary guy gives it to you after you give him the book.
P6: The guy in the passage gives it to you after you give him the coin.
P7: The safe in the office in the City Hall.

The Birds:

B1: From the main screen, click on the sky, then hover over the roof to the right until you can click, then you'll find the bird.
B2: From the main screen, click on the ledge on the lower left hand building.
B3: In the Armory, go to the room on the right and click the upper right corner of the ceiling to look up a little hole, then again on the tunnel.
B4: In the Book House on the 1 floor, there is a picture of a house. There is a little bird on the roof of the house, click on it.
B5: On the -1 floor of the Book House, there is a room full of books. On the right bottom section of the shelf, there is a book you can click on. The bird is in there.
B6: In the main hall of the City Hall, click on the rafter and hover over the boards until you can click.
B7: In the 3rd office on the right in the City Hall, click on the upper right corner, then click on the nest.
B8: In the City Hall, go through the hallway, then to the left and click twice so you are looking at a window/circle, click up at the top of the screen, then in the last hole on the right.
B9: Continue from the last screen so that you are looking at the bridge contraption, then click on the bottom left banister.
B10: In the tree outside the window of the room where the guy is chained to the wall.

Hope that helps!


The lousy rock puzzle ruined the game. I was enjoying it up until that point. I can't recommend the game for this reason and because of some of the incredibly small targets that need to be clicked.


To help with the rock paper thing:

It helps if you time the order of your objects so the paper is below the rock instead of on the ends. I have to start over to "find" the paper as the fourth or fifth object.

celatheane February 12, 2011 9:55 AM

Help please.. I've found all 10 birds, gave the egg to the man and pretty much completed all the task except for 1!! I;m left with a book... what do I do with it? There is no man in the torture room (at the armory)??

Alientea April 11, 2011 2:07 PM

Scr*w this game. I can't get past the rock and paper bit, and am giving up. Have been trying for ages, it's unplayable. So disappointing, as it was great up until then!


Such a fascinating game. Yes, it's frustrating, and my patience ran low, but in the end I figured it out (with a little bit of help, of course)! When I was a little kid I would watch my dad play Myst and this was happily similar.

nomouse May 20, 2011 12:55 AM

Is this a spoiler?? I need help

Rock paper scissors... I get what I am supposed to do but I am unable to do so.
Perhaps because I am only using a laptop touch pad and not an external mouse.
Is there any further instruction I may need to know because as far as I can tell I should be getting results.


i can't break the rock. It falls quicker than i put a piece of paper (found from left behind the house picture at 1st floor) under it.


i did everything and the egg was no where to be found.


Noticed that at a couple points in the walkthrough it says to click toward the right when it's actually on the left...

For the puzzle piece behind the picture, you need to click on the left of the frame, and for the bird in the rafters of City Hall, he's toward the left not the right.

Hope this helps people


This should at least be rated yellow. It's quite creepy, and could possibly inflict nightmares. Cutting of tangent for now. The game was excellent, well made, delightfully creepy..5/5 in my book.

schaapaustin January 26, 2013 1:02 AM

How on earth do you get in the passage,and can someone please tell me what the hole in one of the poles at the entry of the passage is for?


This game is the reason i play games.
this was the first game that i really truly adored, and once i'd played this one, i went looking for more.


Hey you guys should add the fourth one to the list here!


jedda, that "thing" that you saw is the black dude

like the librarian dude

that might have,and im not saying it is, in a way that i think the maker of daymare 1 wanted it to be, is the guy who got you in this crazy town in the first place

p.s dont the black dudes

the serwer ones, the librarian dude and that guy-who-pops-out-and-dissapears-when-you-move-your-mouse-on-him

thats wy the black guy dissapeared,ok jedda?

look kinda cute?

p.p.s whats up with the window?

the one in the armoury

that if you look to the top right youl go outside

p.p.p.s whats the secret ending

to find the part,i think, on the secret ending, look at that door with 2 windows and click on the left window and go left or right
if you picked: left

youl see an ally. go forward and youl see a wierd totem thing. Whats up with that?


you see a path. go forward, you see a locked door. Whats up with that?

oh, and one last thing

this took me AGES to make this comment, so respect it, ok?

oh and sorry if someone else said these things or the walkthrough


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