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Weekday Escape N°314

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Hi, welcome to the newest Weekday Escape!

With Amajeto you are trapped inside a boutique and to escape, you need to explore it properly. Follows fresh and original escape by Fluffy OFF, and thankfully it has an English option. Seems that Selfdefiant's decided to let you escape from all US states, one by one - this week it's Alabama and Arizona. See you in Arkansas next week!

Have a good time and enjoy!

Summer Boutique


Amajeto locked you in a boutique where is a summer sale going on now. It doesn't seem that they have much to offer; only few t-shirts and some shoes, but you aren't here to shop, you are here to escape! So look around for clues, solve puzzles and collect eight tiles to complete a picture hanging above a green armchair - a completed picture gives you the key from the exit door.
The cursor isn't changing, save option, one ending.

Free Escape Game

fluffy2.pngClever Fluffy OFF's escape is from Dasshutsu site but has an English option - don't forget to switch at the beginning from Japanese to English since without understanding texts you wouldn't get through. It's a good one - puzzles are original and it may take a while to figure them out. Don't forget to take a look at items in your inventory!
The cursor isn't changing, no save option, one ending.

P.S. Previous game by Fluffy OFF you find in WE N°283.

Hooda Escape Alabama 2022

alabama1.png alabama2.png

You aren't locked up in Alabama, you're just very very tired to walk and the strange taxi driver would take you home if you bring him a lunch. No need to say that you're broke and on top of that, all shops nearby appear to be closed. Your objective is simple - get some money and get into one of the shops, and buy something there. It's easier than it seems.
The cursor isn't changing, no save option, one ending.

Hooda Escape Arizona 2022

arizona1.png arizona2.png

Selfdefiant let you stranded in Arizona and the only way how to escape is via Colorado River. Don't even think about swiming, strong river stream is dangerous - you need a raft, a paddle and to be on a safe side, a life vest too. Just find it and solve puzzles to get it.
The cursor isn't changing, no save option, one ending.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.



What clue does the flashing letters mean?

jF October 20, 2021 2:10 PM replied to 4red3s

I love Amajeto games! Work great, never any pixel hunting or flaky controls, and the puzzles are clever without being impossible. Just wish we didn't have to wait as long between new ones!

4red3s, that flashing light is a clue to

the colors/letters combination at the lower right corner of the main scene.


If anyone else is wondering what the numbers with colons in Summer Boutique mean…

…it's a function in math. Without going into great detail, the colons here serve the same purpose as the division symbol ( ÷ ).


Free Escape Game was fun, but I do wish the developer would adjust the controls a bit. I keep trying to use items, but find they are not selected when I get ready to use them.

The puzzles in this one are tricky, and the solutions are often not quite as obvious as they would seem!

4red3s October 20, 2021 5:19 PM replied to jF


The letters are flashing to fast for me to get it.


The clue doesn't make sense with the position of the letters. I understand the color part but the flashing is too fast.

4red3s October 20, 2021 5:26 PM replied to jF


About the flashing letter clue.

The word is four letters, but the clue in the lower right is for something with six things. It's just not making sense.

stuckinabasement October 20, 2021 5:48 PM replied to 4red3s

Hey 4red3s.

The flashing lights:

In each sequence there are 16 flashes.
There are 4 colours (yellow, red, green, blue, in that order) with 4 flashes each.

It went too fast for me to get it in one go.
So I just focused on the first 4 flashes to get the yellow letters.
Then I waited for the next sequence to start to check the red letters, and so on.

Here are the letters that flash, if you still can't get them:

Yellow: S O R T
Red: B E E R
Green: M O R E
Blue: M U T E

The box where you use these clues has the colours in a certain order.
You have to select the corresponding letter in that position for that colour.

Hope this helps.

jF October 20, 2021 6:03 PM replied to 4red3s

Click on the sign above the shelves of shoes to zoom in—for me, the flashing sequence is a bit slower and easier to see that way.

That clue…

…is for the subscene in the lower-right corner. If you click on what looks like a small gray display stand with a single plant in front of it, you'll zoom in to a scene with a gray shelf with four hats on stands inside it. Atop the shelf is a two-drawer cabinet nestled among colorful gift boxes. The flashing letters clue is for the upper of the two gray drawers in that cabinet.

And if you are having trouble with the clue itself:

• The flashing letters in the sign spell Sort with yellow flashes, Beer with red flashes, more with green flashes, and mute with blue flashes.

• The combination lock has these four colors in the order red, green, yellow, and blue. Rearranging the words in that order gives you beer, more, sort, and mute.

• Now pick the letter from each word which matches its position in the color sequence. As red is in the first position, pick first letter B from beer. For the second position green, pick the second letter O from more. Continue with third position yellow for the R from sort, and fourth position blue for the E from mute.

Hope that made sense. There are trickier puzzles coming after that one!

jF October 20, 2021 6:10 PM replied to 4red3s

Oh yeah, the clue you found for the six positions…

…is used with the racks of folded clothing found in the upper-left corner of the main scene (to the left of the final mosaic puzzle). The puzzle itself is the big gray cabinet door on the right side of the lower subscene of the rack (it almost touches the back of the green chair sitting beside the racks).

That puzzle's pretty devilish!

stuckinabasement October 21, 2021 10:54 AM replied to jF

Agreed, jF - that was a doozey!

I must have tried the order of 1-6 about 5 times before the brain clicked into gear and I saw the light.




I don't think I would be able to finish this game. The clue says there are 6 positions.

The way I am seeing it, the solution based on the clue
2 3
5 6

Middle Left Right Middle Left Right
That does not work.
I consulted a video walk through. Their solution:
Left Middle Right Middle Left.
That worked. I don't know why. The clue has 6 positions but the video walk through only used 5.

Found the game on another site. The solution comes from 2 clues. The clue from the bottom right tells you the order.

Apply this info to the set of shelves with the folded clothes.

Notice there are different amounts of folded clothes. Some have one. Some have two. Some have three.
1 2 3



Free Escape

Super Stuck

I have the keys and the magnifying glass.

Got the 4 digit number from the keys.

Used the number by the door and something made a noise.

Found the pliers where the magnifying glass was after the bricks crumbled.

Used the pliers to cut the wire holding the keys and now I have 4 separate keys and a magnifying glass. None of the keys open the door.


Play with your inventory.

One of the keys has "the door". Another key has the word "open". It finally dawned on me.

Combine the two keys and you have a complete sentence.


Free Escape


When you get into the new room, notice the image on the wall to the right. It is a sunset. In the next view, a similar image shows a sunrise.

You will still have two keys left.

East and West.

You will get a box with two key holes red and yellow and a padlock with two keys red and yellow. When you try to use the padlocked keys, you will be told that red and yellow keys must be inserted separately. That means you have to unlock the padlock.


There is something in the first room that you can use.

Remember where you got the first set of keys on the wire ring?

Use the padlock in your inventory on the odd looking thing sticking out of the wall to unlock the padlock.


Free Escape

That was a nice game. The puzzles were good. I had to walk away several times to clear my mind. Sometimes when it takes me too long to play, I forget where to use a clue.


using the pliers to cut the wire from the first set of keys came to me when I went outside.

This game is compact so I didn't get lost running around trying to figure out where I saw something.

I hope the comments relating to me getting stuck and then figuring it out helps other gamers. Once I got past those, the game was straight forward.

The graphics are simple but clear and did not distract from the game. There is no walk through anywhere that I could find. I tried to provide hints as nudges to not just give away the solution.

Happy Gaming!


Same for me on the six positions puzzle—I was counting colors and all sorts of stuff, trying to figure out some pattern. Then that aha! moment hit for me, too. 😁

jF October 22, 2021 6:24 PM replied to 4red3s

I'm sure some other users will be glad you noted those observations! What tripped me up was the "dolphin tank". It wasn't until I realized

that padlock was still in my inventory after getting the keys from it

that I figured out how to proceed.

stuckinabasement October 24, 2021 8:53 AM

Mildly interesting fact about the Hooda Alabama escape...
The laws of physics and matter as we know them do not apply.

To get the food,

you don't have to actually use the key.

The seemingly impervious shutter allows you to pass 3 x $1 bills.
Ok, I guess that's plausible enough.

However, it also allows the vendor to pass a leg of BBQ chicken through it!!!


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