The best thing about Christmas as a kid is Santa, isn't it? Not necessarily the presents per se, but more the excitement of Christmas Eve. The anticipation, wondering what you're going to get. The excitement of trying to stay up late and catch a glimpse of Santa. Dreaming about the jolly old elf himself, flying around the world in his sleigh, tied to the back of a beluga whale, an endless bag of toys on the seat beside him...wait. What's that you say? Santa's sleigh is drawn by eight reindeer with goofy names that are the constant subject of bar bets around the world, not a beluga whale? Well, perhaps in your neck of the woods, but in Snowing, this great little Christmas escape game by 58 works, Santa does things a little bit differently.
The premise of Snowing is the subject of numerous holiday themed shows and stories the world over. It's up to you to save Christmas. Or, at least, that's what you assume as you work your way through the game. There's actually no intro, so perhaps the premise is completely different. However if you do managed to work your way through the game you will end up taking that wild Christmas eve ride to deliver the presents, so perhaps you are indeed saving Christmas after all.
Snowing has all of the bells and whistles we've come to expect from a really good escape game: logical puzzles, a changing cursor, easy navigation with both arrows and bars, and a charming story. All that's missing is a mute button, but then you'd miss the seasonal music at the end when you succeed in saving Christmas. Pick up and use objects and solve puzzles and soon you'll be making that magical ride, albeit without Rudolph and company.
There's not much to criticize here, just a delightful little holiday treat to put you in the right mood for the day. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas ("bah, humbug!") Snowing is a wonderful escaping treat, and a Christmas present to enjoy. No matter your circumstances, we here at Jayisgames wish you a wonderful, happy holiday season and hope you enjoy this time of year no matter what you celebrate. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Walkthrough Guide
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Real quick note - to look at an object up close, click on the (+) sign on each object in your inventory. To use one object on another, click on the (+) of one object, then select the second and use it on the enlarged object. Gosh I hope that made sense....
Front of the house - pick up the party hat inside the sled and snag the ladder behind the house. Turn right.
The Whale - note the cute little bird house looking thing in the left foreground and the lump of snow in the right foreground. Turn right.
The Board - there's a strange board with four circles on it, each one containing a snowflake. Clicking on a snowflake changes how many are in each circle - one snowflake, two, three, etc., up to six. Leave it be for now and turn right.
The Snowmen - Except for the one with a face, these look like my last attempt to make a snowman (what can I say? I live in Houston - it snows once a century here. I have no practice). Click on the shovel in the right foreground to take it.
The lipstick wearing snowperson doesn't look to happy. How about we cheer him up? Click on the party hat in your inventory and click on the snowperson to put it on his head. Looks better, doesn't he? But something's missing yet. Go left twice to the Whale scene.
The Whale - use the shovel on the mound of snow in the right foreground and collect the mitten. Maybe this will cheer our snowperson friend up! Go right twice and return to the snowperson
Give the mitten to the snowperson. Still not happy, hmm? Well now, take a look at the various snow...people? Note how many snowballs make up each one. Go left once and return to the board.
Match the number of snowballs per snowperson to each circle.
6213 - there should be six snowflakes in the first circle, two in the second, etc.
Once you've done that, a Christmas tree rises up! Note the star on top of the otherwise undecorated tree. Got that ladder? You'll need it to get the scarf hanging from the top of the tree. Collect the scarf and click right to return to the snowperson.
Give the scarf to the snowperson. Finally satisfied, he gives you a big smile and a snowflake key. Go right to return to the house.
Using the snowflake key, unlock the front door. There's an odd symbol on the inside of the front door - an orange drop and a star. Keep that in mind as you head inside.
Note there's a big back (probably full of presents) in the chair on the left. You can't do anything with it yet, but remember it's there for later. Meanwhile, there's a red candle on the mantel and a bottle of yellow liquid hidden behind the plant on the right. Take the candle. Move the plant to get to the bottle and collect it as well.
Remember that orange drop on the door we saw earlier? Well, I passed watercolor in First Grade, so I still remember that red and yellow make orange. Click on the candle and then the fireplace to light the candle up. Now, click on the plus on the bottle to enlarge it. Select the candle and use it on the bottle. Volia! Instant orange.
Remember that plant we moved? It was sitting on top of the rug when we walked in, right? Maybe it was hiding more than a bottle. Click on the right corner of the rug and reveal a bunch of Christmas ornaments! Yay! Okay, we're done here, so back out of the house and go right twice to the Christmas tree.
Remember, the door showed a drop of orange on a star. Use the bottle of orange liquid on the star, and the Christmas tree will start to sparkle and shine with prettiness! Use the ornaments on it as well, and now you've got a fully decorated Christmas tree. The trunk will open up, revealing a coin. Take the coin and head left to the whale scene.
Use the coin in the funky bird feeder. Turns out it's not a bird feeder, it's a call box for your pet whale. The whale shows up. When you click on him, he reminds you that he can't go anywhere without the sled. Return to the house scene.
Pick up the sled and then pop inside - after all, you can't deliver presents if you don't have them to give out, right? Grab the bag of presents off the chair and head back out to your whale. Give the whale the sled, then the bag, and then click on the whale to see the ending.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Tabs | December 24, 2010 11:12 PM
Take the hat out of the sleigh.
Take the ladder from behind the house.
Turn left.
Take orange shovel from the snow.
Turn right twice.
Use shovel on mound of snow.
Take the glove.
Enter Password on sign.
Use ladder on tree.
Take scarf.
Put scarf, glove, and hat on the snowman with one glove.
Take the key the snowman gives you.
Use key on door to house.
Enter house.
Take the candle from the mantle.
Click the plant to move it.
Take the yellow bottle.
Click the rug.
Take the ornaments.
Use the candle on the fireplace to light it.
Zoom in on the bottle, and use the candle on the bottle. The liquid will turn orange.
Use the liquid on the star on the tree.
Put the ornaments on the tree.
Take the coin from the bottom of the tree.
Use the coin on the bird house.
Pick up the sleigh and the bag from inside the house.
Use the sleigh, then the bag on the whale.
Click on the sleigh.
Watch as a very young Santa flies away!
Posted by: jamesdesilva14
December 24, 2010 11:20 PM
Snowing Walkthrough
General Information
Watch for the changing cursor, it indicates things that can be clicked on, things that can be taken, and things that can be interacted with.
There is a small color puzzle, so directions will be easy for the colorblind to follow.
Merry Christmas!
You begin facing a cozy cottage which is locked.
In the sleigh to the left of the cottage is a hat, take it.
Just to the left of the cottage, mostly hidden behind it, is a ladder (you can see one small part sticking out). Take it.
Turn right.
Nice whale!
There's what looks like a bird house on the left, and a small mound of snow on the right.
Turn right.
There's a sign here with four snowflake buttons. Pushing the buttons can change the number of snowflakes from one to six.
Turn right.
On the ground in front of the far right snowman is a handle sticking out of the snow. Take it (trowel).
If you turn right again you will be back at the cottage. Time to solve some puzzles!
The Sign of the Four
Turn left once from the snowmen scene so that you are facing the sign with the four snowflake buttons.
Remember the snowmen?
The code for the sign is given by the snowmen in the previous scene.
There are four snowmen (or partial snowmen) in the scene, and there are four buttons on the sign.
Count the number of balls used to make the snowmen to get the code (6213).
Change each button on the sign so that the number of snowflakes on the button matches the code.
The sign will drop and a Christmas tree will rise.
The Cottage
Now that the giant Christmas tree is up, place the ladder on it.
Once the ladder is on the tree you can take the red object at the top (scarf).
Turn left once to the whale scene.
Use the trowel on the small mound of snow to the right and take the revealed object (mitten).
Turn left twice to face the snowmen scene.
The second from the left snowman has one mitten on. Dress him with the other mitten, the scarf, and the hat.
The snowman will become happy and will hold up a key, take it.
Turn right.
Use the key on the cottage door to open it.
Notice the symbols on the door, an orange teardrop shape over a yellow star.
Click on the open doorway to go inside.
There's a nice roaring fire to warm your hands by.
On the fireplace mantle is a red candle, take it.
Use the candle on the fire to light it.
To the right of the fireplace is a large potted plant. Click on the plant to move it.
Take the bottle of yellow liquid that is revealed once the plant is moved.
Click on the corner of the rug that the plant was sitting on. Take the ornaments.
Go back to leave the cottage.
The Christmas Tree
Turn right (or left) twice to face the large Christmas tree.
Place the decorations on the tree.
Remember the symbols on the cottage door?
The symbols would indicate using an orange liquid on the star. However, you only have a yellow liquid.
You do, however, have a red candle.
Pull up the yellow liquid from your inventory. Use the red candle on it and the liquid will turn orange (note: the candle must be lit for this to work).
Now use the orange liquid on the star.
If you decorated correctly the trunk of the tree will open, revealing a small coin. Take the coin.
Turn left to face the whale scene.
Use the coin on the bird house and it will summon the whale.
Click on the whale and it will tell you it needs a sleigh.
Turn left to face the cottage.
Pick up the sleigh and turn right.
Use the sleigh on the whale.
Now click on the whale and it will tell you it needs a sack of presents.
Turn left to the cottage then click on the cottage door to enter it.
Take the sack of presents from the chair on the left.
Back up and turn right to face the whale.
Use the sack on the sleigh, then click on it again and enjoy the animation and music.
Posted by: grinnyp
December 24, 2010 11:40 PM
Click the snowflake at the beginning to start the game.
You start facing a house. To the left is a sleigh with a party hat in it. Take the hat.
Peeking out from the left side of the house is a wooden ladder. Take it.
Go right.
You're now facing a field of snow through which is swimming a large white whale. To the left is a box with a coin slot on it. On the ground to the right is a mound of snow that you can interact with.
Go right.
You see a big brown box, into which you can enter a four-digit code. You can only enter the numbers 1-6, however.
Go right.
In this view are a snowman and three other snowball towers of varying heights. There's something buried near the bottom of the screen. Take it. You now have a trowel.
Now take a closer look at those snowmen. Count the number of snowballs each is made of. This should give you a four-digit code:
Go left.
Enter the four-digit code you just got form the snowmen into the box:
If you've put the code in correctly, the box should disappear and be replaced with a tree. At the top of the tree is a red scarf, but you can't reach it.
Use the ladder on the tree, and take the scarf.
Go left.
You should now be in the whale view. Use the trowel on the mound of snow and get the buried mitten.
Go right twice.
That little snowman looks a little under-clothed. Put the mitten, scarf, and party hat on it. The snowman will smile and take a key out of his pocket. Take the key.
Go right.
Use the key on the door to the house. Before you enter, notice the design on the back of the door: an orange drop above a star.
Click the door to enter the house.
You should be facing a big fireplace. On top of the mantel is a red candle. Take it.
To the right of the fireplace is a plant. Click it to move it aside, and take the bottle of yellow liquid behind it.
Since you moved the plant, you can now lift up the corner of the rug. Take the Christmas decorations from underneath.
Now think back to the design on the door. It looks like you have to pour an orange liquid onto a star. You only have a yellow liquid. But you also have a red candle, and red plus yellow makes orange. How can you combine the two?
Use the candle on the fire in the fireplace to light it. Now open up the yellow liquid in your inventory, and use the candle on it. The red wax runs into the bottle and makes an orange liquid.
Back up, then go right twice.
Use the orange liquid on the star on top of the tree. Now use the Christmas decorations on the tree. This opens a compartment in the tree's trunk. Take the coin from inside it.
Go left.
Use the coin on the box with the coin slot.
The coin has summoned the whale. If you click on the whale, you can see that he wants something.
Go left.
Take the sleigh from in front of the house.
Go right.
Use the sleigh on the whale, then click the whale again. He still wants something else.
Go left again.
Click the door to enter the house. Take the sack from the chair to the left.
Go back, then right.
Use the sack on the whale, then click on the sleigh.
And ride away on the back of a whale! The only logical conclusion to this game.
Posted by: nerdypants
December 24, 2010 11:41 PM