Quest in the Dark

After picking an avatar and entering your name, you find out that you have somehow fallen down the "rabbit hole" and are trapped inside your own nightmare. An eerily cheerful host greets you and tells you that in order to escape, you must first find a magic potion. This is the only way out.
Using your mouse, navigate your avatar through the haunted mansion that looms before you, collecting items and solving puzzles as you go. Beware the various ghosts and skeletons that stand in your path (or don't. They aren't that bad, as it turns out), and above all else, don't forget to find that potion!
Analysis: Perhaps the best way to describe Quest in the Dark would be Trapped for kids. There are many basic similarities: lots of items and puzzles, a dark motif, and an isometric layout with a point-and-click interface.
But Quest in the Dark is most definitely softened up for a younger crowd. The story line, for starters, is nowhere near as hardcore as Trapped's, and even the main bad guy is kind of cute and cuddly. The graphics are far more friendly and the puzzles are, for the most part, much simpler.
But don't be fooled. There are a few puzzles/tasks that can be elusive or tricky to get around. It's even more challenging because a majority of the items you collect are not actually employed in the game, but only add to your final score total.
Unfortunately the game does employ an isometric layout, which is very clunky and takes a while to get used to. Moreover, while the artistry is quite good and hits the mood it is going for perfectly, I think including hardly any sound at all was a missed opportunity. And finally, if I were to come up with any further gripes, it would have to be a kind of awkwardness in the dialogue, but I am forgiving on this front, given this is translated from an originally Japanese game.
But if you are willing to overcome the isometric design, Quest in the Dark is an exceptionally cute and surprisingly engaging point-and-click adventure. There's not nearly the depth you'll find in similar games, but the upside is that you can feel comfortable sharing this title with the little ones.
Walkthrough Guide
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Hooray! A hint-through. It works, too, since important items are not randomly located.
Enter the house.
Check out the upstairs door and the east door here. Remember that the downstairs one needs a Cat Key.
Go through the double doors.
Check out everything in here.
You should have found one important item.
The battery.
Note the clock and head into the kitchen.
Check out everything in here, too.
You should have found one important item.
A gear.
Now, what could that gear be used for?
Something missing a part...
Like the clock!
"Something sound from above." So, go check it out.
Back out the double doors- Ooh, the upstairs is open. Lets go check it out!
Three pedestals and three more doors.
The north door is locked, so we'll come back to that. The east door needs a Dog Key. Remember that.
Go through the west door.
Go in the first door you come to.
Be sure to check everything in here.
You should have found two important objects.
The Dog Key and a Disk.
Okay, now, we could go and open the Dog Key room. But, not yet. Continue on down the hall and note that funny spot on the wall.
Huh, that's a weird looking door. Let's go in there first.
Oh, we need a light. Darn.
Now head south.
Check out those danger crates.
Maybe something dangerous fell out of them?
It would be nearby them.
The steps beside them have a bomb.
Now, what could we do with that? Oh! Right! That crack in the hallway!
For kicks, talk to the ghost before going in the hole you just made.
Check out everything in here, too.
Again, two important objects.
The ID card and a Triangle.
Okay, we're all done in this hallway for now. Head to the Dog Key room.
We've got two exits from here. Stairs going down and a metal door. Go in the metal door, first.
A library with LOTS of things to look at.
When you're done checking this room at, you should have two important items.
The flashlight and a memo A.
Oh! Wait! Now we have light! Head back to the dark room.
Oh...The batteries are out. Wait, don't we have some?
Really. We do. Put them in the flashlight, already.
Now we can see. Exploring here, you should find one important item.
The Cat Key!
Now, before we go in the cat key door, we have something else to do. Go down the stairs in the Dog Key room.
There's an elevator and a power switch. Flip the switch so you don't have to backtrack later, then go down the elevator.
In the basement you should find one important item.
The Square
Having trouble? Directions from the elevator:
N, N, W, S
Now, head back up the elevator into the Cat Key room.
In the far NE corner, there is a switch hidden behind the cabinet. Press it.
Aha! We're on the other side of those bars!
Head through the double doors...
And into a laboratory!
Exploring this room, you should find four important items!
Dark matters G, M, R, and V.
Now, use the big machine.
Puzzle time!
This one isn't hard. I promise.
Its an alphanumeric code. a=1, b=2...z=26. Put the letters in the right slots and you get...
The Miracle Potion!
Now, head back to the three pedestals.
A circle, triangle, and square...These look familiar...
Duh, put yours into the slots.
Head down the hallway
Check everything and be sure to find one important object.
The memo B.
Now, see that safe?
We need a passcode.
But we don't have one.
Do we?
We do.
Memos A and B.
Open it and get the Gold Key.
Now, head ALL the way out to the gate.N E
Enter the house.
Check out the upstairs door and the east door here. Remember that the downstairs one needs a Cat Key.
Go through the double doors.
Get the battery from the broken vase.
Note the clock and the fireplace.
Head into the kitchen.
Check out the cabinets for the gear.
Put the gear in the clock.
"Something sound from above." So, go check it out.
Back out the double doors- Ooh, the upstairs is open. Lets go check it out!
Three pedestals and three more doors.
The north door is locked, so we'll come back to that. The east door needs a Dog Key. Remember that.
Go through the west door.
Go in the first door you come to.
Be sure to check everything in here.
You should have found two important objects.
The Dog Key and a Disk.
Okay, now, we could go and open the Dog Key room. But, not yet. Continue on down the hall and note that funny spot on the wall.
Huh, that's a weird looking door. Let's go in there first.
Oh, we need a light. Darn.
Now head south.
Check out those danger crates.
Maybe something dangerous fell out of them?
It would be nearby them.
The steps beside them have a bomb.
Now, what could we do with that? Oh! Right! That crack in the hallway!
For kicks, talk to the ghost before going in the hole you just made.
Check out everything in here, too.
Again, two important objects.
The ID card and a Triangle.
Okay, we're all done in this hallway for now. Head to the Dog Key room.
We've got two exits from here. Stairs going down and a metal door. Go in the metal door, first.
A library with LOTS of things to look at.
When you're done checking this room at, you should have two important items.
The flashlight and a memo A.
Oh! Wait! Now we have light! Head back to the dark room.
Oh...The batteries are out. Wait, don't we have some?
Really. We do. Put them in the flashlight, already.
Now we can see. Exploring here, you should find one important item.
The Cat Key!
Now, before we go in the cat key door, we have something else to do. Go down the stairs in the Dog Key room.
There's an elevator and a power switch. Flip the switch so you don't have to backtrack later, then go down the elevator.
In the basement you should find one important item.
The Square
Having trouble? Directions from the elevator:
N, N, W, S
Now, head back up the elevator into the Cat Key room.
In the far NE corner, there is a switch hidden behind the cabinet. Press it.
Aha! We're on the other side of those bars!
Head through the double doors...
And into a laboratory!
Exploring this room, you should find four important items!
Dark matters G, M, R, and V.
Now, use the big machine.
Puzzle time!
This one isn't hard. I promise.
Its an alphanumeric code. a=1, b=2...z=26. Put the letters in the right slots and you get...
The Miracle Potion!
Now, head back to the three pedestals.
A circle, triangle, and square...These look familiar...
Duh, put yours into the slots.
Head down the hallway
Check everything and be sure to find one important object.
The memo B.
Now, see that safe?
We need a passcode.
But we don't have one.
Do we?
We do.
Memos A and B.
Open it and get the Gold Key.
Now, head ALL the way out to the gate.
If there's anything at all you want to do in the house, do it now.
Go in the shed.
Check out that mirror.
Notice anything?
The stairs.
Go down where they should be.
Now, you're in a maze.
And, unfortunately, I can't help you too much here. The location of the exit is random.
Find and step into the blue portal and talk to the man to exit.
If there's anything at all you want to do in the house, do it now.
Go in the shed.
Check out that mirror.
Notice anything?
The stairs.
Go down where they should be.
Now, you're in a maze.
And, unfortunately, I can't help you too much here. The location of the exit is random.
Find and step into the blue portal and talk to the man to exit.
Posted by: wlangford
April 30, 2009 12:44 PM
Quest in the Dark Walkthrough
Notes on the Walkthrough:
Learn from first screen that you need to find the "Miracle Potion" to wake up from the nightmare! It is possible to complete the game without making the potion, but you will be told that you have failed!
There are a handful of critical items to progress through the game and a huge number of items that are just worth points for your final score. The critical items are in the same place every time, so this walkthrough will help you with those (and I've noted them in bold). As for the rest, they may not be in the same places as listed here. However it is likely that some items will be in the places I've noted throughout this guide. Try clicking everywhere if you want to find the bonus items - often on tables, in vases, and on statues.
Courtyard and First Floor
Notice you need a golden key to open the outside gate.
Enter the house.
Examine the stone knight to get the Iron Spear.
Enter the double doors to the North - enter dining room.
Examine the broken vase to get the Battery.
Notice that the Old Clock is broken.
Exit dining room by West doors - enter kitchen.
Examine cabinet to get Gear.
Examine counter on West wall twice to get Bread and Bread(10 year).
Examine oven to get Blue Jewel.
Return to Dining room and use Gear on Old Clock (use an item by clicking on the item in your inventory and selecting "Use"). You will hear a sound from upstairs...
Return to main entryway and notice that the door to the East requires a Cat Key.
Second Floor
Examine the mounted pot on the East wall to get the Penny.
Enter the door at the top of the stairs - Red Rug room. Notice the square, triangle, and circle molds in the center of the room.
Examine the vase on the table to obtain the Poison.
Enter the doorway on the West wall and enter the hallway. Go into the first door on the North side - the bedroom.
Examine the closet to get the Dog Key.
Examine the bedside table to get the Disk.
Leave the room and go further south down the hallway. On the North wall, notice and examine the large crack in the hallway. Continue on to the West doorway. This leads to another hallway.
Try entering the North doorway with the metal frame - it will be too dark to enter.
From the hallway, enter the South doorway - it will be a Maroon storage room.
On the three shelves next to the door, click on the left of the bottom shelf to get the Old Cup. Examine the small stairs next to the boxes labeled DANGER to obtain the Bomb.
While standing to the right of the pile of books on the ground, examine the bookshelves. Obtain the Nut.
Return to the hallway and back to the crack in the wall.
Use the bomb on the crack in the wall. A hidden room appears!
In the hidden room, grab the ID Card and Triangle from the bedside table.
Return to the Red Rug room to the East. You can now open the door to the East with the Dog Key.
I'll call this room the Blue Rug room. Examine the table with the vase to get the Lime Crystal.
Unlock the door on the East wall with the ID Card.
Examine the pile of books on the floor in the East corner to get the Yen.
Examine the table in the center of the room to get Memo A. Examine it again while standing next to the fallen chair to get the Flashlight.
Leave the room and continue West until you return to the dark room at the end of the hallway.
Enter the room, and select the flashlight from your inventory. The battery is empty. Luckily we have one - select the battery in your inventory and click Use. Now you can use the flashlight in the dark room.
Move around the room until you find the bedside table (on the North wall). Examine to find the Cat Key.
Go back upstairs to the Blue Rug room. Enter the North room with the chair next to it. Use the elevator on the North wall. It takes you to the Basement.
The Basement
Click on the Knight statue to get Sushi B. Enter the doorway to the North. Take the door on the right, then left, the right again. You should be in a room with a Red Chest.
Examine the chest to get the Gold Statue. Examine the knight statue to get the Red Crystal.
Leave the room, go left, left then right. You should be in another room with a Red Chest. Examine this Chest to get the Square.
Retrace your steps and return to the first floor using the elevator.
While you're in the elevator room, use the lever on the East wall to turn on the Master Power Supply.
Back Upstairs
Return to the Red Rug room and use the Disk, Square, and Triangle on the three pedestals. This will open the door in the back of the room.
Follow the Hallway down to the doorway - it leads to a Bedroom.
Examine the table on the SW wall to get matches. Get the Magical Mirror from the bedside table with the mirror. Get Memo B next to the Wardrobe.
You now have two memos, A and B. Each should have two numbers. The numbers on the memos are the combination to the safe in the order A, B. Get the Golden Key from the safe.
Return to the dining room and use the matches on the unlit Fireplace - you will receive a scroll showing a list of all the items that can be found in the game.
Making the Potion
Return downstairs to the main entrance. You can now enter the room on the NE wall using the Cat Key.
Examine the knight statue from the front to obtain the Silver Spear.
Examine the shelf with the wine and vases to get the Dollar.
Notice that the wall near the wardrobe is discolored. Stand in the corner behind the wardrobe and examine to open a secret room.
You're on the other side of the bars in the elevator room. Examine the small crate to find a Crystal.
Go through the double doors to find the laboratory.
Examine the table to find Dark Matter R. Examine pile of books on table to find Cross. Examine shelves with vials twice to find Dark Matter M and Dark Matter G. Examine table with creatures in jars to find Dark Matter V.
Go to the mysterious machine and turn it on. It should be functional if you turned on the main power in the elevator room earlier.
To use the machine, match the potions to the number that corresponds to its letter's position in the alphabet. G = 7, M = 13, R = 18, V = 22.
You will receive the Miracle Potion when you do this correctly.
Finish the Game
Return to the front courtyard outside the house where you started the game. Unlock the gate with the Golden Key.
You'll be in a yard with a small shack. Examine the gravestone to find the Toilet Paper.
Enter the shack. You'll find a room with a large mirror. Notice the doorway in the Mirror...
Move around the room until you are standing where the doorway should be in the room, according to the mirror. You will fall into an underground cavern.
Examine the knight to get the rare stone.
The map of the maze seems to change with every game. If you find a portal, don't walk over it yet. Explore until you find a ghost who says he can't see himself. Use the Magic Mirror on him, and he will give you a Diamond Ring in gratitude.
Now explore until you find a room with a green portal in it. You will warp to a white room - talk to the man inside.
He will tell you your score - it depends on whether you made the potion, and how many items you found.
Posted by: eileen
May 9, 2009 10:57 PM