More Blocks With Letters On
Look, I apologize in advance for posting this game. The first game was pretty popular, and as soon as I heard that Marty Sears had released More Blocks With Letters On, I knew you all would want to know about it. But great jumping giblets, this is a hard bloody game. Seriously, boggling at these puzzles feels like my brain is being sucked through my colon. It's like being punched in the eyes by tiny taunting monkeys wearing professorial cardigans. If you haven't played the first Blocks With Letters On, go play it before you even consider clicking on this one; the sequel's difficulty picks up at the point where the last game left off. Which was already freakishly difficult.
For the uninitiated, Blocks With Letters On is a game that seamlessly combines language riddles with physical tile puzzles. Each level provides you with an assortment of blocks (with letters on), and you must find a way to position them in the supplied pink spaces so that they spell an English word. All manner of clever obstacles will interfere, including sticky walls, number-coded doors and switches, and pads that turn your blocks (with letters on) pink and give them the power to fly.
Click on a block to select it, and then press the [arrow] keys to move it around. Press [space] to cycle between all your blocks. On levels with teleports, move a block into one and press [enter] to transport it to another teleport of the same colour.
Sears has an endlessly surprising sense of humour and apparently a sadistic streak the size of the Atlantic Ocean, which makes him a dream come true for masochistic anagrammists who enjoy being battered like rats in a plinko machine. The bizarre, hilarious vignettes between levels have returned, and I'm far too stupid to get past level 6, so I have no idea if all the content is kid-safe. In every sense, proceed at your own risk.
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Walkthrough Guide
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The SEQUEL to Blocks with Letters On has been released, so if you've been swamped with BOREDOM like most PEOPLE who've got nothing to do, it's time to open the DOOR to hours of occupation.
Legends tell of a WITCH who liked to TICKLE-torture people. She was a very BAD person, but an ONION was the downfall of that ANNOYING witch; this particular onion was very JUICY, and the witch made an ERROR in assuming she was immune to its fumes.
An appropriate SUBTITLE for More Blocks with Letters On might be "An UNLUCKY Turn", because if you believe you can breeze through it AGAIN, your face is going to be filled with REDNESS before long, and you'll want to listen to your favorite JAZZ music to calm down.
Have you heard the story of the time-traveling SNAIL? He accidentally encountered his DOUBLE in the past and scared him to death when he attempted to entertain him with a hand PUPPET. There's NO doubt that he should have taken FLIGHT instead of trying to amuse himself, because he almost erased himself with the resulting PARADOX, and it took the interference of the HEDGEHOG of Time to set things straight.
Is your ELBOW acting up today? When looking for relief, you should EXCLUDE those standard pain-relievers. They're about as likely to help you as rubbing UNICYCLE grease on it. Your best bet is to use a magnifying LENS to focus light on your elbow, and it'll repair itself in no time.
You'd better be a FLEXIBLE thinker if you want to beat More Blocks with Letters On. Otherwise, you'll get STUCK very quickly, and VICTORY will be a lost cause. Good luck!
Posted by: SonicLover
January 14, 2009 1:45 PM
LoZfan03's Walkthrough & Hint Compilation
Here it is. We've got first letter, 'gimme a hint', the goal word, function of mystery switches and a walkthrough for every level. I put more effort into this than I will for all my college classes this week combined. I see Tasselfoot made a video walkthrough, but I think my stuff still has merit, for the hints if nothing else.
Oh, and the most adult thing in the game is when a guy shouts "he wants to sleep with you" in the video clip for a certain word.
Level 1
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Only the T and D should use the letter changing switch.
Q goes down first into the glue. Take the T through the changer and down into the glue. Take the E from the left, and put it to the right of the U. Drop D onto the changer and let it park. Take L over that and down to the right-most space. Now take the E sitting on the changer and put it in the second goal space, and drop S into the last open one.
Level 2
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Push R down. Move M right once, and move the pink O right once and up once. M goes left twice, and pink O goes down and right, and fills the gap. Move E, D, O and M all over all the right way they can go, preserving their order. Move the pink O up once, left twice and up once again. Move B over into the first goal space. R goes up once, right thrice and up once more, followed by B moving left three times. Take R down, and slide in place. Next O, and finally B.
Level 3
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Take P and E down into the duplicators. Shift L and O right twice. Warp both E's, and take the second one all the way left until it occupies the first goal space. Next, shift the O left so it's next to E. Warp both P's, and take the second into the middle. Center everything.
Level 4
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Duplicate the O, and send the D and R over the rotators at the top.
First step, make all the blocks pink. (You can do that without step-by-step, right?) Take the O up the passage and make the first right you can, into the duplicator. Move one O all the way right, and the other also right, but leaving a single space between the twins. Next bring R up, all the way, except for the grey button of course. Zig-zag it through, over the rollers and drop it on one of the O's. Ditto with D to hit the button. Take R left and drop it, then take it under the hole to the right. Stack both O's on top, and use them as a bridge to rotate D. Bring R to the right, and arrange the rest for DOOR. ODOR does not work unfortunately.
Level 5
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
The G, V and J should all get stuck to the walls.
Pretty easy as long as you figure out the word. Since all the letters you don't want are on the right, drop the V into the glue, then stack the G and J on top of that. Shift the J over first to hit the upper left glue, and bring the G into the other one. Then just bring down letters in the right order for WITCH.
Level 6
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
There is one block which can pass over three rotators instead of just one. Use this block to hit the switch.
Bring E to the right edge of the platform it's on. Bring L next to it, then C and K. Bring I over two spaces to sit on K. Drop E then L in the hole. Take I all the way right, hitting and passing the button. Bring it back to the left of the goal area. Bring E, L, K and C over top, move I over and drop T in place.
Level 7
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
All three letters should end up different from each other.
Duplicate the A. Park one A on the changer, and bring the other over the top, then keep going right for the second drop. Duplicate the B. Take one B on top of A, and bring the other past the changers to make a D. Form BAD.
Level 8
First letter:
? Switch:
Turns all block grey.
Gimme a hint:
Word clue: A VEGETABLE
On this level, the mystery switch turns all blocks back to grey. How inconvenient!
Take your first N down and turn it pink. Do not hit the ? switch, and park it on the farther N. Do the same with the right-most O. Put it on the other O or the N stack. Doesn't matter much. Park I on the ? switch, and park T on the grey switch. Use the bridge to turn the N's and O's pink, and arrange them in the goal. Last, turn I pink and put it in place.
Level 9
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Keeping the G pink, find a good place to position it and then pile some blocks up on top of it, forming a tower against the wall, so that a grey block can reach the 1 switch.
This level certainly lives up to its word. Move G right once and up thrice. Bring letters down in whatever order you feel like through the green warp. When you build up to the blue warp, start using that too. With the last letter, you will be able to hit the 1 switch. Bring G right once and straight up for the two switch. Then simply pass them all back to the pink switch and arrange in goal. Make sure not to try to do G last. Also, you can go ahead and run G into a grey switch to make it fall faster.
Level 10
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Use the duplicators, then put the extra blocks back up at the top.
Bring any letter you feel like into the duplicators and stick the extras in the start area. Not hard. You should be ashamed for looking at this one.
Level 11
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Because of the annoying position of the grey switch, you can't put the spare duplicates back up at the top like you could on the last level. I guess this time you'll have to think of a word with three of the same letter in. Be careful not to make a MISTAKE.
Triplicate the R and arrange your word. The only hard part here is figuring the word out, and I gave that to you elsewhere.
Level 12
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Put IT in.
Again, the only trouble is figuring out the word. You need to make an I and T. Just keep backing the A's over the changers.
Level 13
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
First, take the N and bring it under the left blue warp. Move U up and out of the way. Place C between warps, then warp L. Bring K and Y left, off the 1 blocks. Duplicate U. Bring the first U on to the grey switch. Bring the second U on the 1 switch. Push it off and back on again. The blocks should now be on. Slide Y, K and C over. Drop and slide a U. Move L and N, and finish with the other U.
Level 14
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
It's a picture that shows C and R grey and in the switch area.
The word is again the hard part. Waste the C and R to hit the switches. Duplicate A. Spell your word.
Level 15
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Only the last letter, S, should go down on the right side
Drop the right S. Everything else should be dropped off the left. Be careful not to trap any blocks by hitting the 1 switch too earlier. Nothing else to it. This is a great level to use the space bar to choose letters since the order they start in is the order they have to move.
Level 16
First letter:
? Switch:
Plays a type of music which gives a hint to the answer.
Gimme a hint:
Move the J out first and duplicate it, then move both J's right one square. PRESS THE MYSTERY SWITCH FOR A MUSICAL CLUE.
Duplicate the J once, then shift the pair back right. Move A over to the end of the J's and duplicate Z. Hit the switch with C if you wish. Use C, W, U and the first J to make a bridge. Form the answer.
Level 17
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
You will need to make the A pink too. Send the N around the spiral shell to activate the 1 switch, and send the A up to the eyes to help the I and S escape.
Word hint: SNAIL!!!
(LoZfan03's note: this method is slightly different than my walkthrough. Both work. I think their solution goes a little faster.)
Bring L down into the glue. Use N to hit the 1 switch, then drop A down left twice. Make S drop and bring it into the pink switch. Bring S and N up to bridge over the glue. Before you bring I down, move A left. Spell the word. Make sure to rotate the S.
Level 18
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
When you press the 3 switch, move upwards straight away to catch the B so that it can get into the alcove where switch 5 is. When you manage to free the E, be sure to turn the 6 blocks back on again. Then, you can park the L on the top 6 block while you use the pink blocks to rescue the B.
Do switch 3 first, like the hint says, but do NOT hit 5 yet. Hit 1, avoiding the grey button. Move the U onto the 4 switch, back left, and on the switch once more. (U should now be on switch 4 and the 4 blocks should be on.) Use the D to hit switch 2, and then bring it down in the space between the "4" blocks. Move the O two spaces left. Swing the D through the goal spaces to sit in the space below the grey switch on the left wall. Drop the U down on top, then move the O over to hit switch 6. Move the E out and turn 6 back on. Now move the D straight down and back through the goal spaces to sit on the space directly under the lowest 5 block. Trigger the 5 switch with B, then position L on the high 6 block (like the hint suggests). Use D and E to make a bridge, then move B on top of L. Do the same on the other side of L to drop B into the goal. Move D and E both down one space and drop L in the goal. Drop O, D and E in to finish.
Level 19
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Use the L block to turn off the green block. Eventually it should have passed over both letter-changing switches twice.
Take the L down past the changers and through the warp. Hit the switch and do it again with the same block. Take R past both changers and park it in the last of the goal spaces. Park E in the next space over. Then the P that was next to the E moves down into the last glue space. Then bring a P, U and P in that order down to complete.
Level 20
First letter:
? Switch:
Acts like glue.
Gimme a hint:
Keep making the O pink when you can.
O goes left one, up two. N goes left five. O goes left and through yellow warp. N moves back right six spaces. O drops, hits pink switch and goes back up to hit 2 switch. O goes left and back through yellow warp. Move N right, into the glue. Drop O right first to hit pink, then hit 1 switch, then through blue warp. Take O through the 1 block spaces, then through the 2 block to the goal.
Level 21
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
It is only necessary to open one of the gates. The key is to drop either the first 3 or last 3 letters down, and then send them over the rotator, before using the other to hit the green switch.
Bring F (then L then I) down and then as far right as they can go. Bring T then H then G down, and hit the 1 switch with G. Bring G, H and T through the hole first, then the rest, arranging your word as you go.
Level 22
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
This hint has two parts, one is a word hint saying: "THIS STATEMENT IS A LIE!". The second part is a picture where the letters (listed bottom to top) PDXOR are all in a stack on the second goal space with the pink A making a bridge.
Move D and X left. A up, O left. Drop P, and the A is free to move. Position pink A past the end of the platform, then stack PDXOR (bottom to top) on the second goal space. Take grey A on top of the tower, and swing pink A over past the roller and then let the grey A to the roller platform. Take pink A straight down all the way. Bring O under the lower warp, then D next to it. R should fill the last space so X can take the space direct under the lower warp. Move P to the left. Move A between the X and wall to the right. Move R one space left. Cycle grey A through the warps until right side up and form your word.
Level 23
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Send the D right, and keep following the route until you have passed over all the duplicators. After this, you should be left with an H, which you should promptly change into an O.
Word hint: AN ANIMAL
After following the 'gimme a hint' directions, all you need to know is to take the O through the warp. Then you should have no problems spelling the word.
Level 24
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
This level contains a couple of red herrings. Don't try to get the 1 switch.
I love this level. All you need do is drop the W, hit the 2 switch, then arrange ELBOW rather than BELOW.
Level 25
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
The hint is a picture showing the D block, rotating so the flat part is down, lying in the middle of the lower set of rollers.
First thing, move the X left. Keep moving Xs left so that you have an X in the first goal space and one in the right corner of the other hole. Move L right three times, than D left three times. That matches the hint. Bring the L on top of the D, then move it right once. Move D and L left once. Now take the right side up E and put it in the last goal space. Move L right four times, and put U on top of it. Bring down the C on top of the left X, and the other E on top of that. Put D in its right spot with you new bridge, and continue spelling EXCLUDE backwards from there.
Level 26
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Duplicate the C.
Drop the C to duplicate, then run your D alllllll the way to becoming a Y. Before hitting the 2 switch, move the E then the L out to the right. Position the UNI, then bring the other letters in, in the order C, E, L, C and last Y.
Level 27
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
The first thing to do is find a way of getting a pink block up to press switches 4 and 3.
(LoZfan03's note: I don't know if this is a supposed to be a sick joke, but I can't figure out how to do it that way. Maybe there's a way, but it'd at least be more complicated than my way. Ergo, my way is better regardless. Tass's video walkthrough takes the same route as me.)
Our easy solution to this level has been taken away, but it's still not all that bad…once you figure it out. Give yourself a second to try. Turn the screen upsidedown (LoZfan03 will not be held liable for screen damage), squint one eye, don't sell yourself short.
Ok, if you're still reading, you want help, I guess. Never ever ever hit the ? switch. First thing, move L left once. Take E up to hit switch 2. Swing S around to sit between L and 4. Use E to re-hit switch 2. Move L left again, then use S to hit switch 4, then 3. Move L back onto the 1 block and hit the 2 switch again. Swing S all the way around, and park it one square down and right from the top-left corner of the level. Trigger 2 again, and shift L and N to sit on 2 blocks. Now take E around S and over S to hit switch 1. Now place S in the gap next to the mystery switch, and take N over it to hit the pink switch. Now you could do this the long, hard and time-consuming way and hit 1 a couple more times, or you can do what I tell you and bring your new pink N over to sit in the right 1 block space and just take L over that way. Arrange your word and for heaven's sake don't take N down past the ? switch.
? Switch:
Resets the level. Yeah, a trigger inside the level that resets the level, I'll admit it's a bit of a paradox.
Level 28
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Move each A down to the yellow area, changing them on the way. The letters that they change to should spell the imaginary word 'FLIB'.
To start, move the X left and the L right. Drop you first A off the right side and wiggle around until you hit F. Drop it down. Drop another off the right and wiggle for an L, drop it. Next one to the left for an I, and obviously off the right for you last letter: B.
Level 29
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
Using the K and T to operate switches 1 and 4, use the S, C and U to reach switch 2, then 3. Next, turn a block pink and use it to help T get to the 6 switch, and the K get to the rotator.
(LoZfan03's note: my way is different.)
Level 29 version 2, and here we go. Turn off 1 and 4 with K and T. Shove S over into the first hole, and take U over, through to warp and into the next hole. Take C through the warp, over S, over U and sit it on top of the 6 next to U. Turn 4 on, and take C to switch 2. Hit the pink switch with U. Turn 4 off, and then take C down to hit 3 off. Use U to switch 6 off. Turn 4 on and take K to the right until its sitting on the second 4 block. It should be more or less stuck there. Switch 3 on, then 4 off. 4 goes back on now. (You can do this without the 3 block, if you're quick, but safety first.) Now take K past the pink switch, then up to the roller to make it face correctly.
Switch 4 off, then take S down to hit switch 5. Now you should be able to turn everything off (without using K), please do so. Take S all the way left it can go. Now spelling your word should be easy. Make sure to leave 5 off as T passes S so that S doesn't get trapped.
Level 30
First letter:
Gimme a hint:
The hint is three pictures which would be tricky to describe. The easiest thing to do would be to look yourself since I let you have all the other ones without looking, but here's a breakdown anyway.
Clip 1 - Y, T and R are occupying the first 3 goal spaces. I and O are on top of T and R, respectively. That puts I in the yellow warp.
Clip 2 - In the lower left, there is a three by three area of plain squares. The second clip shows O in the middle of the block, sitting on I. Y is giving a grey C a ride across to the green warp.
Clip 3 - I is sitting next to the 1 switch, and Y is bridging the gap between the blue and red warps.
Wait, you think I'm going to help you on this one? Heck, you think I figured it out even? Well, I hope so, because I am and I did.
This one's a doozy. Alright, for starters, move T right once. If you're smart, you'll see this is pretty much the only opening move. Next, move R over T and drop it. Like it's hot. Anyway, you'll want to shift T and R over right now, so you can put Y in the first goal space. Now, put Y in the first goal space. Move O all the way right that you can, and ditto on I. This should now match the first picture. Yayyyy.
Warp I, and then move it right once. Bring B to the warp, but don't use it. Take B up and right, then up again, directly under the 3 block. Have Y follow it, then go left. Yeah, I know. Chill out, I got this. Bring B left, up and around and you should have a plain grey C on top of V. Move I right twice. Warp O now and move it right. Take R and shove it into the glue. Won't have to worry about him anymore.
Drop Y back onto the pink button, then up right right and more right to make it pink again. Take Y around (careful for the glue for heaven's sake) and have it sit next to I. Bring O out of its hidey hole and set it on top of I. Take Y up to the yellow warp, and go through. At this point, make sure T is right under the warp and then put Y in the gap to its left. Slide C over, warp it, and push it to the right. Take Y back through the warp. Slide C left twice to drop it. This is the second picture, sans an arrow.
Slide C on top of O. I hear your cries. "But there's still a gap!" Well, take Y up one, left one, up two, right one, then straight up 'til morning. Use the green warp to bridge the gap for C. Take C through the warp and hit the 3 switch. Now don't do anything hasty. We got this far ok. Bring Y halfway back to the top green warp, bridging a gap over some glue. Take your O or I through the pink warp, over the rollers, over the Y, through the blue warp and hit the 4 switch. Take your other O/I block the same route and park it over the gray switch, next to the first one you brought.
Take Y clockwise around the mass to its left, all the way to and through the blue warp. Now bridge the gap with it. Hit the 1 switch and bring I and O both through the red warp. (Third pic is somewhere in here.) Go ahead and warp them through the yellow. Make sure the I goes left, to sit next to V while the O goes right to sit by R. Bring Y back through the blue warp, and take it back around the mass counterclockwise. You'll need to revisit the pink switch down by R, then take Y up to bridge the gap a few squares over the glue again. Drop C and take it through blue. Shift C left once. Bring Y around again, through blue and bridging the gap for C. Take C through red then yellow, then sit it left (should be between I and T). Bring Y through blue one last time, then take it around and down next to R, no need to make it pink again.
At this point, you should only need to shift the first four letters over for….VICTORY!
Posted by: LoZfan03
January 14, 2009 9:41 PM