An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Matryoshka (New Edition)

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Matryoshka (New Edition)

elleNOTE: the online Flash version of the new edition of Matryoshka is available to play from July 19 - July 27 only.

You're in a room that appears to be round; this is confirmed as you tap the arrows at the sides or swipe left and right on the screen, inspecting your surroundings. It's a pleasant enough room, painted in a pastel palate of blues and whites, a fashionably modern yet comfortable looking sofa, plant, desk, picture... but no door! As pretty as this room may be, eventually one has to eat, breath the fresh air, go to work. But how? To do that, investigate your surroundings, look for hints to help you solve the visual riddles nestled all about the room. Maybe then you can peel back the layers of this deceptively congenial trap and make your way out of Matryoshka (New Edition), available for iOS and Android, as well as on your browser for a limited time. The appeal of this cleverly inventive escape game by Kotorinosu, like the Russian nesting dolls it's named after, is in its many layers and surprises held within. Besides the satisfaction that comes from having your mental prowess challenged—and succeeding—there is much to enjoy in Matryoshka's design with very cool visuals and fun animations to reward your progress.

Matryoshka (New Edition)If you've played any of Kotorinosu's other escape games, such as Room Gamma or Pixel Room, you already know you're in for a treat, even before opening the app on your mobile device. This time Kotorinosu has gone all out to make the user interface as intuitive as possible, all actions completed by a simple tap. Tap on any object in the room and, if it can be picked up, it'll automatically appear in your inventory at the bottom of the screen. Tap to select an object in your inventory then tap again somewhere in the scene to (attempt to) put it to use. Or, tap an object's icon twice to examine it in more detail, which you'll want to do as a number of puzzles take place that way. There is slight drawback to this as the inventory animations could be distracting. Yet it's a minor nitpick considering the overall high quality of the design and interface.

As far as being a "new edition", while sharing its title with Matryoshka, a browser-based escape game released some time back, this particular game is truly original by its own rights—the visuals are completely revamped and there are many newly-designed puzzles to boggle your wits. Even though a couple concepts appear in both versions, there is much more that is notably unique and different, making this a game that shouldn't be overlooked. It can be enjoyed by fans familiar with the original as well as anyone who loves a good puzzle adventure to go. It's hard to decide which is more enjoyable about this new edition of Matryoshka: the crisp, fresh aesthetics or how the puzzles are the perfect level of difficulty. But you get to enjoy both simultaneously, so no need to choose. Save that brain power for the true tasks at hand, unlocking the delights nestled inside this new edition of Matryoshka.

Play Matryoshka (New Edition)

Play Matryoshka (original)

Download in the AppStoreMatryoshka (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

Google PlayMatryoshka (Android)

NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 2. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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Matryoshka New Edition Walkthrough

Starting Off


You start facing the SOFA WALL.
Zooming in on the pot plant reveals a white petal. Collect it. The pot also has a bolt on the side... mysterious.
Zoom out, then zoom in on the painting on the wall. One of the leaves on the right plant seems oversized, tapping on it will reveal that it is in fact another white petal. There is what seems to be a card scanner to the left of the painting, but we can't do anything with that yet.
Zoom out, then zoom in on the sofa. Checking under the pillows reveals a tiny doll, which has a hexagon shaped hole. Tapping underneath the sofa will present you with a dry cloth.
Zoom out, then zoom in on the clock. The top, misshapen hand end is another white seed.
Zoom out, and turn right.


On the desk there is a set of scales, which is missing one platform, and a large doll which is somehow attached to the desk. Opening up it's head reveals spaces for eight white petals.
Checking all the drawers of the desk we see that two are locked and one is missing a handle.
To the right there is a modern sculpture of some sort which appears to be attached to both the floor and the wall.
Nothing we can do here for now; turn right.


On the left side of the wall, there are two painted arrows facing each other, and a screwed down panel (with Phillips type screws). In the center there is a large white cylinder. Inspecting the gap in the middle of the cylinder will let you see and collect a torn maze drawing. The cylinder also has a small locked door and a lever, which does not appear to do anything for now.
On the left of this view there is a small doll in a wide jail cell, and a modern painting which has a red pencil resting on top.
Turn right.


There is a modern bookshelf in/on the wall; inspecting the books on the sides reveal hidden flathead screws.
There is also a blacked out picture (underneath it is another flathead screw) whose frame is held by a phillips screw.
Now that we've collected all the items we could and inspected everything, it's time to solve some puzzles!

Cleaning Up and the White Petals Puzzle

At this point you should have in your inventory: 3x white petals, tiny doll, dry cloth, torn maze drawing and a red pencil.
The tiny doll had a hexagon shaped hole in it... what could it be used for?

Use the tiny doll to unbolt the pot plant on the SOFA WALL. Zoom out and open up the pot.

Collect the water bottle.
The dry cloth isn't much use in its current state, so combine it with the water bottle to get a wet cloth.
What have we seen in this room that might need some cleaning?

Use the wet cloth on the blacked out picture on the BOOKSHELF WALL.

This reveals a strange picture of three white petals and five blue petals, all facing different angles.
Hey, we have three white petals, and 3+5 equals eight, the amount of slots in the large doll!

The white petals in the picture show where to place the petals in the large doll. Note the orientation of the petals in the picture, and place the petals in the corresponding positions in the white doll.

The correct positions are (numbering the slots 1-8 from top going clockwise) are 2, 5, and 7.

Opening the large doll we can collect a medium doll.

Matryoshka Maze

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny doll, torn maze drawing, red pencil, and a medium doll.
The medium doll we just picked up has a twisty head. Twisting it 180 degrees reveals a brown key taped to the back.
Use the brown key to open the right locked drawer on the DESK VIEW, which allows us to collect the other piece of the torn maze drawing.
Combine the two torn maze drawings to get a better view of the entire maze.
How could this maze help us solve any puzzle?

The maze is a 'map' of the turns we must do on the medium doll. Turn the head to follow the curves of the path through the maze.
The correct sequence of turns is: Clockwise, clockwise, anticlockwise, clockwise, clockwise, anticlockwise, anticlockwise, anticlockwise.

Collect the phillips screwdriver.

Screwing Around Pt. 1

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny doll, red pencil, medium doll, and a phillips screwdriver.
Now that we finally have a screwdriver, we can go and tackle all those pesky screws we've been seeing around the room.
First we can unscrew the frame of the white and blue petals picture (on the BOOKSHELF WALL) to get a blue card, and the panel on the left of the CYLINDER WALL to get a notebook.

The Jailbreak Escape

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny doll, red pencil, medium doll, phillips screwdriver, blue card, and a notebook.
On the CYLINDER WALL you may place a doll of any size on whichever 'jail' is open, at the moment the one of the left. Doing so will close that jail but open the other.
So, logically, we will always have one doll in jail... right?

If you put the correct dolls in the correct jails you can end up with the tiny doll in the jail to the right, which has wider gaps between the bars... wide enough for the tiny doll to escape.
The way to do this is to place the medium doll in the left jail, collect the small doll from the right jail and replace it with the tiny doll which you can then collect through the bars of the jail before going back tot he left jail to retrieve the medium doll.

You now have three dolls! Just one left to go.

Winding Up and the Three Dot Puzzle

At this point you should have in your inventory: red pencil, phillips screwdriver, blue card, notebook, and the tiny, small, and medium dolls.
Now that we have a blue card we can use it on the card scanner on the SOFA WALL.
This will present us with a black box.
Examining the black box will present us with a windup handle and a strange pattern of dots.
Having a closer look at the small doll will reveal that there is a slot for a windup handle which, handily, we have.
Winding up the doll will activate the three buttons on the front.
We don't appear to have enough clues for the correct sequence yet, so we'll see what we can do with the items we have at the moment.
The notebook is blank apart from some red scribbles... we know what to do here!

Use the red pencil on the page to reveal a clue.

The revealed clue seems to relate the the pattern of dots in the black box. The four squares that the arrow passed through have the numbers 2 1 3 2. Maybe that will work on the small doll. Hmm, no. But maybe it's not the number that matters?

Instead of using the numbers, use the positions of the dots that make up the numbers, moving from left to right. So the first number 2 actually means the bottom button then the top button.
The correct sequence of button presses is (numbered 1-3 from top to bottom) 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 3.

Open the doll to get a handle.

Weighing Things Up

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny, small and medium dolls, and a handle.
The use of the handle should be obvious; use it on the cupboard on the DESK WALL to get a scales plate, which can be used to complete the scales on the desk.
The scales have a 'measuring' device of sorts, where a white needle points to how much the scales are off balance. There is also a grey arrow marking where you want the white needle to point.
The aim is to place the three dolls (some nested if required) to make the needle point to the grey arrow.

The tiny doll has a weight of 1, the small doll has a weight of 3, and the medium doll has a weight of 6.
The grey arrow points to 8 on the right.
6+3-1=8, so nest the small doll in the medium doll on the right scale plate, and put the tiny doll on the left scale plate.

Collect the silver key, and don't forget to recollect the three dolls.
Use the silver key to unlock the left locked drawer of the desk to collect the flathead screwdriver.

Screwing Around Pt. 2

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny, small, and medium dolls, and a flathead screwdriver.
If you check in the cupboard under the large doll, there is a flathead screw at the top of the compartment. Unscrew it and collect the large doll.
Now go to the BOOKSHELF VIEW, and unscrew the three flathead screws (on each side behind the books and under the picture).
You can now remove the bookshelf.

Family Portrait

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny, small, medium, and large dolls, and a flathead screwdriver.
The compartment behind the bookshelf has places for three dolls. It also has some decorative branches which are also on the family portrait on the SOFA WALL. Could the portrait be a clue to the doll placement?

The 'daughter' doll (small) goes on the left, the 'father' doll (large) goes in the middle, and the 'mother', pregnant with the 'baby' (tiny nested in medium) goes on the right.

After the animation, recollect the four dolls.

Painting and Nesting

At this point you should have in your inventory: all four dolls.
Take a look around the room to see what has changed.
The modern sculpture on the DESK WALL has opened up, revealing four nested colors.
The arrows on the CYLINDER WALL now point to a small hidden compartment which contains a gold key, which can be used to open up the door of the cylinder.
This compartment will paint the dolls. It works by placing a doll in the compartment, selecting a color, then pulling the lever. By painting each of the dolls you need to replicate the 'nest' of colors in the modern sculpture.
Once you have painted all four dolls correctly, nest them all inside each other and place them in the center of the cylinder.
After the animation, go back to the CYLINDER WALL and climb down the ladder.

Congratulations, you escaped!


1. Couch View
a. Couch

Zoom in and move the cushions. Retrieve the doll. Note the shape on the front of the doll.


Look under the couch and get the cloth.

b. Plant

Zoom in and collect the teardrop. Note the bolt on the plant’s side.


Use the doll on the bolt. Move the top of the plant and get the bottle.

c. Picture

Zoom in on the picture. Note the card reader. Get the teardrop.

d. Clock

Zoom in on the clock. Get the teardrop.

2. Bookshelf View
a. Left Books

Move the books and note the screw.

b. Right Books

Move the books and note the screw.

c. Picture Frame

Use the bottle of water on the cloth then use the wet cloth on the picture. Note the grey petals.


Zoom in on the picture frame and note the screw on the back, and the screw on the shelf behind.

3. Desk View
a. Cabinet

Note the missing handle.

b. Scales

Note the missing plate and the arrow on the dial.

c. Doll

Zoom in on the doll, and open its face. Place the teardrops as indicated by the picture in the bookcase view.


Open the doll and get the next doll. Examine it and note that the head spins.


On the back of its head is a key. Take it.

d. Drawers

Note the two locked drawers.


Use the key on the right drawer. Open it and get the maze piece.

4. Column View
a. Column

Note the lever and locked door.


Zoom in on the middle of the column and take the second maze piece.


Fit the two maze pieces together. Plot outward path.


1. Rotate from the doll’s point of view
2. Right 180 degrees
3. Left 90 degrees
4. Right 180 degrees
5. Left 270 degrees


Take the first screwdriver from inside the doll. Note that it is phillips.

5. Bookshelf View
a. Picture Frame

Use the screwdriver on the back of the frame and take the access card.

6. Couch View
a. Picture

Zoom in on the picture and use the card on the card reader. Take the box from behind the picture.


Open the box and get the winding key.

7. Column View
a. Sealed Wall (left)

Use the screwdriver on the wall section and get the book. Put the larger doll in its place.

b. Painting

Get the red pencil.

c. Right of Column

Take the doll. Replace it with the small doll.

d. Left of Column

Take the doll.

e. Right of Column

Take the doll.


Examine the newest doll and use the wind-up key on the back of it.


Examine the book. Use the red pencil on the page with the scribble. Note the highlighted squares.


Examine the black box. Note the exact pattern of the DOTS that correspond to the highlighted squares.


If you work from left to right, the dots correspond to the buttons on the new doll.


SOLUTION: bottom, top, middle, top, middle, bottom, top, bottom


Take the handle.

8. Desk View
a. Cabinet

Use the handle on the cabinet and open it.


Take the plate.

b. Scales

Use the plate on the scales.


Put the dolls on the scales to align with the arrow on the dial.


The small doll weighs 1, the medium one weighs 3, the large weighs 6.


The target is 8.


SOLUTION: Nest the medium inside the large and put it on the right plate. Put the small on the left plate.


Take the key and the dolls.

c. Drawers

Use the key on the left drawer and take the second screwdriver. Note that it is flathead.

d. Cabinet

Unscrew the largest doll and take it.

9. Bookshelf View
a. Left Books

Move the books and remove the screw.

b. Right Books

Move the books and remove the screw.

c. Picture Frame

Zoom in on the picture frame and remove the screw on the shelf behind.


Zoom out and remove the bookshelf.


Zoom back in and note the three spaces for dolls and the leaves on the wall.


The leaves match the ones in the painting in the couch view.


Place the four dolls on the spaces to match the painting.


SOLUTION: The painting shows the daughter, the father and the pregnant mother. Put the biggest doll in the middle as the father, the next biggest with the smallest inside it on the right as the pregnant mother and the last one on the left.


After the cut scene, take the dolls back.

10. Desk View
a. The Sphere

Look up at the inside of the sphere and note the colours from the outside inward.

11. Column View
a. Between the Arrows

Look on the ledge and open the panel to take the key.

b. The Locked Panel

Use the key to open the locked panel.


Change the colour of each doll by putting it into the device here. Set the colour you want it to be at the top, close the door and pull the lever. Set the colours from the code given in the sphere.

c. The Platform on the Column

Nest the dolls and put them onto the platform on the column.


After the cutscene use the ladder to escape.

Argh, I made a couple of errors in my walkthrogh.
I the very first part I called the white objects 'petals' twice and then I called the third one a 'seed'.
Also, I believe that the three dot puzzle is randomized.


Well this is odd...I can't get the browser version to load properly. IE and Firefox won't load it at all (just get a black square), and Chrome loads it in a 1" x 2" rectangle in the corner of the black square where the game's supposed to be. All ad-blockers are disabled, Flash is up to date, have tried clearing cache and reloading. Any ideas?


It didn't load for me either, but I got it to play by going directly to the .swf:

chelseamorning July 19, 2014 12:05 PM

I am having the same issue. I plan to check back in a bit to see if it has been resolved....

mark0205 July 19, 2014 1:07 PM

ugh, I'm stuck...

I've gotten the third little blue doll where I'm assuming you have to press his buttons in a certain order to get him to open. I've gotten the black box behind the family picture on the wall and I think it has the clue inside but I can't make sense of it. Any hints appreciated!

alexander1956370 July 19, 2014 1:13 PM


You have to find a notebook. It may seem unhelpful at first but you have to keep thinking.


Yeah, I'm stuck at the same spot.

I have what I assume to be the code (2123) but no method of entering it that I've tried has been successful.


@mark0205, @Nicholas McIntyre

Don't convert to numbers. You have three white dots arranged vertically.

I'm stuck just past there. I know what to do with the scale, but

I can only hold two dolls at a time and I need all three.

All I have left in my inventory are the dolls and I'm out of things to interact with. Still need 2 keys and the flathead screwdriver.


Ah, fair enough. I thought I'd tried that one too, but I must have misremembered one of the directions.

As to your problem, you just need to remember the name of the game.

Matryoshka dolls open up and nest inside one another. You can store one doll inside the other and then put it on the scale.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 1:41 PM

Wooo! I got out with no help. Pretty tricky! I'm glad I got to play the web version because I seem to have less luck when playing tap tap style.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 1:44 PM replied to Konrad


You can hold more than two dolls at a time. Here's how:

Put the tiny doll in the jail on the right to get a bigger doll out of the left jail. Then, reach through the wider apart bars of the right jail to get the tiny doll out! ESCAPE! :-D

shipoopie July 19, 2014 2:05 PM replied to Nicholas McIntyre

@Nicholas McIntyre

Another hint for that code:

It looks like the code is 2132, but notice that the two's are different.

Here's the sequence of tummy button pushing:

If you consider the buttons on the tummy of that doll to be like:


then the first two is 31 and the second two is 13.

The full code is



I'm stuck in a bizarre place, and hoping for POP.

I have 3 dolls, the flathead driver, and the shelf is open. I feel like I'm missing another doll, but I can't figure it out.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 2:12 PM replied to Nicholas McIntyre

TIp for the very very last puzzle.

The colors are not the same for every game.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 2:13 PM replied to Shudog


The last doll is screwed up.


Kheldar July 19, 2014 2:20 PM

I'm stuck pretty early on compared to the rest of the posts...

I have 3 white teardrops, the bottle of water, the folded cloth/paper, the red pencil, and the first doll that can turn bolts.

I can't figure out what to do next.


I'm with Kheldar, I'm stuck only a bit beyond that.

I have the red pencil, the small doll that turns bolts, 3 teardrops (and I can see where to use them) and the partial maze-map. I've used the water bottle on the


but I don't remember what the purpose was as it seems to have vanished from inventory

I've clicked on everything multiple times, with and without my inventory items, and I've tried to use each inventory item on every other inventory item. So I'm stuckity-stuck stuck. I can see I will need

a flat head screwdriver, and phillips head screwdriver, various keys, a platform for the scale, and more teardrops.

But no idea what the next step could possibly be.


Yay, browser version works for me! Dunno what was happening earlier. Oh well.


Take another look around the room for something that looks like it could use a good cleaning.

Kheldar July 19, 2014 2:29 PM

I've now gotten a bit farther and am stuck again...

I have a second doll (rotating head) and the torn paper with part of a maze on it now.


Brilliant ending!

I have no idea why I didn't see it coming. Of COURSE we were in another doll!

shipoopie July 19, 2014 2:34 PM replied to JCS


You probably used that wet combination somewhere already by accident. And,

now you can see a new clue. In fact, I'm sure you can already picture it in your mind.


@shipoopie That was the first thing I tried, and nothing's happening.



Make sure you observe which direction the teardrops are pointing both on the clue, and in the place where you use them.

Sessie July 19, 2014 2:43 PM replied to Sessie

Whoops...responded to the wrong comment. Disregard.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 2:44 PM replied to Shudog

You mean you tried to pick up the doll next to the scale but you couldn't? Did you try

unscrewing it from the bottom? There's a screw in the cabinet.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 2:48 PM

I just went and played the original version. I don't remember playing it before. Didn't take long to do it. I wonder if that's because I got my brain all primed up for it with this one.


I'm assuming the

completed maze

is a clue for the


but I can't seem to make the translation.

shipoopie July 19, 2014 3:05 PM replied to Kheldar


If you have the doll that

has the rotating head, then my guess is that you found your maze piece in the drawer. The other piece of paper is more or less out in the open:

It's in the middle of that while column



the doll's head rotates in both direction a quarter turn each time so

looking at your maze, note the turns are clockwise or counter-clockwise and

some are half, some are quarter, some are three-quarter turns

shipoopie July 19, 2014 3:14 PM replied to Sessie


If your turning head doll isn't opening, then by completed maze do you mean you used the pencil on it, too? If so, then try making the doll look where it's going. As in...

down is the doll is facing you and up is the doll facing away.

Or, if you like, think of it as if the doll is in the middle of the maze and is shooting death lasers from its eyes at the ground to make the red line. :-D

Rotate it accordingly.

Sessie July 19, 2014 3:16 PM replied to shipoopie


Haha, I like your analogy! Thanks, I've got it now. :)


@shipoopie, thank you for the hint with the teardrops - one of those head-smacking "of course!" moments or me. And thank you for the belly-button sequence - while I may have eventually have stumbled upon the secret of the teardrops, I never would have sorted that one. With those sorted, I'm over and out!

Kheldar July 19, 2014 3:29 PM



I had tried that logic, but I was applying it to the turns at the doorways, not the progress around the maze's curves.

Also, the other half of the maze hiding in plain site had me stuck for a while. I didn't even see it when I found it, I was just clicking around.


I got through most of the game with the hints here, but I was stuck forever at the last stage. I thought the

matched arrows on the wall

were just a hint that

the walls would open up

So I couldn't for the life of me figure out how the lever-machine worked, even though I had figured out that

the lamp meant I should color-code the nested dolls.

So, moral: check everywhere all over again after anything happens...


I have

all 4 dolls and the flat head screwdriver. The shelf is down

What do i do next?

shipoopie July 19, 2014 5:40 PM replied to zejoro


Find a key to the box with the lever.


Kotorinosu comes through again!

iLLuSioN_MooN July 19, 2014 5:46 PM

I give up! for now, at least. I can't solve the maze puzzle at all. Even the death ray explanation doesn't help. Well, I did need to sleep. Perhaps I will get it once I have slept.

Thorzdad July 19, 2014 7:57 PM

I'm impressed (envious?) that so many of you have gotten a lot further than I've managed. So far, I've gotten...

the three dolls, a phillips screwdriver, and the notebook with the 5x5 grid/arrow clue drawn-in.

Now, I'm stuck. None of what I have seems to apply anywhere else.

The middle-size doll has what looks like a small square socket on the back, that I assume needs a tool of some sort to operate, and I have no idea what that 5x5 grid is about, or what the lamp does.

icvotria July 19, 2014 7:58 PM

I can't for the life of me find the flathead!

I've used everything else and only have two dolls in my inventory and one stuck behind bars that I can swap with one of the others.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Sylocat July 19, 2014 9:53 PM

Dang, that was an awesome sequence of puzzles.

I have one hint for those who are stuck (at least, this is the one thing that caused the rest to fall into place for me):

To get the third doll out from behind the bars, put another doll on the scale platform in the other hole. Any size doll will do.

Notice how on one of the holes, the bars are further apart?



I was stuck there too, but it was really easy, so I must have been over thinking it! The laserbeam clue was exactly right.

Turn the doll's head by using the left side arrow twice - doll's looking behind), the right arrow once, doll's looking to the left), the left arrow twice (dolls looking to the right), and then the right arrow three times (should be looking straight ahead). You get the screwdriver.

Hope that helps!


The only items in my inventory are the three dolls, but I have NO idea where the flathead screwdriver is. Help?

MrsRavoon July 20, 2014 12:27 AM

I can't get past a pencil, a few teardrops, and half a maze.

aceadventurer July 20, 2014 12:34 AM

This was a really fun game with some intuitive puzzles and just difficult enough for me (cause I'm still learning the genre) that I needed a little help from the escape game expert.


I was stuck there too, but just found a new piece of the puzzle--there's another place you can use

the phillips-head screwdriver. It's on

the back of the clue to the petals.

That should get you as far as the

puzzle involving buttons.

Now I've solved that and am stuck again, of course, but that's the nature of these games...


Ah, got it...I forgot there was

an arrow mark on the scale.

I really need to be more patient with these games!

thegreatescaper July 20, 2014 1:06 AM

Matryoshka New Edition Walkthrough

Starting Off


You start facing the SOFA WALL.
Zooming in on the pot plant reveals a white petal. Collect it. The pot also has a bolt on the side... mysterious.
Zoom out, then zoom in on the painting on the wall. One of the leaves on the right plant seems oversized, tapping on it will reveal that it is in fact another white petal. There is what seems to be a card scanner to the left of the painting, but we can't do anything with that yet.
Zoom out, then zoom in on the sofa. Checking under the pillows reveals a tiny doll, which has a hexagon shaped hole. Tapping underneath the sofa will present you with a dry cloth.
Zoom out, then zoom in on the clock. The top, misshapen hand end is another white seed.
Zoom out, and turn right.


On the desk there is a set of scales, which is missing one platform, and a large doll which is somehow attached to the desk. Opening up it's head reveals spaces for eight white petals.
Checking all the drawers of the desk we see that two are locked and one is missing a handle.
To the right there is a modern sculpture of some sort which appears to be attached to both the floor and the wall.
Nothing we can do here for now; turn right.


On the left side of the wall, there are two painted arrows facing each other, and a screwed down panel (with Phillips type screws). In the center there is a large white cylinder. Inspecting the gap in the middle of the cylinder will let you see and collect a torn maze drawing. The cylinder also has a small locked door and a lever, which does not appear to do anything for now.
On the left of this view there is a small doll in a wide jail cell, and a modern painting which has a red pencil resting on top.
Turn right.


There is a modern bookshelf in/on the wall; inspecting the books on the sides reveal hidden flathead screws.
There is also a blacked out picture (underneath it is another flathead screw) whose frame is held by a phillips screw.
Now that we've collected all the items we could and inspected everything, it's time to solve some puzzles!

Cleaning Up and the White Petals Puzzle

At this point you should have in your inventory: 3x white petals, tiny doll, dry cloth, torn maze drawing and a red pencil.
The tiny doll had a hexagon shaped hole in it... what could it be used for?

Use the tiny doll to unbolt the pot plant on the SOFA WALL. Zoom out and open up the pot.

Collect the water bottle.
The dry cloth isn't much use in its current state, so combine it with the water bottle to get a wet cloth.
What have we seen in this room that might need some cleaning?

Use the wet cloth on the blacked out picture on the BOOKSHELF WALL.

This reveals a strange picture of three white petals and five blue petals, all facing different angles.
Hey, we have three white petals, and 3+5 equals eight, the amount of slots in the large doll!

The white petals in the picture show where to place the petals in the large doll. Note the orientation of the petals in the picture, and place the petals in the corresponding positions in the white doll.

The correct positions are (numbering the slots 1-8 from top going clockwise) are 2, 5, and 7.

Opening the large doll we can collect a medium doll.

Matryoshka Maze

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny doll, torn maze drawing, red pencil, and a medium doll.
The medium doll we just picked up has a twisty head. Twisting it 180 degrees reveals a brown key taped to the back.
Use the brown key to open the right locked drawer on the DESK VIEW, which allows us to collect the other piece of the torn maze drawing.
Combine the two torn maze drawings to get a better view of the entire maze.
How could this maze help us solve any puzzle?

The maze is a 'map' of the turns we must do on the medium doll. Turn the head to follow the curves of the path through the maze.
The correct sequence of turns is: Clockwise, clockwise, anticlockwise, clockwise, clockwise, anticlockwise, anticlockwise, anticlockwise.

Collect the phillips screwdriver.

Screwing Around Pt. 1

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny doll, red pencil, medium doll, and a phillips screwdriver.
Now that we finally have a screwdriver, we can go and tackle all those pesky screws we've been seeing around the room.
First we can unscrew the frame of the white and blue petals picture (on the BOOKSHELF WALL) to get a blue card, and the panel on the left of the CYLINDER WALL to get a notebook.

The Jailbreak Escape

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny doll, red pencil, medium doll, phillips screwdriver, blue card, and a notebook.
On the CYLINDER WALL you may place a doll of any size on whichever 'jail' is open, at the moment the one of the left. Doing so will close that jail but open the other.
So, logically, we will always have one doll in jail... right?

If you put the correct dolls in the correct jails you can end up with the tiny doll in the jail to the right, which has wider gaps between the bars... wide enough for the tiny doll to escape.
The way to do this is to place the medium doll in the left jail, collect the small doll from the right jail and replace it with the tiny doll which you can then collect through the bars of the jail before going back tot he left jail to retrieve the medium doll.

You now have three dolls! Just one left to go.

Winding Up and the Three Dot Puzzle

At this point you should have in your inventory: red pencil, phillips screwdriver, blue card, notebook, and the tiny, small, and medium dolls.
Now that we have a blue card we can use it on the card scanner on the SOFA WALL.
This will present us with a black box.
Examining the black box will present us with a windup handle and a strange pattern of dots.
Having a closer look at the small doll will reveal that there is a slot for a windup handle which, handily, we have.
Winding up the doll will activate the three buttons on the front.
We don't appear to have enough clues for the correct sequence yet, so we'll see what we can do with the items we have at the moment.
The notebook is blank apart from some red scribbles... we know what to do here!

Use the red pencil on the page to reveal a clue.

The revealed clue seems to relate the the pattern of dots in the black box. The four squares that the arrow passed through have the numbers 2 1 3 2. Maybe that will work on the small doll. Hmm, no. But maybe it's not the number that matters?

Instead of using the numbers, use the positions of the dots that make up the numbers, moving from left to right. So the first number 2 actually means the bottom button then the top button.
The correct sequence of button presses is (numbered 1-3 from top to bottom) 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 3.

Open the doll to get a handle.

Weighing Things Up

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny, small and medium dolls, and a handle.
The use of the handle should be obvious; use it on the cupboard on the DESK WALL to get a scales plate, which can be used to complete the scales on the desk.
The scales have a 'measuring' device of sorts, where a white needle points to how much the scales are off balance. There is also a grey arrow marking where you want the white needle to point.
The aim is to place the three dolls (some nested if required) to make the needle point to the grey arrow.

The tiny doll has a weight of 1, the small doll has a weight of 3, and the medium doll has a weight of 6.
The grey arrow points to 8 on the right.
6+3-1=8, so nest the small doll in the medium doll on the right scale plate, and put the tiny doll on the left scale plate.

Collect the silver key, and don't forget to recollect the three dolls.
Use the silver key to unlock the left locked drawer of the desk to collect the flathead screwdriver.

Screwing Around Pt. 2

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny, small, and medium dolls, and a flathead screwdriver.
If you check in the cupboard under the large doll, there is a flathead screw at the top of the compartment. Unscrew it and collect the large doll.
Now go to the BOOKSHELF VIEW, and unscrew the three flathead screws (on each side behind the books and under the picture).
You can now remove the bookshelf.

Family Portrait

At this point you should have in your inventory: tiny, small, medium, and large dolls, and a flathead screwdriver.
The compartment behind the bookshelf has places for three dolls. It also has some decorative branches which are also on the family portrait on the SOFA WALL. Could the portrait be a clue to the doll placement?

The 'daughter' doll (small) goes on the left, the 'father' doll (large) goes in the middle, and the 'mother', pregnant with the 'baby' (tiny nested in medium) goes on the right.

After the animation, recollect the four dolls.

Painting and Nesting

At this point you should have in your inventory: all four dolls.
Take a look around the room to see what has changed.
The modern sculpture on the DESK WALL has opened up, revealing four nested colors.
The arrows on the CYLINDER WALL now point to a small hidden compartment which contains a gold key, which can be used to open up the door of the cylinder.
This compartment will paint the dolls. It works by placing a doll in the compartment, selecting a color, then pulling the lever. By painting each of the dolls you need to replicate the 'nest' of colors in the modern sculpture.
Once you have painted all four dolls correctly, nest them all inside each other and place them in the center of the cylinder.
After the animation, go back to the CYLINDER WALL and climb down the ladder.

Congratulations, you escaped!

shipoopie July 20, 2014 3:16 AM replied to MrsRavoon


Look for some place to put those tear drops. For the clue on how it works, you'll need some other items. For one of them,

imagine you're a dust bunny.

The other one requires a little more effort, but you'll eventually get to the root of the problem.

Things should start to move along better once you get rid of those tear drops.

shipoopie July 20, 2014 3:35 AM replied to hibiya


The spinning head doll has more in store for you. Look for the clue to opening it. Look high. Look less high. And, weigh your options.



1. Couch View
a. Couch

Zoom in and move the cushions. Retrieve the doll. Note the shape on the front of the doll.


Look under the couch and get the cloth.

b. Plant

Zoom in and collect the teardrop. Note the bolt on the plant’s side.


Use the doll on the bolt. Move the top of the plant and get the bottle.

c. Picture

Zoom in on the picture. Note the card reader. Get the teardrop.

d. Clock

Zoom in on the clock. Get the teardrop.

2. Bookshelf View
a. Left Books

Move the books and note the screw.

b. Right Books

Move the books and note the screw.

c. Picture Frame

Use the bottle of water on the cloth then use the wet cloth on the picture. Note the grey petals.


Zoom in on the picture frame and note the screw on the back, and the screw on the shelf behind.

3. Desk View
a. Cabinet

Note the missing handle.

b. Scales

Note the missing plate and the arrow on the dial.

c. Doll

Zoom in on the doll, and open its face. Place the teardrops as indicated by the picture in the bookcase view.


Open the doll and get the next doll. Examine it and note that the head spins.


On the back of its head is a key. Take it.

d. Drawers

Note the two locked drawers.


Use the key on the right drawer. Open it and get the maze piece.

4. Column View
a. Column

Note the lever and locked door.


Zoom in on the middle of the column and take the second maze piece.


Fit the two maze pieces together. Plot outward path.


1. Rotate from the doll’s point of view
2. Right 180 degrees
3. Left 90 degrees
4. Right 180 degrees
5. Left 270 degrees


Take the first screwdriver from inside the doll. Note that it is phillips.

5. Bookshelf View
a. Picture Frame

Use the screwdriver on the back of the frame and take the access card.

6. Couch View
a. Picture

Zoom in on the picture and use the card on the card reader. Take the box from behind the picture.


Open the box and get the winding key.

7. Column View
a. Sealed Wall (left)

Use the screwdriver on the wall section and get the book. Put the larger doll in its place.

b. Painting

Get the red pencil.

c. Right of Column

Take the doll. Replace it with the small doll.

d. Left of Column

Take the doll.

e. Right of Column

Take the doll.


Examine the newest doll and use the wind-up key on the back of it.


Examine the book. Use the red pencil on the page with the scribble. Note the highlighted squares.


Examine the black box. Note the exact pattern of the DOTS that correspond to the highlighted squares.


If you work from left to right, the dots correspond to the buttons on the new doll.


SOLUTION: bottom, top, middle, top, middle, bottom, top, bottom


Take the handle.

8. Desk View
a. Cabinet

Use the handle on the cabinet and open it.


Take the plate.

b. Scales

Use the plate on the scales.


Put the dolls on the scales to align with the arrow on the dial.


The small doll weighs 1, the medium one weighs 3, the large weighs 6.


The target is 8.


SOLUTION: Nest the medium inside the large and put it on the right plate. Put the small on the left plate.


Take the key and the dolls.

c. Drawers

Use the key on the left drawer and take the second screwdriver. Note that it is flathead.

d. Cabinet

Unscrew the largest doll and take it.

9. Bookshelf View
a. Left Books

Move the books and remove the screw.

b. Right Books

Move the books and remove the screw.

c. Picture Frame

Zoom in on the picture frame and remove the screw on the shelf behind.


Zoom out and remove the bookshelf.


Zoom back in and note the three spaces for dolls and the leaves on the wall.


The leaves match the ones in the painting in the couch view.


Place the four dolls on the spaces to match the painting.


SOLUTION: The painting shows the daughter, the father and the pregnant mother. Put the biggest doll in the middle as the father, the next biggest with the smallest inside it on the right as the pregnant mother and the last one on the left.


After the cut scene, take the dolls back.

10. Desk View
a. The Sphere

Look up at the inside of the sphere and note the colours from the outside inward.

11. Column View
a. Between the Arrows

Look on the ledge and open the panel to take the key.

b. The Locked Panel

Use the key to open the locked panel.


Change the colour of each doll by putting it into the device here. Set the colour you want it to be at the top, close the door and pull the lever. Set the colours from the code given in the sphere.

c. The Platform on the Column

Nest the dolls and put them onto the platform on the column.


After the cutscene use the ladder to escape.

thegreatescaper July 20, 2014 8:50 AM

Argh, I made a couple of errors in my walkthrogh.
I the very first part I called the white objects 'petals' twice and then I called the third one a 'seed'.
Also, I believe that the three dot puzzle is randomized.

shipoopie July 20, 2014 9:02 AM replied to thegreatescaper

I played it a bunch of times to make sure I was giving correct help and I never noticed the three button puzzle to change.

thegreatescaper July 20, 2014 9:41 AM

Whoops, yeah that was my mistake.
I just saw someone here mentioning a different number sequence and assumed that it could be randomized.


how do I check what I need for

the last puzzle? I don't seem to see a color code that gives me the answer. I know the walkthrough says "modern painting" but all I see are colored shapes and I don't get it because only 2 colors are on it. help :(

Patreon Donator Reka July 20, 2014 12:52 PM replied to Paul

The color clue is

the lamp-like object, not the modern painting.


ok what I need to do I figured out but it still isn't doing anything. the correct settings say

next inner=Blue
next inner one=green

I have the largest doll Red, next largest Blue, 2nd smallest green, and smallest yellow. I nested them and put it in the cylinder and nothing happens.

help :(


this is so confusing. :(



I got the colors right but it's not working in the cylinder.

please help.

MrsRavoon July 20, 2014 5:48 PM replied to shipoopie

Thanks for those clues, shipoopie. Just the right nudge to help me along.

Paul: pretty sure the colors in your post at 12:54 are not correct. Double-check the sphere?

JudyJetson July 20, 2014 8:20 PM

Whimsical, creative, and just challenging enough. The design put it over the top.

That was gorgeous. End of story.

Reply July 21, 2014 5:51 AM

I could never have done this without a walkthrough!!!


I'm getting better at these escape games (I think marathoning the Submachine series recently has helped, haha). Only got stuck at

button-pushing on the one doll

, but figured the rest out myself. It probably helped to have played the 2011 version first to get a feel for this series though. The intricate sequential puzzles fit the nesting doll theme really well, the design is beautiful and the sound effects are pleasant. It's rare for me, but I gave it a 5/5.

Patreon Supporter SDRanger July 22, 2014 8:58 PM replied to shipoopie

I agree with you. This new version is moderately challenging, and the original 2011 version is MUCH more of a thinker. Best to play this new version first...if one is unfamiliar with both of them. It will get you in the right mindset for the original.

Patreon Supporter SDRanger July 22, 2014 9:06 PM replied to thegreatescaper

thegreatescaper THANKS for the EXCEPTIONAL walkthrough! You did come back and say that you thought that the three dot puzzle was randomized. It's the same number every time I have played it, although I am playing from the direct link: in the event that has anything to do with randomization.

Patreon Supporter SDRanger July 22, 2014 9:11 PM replied to Konrad

KONRAD! I REALLY hope this direct SWF link that you gave us continues to work after July 27th. (The full screen graphics on my huge HDTV are sweeeeeeet!) THANKS for posting the link!
So...does anyone know why the online Flash version that JIG gives will no longer work after 7/27/14???

Patreon Supporter SDRanger July 22, 2014 9:22 PM replied to Konrad

I love all of the games put out by Kotorinosu!
Crisp, clean graphics, satisfying sound effects, and challenging puzzles that aren't friggin' impossible. I am VERY happy that Kotorinosu are now making games for iPad, and are even going back to some of the OLDER titles and making THOSE Flash titles - iPad friendly. Although this version of Matryoshka is virtually nothing like the original, the concept of the nesting dolls is maintained in this version. (Thus the name...duh!) The nesting dolls make it a very original type of puzzle game and an interesting way of thinking.
However...I DO think that the "Black Box" was

a bit of a LEAP. The arrangement of the dots and direction of numbers was just so far out there I don't think I would have EVER figured it out on my own. I thought about that one for about 15 minutes (way too long for one puzzle!) and finally had to go to the JIG walkthrough.

One last comment...and I can say this without giving anything away: The very ending animation,and the environment I found myself in...was a TOTAL surprise.
How cool was THAT?!?

kanna July 22, 2014 9:52 PM replied to SDRanger

I thought the ending was hinted at by that drawing that shows a doll spitting a "key" out that looks suspiciously more like a person than a key. :'D

kanna July 22, 2014 9:54 PM replied to kanna

Is there a way to edit? I had to report my own post because I forgot the spoiler. orz

shjack180 July 22, 2014 10:44 PM

Two excellent escape games. I loved them :)

Patreon Supporter SDRanger July 23, 2014 2:36 AM replied to kanna

Nope...Sorry...Once your comments have been etched upon the walls of JayisGames...they're there forever, as is.

(We've all made that mistake before.)

It's ALWAYS good to "Preview" your comments before you submit them.

And it's always good to test and see that your spoilers work properly! ;)

Happy escaping, kanna!

shipoopie July 23, 2014 9:03 AM replied to SDRanger

The submit and preview buttons could be farther apart though. I'm always afraid that I will click the wrong one.

chapel204 July 23, 2014 1:02 PM

Awesome game.

Had a little trouble with domino puzzle but otherwise it was pretty logical even if it took me a little while.

Patreon Contributor Questioner December 2, 2014 5:25 AM replied to Ville Heikkinen

They appear to have moved the site to "".


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