An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Lumino City

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Lumino City

KimberlyState of Play brings us another gorgeous puzzle adventure game crafted lovingly out of cardboard and paper called Lumino City. In this sequel to Lume, you play as heroine Lumi, who is about to have a chat with her grandfather. But he's abducted as she's making tea! Who would want to kidnap the town handyman? It's up to you to find out as you set out to traverse the city looking for him. Climb all around town to solve puzzles, fix machines, and help townspeople as you search for anyone with information on where your grandad might be. Along the way, you will explore a wonderful mechanical city, and learn some interesting things about the town and your grandpa. In the scuffle he dropped a book, his handyman reference guide, which will end up coming in very useful on your journey.

Lumino CityJust tap where you want to walk or examine. Tap on Lumi to open the inventory. Here you can access your grandpa's book (all 900 pages--don't worry, it's easy to rifle through), as well as anything else useful you may have picked up along the way. To use an item, tap and hold, then drag the item where you want to use it. Sometimes your grandfather's book is essential to solving the task at hand. Other times it will just give you a push in the right direction, while on occasion it will just give you the answer you're looking for out right. It says right in the front of the manual to only use in emergencies, and that is what I would recommend as well. For the most challenging experience, look up the pages corresponding to the area you are in only if you can't figure something out yourself, though it is nice to know you've got a hint book at hand. The puzzles generally make sense, and vary in difficutly over the course of the game, and interacting with the people you meet on your way is always a treat.

The handmade three dimensional world of Lumino City is absolutely amazing to look at. Every screen is beautiful and just draws you in to the world and makes you wish you could physically explore it yourself. At times, the unique perspective of the game can make it difficult to tell where you can tap to explore different areas. While sometimes there are arrows pointing the way, other times you have to click on that out of focus ladder in the background in order to climb, so be aware of that if you are feeling stuck. The sound is varied with catchy tunes and appropriate mechanical noises. You won't be disappointed as you guide the fearless Lumi around the great heights of the city while you get to the bottom of the mysterious kidnapping.

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Walkthrough Guide



1. Grandad's House


1. Go Down the stairs and make tea
2. Grab the Handy Manual and go outside

2. The Stairs


1. Pick up the stick on the floor, next to the stairs
2. Drag and drop on the bell

3. The Gatehouse


1. Opening the Gate


To open get the lock to open, follow the arrows drawn on it.
The button sequence is also displayed in the Handy Manual, page 50.

2. Go inside the kitchen. Grab the lemons from the tree and the diagram from the shelf.
3. Electric Box


To salve the puzzle, place the diagram on the box.
Use the lemons to connect the the positive terminals with the negative ones. Ignore the "X"s.

4. Climb on the roof, grab the hook and connect it to the antena.
5. Flip the red switch by the window and use the antena as a catapult.

4. The Market


1. Chase the cat until it leads you to the mayor's house. Go downstairs
2. Gears Puzzle


You can find the correct arrangement on page 180 in the Handy Manual or use this screenshot -

3. Go outside and tap on the panel to the right.
4. Use the buttons to rotate rotate the bandstand into the position displayed on the picture below. Hit the red button.
5. Climb up to the next stage

5. The Photographer


1. Press the button on the house on the left and get in.
2. Go into the next room
3. Sticker Puzzle


The 5 stickers can be found on page 274 of the Handy Manual or here -

4. Put the 3rd and the 4th chemicals (from left to right) in the box.
5. Light Controls


1. Press A 3 times.
2. Press C 3 times.
3. Press B 1 time.
4. Slide the ring to the right lock.
6. Press B.
This information can be found visualised on page 250 of the Handy Manual.

6. Pull the lever next to the door three times to get three negatives.
7. Put the negatives in the box with the developping materials.
8. Go outside and put show the picture of Lumi's grandad to the camera to unlock the door.

6. The Crane


1. Talk to the people in each house.
2. Climb up the crane and pull the switch in the bottom right corner.
3. Climb up to the other side of the crane and pull the string for the backup motor.
4. Getting the locals to help


1. Talk to the baker to ask him for help.

    2. Baker Puzzle


To salve the puzzle, use the first three cupcakes on each lomun top spot the one that doesn't belong. The first column, for example, only has green, blue and black repeating.
Solution -

3. Give the cupcake to guy who's in a bad mood.
4. Talk to the lady on the third floor.
5. Talk to the guy on the second floor and again to the lady on the third.
6. Give the can opener to the guy downstairs.

5. Go inside the crane and tap on the local people to start the motor.
6. Use the lever to put the glass cover over the hole.

7. The Lightwell


1. Tie the rope to yourself.
2. The mirrors' position and sequence can be found on page 361 of the Handy Manual.
3. Assume that this is a standart 0-9 panel. The code would then be



8. The Park


1. Door Puzzle


You'll see three pointers on each part of the wheel - red, green and white.
The position for each one can be seen on the laundry wheel downstairs.

2. Go inside, pull the red handle and jump on the bycicle.
3. Go outside and climb down the rope.
4. Talk to the man in the hutch and grab his spanner.
5. Go back to the house with the bycicle and put the spanner on the broken handle.
6. Take the green trousers from the laundry wheel. Use the red rope to get to them.
7. Go back downstairs and give the old man his trousers back.
8. The Song


Once you're done practicing, you'll have to play the entire song. Making a mistake will take you back to the first part of the song. This can get really annoying so here's a screen to help out -

9. Go through the house and onto the next stage.

9. The Cyclist


1. Talk to the cyclist and seal the punctures on the tire using the red patches. You can see how they should be positioned on page 438 of the Handy Manual.
2. Climb on hte roof and adjust the bike's track.
3. Jump on the bike and grab the ladder above as you pass by it.

10. The Captain


1. Go inside the ticket station on the right and take the shovel
2. Potatos!


Climb on the top of the yellow building. Use the instructions to locate the 4 potatos.
Instructions are confusing? No worries -

3. Jump on the bag of potatos to send them down to "Fish & Chips". Talk to the man inside.
4. Stealing Salt


Climb up the the guy on the BBQ. As soon as he gets distracted by his yelling wife grab a bag of salt.

5. The Boat


1. Talk to the sailor.
2. Go to the right and put the salt in the water tank.
3. Handle Puzzle


Solve the equasions by rotating each wheel and pull the lever -
You can also see how everything should be positioned on page 457 of the Handy Manual

4. Talk to the sailer once more.
5. Put the fish & chips on top of the mast.
6. Open the red boat hatch and go inside.
7. Handles Puzzle


The correct placement of each handle is displayed on page 457 of the Handy Manual.

8. Go outside and tap on the anchor.

11. The Sky Garden.


1. Cardon Dioxide Pump


Correct sequence for the tubes is:
From left to right 6-8-1-3-11.

2. Go inside the big sphere next to the ladder.
3. Tap on the fish tank. Use the buttons to position the coin on the ring.
4. Talk to the crazy man and go up in the red building
5. Tap on the buttons to push them in. You can find additional help on page 544 of the Handy Manual.
6. Climb on top of the roof and fill the baloon with helium.

12. The Town


1. Go into the library and search through catergory M to find a morse code guide.
2. Climb up until you reach the lightmill and go inside.
3. Grab the hanger from the radio and climb up.
4. Powering on the Lightmill


Look in the drawer to find a key. Go downstairs and unlock the red panel on the wall.
For the sequence in which the slider should be moved, see page 615 of the Handy Manual. You'll need to be quick.

5. Prisms Positions


The easiest way to position the prisms is to follow the instructions on page 615 of the Handy Manual. The pictures inside will give you a good idea of how to salve the puzzle.

6. Morse Code


Use the lightmill and the Morse Code Manual to spell S-O-S, then again for ROPE.
The higher speed will spell a dot, while the slower one will spell a dash.

7. Look through the telescope and go down the rope using the hanger.

13. The Diner


1. Climb on to of the diner. To assemble the pieces of the solar oven simply match them with the lines inside.
2. Go inside the diner and talk to the man at hte bar.
3. Pinbal Machine

4. Give the ticket to the postman.
5. Sending the Mail>


Mail 1 (numbers) - 32 NEW ST;
Mail 3 (maze) - 24 LIGHTWELL ST;
Mail 4 (Mendeley Desktop) - ONE SPINNER HOUSE.

6. Talk to the waiter and hop on the One Spinner House Mailbox.

14. Spinner House


1. The Nails


Refer to page 724 of the Handy Manual where you'll find a detailed guide with pictures and directions. You'll find the four nails in a box inside the orange room.

2. The Hammer


Refer to page 725 of the Handy Manual. You'll find the hammer inside the small red house.

3. Fixing the Furniture


To fix the cabinet to the floor, refer to figures 8 and 9 on page 726 of the Handy Manual.

4. Moving On


Page 727 of the Handy Manual will give you directions to the key for the door.

15. The Moving City


1. Go to the roof of the building in the top right corner.
2. Maintenance Panel


You can see the arrangement of the gears on page 768 of the Handy Manual.
Alternatively, you can use this -

3. Go outside and enter the orange house in the middle. Grab the key from inside.
4. Use the key to open the panel next to the red door.
5. Circuit Board


You'll need to make sense of the symbols on the circuit board and match every two with the same outcome.
Page 777 of the Handy Manual shows how all circuits should be connected.
Alternatively, you can use this -
Once you've connected everything, use the "Test Circuit" button.

6. Follow the ponters to the next stage.

16. Turbine Hall


1. Push the button on the giant column and go into room 1.


The password for the computer can be found in the "Birds" book on the desk and it's



To type in the password grab a punchcard from the computer and use the binary chart to spell each letter. Make holes for the 1s and leave empty spaces for the 0s. -

2. Grab another punchcard and enter the number 2 on it (0110010) to override the second turbine.
3. Go back outside and enter room two.
4. Fix the radio machine -
5. Fix the projector by using the lemon and connecting the As and Bs. -
6. Go to the exit door and enter the code from the projector -




Patreon Crew SonicLover November 3, 2015 9:47 PM

Phew... blew through the whole game in a few hours.

Allow me to point out that getting around this city is incredibly impractical, power or no power.



Wow, wow, wow.

For me the depth and beauty of this game is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are obvious parallels with games such as Machinarium with the craft of the artwork and the nature of the point and click-ness but Luke Whittaker and team have lavished so much care throughout that, if you let yourself indulge in the surroundings, the characters, the art work, the music and sound, the experience continues to multiply the further you go.

Yes, you could barrel roll through it, especially as you are furnished with an incredibly detailed and beautiful handbook from the start which, if you wish, gives you solutions to each and every puzzle (similar to, but far more easy to access than Machinarium) but in a lot of ways that's missing the point of what they've created.

As all of the scenes have been hand built and photographed they've used so many clever aspects to make the journey rich, from the refraction in beautiful glass globes, camera moves between locations and extremely beautiful and clever set design within the smallest of puzzles that throughout the game there are rewards at every turn.

Simply joyous and extraordinarily full.

I found it a very moving and touching adventure and look forward to playing it for a third time as soon as I can clear my work load.


I've just purchased it. This game is incredible.




1. Grandad's House


1. Go Down the stairs and make tea
2. Grab the Handy Manual and go outside

2. The Stairs


1. Pick up the stick on the floor, next to the stairs
2. Drag and drop on the bell

3. The Gatehouse


1. Opening the Gate


To open get the lock to open, follow the arrows drawn on it.
The button sequence is also displayed in the Handy Manual, page 50.

2. Go inside the kitchen. Grab the lemons from the tree and the diagram from the shelf.
3. Electric Box


To salve the puzzle, place the diagram on the box.
Use the lemons to connect the the positive terminals with the negative ones. Ignore the "X"s.

4. Climb on the roof, grab the hook and connect it to the antena.
5. Flip the red switch by the window and use the antena as a catapult.

4. The Market


1. Chase the cat until it leads you to the mayor's house. Go downstairs
2. Gears Puzzle


You can find the correct arrangement on page 180 in the Handy Manual or use this screenshot -

3. Go outside and tap on the panel to the right.
4. Use the buttons to rotate rotate the bandstand into the position displayed on the picture below. Hit the red button.
5. Climb up to the next stage

5. The Photographer


1. Press the button on the house on the left and get in.
2. Go into the next room
3. Sticker Puzzle


The 5 stickers can be found on page 274 of the Handy Manual or here -

4. Put the 3rd and the 4th chemicals (from left to right) in the box.
5. Light Controls


1. Press A 3 times.
2. Press C 3 times.
3. Press B 1 time.
4. Slide the ring to the right lock.
6. Press B.
This information can be found visualised on page 250 of the Handy Manual.

6. Pull the lever next to the door three times to get three negatives.
7. Put the negatives in the box with the developping materials.
8. Go outside and put show the picture of Lumi's grandad to the camera to unlock the door.

6. The Crane


1. Talk to the people in each house.
2. Climb up the crane and pull the switch in the bottom right corner.
3. Climb up to the other side of the crane and pull the string for the backup motor.
4. Getting the locals to help


1. Talk to the baker to ask him for help.

    2. Baker Puzzle


To salve the puzzle, use the first three cupcakes on each lomun top spot the one that doesn't belong. The first column, for example, only has green, blue and black repeating.
Solution -

3. Give the cupcake to guy who's in a bad mood.
4. Talk to the lady on the third floor.
5. Talk to the guy on the second floor and again to the lady on the third.
6. Give the can opener to the guy downstairs.

5. Go inside the crane and tap on the local people to start the motor.
6. Use the lever to put the glass cover over the hole.

7. The Lightwell


1. Tie the rope to yourself.
2. The mirrors' position and sequence can be found on page 361 of the Handy Manual.
3. Assume that this is a standart 0-9 panel. The code would then be



8. The Park


1. Door Puzzle


You'll see three pointers on each part of the wheel - red, green and white.
The position for each one can be seen on the laundry wheel downstairs.

2. Go inside, pull the red handle and jump on the bycicle.
3. Go outside and climb down the rope.
4. Talk to the man in the hutch and grab his spanner.
5. Go back to the house with the bycicle and put the spanner on the broken handle.
6. Take the green trousers from the laundry wheel. Use the red rope to get to them.
7. Go back downstairs and give the old man his trousers back.
8. The Song


Once you're done practicing, you'll have to play the entire song. Making a mistake will take you back to the first part of the song. This can get really annoying so here's a screen to help out -

9. Go through the house and onto the next stage.

9. The Cyclist


1. Talk to the cyclist and seal the punctures on the tire using the red patches. You can see how they should be positioned on page 438 of the Handy Manual.
2. Climb on hte roof and adjust the bike's track.
3. Jump on the bike and grab the ladder above as you pass by it.

10. The Captain


1. Go inside the ticket station on the right and take the shovel
2. Potatos!


Climb on the top of the yellow building. Use the instructions to locate the 4 potatos.
Instructions are confusing? No worries -

3. Jump on the bag of potatos to send them down to "Fish & Chips". Talk to the man inside.
4. Stealing Salt


Climb up the the guy on the BBQ. As soon as he gets distracted by his yelling wife grab a bag of salt.

5. The Boat


1. Talk to the sailor.
2. Go to the right and put the salt in the water tank.
3. Handle Puzzle


Solve the equasions by rotating each wheel and pull the lever -
You can also see how everything should be positioned on page 457 of the Handy Manual

4. Talk to the sailer once more.
5. Put the fish & chips on top of the mast.
6. Open the red boat hatch and go inside.
7. Handles Puzzle


The correct placement of each handle is displayed on page 457 of the Handy Manual.

8. Go outside and tap on the anchor.

11. The Sky Garden.


1. Cardon Dioxide Pump


Correct sequence for the tubes is:
From left to right 6-8-1-3-11.

2. Go inside the big sphere next to the ladder.
3. Tap on the fish tank. Use the buttons to position the coin on the ring.
4. Talk to the crazy man and go up in the red building
5. Tap on the buttons to push them in. You can find additional help on page 544 of the Handy Manual.
6. Climb on top of the roof and fill the baloon with helium.

12. The Town


1. Go into the library and search through catergory M to find a morse code guide.
2. Climb up until you reach the lightmill and go inside.
3. Grab the hanger from the radio and climb up.
4. Powering on the Lightmill


Look in the drawer to find a key. Go downstairs and unlock the red panel on the wall.
For the sequence in which the slider should be moved, see page 615 of the Handy Manual. You'll need to be quick.

5. Prisms Positions


The easiest way to position the prisms is to follow the instructions on page 615 of the Handy Manual. The pictures inside will give you a good idea of how to salve the puzzle.

6. Morse Code


Use the lightmill and the Morse Code Manual to spell S-O-S, then again for ROPE.
The higher speed will spell a dot, while the slower one will spell a dash.

7. Look through the telescope and go down the rope using the hanger.

13. The Diner


1. Climb on to of the diner. To assemble the pieces of the solar oven simply match them with the lines inside.
2. Go inside the diner and talk to the man at hte bar.
3. Pinbal Machine

4. Give the ticket to the postman.
5. Sending the Mail>


Mail 1 (numbers) - 32 NEW ST;
Mail 3 (maze) - 24 LIGHTWELL ST;
Mail 4 (Mendeley Desktop) - ONE SPINNER HOUSE.

6. Talk to the waiter and hop on the One Spinner House Mailbox.

14. Spinner House


1. The Nails


Refer to page 724 of the Handy Manual where you'll find a detailed guide with pictures and directions. You'll find the four nails in a box inside the orange room.

2. The Hammer


Refer to page 725 of the Handy Manual. You'll find the hammer inside the small red house.

3. Fixing the Furniture


To fix the cabinet to the floor, refer to figures 8 and 9 on page 726 of the Handy Manual.

4. Moving On


Page 727 of the Handy Manual will give you directions to the key for the door.

15. The Moving City


1. Go to the roof of the building in the top right corner.
2. Maintenance Panel


You can see the arrangement of the gears on page 768 of the Handy Manual.
Alternatively, you can use this -

3. Go outside and enter the orange house in the middle. Grab the key from inside.
4. Use the key to open the panel next to the red door.
5. Circuit Board


You'll need to make sense of the symbols on the circuit board and match every two with the same outcome.
Page 777 of the Handy Manual shows how all circuits should be connected.
Alternatively, you can use this -
Once you've connected everything, use the "Test Circuit" button.

6. Follow the ponters to the next stage.

16. Turbine Hall


1. Push the button on the giant column and go into room 1.


The password for the computer can be found in the "Birds" book on the desk and it's



To type in the password grab a punchcard from the computer and use the binary chart to spell each letter. Make holes for the 1s and leave empty spaces for the 0s. -

2. Grab another punchcard and enter the number 2 on it (0110010) to override the second turbine.
3. Go back outside and enter room two.
4. Fix the radio machine -
5. Fix the projector by using the lemon and connecting the As and Bs. -
6. Go to the exit door and enter the code from the projector -



Atteznod May 16, 2017 3:42 PM

The photographer portion isn't working for me - I develooed the 3 photos, I see gramdad's pic in my knapsack while in the developing room, but can not pull up the backpack, so can not pull out Grandad's picture to show to the elevator camera. :( Anyone else have this issue? I have tried clicking in the bottom right corner even though the bag isn't there, but it doesn't pull anything up either.


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