Got those Monday morning blues? Well here's a nice little cure; a fresh and unique 3D puzzle from We Create Stuff. Looking very familiar, Interlocked is like those wooden block puzzles that challenge you to put them back together, only this time you get to pull them apart. Much more fun!
The controls are simple; use your mouse to rotate each block and examine it from all angles. Press the [spacebar] to engage the hand tool then click and drag with your mouse to move pieces and pull them out. Hit the spacebar again to return to examination mode. The difficulty curve ramps up nicely, beginning with some easy blocks to whet your appetite that are quickly followed by some tough puzzles to solve.
Also available for mobile devices! Check out our Interlocked (mobile) review and walkthrough.
Interlocked's gameplay is sublimely smooth with beautifully rendered 3D graphics, and surprisingly this has all been achieved on a flash platform. With 14 levels followed by 6 Hardcore puzzles, Interlocked is simple to play but highly challenging, and you may find yourself tugging at pieces in the vain hope that they'll move just one millimeter more.
So forget it's Monday for a while and engage the gray matter with some engrossing puzzles. What better way to kick off another week?
Walkthrough Guide
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Interlocked Walkthrough
For the mobile-version walkthrough, go here.
General Information
The goal is to dis-assemble the blocks in each level.
Click and drag on the blocks to rotate them.
Press the spacebar to engage the hand icon, to enable manipulation of the pieces.
When the hand icon is active, clicking on a piece will display a set of coloured arrows around the hand:
Red - moves pieces right and left
Blue - moves pieces diagonally
Green - moves pieces up and down
Move the mouse to highlight the set of arrows according to the direction that you wish to move pieces.
You may need to rotate the block slightly to adjust the way pieces can be moved.
When a piece has been successfully removed it will fade out of view.
Press the spacebar again to go back to rotation mode.
There's a hint icon in the top right corner of the screen, indicated by an 'i'.
Levels 1 - 14
Level 1
The first piece to remove is the BLUE piece.
Rotate the block so that the blue piece is at the top.
With the blue arrow highlighted pull the blue piece upwards until it's out of the block.
The 2nd piece to remove is the WHITE piece.
While in the same view, pull the white piece to the left.
Level 2
The first piece to remove is the PINK-ORANGE piece.
In the opening view grab the pink-orange piece and pull it to the right.
Click on the same piece and pull it back towards you.
The 2nd piece to remove is the PURPLE piece.
Click on the purple piece and you may have to move it a touch to the right before pulling it back towards you.
Level 3
The first piece to remove is the BEIGE piece.
Rotate the block so that the larger part of the beige piece is visible.
Pull the bottom left darker green piece to the left.
Pull the beige piece back towards you.
Final Moves.
In the same way as the beige piece, pull the upper light-green piece towards you.
Pull the yellow piece to the right to remove it.
Remove the white piece.
Level 4
1st piece to remove is the ORANGE piece.
In the opening view, drag the lightest coloured piece to the upper left so that it's nestled further inside the orange piece.
In the same view drag the blue piece up as far as it can go.
Drag the orange piece all the way to the left.
Separate the last two pieces by dragging the blue piece up, or dragging it back towards you.
Level 5
1st piece to go is the LIGHT-GREEN block.
In the opening screen, drag the light-green block that's sitting on top of the dark-green block either towards you or push it away from you out of the main block.
2nd block to remove is the ORANGE block.
Drag the orange block up and away.
3rd - DARK-BROWN block
Drag the dark-brown block up and away.
Last move.
Now you can either push or pull the dark-green piece to remove it, or separate the two vertical blocks from the green block by dragging each to the sides.
Level 6
1st piece to remove is the RED piece.
In the opening screen pull the lightest coloured piece about halfway up then rotate the puzzle to the left.
Pull the red piece to the left and away from the block.
Last move.
Pull the green piece either all the way up or all the way down.
Level 7
1st piece to remove is the ORANGE piece.
Either push or pull the orange-coloured piece to remove it.
2nd piece - GREEN
Pull the green piece all the way to the right and then push it back away from the other pieces.
3rd piece - BLACK
Push the black piece back, diagonally up right.
4th piece - RED
Push the red piece to the left away from the puzzle.
Final move.
Separate the gray and biege pieces by pushing the gray piece back from the beige piece.
Level 8
1st piece that can be removed - DARK-PURPLE piece.
Pull the dark-blue piece all the way to the right.
Rotate the puzzle to the left until you have a full view of the dark-purple piece.
Pull the dark-purple piece all the way to the left, then move it either up or down away from the rest of the pieces.
2nd piece - YELLOW piece.
Rotate the puzzle back to the original view, until you have a full view of the vertical yellow piece.
Pull the vertical yellow piece to the right, then move it up or down to remove it.
3rd piece - YELLOW-GREEN piece at the top of the puzzle
Rotate the puzzle so that the green piece is closest to you.
Remove the upper yellow piece by pulling it to the left.
Final moves.
Remove the green piece by pulling it all the way up.
In the same view remove the blue piece by pulling it up.
Remove the mauve piece by pulling it to the left.
Level 9
First piece that can be removed - WHITE piece.
Rotate the puzzle until you can see a small white piece, and pull it out to remove it.
2nd piece - BEIGE piece.
In the same view pull the yellow piece to the left as far as it can go.
Remove the central beige piece by pulling it out towards you.
3rd piece - BLUE.
Pull the blue piece all the way to the right to remove it.
4th piece - ORANGE
Pull the orange-coloured piece down, to the left and then down again to remove it.
Last move.
Pull the light-brown piece up to remove it.
Level 10
1st piece - RED.
Rotate the puzzle so that the red piece is on the left and the yellow piece is lying vertically across the middle of the puzzle.
Pull the red piece to the left as far as it will go then pull the yellow piece up.
Rotate the puzzle to the right and pull the red piece all the way out.
2nd piece - LIGHT-PURPLE
Rotate the puzzle so that the lighter purple piece is closest to you.
Drag the yellow piece down as far as it will go and then pull the lighter-purple piece back out towards you to remove it.
3rd piece - DARK-PURPLE
Pull the yellow piece up as far as it will go and then rotate the puzzle so that you're looking at it from the top. Move the yellow piece part way to the right so that the vertical part of the dark-purple piece has a gap to fit through.
Pull the purple piece towards you to remove it.
Level 11
1st piece - MAGENTA-PINK
Rotate the puzzle to the right so that the ends of the green and yellow pieces are to the left of the screen but facing you, with the magenta piece also closest to you.
Drag the yellow piece down as far as it can go.
Pull the green piece up as far as it will go.
In the same view pull the magenta-pink piece towards you to remove it.
2nd piece - GREEN
Rotate the puzzle to the right so that the green piece is uppermost and closer to you, with the yellow piece being furthest away.
Pull the green piece all the way down and then back towards the left and towards you to remove it.
Pull the yellow piece all the way up to remove it.
Level 12
1st piece - DARK-RED
In the opening screen view, move the light-yellow piece, situated under the green piece to the left as far as it will go.
Drag the puzzle to the left and down so that you're looking down on the ends of the red and pink pieces.
Move the darker red piece to the left and push the orangey-pink piece upwards and away from you.
Drag the darker red piece all the way to the right to remove it. You may have to pull the darker red piece down towards you further to free it.
2nd piece - LIGHT YELLOW
Rotate the puzzle so that the yellow and green ends are closer to you.
Remove the lighter yellow piece by dragging it to the side of the screen away from the puzzle.
Final Moves.
Drag the darker yellow piece back towards you, or down, to remove it.
Remove the green piece by dragging it all the way to the right.
Pull the orangey-pink piece, which is at the back, down to remove it.
Pull the light-pink piece all the way down or all the way up, or to the left, to remove it.
Level 13
1st piece - GRAY.
In the opening view, pull the gray piece all the way up to remove it.
2nd piece - LIGHT-PINK.
Rotate the puzzle so the the black piece is at the top of the puzzle and the two pinkish pieces are sticking out from under and to the left of the black piece. The bottom half of the white square should be closer to the bottom of the screen.
Move both the dark-pink and light-pink pieces as far to the left as they will go.
Move the black piece as far right as it will go.
Rotate the puzzle to the right so that both pink ends are vertical and facing you.
Pull the light-pink piece all the way to the left to remove it.
3rd piece - BLACK
Rotate the puzzle so that the dark-pink piece is pointing to the left of the screen, the white piece is bottom right and the black piece is upper-right.
Drag the dark-pink piece upwards as far as it will go.
Pull the white piece towards you as far as it will go.
Drag the black piece to the right to remove it.
Last move.
Pull the white piece towards you to remove it.
Level 14
1st piece - LIGHT YELLOW
Rotate the puzzle until you can see the gap into the very center of the puzzle.
Push the lighter yellow piece towards the upper left of the screen, then pull the light-gray piece diagonally down left.
Push the darker greenish yellow piece so that it sits alongside the lighter-yellow piece.
Pull the dark-purple piece diagonally down right as far as it will go.
Push the dark-gray piece diagonally up left as far as it will go.
Push the light-purple piece diagonally up left as far as possible.
Rotate the puzzle so that the greenish-yellow pieces have their ends facing you, with the dark gray vertical closer to you than the light-gray vertical, and the light-purple piece is underneath the puzzle running horizontally.
Push the light-purple piece as far to the right as it will go.
Push the light-yellow piece to the right as far as it will go.
Spin the puzzle leftwards and pull the light-yellow piece all the way to the left to remove it.
2nd piece - DARK-GRAY
Spin the puzzle back to the right and drag the dark-gray piece all the way to the right to remove it.
3rd piece - LIGHT-PURPLE
Spin the puzzle back to the left and drag the light-purple piece all the way to the left.
Final moves.
Drag the dark-gray piece all the way to the left to remove it.
Drag the light-gray piece all the way up to remove it.
Hardcore Levels 15 - 20
Level 15
1st piece - LIGHT-YELLOW.
In the opening view, pull the dark-yellow block to the right as far as it will go.
Pull the purple block up as far as it will go.
Drag the green block left as far as possible.
Pull the pink block down as far as it will go.
Pull the light-yellow block at the bottom, down as far as possible.
Drag the puzzle to the right so that the light yellow block is at the bottom and running horizontally.
Drag the light-yellow block to the left.
Drag the puzzle a little to the right so the end of the light-yellow block is closer to you.
Pull the light-yellow block towards you and to the right to remove it.
2nd piece - ORANGE piece.
Drag the orange piece all the way down.
3rd + 4th pieces - PURPLE + GREEN
Drag the puzzle a little to the left and down so that the top of the purple block and the green block are closest to you.
Pull the purple block towards you to remove it.
Do the same with the green block.
Final move.
Pull the pink block to the left.
Level 16
1st piece - GRAY.
Drag the puzzle to the right so that the square part of the blue block is to the right, and the square of the green block is to the left of the puzzle.
Drag the blue piece upwards as far as possible.
Drag the puzzle two faces to the left and drag the green block as far as possible to the right.
Drag the puzzle down to get a clear lock at the top where the gray square is, and drag the gray piece down left.
Pull the green block to the right as far as possible.
Drag the puzzle back to a side view and to the right a little.
Drag the puzzle so that you're looking at the top again and drag the gray piece diagonally down right.
Turn the puzzle by dragging to the left so that the gray piece is left-most, then pull the gray piece towards you, and remove it.
Final move.
Drag the green piece all the way down.
Level 17
1st piece - BLUE-GREEN piece.
In the opening view, drag the light-gray piece all the way to the left.
Push the light-yellow piece away from you, diagonally up right.
Pull the earthy-green piece, which is towards the back, to the right.
Pull the puzzle to the left so that the grey piece is sticking out, right of the puzzle and the dark yellow piece is also to the right, under the gray piece.
Push the yellow piece diagonally up left as far as possible.
Push the blue-green piece back from the puzzle, then drag it down.
Drag the puzzle down and to the left to get a full view of the blue-green piece.
Pull the blue-green piece towards you to remove it.
2nd piece - LIGHT-GRAY.
In the same view, pull the dark-yellow piece to the right.
Push the remaining green piece back and then to the right.
Pull the light-gray piece up to remove it.
Final moves.
Pull the black piece down to remove it.
Pull the light-yellow piece towards you to remove it.
Push the dark-yellow piece away.
Level 18
1st piece - VIVID-GREEN.
In the opening view, push the two lightest green pieces diagonally up left.
Pull the vivid-green piece, which is directly under the darker green piece, down to remove it.
2nd piece - DARK-BLUE.
Move the two lighter-green pieces back to their original positions, making sure there's room for the light-blue piece to be moved upwards. You may have to rotate the puzzle to get a clearer view.
After moving the light-blue piece up as far as possible, move the dark-green piece down.
Move the light-blue piece as far as possible to the right.
Move the dark-blue piece to the right and up so that it's next to the light-blue piece.
Move the dark-green piece to the right under the blue pieces.
Move the dark-blue piece to the left and then down.
Pull the dark-blue piece back towards you to remove it.
Drag the puzzle to the left so that the remaining blue piece is still at the top of the puzzle, but to the left.
Ensure that the dark-green piece leaves room for the lightest-green/yellow piece to be move upwards.
Move the blue piece to the right so that it's bottom part is sitting in the gap of the lightest-green/yellow piece.
Pull the lightest green-yellow piece upwards and to the right to remove it.
Final moves.
Move the dark-green piece diagonally up right a little to ensure it can fit through the gap of the remaining light-green piece, and then pull the dark-green piece down to remove it.
Pull the light-green piece up and to the right to remove it.
Level 19
1st piece - GRAY.
Pull the beige piece towards you.
Pull the gray piece downwards.
Drag the beige piece to the right.
Drag the puzzle to the left so that the red piece is closest to you.
Drag the red piece downwards.
Push the beige piece back left.
Drag the puzzle to the left so that the gray square is facing you and pull the gray piece down to remove it.
Final move.
Pull the red piece to the left.
Level 20
1st piece - DARKER-GREEN.
Drag the puzzle to the left so that the deep-red piece is closer to you, with the ends of the green pieces facing you as well.
Drag the dark-red piece downwards.
Pull the darker-green piece across to the left.
Drag the puzzle a little to the left so you have a clear view of the salmon-pink piece.
Drag the upright salmon-pink piece down, but only part way.
Drag the dark-pink piece, which is behind the dark-red piece, to the right.
Pull the salmon piece back up and drag the darker-green piece across to the right.
Pull the dark-red piece back up.
Pull the dark-yellow piece down. You may have to adjust the darker green piece to line up the gap for the dark-yellow block.
Drag the lighter-yellow block across to the left.
Pull the salmon-pink piece all the way up.
Drag the darker-green block up, then pull it back towards you.
Pull the green piece to the left to remove it.
2nd piece - DARK-RED
In the same view, pull the salmon-pink block down, and the light-yellow block to the right.
Drag the puzzle a little to the left, so that the dark-red piece is to the right, and drag the dark-piece all the way to the right to remove it. You may have to adjust the light-yellow block to allow the dark-red piece to pass over it.
Final moves.
In the same view, pull the dark-yellow block towards you to remove it.
Pull the lighter-yellow block in the same direction to remove it.
Drag the dark-pink block to the left.
Thanks, chiktionary, for the walkthrough!
Posted by: Mike
February 21, 2011 7:34 PM