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The Value and Side-Effects of Games in Education

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The world of gaming is impressive and huge. Companies continuously produce hundreds of video games and improve existing ones. However, there is a thought that gaming can become an issue for students. Some research proves that gaming can make you a better writer and boost your creativity. Despite the worries of parents, many students find ways to succeed in their studies thanks to gaming, which brings them new knowledge, improves communication skills, and more. Our article will talk about the correlation between academic performance and games and the effects of games on education.

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New knowledge
Gaming manufacturers are creative in their approach to producing games. The scenarios of modern games contain much information and are very meaningful. The fact that some successful games engage audiences of millions of users confirms that a thoughtful approach and deep research of facts make plots not only entertaining but also stimulate users' minds, making them more erudite. So, playing specific video games can bring you new insights and useful knowledge. Teachers even use gamified lessons to provide students with new information in gamified forms.

Fresh ideas
Students often face writer's block and lack ideas for their papers. Try a non-trivial approach to brainstorming and play your favorite video game instead of traditional mind mapping. One of the undeniable benefits of gaming is developing creativity. Some game scenarios stimulate users to think out of the box, inventing unusual approaches to problem shooting. There is even an opinion that gaming can help with essay writing as it stimulates specific areas of the human brain and helps to boost creativity.

Better memory
When you start your educational path, you realize from the beginning that good memory is everything. Successful students have a great memory. When we think about gaming, we realize that this activity is perfect for training memory. Some plots include the requirements to build a strategy that involves remembering many details and nuances. Cognitive functions are also boosted thanks to the involvement of emotional components. Thanks to bright emotions, gaming becomes more engaging and helps to pay more attention to the plot and remember the process better.
Another benefit of gaming aside from memory training is the boost of attention. For example, some scenarios assume quick reactions and responses. Many games are very dynamic and require focusing.

Effective communication
Gaming boosts communicative skills. Students interact with classmates and teachers during studies, work in groups, ask questions, and do other communication activities. Getting an education is all about communicating. Even writing an essay means an act of communication when an author transports their thoughts to an audience.

When students play video games in teams, they communicate a lot. Some gaming scenarios assume a fast reaction to commentaries of teammates and a quick response to messages and voice calls. Video gaming teaches students to verbalize their thoughts and ideas precisely and effectively.

Switching tasks
You can sufficiently boost your productivity thanks to gaming. Many students say that the best way to relax is to switch between different activities, try taking a break from studies, and play your favorite video game. You will more likely experience a boost of effectiveness thanks to such an approach to relaxation. Moreover, if the game plot is engaging and lets you deep into the process, your break will bring you recharge and refreshment. Moreover, switching tasks is an effective action to relieve stress. Reading, writing, and generating new ideas during your studies will become much more productive after switching to gaming.

Ability to visualize
Some college and university assignments require good visualization skills. For example, to write a paper one must know how to describe events and give readers a full picture of the things described in a text. The ability to visualize trains very well while gaming, especially when you are playing certain games with bright pictures and quality graphics. During gaming, students experience the boost of imagination and become more creative.

Effective scheduling
Studies take almost all the time a student has. However, each student knows that without proper relaxation, they will not be productive when doing their homework. If your passion is video gaming, your desire to combine studying with gaming will push your limits and make you better at scheduling. Students admit that the need to study and the desire to spend time playing games makes them more organized. So that gaming makes you better at time management.

Great problem shooting
The boost of problem-solving skills stands among the main benefits and side effects of gaming in education. Force-majors are part of students' lives, and those who have experience in gaming can think out of the box to solve difficult tasks life gives them. Gaming means the need to adapt to constant changes that also helps to learn how to solve problems fast and effectively. Gamers are good at finding ways out of challenging situations and can easily extrapolate this skill to real-life scenarios.

Educational games
There is a specific category of games that also adds value to education. However, this type of games is not supposed to only entertain students, gamified lessons appear more effective for certain categories of students. Many teachers use gamified lessons and elements to engage students and make their studies more attractive. So educational games become a good alternative to traditional lessons to give students informational immersive.

Wrap up
Manufacturers of modern video games create more and more new plots and exciting scenarios. The industry is growing and influencing all spheres of our lives. The side effects of gaming for education involve a boost of creativity, better scheduling, enhanced communication skills, and more benefits for students. Moreover, implementing gamified lessons in studies makes them more engaging. We wish you good luck!

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