Last Monday we started your week off with Plupon, a beautiful and enjoyable new game from Yoshio Ishii of Nekogames in Japan. And it looks like he's been busy lately because we have another new entry to share from his prolific studios.
Hoshi Saga is a simple game of discovery. One part point-and-click and one part puzzle game, the objective in each of the game's 36 stages is to find the star. How you go about doing that is different for every stage. The task is up to you to figure out how.
There are 25 stages to explore freely as you wish, with another 11 stages that must be unlocked by completing rows and columns of stages that appear on the stage select menu. The menu also shows the relative difficulty for each stage represented by a number of highlighted stars (out of 5).
Play the entire Hoshi Saga Series:
Analysis: Like most of his games, Hoshi Saga combines unique interaction design with simple yet effective graphics that together form an engaging and compelling experience. Some stages are easy and that's the hook. Once you discover how simple and yet irresistible these unique little puzzle games are, you'll be coming back to this again and again until you've solved them all. Thankfully an integrated save system is employed to save your progress across sessions.
Just right to get those brain cells jumping with inspiration and excitement on a Monday.
Walkthroughs for the Hoshi Saga series...Similar games:
- Hoshi Saga Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga 2 Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga 3 Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringo Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringoame Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringoen Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Ringohime Walkthrough
- Hoshi Saga Dokuringo Walkthrough
Cheers to Cherrymad for the link. =)
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete Walkthrough for Hoshi Saga
Click the blocks untill you find the one with the star.
Click around and you will punch out shapes, the star is in the bottom right area.
Spin the reel around untill you pull the star out.
Click the circle and then mouse over the arrow. Repeat.
Spin the different layers around o find the star. It is in the top left area.
Click on the seed, and then the brankches untill one of the buds blossoms and wait for the butterflys.
Roll your mouse over every shard of glass at the bottom.
Click the extra points to break them off and make a five pointed star.
Drag the bottom arrow back, and shoot it at the other arrow.
Roll your mouse over the dots and lines will appear. In the left side the star if formed.
Guide the point over to the star by clicking your mouse. Don't hold it for too long or the point will hit something and break. It will try to move away from your curser, so keep it on the left side of the point.
Click the circle to make it draw a star, avoid letting the circle touch the spikes.
Keep dragging the line upwards and the star will eventually appear.
Click the dotted line. Click all the spots where waves emerge.
Mouse over all the triangles to break them. they will form a star once they are all broken
Drag the circles to the top and drop them. One of them will form a star after bouncing a few times.
Click the top left corner and drag it to the middle.
Click to make the dark circle darken another circle as it spins around. There should be 5 blank circles inbetween each dark circle.
Move the curser around untill the star lines up, and then click.
Drag the boxes into the middle and put them in the right order so they form a spinning star.
Click a few times near the top left untill the block cracks and then braks and a star falls down.
Click and hold the mouse untill the star is formed.
Move your curser in circles around the splotches, and they will "unspin" and one of them will form a five pointed star.
Drag the circles on the baloon strings to the diamond and wait for the baloons to life it up.
Click to make the bottom peice jump into the beice above it. Repeat.
Click to zoom in. Drag the womans underwear down a little bit to reveal a star tattoo.
Click and hold.
Click the dots to make the lines rotate. Make them form a star.
Drag the bottom circles to form a star. If you mess up push the button.
Type "I will find a star" over and over untill it forms a star. May take a few tries. Spaces aren't needed.
Roll the curser on and off the circle over and over untill the weight is to the max.
Click the tree and drag it to the right to tilt the world. The star will slide onto the screen.
Click and drag from the top right to the bottom left to "slice" the bars.
click the arrow so that when extrended the point will form the parimeter of a star. Three of the arrows are loacted near the bottom right.
Click the light and leave it on for about a minute. Then click the light to turn it off, revealing some stars and the big dipper.
Credits. You are done Good job :)
Posted by: Kero
May 21, 2007 4:00 PM