Harry Quantum Episode 1: TV Go Home
A job worth a hundred thousand dollars doesn't drop into a private detective's lap every day. Of course, this particular job does involve hitchhiking into space (and the alien's bargain is a real pain in the... well, you know), but it's nothing you can't handle when you're the star of Harry
Quantum Episode 1: TV Go Home. It's another joint effort from robotJAM and LongAnimals under their collaboration alias TurboNUKE. Their newest game follows in the witty adventure style of robotJAM's point-and-click hits like The Dreamerz and Panda's Bigger Adventure. Here you play Harry Quantum, a private eye with a sweet fedora whose latest job is to track down some missing tapes belonging to a networks most popular TV shows.
Typical of the genre, your immediate aim is to find and click on some things in the scene to add them to your inventory, and then rub things onto other things until something happens. For example, you could find cheese and meat in a fridge and combine them with bread on the table to create a sandwich. Of course, that would be better known as "joye's lunch almost every day" and would be boring, so let's just say that you're going to have to figure out how to obtain things like a penguin costume, a milkshake, and a pair of roller skates, and then figure out what to do with them once you get them. There are also some more straight-up puzzles to solve, and the usual hunt for codes, which may require taking a few notes. You always have an immediate goal (such as get into space) and of course, your overall goal is to win that totally legit briefcase of unmarked bills, which is how all totally legitimate clients pay for their detective work.
The solutions are usually fairly logical. If you get stuck, feel free to click around with abandon or rub things on blatantly unrelated other things, because sometimes you can earn Private Investigator Points that way. Usually if the combination is particularly cruel. If you've played robotJAM's other point-and-click adventures (especially the Panda series), then you already know if you like this kind of sly humor. Fairly short and linear, the game can easily be defeated your first time in about fifteen minutes. A perfect coffee break game that will be done in a flash (ah ah).
Walkthrough Guide
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Full walkthrough, plus all PIPs:
Click on the robot to get the plan for attracting a spaceship.
PIP — Click on the waste bin.
PIP — Click on the plant.
Click on the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet.
Get the flashlight.
Click on the door, and leave the office.
Click on the toolbox.
Get the hammer, nails, and broomstick.
PIP — Click on the toolbox twice more.
Go to the office.
PIP — Use the hammer on the robot.
PIP — Use the flashlight on the robot.
Go outside.
PIP — Use the hammer on the lantern.
Use the hammer on the loose plank on the barn, and get the plank.
PIP — Click on the gap where the plank was.
Use the nails on the plank.
Use the broom handle on the plank.
Use the "comb" on the field.
Put the flashlight in the middle of the circle.
To find the broadcast signals, click around the grid until you reveal a number greater than 0. That means the square is close to a signal. The closer the square is to a signal, the higher the number in the square.
Directly adjacent: 3
On a corner: 2
Two spaces away in a straight line: 2
A chess knight's move away: 1
If a square is close to multiple signals, it shows the sum of the numbers. For example, a square that is directly adjacent to one signal (3) and on the corner of another signal (2) shows a 5.
When you find a number greater than 0, click nearby squares to close in on the signal.
With thanks to Chipmunk for the answer to this one. :)
Get the shovel.
PIP — Use the shovel on the water trough.
Use the shovel on the glowing piece of wreckage.
Use that on the lantern.
Hand the lantern to the alien.
Use the shovel on the skull.
Put the skull in the water.
Get the DVD.
PIP — Use the DVD on the robot.
Put the DVD in the VR machine.
Put the skull on the USB lead.
Click on the glasses.
VR Foyer:
You'll come back here whenever you hit the red button at the top of the screen in any show. In this room, click the screen to enter a show, and the red button to change the channel.
Diner Daze:
Click on the cook, and note he sings a song with "MONKEY", "SKY", and "CAT" in it.
Click on the jukebox.
Note the colors and numbers of the songs that have those words in it.
Red, 94: Red Cat Jive
Yellow, 52: Yellow Monkey Shake
Blue, 15: New Sky Blues
Click on the cabinet, and enter the numbers you noted above.
Get the cheeseburger.
Legend of the Grail:
PIP — Use the cheeseburger on the king.
Doctors & Nurses:
Get the medical chart.
PIP — Show the chart to the patient.
Put the chart in the lightbox, and note the code.
Enter the code in the safe.
Get the stethoscope.
PIP — Use the stethoscope on the patient.
Click on the curtain in front of the penguin.
Get the suit.
Penguin Garden:
PIP — Use the stethoscope on the dog.
PIP — Examine the earth.
Doctors & Nurses:
Give the stethoscope to the doctor, to get a sword.
Click on the patient, to get the rollerskates.
Diner Daze:
PIP — Use the sword on the skeleton.
Put the cheeseburger on the plate, to get a bone.
Penguin Garden:
PIP — Use the rollerskates on the witch.
Give the bone to the dog.
Get the time capsule.
Click on the plaque.
Note the year.
Diner Daze:
Give the rollerskates to the server, to get a milkshake.
Doctors & Nurses:
PIP — Use the milkshake on the patient.
Legend of the Grail:
Give the sword to the hand.
Get the mirror.
PIP — Use the mirror on Harry.
Penguin Garden:
Use the mirror on the witch.
Get the wooden key.
Legend of the Grail:
Use the key on the pillory:
Turn the circles so that three keys display.
Turn the small circle twice, so the hole is on the right.
Turn the medium circle once, so the hole is on the left.
Turn the large circle thrice, so the hole is on the bottom.
Get the crown.
Put the crown on the suit.
Put the suit on Harry.
Use the milkshake on the device.
Put the device on the capsule.
Enter the year in the capsule.
VR Foyer:
Use the Sanity Module on the door.
Click on the dots in the big grid the same positions showed in the 4 little ones on the right, starting from the top.
Click on the door.
Posted by: XtinaS
August 18, 2010 4:41 PM