You blacked out while hiking and woke up in a lab-slash-prison of some sort, and those men guarding the exit probably won't let you by peacefully. As the introductions of Gatamari escapes go, this isn't one of the more elaborate ones, but it certainly serves the purpose of setting up Gatamari Escape 25. The song and dance is a familiar one: click the direction arrows to move around, click on things to examine and interact with them, solve puzzles and crack codes, and hope you'll see the light of day at the end. If you get stuck, use the handy save feature and come back later. Oh, but don't worry: just because the dialogue and descriptions are in Japanese doesn't mean you'll need to learn the language to make any progress. Gatamari is good about that.
The country of Japan breeds some fantastic room escape developers, each one with its own definitive style, and Gatamari is certainly one of them. G's escapers involve simple yet effective graphics, intriguing and immersive atmosphere, mostly-linear yet never-too-restrictive gameplay, and most importantly, fantastic puzzles. The puzzles in this room are well-designed, making sense when you think about them correctly without being completely transparent, and you can usually tell which clue goes to which puzzle when you've seen them both. There's no changing cursor, but every spot worth clicking on is intuitive. There are some obtuse moments, but only because they aren't tricks Gatamari usually pulls: there's one puzzle that needs a
little bit of brute force to solve, and another that requires you to wait around a bit at a particular view. All in all, just like
24 or
23 before it, Gatamari Escape 25 is a fantastic puzzler guaranteed to keep the player's mind busy. It took me half an hour to make my escape, and with the better ending of the two... how long will it take
Play Gatamari Escape 25
Oh, that was fun. Definitely took me a minute to figure out how to get the "good" ending!
Stuck with
rose (used), bat (used once but still active), paper with "...---..." (morse code?), cup (in the machine), bottle with a "b" on it which I have used but it still active.
Not sure
how to solve the "a" puzzle, how to make the light stay on, what to do with the plant, what the significance of the clock is, how to solve the 3 digit code, and the list goes on...
Focus on the paper with the "Morse code" on it. Have you seen anyplace where you could enter that code in any plausible way?
That "morse code" puzzle sure is clever
But now I'm stuck again. This time with
a lizard, a bat, and 2 empty bottles
i need help
ginganinja (again):
That "lizard" is a chameleon. Chameleons in fiction specialize in changing their skin color to mimic their surroundings... do you know any place where that would come in handy?
Gatamari Escape 25 Walkthrough
The only scene where you can fail is when you are trying to make a special potion in the green abc machine.
I recommend saving before pressing the START button on the machine.
When something is locked, it has a red light, and when something opens the light turns green.
Exploring/Getting items
Grab the bottle labeled "b" on the chair in front of you.
Read the paper hanging from the wall on the right side of the screen.
(Apparently the camera will display a passcode over the bed behind you when a button is pressed.)
Zoom out, and turn around.
Note the little rectangle over the bed, the red/white ball under the bed, and the locked safe.
Turn around, and enter the doorway.
On this screen, you can see a TV that displays 7 pictures of a pink rotating swirl (You can zoom in on it), a clock with fixed hands, and a telephone.
If you enter the doorway, you will enter a corridor with two armed men, where you cannot do anything yet.
If you turn to the right side of the pink room you can see a little tree, a cupboard with a green machine, and a chair with a flower in a glass on it.
Grab the flower in a glass.
If you turn to the right again you can find a button, and a closed closet. The button resembles the one on the note.
(It turns on the camera in the first room.)
If you turn right to the final view of the pink room you will see three doors: a red door, a green door, and an orange door.
The red door/The closet
By observing the pink swirl on the TV, you can note that the swirl spins in two different directions.
Spin the valve on the red door in the same pattern as the swirl.
The code is:
Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right. (I have found it to be the same in multiple playthroughs.)
The door should open, revealing a person in red/black clothes.
Remove the flower from the glass (if you haven't done so yet), and place it in the persons mouth.
Get the flower back after the cutscene. Note that there is now only one thorn on each "row".
Turn to the closet, and zoom in on the green puzzle in the bottom left of it.
Enter the pattern from the flower, top to bottom.
The code is:
Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right.
Open the closet.
The orange door
In the closet, note the WANTED painting in the left, and the red book in the middle of the closet.
Open the book and check the pages.
There is:
- A picture of the green machine, showing the bottles a,b and c being put into their respective slots in the machine.
- A torn page to the right of the picture of the machine.
- 2 pages showing a "GOOD" pink potion being drunk by a person, which then turns invisible.
- 2 pages showing a "BAD" pink potion being drunk by a person, and a question mark. (Something else than invisibility would happen to that person.)
- 4 pages with a person pointing at letters of the text NEW YORK on his shirt, while he points at body parts with the other hand.
(The combinations are: E+Shoulder, N+Stomach, Y+Ear. K+Hat)
Examine the picture of the arrow on the orange door, pointing from the head of a person downwards the bottom of it.
Input the letters in the order indicated by the arrow.
Hat, Shoulder, Stomach, Ear.
The door should open, revealing a person in yellow with a baseball bat in his hand.
Grab the baseball bat.
The Ball/The SOS code
Backtrack to the gray room, and use the baseball bat to move the ball under the bed.
Get the red/white ball.
Open the ball, and get the note. On it is: 3 dots, 3 lines, 3 dots. (Morse code for SOS.)
Go to the cubboard in the pink room, and zoom in on the 2 drawers on the right side. Pull the drawers according to the note.
The code:
Upper drawer is Dot, Lower drawer is Line.
Upper, Upper, Upper, Lower, Lower, Lower, Upper, Upper, Upper.
Both drawers should get unlocked.
Get the bottle labeled "c" from the lower drawer, and the "Call me!" card from the upper.
Go to the telephone, zoom in on it, lift the reciever, and dial the number on the card.
It is:
You should get a "message" consisting of the word "An" and "Ah". (You can leave the telephone, return, and lift the reciever to see it again.)
The message looks like this:
Or, a bit simpler:
The green door/The ladybug
If you replace the An:s with a color, and the Ah:s with another, you will get a pattern to put into the green door.
(I have not found a clue about which color belongs to which word, but Ah shall be Blue, and An shall be Red.)
The pattern is:
Blue, Blue, Red, Red
Red, Blue, Blue, Red
Red, Blue, Blue, Blue
Blue, Red, Blue, Red
Enter the green door.
Wait to after the cutscene has ended. (For fun, you can try clicking on the monster.)
Note the device on the floor of the monsters cell.
Turn around. Notice the WANTED painting on the right, and zoom in on the flower on the left.
Click on the red area in the right of the flowers bottom. A little ladybug should fly away from it.
Zoom out and go back to the pink room. Zoom in on the tree, and click on the ladybug. You should automatically get the chameleon in your inventory.
The camera code
Go to the cell, and place the chameleon in front of the grey rectangle over the bed.
Go to the pink room, and press the camera control button. After the cutscene, return to the cell.
Zoom in on the chameleon and get it again. Note that the numbers "729" has appeared on it.
Input the code from the camera on the left part of the cupboard in the pink room, and open it.
Note the third WANTED painting on the right cupboard door, and get the ground pepper.
Enter the monsters cell, and use the ground pepper on the monster.
Pick up the TV controller from the floor (by using the baseball bat) after the cutscene.
The face puzzle
Get back to the TV in the pink room, and use the controller on it.
A picture of a persons face should appear, with arrows to control the eyes, the nose and the mouth.
Set the features of the person, so it matches with the wanted posters from the room.
The mouth from the right cupboard door, the eyes from the left closet door, and the nose from the right pillar in the monsters cell.
(Sorry, i can't describe the features.)
Press OK, and get the yellow key after the cutscene.
Use the yellow key on the safe in the gray room.
Open it and get the bottle labeled "A" and the torn page.
Note that the torn page is from the red book in the closet.
The green machine/The endings
Look at the clock in the pink room, and observe the torn page.
Apparently, the number you seek will be the amount of "5-min-intervals" or "spaces between the dots" between the short and the long hands, going clockwise.
(For example, the clock now tells the number 9.5)
Return to the green machine, and put all bottles where they belong, and the glass in the empty slot.
I recommend saving now.
If you imagine how a clock would look if it was set to the time that is displayed on the bottles,
and then count the spaces/5-min-intervals from the short hand to the long hand (clockwise), you will get a number.
This number is the number to input on the machine for that letter.
The numbers are:
a(8:00) -> 4
b(11:00) -> 1
c(5:00) -> 7
When you press the START button, a pink liquid will fill the glass. If you take it, you will be able to do two things:
- Throw the liquid away (keeping the glass, and being able to try to make it again.)
- Drink the liquid
If you drink the liquid, and it is the wrong liquid, you will recieve the bad end.
If it is the right liquid however, you will turn invisible, and you will be able to enter the guarded corridor, and leave, to gain the good end.
The left guard has a blue/white cylinder next to him on the floor, but i haven't found anything to do with it.
But how do you use a rose?
I know that it's for left-right puzzle, but i can't pick off any of it's thorns.
YOU don't pick off the thorns.
Newermind, that was weird.
So sorry I forgot to use spoiler tags. Can someone teach me how to delete a comment?
Regarding the blue/red puzzle:
The clue for which colour matches which letter is in the chairs. The blue chair is shaped like an h, while the red stool is shaped like an n.
¿What about the colours of the numbres in the "coffee" machine???
Did anyone else notice
That was Agent K and J from Men in Black guarding the door? It explains the scenario better (imo) and I was able to vaguely predict the ending because of it. (though not the ending pose/dance?!!)
It makes me really wish I could read all that Japanese.