Phuket (poo-kèt) is a lovely, tropical oceanside town in Thailand, a place where the azure waters of the Pacific lap ashore soft sand beaches. At night, the city lights look like a cascade of sparkles rolling down Phuket mountain. There's even some familiar faces waiting to serve up a tasty burger to you when all the sightseeing and nightlife leave you hungry. Sounds alluring, doesn't it? You could endure the hassle of airports and the expense of traveling, or you can let Cabeza take you there and all you have to do is Escape! In Phuket.
After a brief and blissfully comfortable plane ride across the game screen, the first thing you'll notice about this vacation-themed escape-the-room game is its appealing design in an attractive color palate of turquoise and summery wicker. Navigation is made straight forward with bright arrows and a clean layout means you're not searching for that one special pixel to reap needed clues or items. This leads to a relaxing and peaceful sojourn, where you need only to point and click around, putting items to logical use and noting the clues that are revealed. About five or ten minutes later, you'll have the exit key in hand and a smile of satisfaction to go with it.
This vacation abode has just two tiny rooms with just a handful of codes to solve, but Escape! In Phuket will be appreciated especially by players who want pleasant surroundings as much as affability and logical puzzles in their gameplay. While it is a disappointment to not have more walls to look at or more puzzles to solve, you are well rewarded for your efforts with a fun souvenir: a slide show of places visited in Phuket to prompt the vacation memories, telling the story behind the pictures. A minibreak to Thailand in a free online game? That'll swipe the smug grin off certain red-hatted gnomes.
Walkthrough Guide
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Escape! In Phuket Walkthrough
You begin facing the couch:
Take the FOLDED NAPKIN from under the couch.
Look behind the pillow to find...
a RED BOX. Take it.
There's three niches in the wall above the tall plant and two locked drawers, one with a 3 digit code, one with a 5 digit code. Keep these in mind as you look for more clues.
Turn around to face the door:
Examining the door, you'll find...
a sheet of TRANSPARENCY paper.
Now look more closely at the clock:
Make a note of two things:
The time.
Each symbol around the circumference of the clock.
Peruse the items on the bookcase:
The box on the shelf is locked and we don't have it's code.
So look through the pages of the book...
The first page is a picture of "Tom yum goong" (very yummy soup!)
The second page illustrates how the device by the door works.
By this time, you're probably wondering, "What's the deal with this transparency paper?"
Try using the TRANSPARENCY on different items around the room and you'll soon find where it goes...
Use the transparency paper on the words "Tom yum goong" to reveal a five digit number.
-Remember- take back the transparency sheet; you may need it again.
Turn back around to face the couch and open the top drawer:
The top drawer is as simple as it looks and you're probably only checking here because you're over thinking it.
The digits for the top drawer code are separated like on a digital clock.
Look around the room to learn the time, then input the numbers. When you get it right, the number boxes turn blank.
Check the clock on the wall, ignoring the fancy designs, and you get the time...
4:55 enter the code: 4 5 5 into the top drawer.
Click the drawer handle to open it:
Get the GREEN BOX.
Next, open the bottom drawer:
The code you're looking for was found on the bookshelf.
You'll need to use the TRANSPARENCY SHEET to see it.
When you use the transparency on "Tom yum goong" in the book, certain parts of the letters turn red to reveal a number. This is the code...
Enter the correct code into the bottom drawer and click the handle to open it:
Get the KEY from the drawer.
Turn back around. Use the KEY to unlock door to the second room:
Click the handle to open the door, then click the BLINKING YELLOW ARROW to enter the second room.
Taking stock of the room, you see:
a grey panel on the wall that seems to need a password...
a laptop that has some sort of pattern on the screen....
the words "name display" written on the wall.
and small desk with a drawer.
Open the drawer to find:
Let's see what's in behind the grey panel:
You'll need to tidy up a bit to find the password...
Use the NAPKIN to wipe off part of the "name display" on the wall. You'll end up with the Thai words, "Nam Pla," which is a tasty fish sauce.
It's also your password:
nam pla
To enter the password, click inside the word box, then type in the password in lower case letters.
Click 'ok' and the panel will open:
Get the BOTTLE of Nam Pla fish sauce.
Find out what's behind the panel by the door:
Back out of the other room and zoom in on the panel next to the exit door.
Use the SCREWDRIVER then click on the panel to remove it.
Behind the panel is a delivery shown in the book under the clock, you should probably deliver something that would fit in there (such as the fish sauce used to make tom yum goong).
Put the BOTTLE in the chute.
Two things will be delivered to you then:
Find the 3x3 code for the wooden puzzle box and open it:
Where else did you see a 3x3 pattern?
Go back into the office and check the laptop. Zoom in on its screen...
Use the TRANSPARENCY SHEET on the computer monitor and you'll see a pattern:
In this case, "ON" means the buttons you push on the box.
Input that same pattern on the wooden puzzle box (drag the wooden box to "about item" to bring it into full view).
With the correct pattern, the box will open:
Finding the key and exiting:
Back up so you can see the laptop keyboard but are close enough to still touch it.
Click on the right edge of the laptop keyboard to find the USB slot.
Put the USB DRIVE into this slot.
Back up and look at the monitor.
Now you know the order of the boxes, back out of this room and go back over to the couch.
Zoom in on the area above the tall plant:
Put the RED, GREEN, and YELLOW BOXES in the niches in that order.
Now you'll see a design on the wall. Make a note of it.
Go back over to the bookcase:
Check the clock to get a three digit number based on the design on the wall.
Input that code into the grey box next to the books.
Click the top of the box to open it and get:
Go over to the exit door. Use the GOLD KEY in the lock and click the handle to open the door. Then click the opening to go out.
Enjoy your escape to Phuket, Thailand!
Posted by: elle
October 3, 2012 12:53 AM