Dangeresque Roomisode 1:
Behind the Dangerdesque
Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque is a short and sweet old-fashioned adventure game from Videlectrix, the faux video game company of the animated Homestar Runner universe. For the Homestar un-hip, "Dangeresque" is the hard-boiled detective alter-ego of Strong Bad, who is the lead narrator and practical jokester at homestarrunner.com. Dangeresque is so totally awesome, he wears mirror shades over his wrestling mask and wields a magnum with nunchucks taped to it. That's how totally awesome he is.
This is the first of hopefully many Dangeresque "Roomisodes", which just means that the entire episode takes place in a single room. Strong Bad/Dangeresque must solve a murder case from the confines of his office, because the chief thinks the case was solved months ago and his lazy detective just hasn't bothered to do the paperwork yet. How can Strong Bad provide physical evidence from a crime scene without leaving his office? That's where you come in, gentle readerplayer.
Dangeresque plays like a standard side-view adventure game, such as Ben There, Dan That. Move Strong Bad with [WASD]. Click on interesting objects with the mouse, and then talk to, examine, or use them by clicking on the appropriate icon. The game is non-linear, with three separate problems that can be tackled in any order, and the solutions require a pleasing mixture of playful experimentation and lateral thinking. The main attraction here, as with any Videlectrix game, is the surreal witticisms, so it's fun to exhaust all the interaction possibilities.
This is a very short game, but it exhibits the quality, humor, and good-natured spirit that we expect from Homestar Runner and the Chapman brothers. If you like this, you might also be interested in the downloadable Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People from Telltale Games, which has just reached its own Dangeresque-themed episode.
Play Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque
Cheers to Megawolf, Judacris, Peter and Demon for sending this one in! =)
Walkthrough Guide
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Step 1: Gettin' the evidence.
Try to grab takeout off the safe. Looks like it's stuck.
Pick up the coffee mug.
Go around to the chair and spin on it. After all, what else are office chairs for?
Read the business card that falls out.
Open the blinds.
Use the phone to call Takeout Support.
Grab the takeout.
Use the takeout on Dangeresque.
Use the coffee mug on Dangeresque.
Time for another spin on the office chair. ....Ugh, case solvin' is nasty work.
Attach the "evidence" to the casefile.
Step 2: Takin' the photo.
Try to open the safe. Oops, better look around for that combination.
Use the carpet to pull up a corner and expose some faint writing.
Hit the light switch on the right wall.
Look at the writing beneath the carpet corner. Bingo.
Pick up the camera.
Open the blinds.
Put the takeout on the windowsill.
Take a picture of the building beyond. Nice.
Attach the photo to the casefile.
Step 3: Solvin' the case.
Stand in front of the desk and hit it.
Grab the "unsolved" stamp and close the desk.
Use the stamp with the rancid Sweet n' Sour Sauce on top of the safe.
Use the stamp with the casefile. Make sure the "un" in "unsolved" is off the left edge of the page. Good work, Dangeresque!
Posted by: KCyrre
December 2, 2008 1:45 PM