An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Aries Escape: Episode No.12

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Aries Escape: Episode No.12

elleSo you've arrived at your destination, your hut set out over the island shallows, set to indulge in a magical holiday. You're already here in a Pacific wonderland, there's no where else you need to go. Except swimming that is. And therein lies the problem—your sexy new bikini is locked in your suitcase, but where is the key? In Libertechno's Aries Escape: Episode No.12, it's not enough to just escape-the-room, you need the proper attire to do it, accessories included! So follow the navigational arrows to search your surroundings, high and low, inside and out, solving puzzles to unlock safes and cabinets, until you can don your swimwear and fully enjoy this awesome Bora Bora vacation.

Aries Escape: Episode No.12If you don't read Japanese, you need to know that sometimes a puzzle won't operate in a "I have no clue how to solve this" fashion. Be sure to closely examine everything you see! The clean design and changing cursor make finding active areas a breeze. The setting is reminiscent of Cottage by 58Works yet Libertechno's style is not as well polished and the puzzles are more challenging. At times dependent on lateral thinking and inference, solutions often must be arrived at, not just reveled. By extension, it tends toward being overly obtuse—they have an interior logic, but straight-forward methods of presenting clues are eschewed for presentations that can be misleading. Also, a certain item use would make more sense if you had one nearby and read the ingredients. These kinds of puzzles are not for everyone, but if you think fun means twisting your brain in knots instead of dangling your feet in azure blue waters, then Aries Escape: Episode No.12 is your number to paradise.

Play Aries Escape: Episode No.12

Walkthrough Guide

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Note that the game will not let you solve a puzzle if you haven't seen the clue, so no cheating. :)

Single-click to use items, double-click to look at them. To combine items, double-click one, then single click the other and use it on the item you're viewing. If it won't work, try it the other way around.


  • Sliding glass door view

    • The doors won't open, but there's no immediately-apparent way to unlock them.

    • There's a panel on the floor that's bolted shut. We'll need a wrench to get whatever that item is down there.

  • Bed view

    • There's something under the bed, but we can't reach it.

    • There's a notepad on the nightstand, but we have nothing to write with.

    • There's a blue box in the nightstand. It needs a three-letter code.

    • The sheet on the bed has E's all over it.

    • The picture above the bed looks oddly stretched. Maybe if we could look at it sideways?

      Click the arrow on the left and note the code.


  • Door view

    • Well, here's your fabled suitcase, thoroughly locked.

    • There's a row of coat hooks to the left of the door. Most of them are knobs, but one of them is a cup hook.

    • Note the colorful shapes on the door.

      A blue circle, a yellow diamond, and a green triangle.

    • There's a small panel on the wall which is screwed shut.

    • Lift the corner of the rug and note the hint.

      7  1
      2  6

    • Also note that the rug is strewn with S's.

  • Dresser view

    • There's a scroll/poster on the wall with colorful A's on it.

    • On top of the dresser, there's an elf maiden figurine in a glass dome, and three playing cards in a frame.

    • The top drawer is locked.

    • The second and third drawers are empty.

    • The bottom drawer has a purple box that needs a four-digit code.

  • Sink view

    (Click the bit of sink you can see when you're in the dresser view to get to the sink view)

    • The faucet handles are color-coded, but the water is apparently not on.

    • There's a cabinet hidden behind the left-hand side of the mirror (you can sorta see the gap in the mirror and the handle on the bottom edge), but it won't open.

    • There are three small lockers on the right. The top needs a key, the middle needs a three-digit code, and the bottom has 9 round buttons.

    • Under the sink, there's a panel hidden behind the plant. It needs a code involving shapes and colors.

Solving time, part 1

  • Shapes and colors

    The panel under the sink is pretty straightforward: just put in the code from the front door.
    Colorblind help:

    If you press the right arrow, each shape cycles through blue, green, and yellow, in that order. (If you press the left arrow, the colors obviously go yellow, green, blue instead.)

    When you've entered the code, press the Open button on top, then move the handle from "Close" to "Open".

  • Purple box

    The box in the bottom drawer of the dresser needs a four-digit code, and you already found one of those on the picture above the bed. Get the black pen.

  • Blue box

    The box in the nightstand needs a three-letter code. You've found three letters: the E's on the sheets, the A's on the scroll, and the S's on the rug. Dunno about you, but the only word I can form with those letters is "sea". Yup, that worked. Get the socket wrench.

  • Floor panel

    Use the wrench to remove the bolt and open the panel. Unfortunately, you still can't reach the pink thing.

Exploring the back porch

(Turns out that the lever under the sink opened the sliding-glass doors.)

  • Right-hand view

    • Look at the plant and get the stick which will become your closest friend for the near future.

    • There's a torch on the outside corner.

  • Left-hand view

    • There's a torch on the corner here, too.

    • The left-hand deck chair has some sort of code on its headrest.

      <└│┘ ┌│┘ ┌│┐ └│┐ └│┘ └│┐<

    • The right-hand deck chair has a blue and red code.

      B R R B B B R

    • There's a table between the chairs with a box and bowl on top. The box has corners that can move outward (point just outside the corners to see arrows).

    • There's some sort of clue on the underside of the table.

      7 → 3
      8 → 7
      9 → 6

More solving

  • The corners box

    The clue is the diagram under the rug. For example, the 1 is the top number on the right, so the first step is to move the top right corner to the right. (As with all the puzzles, if you mess up, back out and come back.) Get the white pen.

  • Under the bed

    Use your stick to get the pliers from under the bed.

  • Captain Hook

    Use the pliers to get the cuphook from the coat rack. Put the cuphook on the end of your friend, the stick.

  • Floor panel, take two

    Use the stick+hook to get the object, which turns out to be a key.

  • Top dresser drawer

    Use the key you just found to open the top drawer. Get the bandage.

  • Sink

    Use the blue & red code from the towel on the faucet handles.

    The left handle is red, the right handle is blue.

    This opens the mirror cabinet. Get the magnifying glass. Note the white scribble on the back of the cabinet; use your white pen to add some more scribbles to it. Note the shape.

  • Middle locker

    OK, this one is really abstruse. The clues are the cards in the frame plus the numbers on the underside of the table, though how you're supposed to intuit that, I couldn't tell you. (The least they could've done was put some card symbols with the number clue.) The 7 → 3 means that on an LCD display, a 7 is made up of three segments. Similarly, an 8 has 7 segments, and a 9 has 6 segments. These were just the preliminary clues, though: the actual code is the numbers on the cards, or rather the number of segments the numbers (or letters) on the cards have. An A has three lines (which doesn't even follow the rules set forth, but whatever), a 2 has 5 segments, and a 3 has 5 segments. So the code is 255. Get the screwdriver.

  • Panel next to door

    • Use the screwdriver to remove the cover of the panel to the right of the door.

    • There are four buttons underneath. Clicking them reveals curves or lines. To solve it, make the lines resemble the shape on the back of the mirror cabinet.

      So the top left button should be a diagonal line from bottom to right; the top right button should be an arc of a circle; the bottom left button needs to be a diagonal line from top to right; and the bottom right button needs to be the bottom right part of a square.

    • Press OK when you're done and note the cut scene: the ceiling fan starts up, and something falls off of it.

    • Look down at the rug and collect the coin that fell.

  • Torches

    • Time to do some combining. First, add the bandage to your trusty stick. Next, use the black pen on the bandage (it's one of them highly-flammable solvent-based markers, apparently). Now go outside and use the magnifying glass on your contraption. Whoo-hoo, fire!

    • Use your flaming stick to light the two torches on the corners of the porch. Watch the cut scene.

    • Turn back to the house, but don't go in. Notice that there's now an upward arrow. Click it, then use your best friend, the stick, to get the key.

  • Top locker

    Use the key you just got to open the locker and get the bucket.

  • Glass bowl

    Put the bucket on the end of the love of your life, ahem, sorry, the stick. Go to the floor panel and fill the bucket with water. (Aw, you're now done with the stick. Sniff.) Go outside and pour the water into the glass bowl. Get the white disk.

  • Bottom locker

    Look at the white disk: note that the Z pattern has an arrow at one end. Go to the bottom locker and press the buttons in a Z pattern, starting at the lower right and ending at the upper left. Get the pencil.

  • Elf maiden

    • Go use your pencil on the pad of paper on the nightstand. Note the symbol.

    • Put the coin into the slot on the base of the dome holding the elf maiden.

    • Rotate the bottom of the dome until the symbol from the nightstand is in front. Press the "open" button.

    • Remember the pattern on the headrest of the deck chair? Move the statue's arms in that pattern, going from right to left (not left to right!). When you're done, press the red button. Get the key.

The front door

Use the key from the elf maiden to open the front door. Don't worry, you're not done yet. Go out the door and turn around.

  • Planter

    Get the paper peeking out from the plant.

  • Bench

    There's a round box with four buttons, but you can't press them yet, so you can't tell what sort of code it needs.

And some more solving

  • The A's have it

    Use the paper from the planter on the scroll with the A's. Note the colors and the arrow.

    Green, blue, yellow, red.

  • Round box

    Use the color code to open the box.

    Don't randomly click the buttons, because they don't reset. Click the first button twice, the second button once, the third button 4 times, and the last button 3 times.

    Get the yellow key.

  • Suitcase

    Use the yellow key (which incidentally looks like no suitcase key I've ever encountered) to open the suitcase. Get your swimsuit. Click the swimsuit, then click the torso to the right of your inventory to put on said swimsuit.

Normal end

Go out the door and jump into the water.

Happy end

Go outside, but don't jump into the water yet. Go back inside. Notice that the bedside lamp is now turned on. Look at the pad of paper and note the pattern of blue light. Go to the bottom locker and press the two white buttons (the ones that weren't involved in the original code) to reset the panel. Now press the buttons in an N shape, starting at the top right and ending at the bottom left. Get the necklace. Now go out the front door and jump in the water.


baileydonk June 20, 2014 11:59 AM

Whew! Had a real good run at this one, but now I'm stuck. I have used all the items I collected:

pliers, hook, stick, bucket, hex wrench, bandages, two pens, magnifying glass, pencil, two keys, and a symbol on a disk.

Now I'm left with no items to use and two clues that I can't figure out:

a symbol on the notepad and a symbol in the bathroom cabinet.

Anyone got a hint for those?

baileydonk June 20, 2014 12:01 PM

Oh, and another clue with nowhere to use the info:

symbols on the back of one patio chair. I don't see anywhere to use up/down clues.

baileydonk June 20, 2014 12:11 PM

Now I've found the clue under the

table on the deck.

It definitely is for the

middle locker in the bathroom,

but I can't figure it out. I've tried

the differences between the numbers (subtracting the second from the first) and how many clicks you need to get from the first to the second.

CJTressler June 20, 2014 12:15 PM


You are way ahead of me in this game, but it looks like

you might be able use the pattern from the deck chair on the doll

if there is a way to get it.

I'm stuck

with a magnifying glass and a stick with a bandage on it

Where do I go from there?

baileydonk June 20, 2014 12:17 PM

@cjtressler - if I remember right, you need to use the

black pen

now, on an item you've got.

CJTressler June 20, 2014 12:24 PM

Thanks bailey, but

where do I find a black pen?

I've found

a stick, a hook, pliers, a nut wrench, a bandage, a white pen, a magnifying glass, and a heart key

I'm left with

the bandage on the stick and the magnifying glass

CJTressler June 20, 2014 12:28 PM

Nevermind, bailey, I found it. (slams head on desk)
I wasn't looking in the right place.

baileydonk June 20, 2014 12:28 PM

I'm not sure, but I think the


was in either the

box in the bedside table

or the

box in the bottom drawer of the wicker dresser.


Got the

stick with hook, black pen and magnifying glass

Can't use them anywhere, what am I missing?

CJTressler June 20, 2014 12:49 PM

I figured out the

hint under the table. Put the first set of numbers into the locker and count the lines

7 has 3 lines, 8 has 7 lines, 9 has 6 lines.

Now use this with the 3 cards on the dresser.

A has 3 lines, 2 has 5, 3 has 5

A bit of a stretch, isn't it.



try using one on the other

baileydonk June 20, 2014 12:52 PM

@CJTressler, you did it! Good job, I never would have figured that out!

baileydonk June 20, 2014 1:00 PM

That was crazy. Very good, just needed one hint. I'm out, with the happy ending!

manutius June 20, 2014 1:03 PM

Where is the black pen? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find it for the life of me!

manutius June 20, 2014 1:05 PM

Where on earth is the black pen?

CJTressler June 20, 2014 1:10 PM

Click on the

picture above the bed

don't forget to change your perspective


use that code to open the box in the bottom drawer of the dresser

manutius June 20, 2014 1:14 PM replied to CJTressler

hmmmm -- this is one instance where I wish I'd been allowed to input the code before the game decided I'd officially discovered it!



How did you get the happy end? I've got everything I need for the normal end but I'm kind of stumped.

I have everything but the very last item, and I've changed into the bathing suit


Nevermind! Found another clue!

For anyone else trying to get the happy ending

There's a new clue on the notepad


this game looks cool. please post a walkthrough when you can. as always no hurry.

thejusme June 20, 2014 2:41 PM

The solution for the middle cabinet box is ridiculous.

It would have been much clearer if the hint under the table outside was in 7-segment type font to match the entry code on the box. Otherwise how the heck are you supposed to figure out that 7->3 means that a 7 on a 7-segment display has 3 lines? Secondly, the clue under the table also very much needed a reference to the cards to show that's where you are supposed to apply the hint. Diamond/heart/spade/club symbols on the clue would have sufficed nicely.

Also I get the feeling that there was supposed to be one more puzzle. Did anyone else keep going back to the box under the sink thinking that the 3 vertical selectors were going to turn on at some point so we could solve it? I still can't figure out what the purpose was of that.

thejusme June 20, 2014 2:43 PM

The solution for the middle cabinet box is ridiculous.

It would have been much clearer if the hint under the table outside was in 7-segment type font to match the entry code on the box. Otherwise how the heck are you supposed to figure out that 7->3 means that a 7 on a 7-segment display has 3 lines? Secondly, the clue under the table also very much needed a reference to the cards to show that's where you are supposed to apply the hint. Diamond/heart/spade/club symbols on the clue would have sufficed nicely.

Also I get the feeling that there was supposed to be one more puzzle. Did anyone else keep going back to the box under the sink thinking that the 3 vertical selectors were going to turn on at some point so we could solve it? I still can't figure out what the purpose was of that.

ellarose96 June 20, 2014 3:21 PM

I'd been clicking on things and not bothering to try and read the text - I have to focus on Japanese, I can't just read it at a glance - never been more frustrated than to realise it's just telling me "you still don't know..." :'(

I have the magnifying glass and the stick with the blackened bandage on it, but I can't move the doll's arms any further than the first movement. Help?

Whobghilee June 20, 2014 4:57 PM replied to ellarose96

Yup that's exactly where I am too :(

Whobghilee June 20, 2014 5:05 PM replied to ellarose96

Okay figured it out...

you have to use your last 2 items on each other

try it somewhere other then the room

phdavoid June 20, 2014 6:42 PM


Kind of frustrated. But the answer to the middle drawer felt quite obscure, so it makes me grumpy.

Now, I'm just stuck because I'm dumb.

I have

magnifying glass, black pen and stick with hook

but no clue how to use any of them

And I was very disappointed when

the I put the coin in the slot and nothing happened

Any hints where I find the

bandage and other objects


lilymay June 20, 2014 6:46 PM


This whole game has been a matter of radomly clicking on everything, WITH everything. Not much has made any sense to me. =( I'm finally tossing in the towel.

phdavoid June 20, 2014 6:49 PM


just realized how to open the

blue box, That is another rather obscure solution

at least I am back in the game

phdavoid June 20, 2014 7:00 PM

just not my day.

So now i have

the bandage on the stick and have marked it up with the black pen (for not apparent reason - thus the 3rd obscure piece) but I have used the stick on everything to no avail)


ryanrinaldo1 June 20, 2014 7:42 PM

I cannot tell what unlocked after the sink puzzle. I also have not found the magnifying glass.

Mystify June 20, 2014 8:52 PM


the door to the balcony opens. Yeah, its pretty obscure.

mark0205 June 20, 2014 8:57 PM

Where is the magnifying glass?

Kniggit June 20, 2014 8:59 PM

Out with the normal ending and I think I'm ok with that.

Spent a long time on the middle cabinet code and how to use the

magnifying glass -- should have put that together, but I kept trying to "look" at the thing inside...

shjack180 June 20, 2014 10:13 PM

Okay, I am stuck

I have a white circular piece or coin with what looks like an enlarged "Z" and the word "ARIES" beside it. I can now fiddle with the six button puzzle of the bottom cabinet near the sink, but I have no idea what clue to use to solve it.


Frustrating. Very clicky, and me, at least, not a whole lot of "ah HAQ!" flow. For instance:

solve two puzzles with WAGs and it doesn't let me solve a third until I view something is just the right location, even though I know the solution; then get

the stick, hook, magnifying glass, bandage, and black pen

and create the


to use on the deck and

light the tiki torches, thus triggering a cut scene with a key! and yet, when I back out of the scene, the key is not anywhere to be found.

I just hate pixel hunts. Escape games are a series of puzzles, yeah, I get it, but I still don't know why I'm solving anyone of them this way instead of that way. Fail.

shipoopie June 21, 2014 12:46 AM replied to shjack180


The Z shape has tip and feathers like an arrow. You have the right puzzle for that "round card" (that's what the Japanese says). You just have to follow the arrow.


The solution must be done the first time round. So, if it doesn't work, back out and try again. If you think of the buttons as:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Then the order of making the dots gray is 9-8-7-5-3-2-1.

shipoopie June 21, 2014 12:51 AM replied to phdavoid


Your stick and blackened-bandage combo is inflamable.

Look at it with the magnifying glass.

shipoopie June 21, 2014 12:54 AM replied to phdavoid


About the coin slot

If you push the mouse off to the right of that object, you can spin the symbols.

The correct symbol can be found by solving

the note pad puzzle

shipoopie June 21, 2014 12:56 AM replied to ellarose96


About the doll

Don't press the button between each pose.

shipoopie June 21, 2014 1:02 AM replied to elle


About that middle box puzzle.

I was trying a different angle from yours on what the clue meant but it didn't open. I started to try a different angle and only got as far as clicking the first number 2 more times and it opened. I don't even know what the code was. Accidental solve. :-(

shipoopie June 21, 2014 1:17 AM

I gave this game the old college try and got through it without getting mad and looking for help. :-) I even went for the happy ending! Wooooooo me! :-D

The one item that kept me clicking around and around was

the stick, then the hook on the stick, then the bandage on the hook on the stick, then the blackened bandage on the hook on the stick, because each time I was convinced that something up high needed poking or hooking or cleaned or made black. I didn't put together that the blackness made it flammable until after I started trying the magnifying glass on everything.

But then I remembered that I had seen that trick before and had felt the same "huh? really? what?" back then, too.

Otherwise, it was pretty unclicky for me. Everything, really, is right there for the clicking. Just gotta pay better attention. Especially when it took me forever to notice the

clue on the back of that deck chair!

krt1994 June 21, 2014 3:40 AM

Was there any clue about

password wor the blue box beign SEA?

Solved it on the random guess from this morning.



Note that the game will not let you solve a puzzle if you haven't seen the clue, so no cheating. :)

Single-click to use items, double-click to look at them. To combine items, double-click one, then single click the other and use it on the item you're viewing. If it won't work, try it the other way around.


  • Sliding glass door view

    • The doors won't open, but there's no immediately-apparent way to unlock them.

    • There's a panel on the floor that's bolted shut. We'll need a wrench to get whatever that item is down there.

  • Bed view

    • There's something under the bed, but we can't reach it.

    • There's a notepad on the nightstand, but we have nothing to write with.

    • There's a blue box in the nightstand. It needs a three-letter code.

    • The sheet on the bed has E's all over it.

    • The picture above the bed looks oddly stretched. Maybe if we could look at it sideways?

      Click the arrow on the left and note the code.


  • Door view

    • Well, here's your fabled suitcase, thoroughly locked.

    • There's a row of coat hooks to the left of the door. Most of them are knobs, but one of them is a cup hook.

    • Note the colorful shapes on the door.

      A blue circle, a yellow diamond, and a green triangle.

    • There's a small panel on the wall which is screwed shut.

    • Lift the corner of the rug and note the hint.

      7  1
      2  6

    • Also note that the rug is strewn with S's.

  • Dresser view

    • There's a scroll/poster on the wall with colorful A's on it.

    • On top of the dresser, there's an elf maiden figurine in a glass dome, and three playing cards in a frame.

    • The top drawer is locked.

    • The second and third drawers are empty.

    • The bottom drawer has a purple box that needs a four-digit code.

  • Sink view

    (Click the bit of sink you can see when you're in the dresser view to get to the sink view)

    • The faucet handles are color-coded, but the water is apparently not on.

    • There's a cabinet hidden behind the left-hand side of the mirror (you can sorta see the gap in the mirror and the handle on the bottom edge), but it won't open.

    • There are three small lockers on the right. The top needs a key, the middle needs a three-digit code, and the bottom has 9 round buttons.

    • Under the sink, there's a panel hidden behind the plant. It needs a code involving shapes and colors.

Solving time, part 1

  • Shapes and colors

    The panel under the sink is pretty straightforward: just put in the code from the front door.
    Colorblind help:

    If you press the right arrow, each shape cycles through blue, green, and yellow, in that order. (If you press the left arrow, the colors obviously go yellow, green, blue instead.)

    When you've entered the code, press the Open button on top, then move the handle from "Close" to "Open".

  • Purple box

    The box in the bottom drawer of the dresser needs a four-digit code, and you already found one of those on the picture above the bed. Get the black pen.

  • Blue box

    The box in the nightstand needs a three-letter code. You've found three letters: the E's on the sheets, the A's on the scroll, and the S's on the rug. Dunno about you, but the only word I can form with those letters is "sea". Yup, that worked. Get the socket wrench.

  • Floor panel

    Use the wrench to remove the bolt and open the panel. Unfortunately, you still can't reach the pink thing.

Exploring the back porch

(Turns out that the lever under the sink opened the sliding-glass doors.)

  • Right-hand view

    • Look at the plant and get the stick which will become your closest friend for the near future.

    • There's a torch on the outside corner.

  • Left-hand view

    • There's a torch on the corner here, too.

    • The left-hand deck chair has some sort of code on its headrest.

      <└│┘ ┌│┘ ┌│┐ └│┐ └│┘ └│┐<

    • The right-hand deck chair has a blue and red code.

      B R R B B B R

    • There's a table between the chairs with a box and bowl on top. The box has corners that can move outward (point just outside the corners to see arrows).

    • There's some sort of clue on the underside of the table.

      7 → 3
      8 → 7
      9 → 6

More solving

  • The corners box

    The clue is the diagram under the rug. For example, the 1 is the top number on the right, so the first step is to move the top right corner to the right. (As with all the puzzles, if you mess up, back out and come back.) Get the white pen.

  • Under the bed

    Use your stick to get the pliers from under the bed.

  • Captain Hook

    Use the pliers to get the cuphook from the coat rack. Put the cuphook on the end of your friend, the stick.

  • Floor panel, take two

    Use the stick+hook to get the object, which turns out to be a key.

  • Top dresser drawer

    Use the key you just found to open the top drawer. Get the bandage.

  • Sink

    Use the blue & red code from the towel on the faucet handles.

    The left handle is red, the right handle is blue.

    This opens the mirror cabinet. Get the magnifying glass. Note the white scribble on the back of the cabinet; use your white pen to add some more scribbles to it. Note the shape.

  • Middle locker

    OK, this one is really abstruse. The clues are the cards in the frame plus the numbers on the underside of the table, though how you're supposed to intuit that, I couldn't tell you. (The least they could've done was put some card symbols with the number clue.) The 7 → 3 means that on an LCD display, a 7 is made up of three segments. Similarly, an 8 has 7 segments, and a 9 has 6 segments. These were just the preliminary clues, though: the actual code is the numbers on the cards, or rather the number of segments the numbers (or letters) on the cards have. An A has three lines (which doesn't even follow the rules set forth, but whatever), a 2 has 5 segments, and a 3 has 5 segments. So the code is 255. Get the screwdriver.

  • Panel next to door

    • Use the screwdriver to remove the cover of the panel to the right of the door.

    • There are four buttons underneath. Clicking them reveals curves or lines. To solve it, make the lines resemble the shape on the back of the mirror cabinet.

      So the top left button should be a diagonal line from bottom to right; the top right button should be an arc of a circle; the bottom left button needs to be a diagonal line from top to right; and the bottom right button needs to be the bottom right part of a square.

    • Press OK when you're done and note the cut scene: the ceiling fan starts up, and something falls off of it.

    • Look down at the rug and collect the coin that fell.

  • Torches

    • Time to do some combining. First, add the bandage to your trusty stick. Next, use the black pen on the bandage (it's one of them highly-flammable solvent-based markers, apparently). Now go outside and use the magnifying glass on your contraption. Whoo-hoo, fire!

    • Use your flaming stick to light the two torches on the corners of the porch. Watch the cut scene.

    • Turn back to the house, but don't go in. Notice that there's now an upward arrow. Click it, then use your best friend, the stick, to get the key.

  • Top locker

    Use the key you just got to open the locker and get the bucket.

  • Glass bowl

    Put the bucket on the end of the love of your life, ahem, sorry, the stick. Go to the floor panel and fill the bucket with water. (Aw, you're now done with the stick. Sniff.) Go outside and pour the water into the glass bowl. Get the white disk.

  • Bottom locker

    Look at the white disk: note that the Z pattern has an arrow at one end. Go to the bottom locker and press the buttons in a Z pattern, starting at the lower right and ending at the upper left. Get the pencil.

  • Elf maiden

    • Go use your pencil on the pad of paper on the nightstand. Note the symbol.

    • Put the coin into the slot on the base of the dome holding the elf maiden.

    • Rotate the bottom of the dome until the symbol from the nightstand is in front. Press the "open" button.

    • Remember the pattern on the headrest of the deck chair? Move the statue's arms in that pattern, going from right to left (not left to right!). When you're done, press the red button. Get the key.

The front door

Use the key from the elf maiden to open the front door. Don't worry, you're not done yet. Go out the door and turn around.

  • Planter

    Get the paper peeking out from the plant.

  • Bench

    There's a round box with four buttons, but you can't press them yet, so you can't tell what sort of code it needs.

And some more solving

  • The A's have it

    Use the paper from the planter on the scroll with the A's. Note the colors and the arrow.

    Green, blue, yellow, red.

  • Round box

    Use the color code to open the box.

    Don't randomly click the buttons, because they don't reset. Click the first button twice, the second button once, the third button 4 times, and the last button 3 times.

    Get the yellow key.

  • Suitcase

    Use the yellow key (which incidentally looks like no suitcase key I've ever encountered) to open the suitcase. Get your swimsuit. Click the swimsuit, then click the torso to the right of your inventory to put on said swimsuit.

Normal end

Go out the door and jump into the water.

Happy end

Go outside, but don't jump into the water yet. Go back inside. Notice that the bedside lamp is now turned on. Look at the pad of paper and note the pattern of blue light. Go to the bottom locker and press the two white buttons (the ones that weren't involved in the original code) to reset the panel. Now press the buttons in an N shape, starting at the top right and ending at the bottom left. Get the necklace. Now go out the front door and jump in the water.

shipoopie June 21, 2014 9:18 AM replied to krt1994


I didn't sea any. I just guessed, too.

mittudomain June 21, 2014 10:00 AM

I'm a bit surprised by the relativel low score this game has got so far. I found it most challenging - but not too challenging or unfair. It was fairly easy to give it 5 stars.

mittudomain June 21, 2014 10:02 AM

Oh, and in case anyone wonders, absolutely no language barrier. Maybe understanding the japanese texts make the game easier to beat, i don't know - but it's totally possible to logically beat it without unedrstanding them.

phdavoid June 21, 2014 10:02 AM

thanks for the help

But I am still frustrated, because I tried both of the things suggested to me many times yesterday and they didnt work. today they did. and I dont know what made the difference.

MrsRavoon June 21, 2014 11:06 AM

I don't feel the clue for the middle cabinet needed a pointer to say it was the clue for the middle cabinet.... In general I don't mind the responsibility to figure out that "I have a solution that's [this shape], where could I apply it??"

What that puzzle did need was consistency. Interior logic, if you will. The only way to make sense of the


clue is to invoke

seven-segment font

-- in which case the other part of the clue doesn't work.

Also find logic lacking when two very similar items behave so differently -- one needing to be "used" and the other only needing to exist in inventory in order to have an effect. Specifically

the bikini and the "accessory".


Oops, there's an error in my walkthrough.

For the middle locker, you need to consider the ace as a 1, not an A. That's why the code is 255, not 355. And that means the puzzle is internally consistent; it's just hard to follow. (I still think some card symbols on the underside of the table would have helped immensely. Of course, it would have been even better if the clue numbers all used 7-segment font, but then we wouldn't still be sitting here arguing about it. :)

ellarose96 June 21, 2014 2:38 PM replied to mittudomain

It does make it easier, actually!

For example, the glass bowl "has no water in it" initially, and I wouldn't have known that it was needed without that annotation.

Patreon Donator Reka June 21, 2014 8:02 PM replied to mittudomain

There is a language barrier: for someone (like me) who doesn't read Japanese, there was a lot of random "let's try using this object everywhere, even if it makes no sense" clicking.

Using the black marker on the bandage, for example.

Or the white marker on the back of the medicine cabinet.

I kind of guessed that the glass bowl needed water, because otherwise why could I zoom in on it, but it's still pretty random.

And of course the middle locker code is totally nonsensical, because the only thing connecting those playing cards to the locker is process of elimination.

I imagine that the text tells you exactly what to do in all of those cases, which means that for someone who knows the language, this is a very nice game, whereas for the rest of us, it's an exercise in random clicking. (Still not a *bad* game by any means, but not nearly as nice as it ought to be.)

houseworkisevil June 21, 2014 8:47 PM

Let me add my voice to the chorus of, "that middle locker puzzle was ridiculous."

That was the point at which I thought skinny dipping might be the better option. ;)

shipoopie June 21, 2014 8:55 PM replied to phdavoid


I think some of the puzzles were first-try-only, so you had to back away before trying again. Pretty lame mechanic. I had figured out the nine button puzzle but since I had tried other things without backing away, the correct solution didn't work. It only worked when I gave up and came back later and tried it again.

Jamilworm June 21, 2014 10:10 PM

I think the clue for the blue box is

S from the floor rug, E from the bed sheets, and A from the wall painting. I just thought of the first word that came to mind using those three letters.

shipoopie June 21, 2014 11:30 PM replied to Jamilworm


Yeah, that's what I did. Though it took me a long time to put together that

there were blue A's on the A scroll. AUGH! :-)


The clue under the table makes the

middle locker puzzle

pretty simple (once you realize they're related): the numbers are

the LED segment count. So 123 in the cards becomes 255, because 1 has 2 segments on an LED display, and so on.


I disagree, Marnen.

If the code on the underside of the table had the left-hand numbers in an LED font, and if there were something to relate the cards to the code, then it could be considered logical, but it still wouldn't be easy.

shipoopie June 23, 2014 2:05 AM

I went back to see about the middle cabinet

and I only looked at the door to open the door. Then only the underside of the table and the cards to make sure that you needed those two only for the puzzle and you do need them both. Then I tried to put the info together and the digital clock thing does work. It's the only explanation. I think the puzzle is what we were talking about on a different article. It's a puzzle that requires outside knowledge. For me it required luck. Here's what I did originally...

I entered 7-8-9. Then, I increased each number by the corresponding arrowed number (3-7-6). That gave me 0-5-5. Then, I thought I'd try to enter 3-7-6 instead but I got as far as two clicks on the first number to make 2-5-5 and it just opened. I recreated that scenario just now to make sure that's what I had done and it worked.

I wonder how many other people did the same thing and never knew why it worked because they never would have thought of the digital clock thing. Originally, I never knew what the cards were for. They were just something I happened to have looked at while exploring the game.


Hey friends, is there a glitch in Google Chrome? I'm playing the game and can't seem to

enter the numbers into the pink box in the bottom dresser.

Anybody else have this problem, and if so, how did you remedy it?

jaybo33 July 2, 2014 2:04 PM

Ace Two Three puzzle clarification (middle locker):

Ace is a ONE, so it has TWO segments

jaybo33 July 3, 2014 9:55 AM replied to shipoopie

I did that too! 0-5-5, then increasing the 0 I stumbled on the solution too! Didn't figure it all out until way later, after a colleague figured it out and I went back and escaped again. Getting stuck on that puzzle would have ruined the game since it was not intuitive enough. I lucked out!

jaybo33 July 3, 2014 9:58 AM replied to shipoopie

I did that too! 0-5-5, then increasing the 0 I stumbled on the solution too! Didn't figure it all out until way later, after a colleague figured it out and I went back and escaped again. Getting stuck on that puzzle would have ruined the game since it was not intuitive enough. I lucked out!


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