Monster Basement 2
Monster Basement 2 is every bit as entertaining and well-made as the original; like the first game, it is extraordinary for its thought-provoking plot and tense, eerie ambiance. Patrick Majewski, from Godlimations, has spared nothing in bringing his tale of monster-against-man-against-monster to life.
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Movement and finding the right directions to go is very complicated sometimes. Also, the magnifying glass icon is not clear - sometimes it means closeup view, sometimes action performed on the clicked item.
I gave up hoping it's a good game when I suspected I had to combine
the rpe and the magnet
, but had like 5 minutes before I found out i can do it only when I have one of the items in closeup.
Sometimes you can't pick up an item, amthough you see it and could reach it - and even the grabbing hand icon appears - you have to do it from another screen...
So far a disappointment.
The curse of the stuck poster strikes again
I take it the handy man does indeed say pay me as I found a way to ... well pay him. Home free from there
Nice game not too challenging though but a great storyline. 4 mushrooms. Hope it goes on further. I didn't really get the ending though
was I playing the part of the monster or the little girl? Or both?
Is there any other endings? Anyhoo I'm not the fastest walkthrough typer in the world so I'll leave that up to someone else but I'll be lurking for a while if anyone needs a hint.
Sillybuttons, my read on the ending is:
The little girl was the one who revived you at the beginning of the first game. Remember in the diary when it says that she teleported to the basement (where the food was) because she was so hungry? Instead of eating you, she found a vitality potion and brought you back to life.
Though I could be wrong.
Jess, I was thinking along them lines though I thought
I was playing the little girl in some sort of prequel before she had revitilised the monster but this didn't add up with what happens with the DVD where you can see what you are. Though the DVD was a recording and the diary did say that her family had turned into monsters. Maybe she had. But then you see her at the end of the game. Awww this is complicated
Can someone help me?
I have diary, toolbox key (but can't find the toolbox), phone, matches, Handy Man poster, rope, and laxatives. I've lit all eight candles by the stairs up, and I've emptied the DVD player but can't find anything to put in it. I suspect that I have to knock on the door atop the stairs in a certain pattern to get it to open, but I've tried every variation of the notes on the first diary page to no avail. I can't do anything in the kitchen, the outhouse, or the basement.
Jess and Sillybuttons,
At first, I thought the little girl might be a ghost because you see a ghost when you are outside looking in the upstairs window and that is where she would be at that time. That would also explain that she can "teleport" anywhere she wants at anytime.You can also see your own shadow at various times and you look like the monster from the previous game, not like a little girl. If she's not a ghost, then I think she might be your monster friend, since she's carrying the potion from the previous game.
Clare (Ms. Voyance?):
Have you finished the game? If so, you'll know why she's able to teleport around. I definitely thought she was a ghost first, but after figuring out the teleportation thing and reading that she refused to consume monsters like her brother and father, I concluded that she was the only remaining human-looking member of her family.
Just my interpretation, o'course.
The way I interpret the ending.
The scene with the potion was a flashback to before the first game. My guess is the ax man killed you and dragged you downstairs, but the vitality potion she gave you brought you back. It was actually a pretty drub ending. You leave her standing on the stairs. The better ending would have been to eat her, because of the upstairs toilet comment, but no dice.
He tried to go to flashy (pardon the pun), and it slowed the game down, causing huge frame rate chugs.
Look forward to the next one. Hope for a little less hand holding on being killed, and a little less jumpy music for clay pot pick ups.
The walkthough is a tad out of place. You need to go up the the girl's bedroom, give her back her diary, and, if you haven't done so already, go into the side bathroom and get the shed key by shaking the towel. Then go back outside and unlock the shed, unlock the toolbox, and get the magnet. THEN click the outside cellar doors.
Hope that was helpful! :)
With regards to the ending I like what jess said
Have you finished the game? If so, you'll know why she's able to teleport around. I definitely thought she was a ghost first, but after figuring out the teleportation thing and reading that she refused to consume monsters like her brother and father, I concluded that she was the only remaining human-looking member of her family. Posted by: Jess
I think it makes sense if
the little girl is dead
well thats how I'm gonna take it for now.
Yes! Finally, a new escape game from Godlimations! As a huge fan of the -TRAPPED- series, this was no disappointment. Also, I hear that he's making another installment in the -TRAPPED- series due out November 31st! Could it get any better (well, of course; he could come out with a new one every week)‽
Just ran through the first and second one, and absolutely loved them. Only complaint is
The knocking puzzle. Even with the sheet open I had to try a bunch of times.
Other than that it was great. I feel like I'm missing something about the ending though from what everyone's saying though.
I saw them giving her the potion and her becoming human again. Or are you seeing that too but interpreting it different?
Oh, and Pander,
That bottom set of numbers looks a lot like a time doesn't it? Of course, it can't be if the Handy men close at 1pm...Hmmm..
I think what they're trying to show in the end:
the little girl was wondering what was happening to her family and herself, so she had already started changing. The toy she found in the basement was the rod she used to teleport around. I think what happened is that the monsters (you) gave her the potion as thanks for helping them escape, turning her back to a human in the end.
Wow the first time I played the DVD I didn't even realize I had died. That was very confusing. I thought the game had suddenly gone surreal on me. So will there be a sequel with this new monster-monster-little girl team? Hopefully they'll whack the butcher. I kept waiting for that to happen. Great game.
ok I thought by the description i would be one that would decide not to play it. I have seen the pretty mountains turn in to a screaming torn face and I am NOT in to practical jokes. But this was not as bad as some I have played. I get pretty jumpy at some of it. Thanks for the help with the spoiler . I may never have gotten through it..
Click on the TV to zoom in, open the DVD player by clicking on the button on the right and remove the DVD
(it doesn't matter if it disappears later)
Click on the space between the left wall and the tv stand to find matches
Go back to full view, turn left twice, take the leaflet from the side of the tv stand
Turn left twice again, pick up the phone from the chair
Turn 180° and go through the door with the switch
Light the 3rd candle from the left with the matches
(full view on the matches, open the box, pick up a match, scratch it on the side,exit full view)
Zoom in on the base of the candle to find laxatives
Go back to the main room and go into the kitchen where the butcher is hacking away at a dead monster
Use the laxatives on the glass right of the butcher, wait until he drinks again and rushes outside.
Go back into the kitchen, take the salt near the big cup left of the big eye, and the musical score on the right corner.
(click the roll to unfold and memorize the song)
Go back to the candle stairs, click the "eye" under the music symbol to start "playing" the score.
Click on the door when the vertical bar passes over the notes (anticipating a bit seems to make it easier)
Go through the door, click the computer, open the tray, and take the DVD.
Step back and go through the door next to the bed into the bathroom. Shake the towel until a key drops and pick it up.
Go back down and outside, look up to get a better view of the windmill, and wait until you see a rope, and pick it up.
Look back down, go right, and take the diary.
Go twice left, take the pot next to the right door, examine it in full view, and look inside to find a key.
Use the salt several times on the little girl.
Go back inside and upstairs. Give the diary to the girl and take the "scrowl hold"
Go back outside and to the left, use the bathroom key to open the right door and enter the shed.
Open the toolbox with the other key and take the magnet.
Go outside, wait for the end of the cinematic, and open the privy door. Step inside.
Use the magnet on the crap hole.
Go back inside the house to the bathroom upstairs, turn on the sink and wash the bone.
Go outside again, right, and put the bone into the mailbox. Close it back.
Go back to the room upstairs, use the phone (full view), and dial 137049. Click on the button above the 1 to dial.
Once the call is over, go back to the mailbox, and open it to get a wrench.
Go down the hole melted into the ground into the sewers, go forward, click the glowing grid.
Combine magnet and rope (full view on rope, use magnet on it) and use it on the round shape.
Combine the scrowl head with the hold (full view on the hold, use the head on it)
Go back to the main room, zoom in on the tv, put the "trap" dvd into the player, close it, and click the "play" on the tv.
Once the screen flashes and the lights turn off, go to full view of the scrowl scepter, and click the head to freeze time, rod should turn red.
Go back to full view of the room, click the chainsaw, and use it on the man.
Turn around and take the hood off the dead man. Examine it, and click the bottom of it to find a key inside.
Go down the stairs to the basement, use the the wrench on the bolts and the key on the hatch. You're out.
For some reason, after a certain amount of time passes, 3/4 of the screen goes white, and all I an see is the top left corner of the game.
I thought it was because I was using Flock, but then I switched to Firefox and the problem occurred again.
Any suggestions? Has anyone else encountered this problem?
I actually needed far less help to get through this than I normally do! To celebrate, I thought I'd attempt to write MY VERY FIRST WALKTHROUGH EVAR. Even though there's already a walkthrough. Because I've seen multiple walkthroughs featured before, so what have I to lose?
(I'd meant to finish and post this last night, but something in the game made my browser crash and by the time I'd have rebooted ... *sigh*)
It starts in the usual way. Click to get through the intro text and find yourself at the starting point.
Hm. Ostensibly a room escape game, yet the front door is banging in the breeze. Certainly an invitation to step outside and investigate!
Well, now we're facing the entrance to the house, and what's that turning tantalizingly above us? We must investigate!
A ghostly figure peers out from the window. A bit of rope sticks to the blade of the windmill. An obvious invitation to retrieve the object.
Back down we go and to the left. The grabby hand wants to pluck the pink pot, and who are we to argue with big honkin' hints provided by the game developer?
Typically, pots are for putting things in, so let's see what the pot's got. A-ha! A key for the toolbox. Now where's the toolbox?
A locked door needs unlocking. We'll find the right key eventually.
An outhouse. Hm. Not much doin' now, but will probably figure in the plot somehow or other later.
Back and alll the way to the right. Hey, what's that in the tree? Ooh, a diary!
The birdhouse/mailbox thingy is interactive. Must mean it'll be useful later.
Well, the outside's been exhausted for now. Let's go back inside.
Hey, there's something on the side of the entertainment center. Probably contains useful information. Ah, the Handyman again. We'll have to call him at some point.
And what's going on ahead? We start toward the kitchen, but get interrupted by an apparition, apparently. "Don't go in there"? Ah, well. Onto the kitchen go we.
A butcher's job is thirsty work! But how do we distract him long enough to get the items we need to get? Obviously, some more exploring is in order.
Hey, what's that on the chair? Oh, Handyman! Drat, no bars. We'll have to keep checking it until we can pick up a signal.
Right is a good direction. Let's go right. Wow, it's the place we escaped from in the first game! And now the objective of our quest has been revealed: We need a wrench and a key. One would assume a specific key, naturally.
Back to our starting spot, which now makes sense. Good continuity, Godlimations! Anyhow, now we have an entertainment center staring us once more in the face. It's about time we checked it out, hm?
Wow, there's a DVD in the DVD player. Who'da thunk it? Wonder what we need it for, though.
The entertainment center is not sitting flush against the wall, so of course this means there must be something to be found 'twixt the two. And behold!
There's one more door to pass through, so let's check it out.
How lucky, we just picked up some matches for these candles.
Did you notice the extra shadow cast by one of the candles? This can only mean one thing.
We knock on the door, but with no effect. Wait, didn't we read something about that before? Let's refresh our memory.
Nothing more to be done here for now, so let's return to the task of distracting the butcher. We should have the right tools for the task now.
Hint: We need to make him GO, coughcough.
Nasty noises indicate our success, but we obviously don't want to be seen. We leave the kitchen to allow him easy passage out, and watch the cutscene, which deposits us in our hiding spot. Now we can return to the kitchen and get everything we can get from there.
Salt. And hey, music! And we know just how this comes in handy now, too! Let's go.
Okay, this is simple in theory, but tricky in practice. It may take a number of goes before you get the rhythm just right. Click the eyeball under the treble clef, then position the cursor over the door at the top of the stairs so that it's a magnifying glass. Now click in time to highlight the notes as the line goes down the staff. But don't worry: You'll only have to go through all this just the once. The door will continue to remain accessible afterward. The trick is to click JUST before the line hits the note.
A room with a bed and a computer. Of course we're interested in the computer. Eh? Another apparent apparition. "Help me!" Well, to the computer we go.
Another DVD. This must be the one we need, because it's ominous and because the other one's gone missing.
Around and around and around we go, and where we -- Hey, another room!
A bathroom. And a towel. I think it's an unwritten rule that games with curtains or towels cause your character to develop OCD. So go on, play with that towel. You know you want to.
And our efforts are rewarded! We have a feeling we know what this key opens, too.
Hey, let's check the phone again. Bars! Now we can call the Handyman!
"Pay me." Means we need to find something of value to leave for him. Well, let's go!
The flapping door beckons us outside once more. Morbid curiosity leads us leftward.
Oh, poor thing. Do we have anything in our inventory that's good against her problem?
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!
Let's see now: Locked door, key ... Yep!
There's the toolbox! We must need something from it, or we wouldn't have been looking for it. And we're done in here.
Whoa! It's the axed creature from the first game! Don't panic, it's just a cut scene. Hey, the loo's unoccupied and stinky now.
Well, none of the shovels from the storeroom were clickable, so there must be another way to retrieve what needs to be retrieved. Well, let's see: The eyedopple's bones are metal, and the butcher seems to have dropped off some "precious" kids. Didn't we just get something out of the toolbox?
Now that we've attended to that nasty bit of business, let's check out what happened in the cut scene. Rightward, ho!
There's a tunnel under the tree now where the creature was ripped apart. Not much to do but follow where it leads.
One of these grates is not like the others... Okay. Ball plus distance equals how do we extend the reach of a grabby thing we just used for a similar task?
Now that we've got it, we can go. Dunno about you, but I'd rather not carry around that dirty object much longer. I'd feel much better if we could wash it off somewhere.
As we enter the house, we see the butcher's back in the kitchen. We'll just have to make use of the other sink.
Oh, hello again. "Give it back," she says. Happy to oblige. Surely we have something of hers that we don't need anymore?
Something slightly personal?
And she left something behind for us! Something that seems to go with another item we just obtained. Ah, so that's how it works.
But on to our task at hand: Cleaning the filthy remains. Ooh, hey. Valuable, hunh? Wonder if it's worth anything in trade.
And back down we go. Now, where can we leave something of value for the Handyman?
Out by the tree, maybe?
Handyman won't come until he knows his payment is ready. Back to where we can get a signal. "Okay." Well, that's encouraging. So back down we go and, hey, why don't we see what's on the new DVD we got, as long as we're here?
Brr! Scary! And what was that noise? What's behind us?
Was that real or an apparition? We're back at the TV again. Let's review the DVD!
The eyedopple was standing right where we are now when the chainsaw guy stepped out of the poster. If only we could freeze time to avoid repeating that grisly fate. Oh, wait! We can!
Time can't stay still forever, so let's take his chainsaw from him and use it against him.
He's dead now, and the grabby hand says we can get something else from him.
Unmasked! That's rather pointless. Perhaps...? Yep! This could be the very key we need. Now let's see what the Handyman left for us.
A wrench! Just the thing we've been needing to escape! Well, we know where to go from here!
Back downstairs with the tools to get us to freedom!
Just as a side note, when you need to
put the salt on the little girl
I think it's because,
In Voodoo, they believed that a zombie could be awakened by giving it salt. Salt would cause it to realize that it was dead, and thus, it would seek out the grave again. Until it got the salt, the zombie doesn't realize it has died.
Which sorta explains the end too.
Well, I was all set to play this game until the end when all of a sudden
after I gave the butcher that laxative and he runs out to the bathroom, only the upper left quadrant of the game was visible. Making it no longer playable.
Anyone else have a similar problem or a solution to possibly fix it?
Ok guys, this may be too simple for you, but here's my interpretation of the ending
At first the girl saved the monster from the basement, and refused to eat monster, an act of kindness, so the monster saved her back once he got home, and was nice to the next-to-death girl along the way.
I dunno, this was just my first impression. Oh, also
looks like monster meat makes people sick in the head or sick in the body if they stop eating it, sort of like eating the poison, the antidote, and the addictor all at once.
And I'm really hoping to see something about why the salvation army appears in the first one in the conclusion, which I'm also really hoping to see.
Okay, so here's my interpretation:
You are the one-eyed monster thing, and you were killed-to-be-eaten. The little girl takes pity and revives you with the potion. She doesn't transport around because she's a ghost. She can do it because she has the "scrowl hold", which I believe is the toy she found playing in the basement. The father and the brother became monsters themselves by eating monster meat, but the little girl stopped, so she only appeared like a monster instead of acting like one. I think the mom left because she was scared of her family all turning into monsters. When you, the one-eyed alien left, you returned the good deed the little girl performed by helping you, by giving her the potion to become human again.
Whoa, the end.
Sorry for it being so long.
okay, so here's my two cents on the ending:
the little girl is alive but flits here and there because she has the scrowl hold that she found in the basement. When she found out about what was going on in the basement she stopped eating monster meat and in turn helps you, ie the monster. The one-eye alien on the DVD is the same one that the butcher is cutting up in the kitchen. The DVD is just what it says, a trap to distract you so the chainsaw man can sneak up behind you. The little girl isn't dead but is sick and since she helped you, you help her get better at the end
I had the same problems with the most game screen disappearing when the butcher would run off to the outhouse until I minimized the window right after he left the kitchen then I waited until the bathroom noises were through. It seemed to have worked. The game screen didn't disappear and I was able to complete the game without anymore problems.
I made sure that minimizing the window was what really did the trick. I tried playing the game without minimizing the window and the game screen disappeared again. Then I restarted the game and minimized the window again and the game screen was fine.
Any one else get stuck right at the end? I played it all the way through, paid the handyman and got the...
wrench and when I tried to use it to open the hatch in the basement, it made a wrenching sound then my wrench was gone and the hatch still will not open. It still claims I need the wrench. I have no way to get another wrench and can't finish the game.
Grab the mask from the big brother (who's now dead).
Click the eye below the mask (you just acquired).
Click the bottom and grab the key.
Use that to open the hatch.
By the way, If you're the monster, why do your fellow creatures attack you?
Plus if you're the one eyed monster, then who's that all cut up in the kitchen?
One more thing, If you're a creature from this third dimension, then why do you want out? Could be he's suffering the side-affects from the potion lol (which I think briefly revived him into a human).
OMG i just finished!! I thought it was great, but I wish it hadn't been so slow. The hardest part was
the music notes with the door knocking. i kept missing the first note and it took me like 20 tries!! clicking it a little bit before was helpful, like right as the bar passes over the very first part of the note.
MB is one of my favorite room-escape games, as are the Afro-Ninja escape series and Trapped. I just read that Trapped 3 is coming out soon and I'm SOOOO excited bc I have been waiting since like last December!!
I remember I tried doing this about a month or so ago. I got as far as trying to get the wrench and then I gave up. I tried
Putting the cleaned monster bone in the birdhouse looking mail box, went up to the girls room, calling the number but all I got in reply was that bastard saying in that weird voice saying '... Pay me...'.
Cripes, I tried 5 times and I was SURE to do the number correctly. *sighs* I already tried about 10 times trying to get that beat right on that door puzzle...
I also didn't like the sudden "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!" (dramatic loud sound) whenever I found an item. Cause ohemgee, a box of matches sure is scary. x'D
The graphics were pretty good though, IMO. I didn't get that freezing problem when the guy gets constipated and runs off to the restroom though. I really hated the door part, the getting of the wrench and where some of the items were located.
I would've NEVER known the bottle behind the candle, even when lit
It was still amusing though. It's a shame that I could never get the wrench. I wish I knew what happened since I looked through he comments and was going like lolwhut
With everyone talking about the protagonist being a monster
Sparrow: You put
salt on the girl because there were leeches on her
. I do agree that the thing about
knowing to go upstairs and to pay the guy the bone
was a bit illogical. x_x;
Bonnie: Try inspecting the the matchbox in your inventory. :3 You can't use it as is.
Cheynenne: Did you help out the girl and get something from here? Did you also get the 'round shaped thing' from the sewer?
Put them together and then when the lights turn off, inspect the new time stopping scrowl septer and stop time. That way, the dude can't kill you. ^_^
I hope that helps.
I'm trying to get through the door with the music notes, but I don't know how! I've never played any musical stuff before!
[Edit: Please refrain from using any type of profanity. For more information, please read the site policies regarding comments at this link: -Pam]
I think you need to click the door before the vertical line reaches the end of the song.
And about the ending:
The diary already mentioned something about a monster escaping from the basement, which would be us players.
The girl isn't dead, she's just infected with the monster virus and was using that wand thing to teleport around.
And the very end, I think that the monsters (us and the other one we saved before) gave the girl the vitality potion to cure her before they went back to their home, as thanks for helping them.
salt on the girl because she is covered in leaches and the bone because the handyman wants payment click the girl and it says she is covered in leeches and full view the bone after you have cleaned it and it tells you that its valueable
[Edit: Spoiler tags have been corrected. Please check the instructions for using spoilers located directly above the comment field. Also, please use the preview button before posting to make sure your comments look as you intend. -Pam
Comment on the ending:
From the first game, we know that the player is a monster with another monster friend (the original dead one in the cage who has disappeared in this game). I agree with other posters that we give the little girl the potion to cure her at the end for being nice to us, etc.
I can't help thinking, though, that the disappearance of the mother is important . . . The whole family was turning into monsters because of eating monster meat, right? So what if the mother disappeared because she preferred being a monster to being married to the butcher?
Is the player really the little girl's mother?
what the he he he heck...
i did not get anything about the ednding????
what the heck???
is the little girl turning u into a monster???
is she a monster?????
in life a monster???
what is with the red potion things and i thought u killed the other monsters, like the ones that were with her
Angry 5 hour player: what the heck mann moomoo died 4 times!!! for a crappy ending that didnt make sence!! ughhh the game was fun and hard but the ending!!
Okay, here's to clear up the ending and a few other things.
The player is a monster who was taken from his world through the portal that opened up in the basement. In the first monster basement you see a journal with a lock on it, right? If you open that with a green key you find behind one of the two posters near the entrance of the basement, it tells you about a farmer who discovered the portal, became infected with a disease that made him a monster, and how he began eating monster meat. Also, it says that he captured a Goliath. The thing in the cage is a Goliath, at the end of the first game you'll revive him and it's revealed that he was the friend mentioned in the beginning of the game. And when he leads you out, he holds out a hand which you take. But your hand is like his, and its revealed the player, too, is a Goliath.
The second game reveals that the farmer infected his entire family with the same disease. It also reveals that the monster in the first game that was killed by your friend, was the uncle of a little girl who is a key part of Monster Basement 2's story. (Also for those of you who don't understand the handyman saying he's closed, call the second number on the cell phone. The 13-70-49.) Now, the ending shows that you and your friend both go back through the portal. But you also see the little girl in her monster form. I know this is where the confusion is, so here's the real deal: You and your friend are about to go back through the portal home when the little girl shows up. You give her a vitality potion (possibly whats leftover from when you revived your friend) and say "Released by an act of kindness, thanks to my friend of course". Then the little girl becomes human again. The potion was given to her so that she could revive her brother, whom you killed in part of the game. The little girl's kindness is what made the "disease" go away and made her and her family human again.
is unimportant to the story. The girl's mother was only used as a way to tip you off as a way to get into the little girls room at the top of the stairs. Knocking like her mother used to.
Any other questions? (I'm sorry this is so long)
[edit: spoilers added. -eileen]
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Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
Click on the TV to zoom in, open the DVD player by clicking on the button on the right and remove the DVD
(it doesn't matter if it disappears later)
Click on the space between the left wall and the tv stand to find matches
Go back to full view, turn left twice, take the leaflet from the side of the tv stand
Turn left twice again, pick up the phone from the chair
Turn 180° and go through the door with the switch
Light the 3rd candle from the left with the matches
(full view on the matches, open the box, pick up a match, scratch it on the side,exit full view)
Zoom in on the base of the candle to find laxatives
Go back to the main room and go into the kitchen where the butcher is hacking away at a dead monster
Use the laxatives on the glass right of the butcher, wait until he drinks again and rushes outside.
Go back into the kitchen, take the salt near the big cup left of the big eye, and the musical score on the right corner.
(click the roll to unfold and memorize the song)
Go back to the candle stairs, click the "eye" under the music symbol to start "playing" the score.
Click on the door when the vertical bar passes over the notes (anticipating a bit seems to make it easier)
Go through the door, click the computer, open the tray, and take the DVD.
Step back and go through the door next to the bed into the bathroom. Shake the towel until a key drops and pick it up.
Go back down and outside, look up to get a better view of the windmill, and wait until you see a rope, and pick it up.
Look back down, go right, and take the diary.
Go twice left, take the pot next to the right door, examine it in full view, and look inside to find a key.
Use the salt several times on the little girl.
Go back inside and upstairs. Give the diary to the girl and take the "scrowl hold"
Go back outside and to the left, use the bathroom key to open the right door and enter the shed.
Open the toolbox with the other key and take the magnet.
Go outside, wait for the end of the cinematic, and open the privy door. Step inside.
Use the magnet on the crap hole.
Go back inside the house to the bathroom upstairs, turn on the sink and wash the bone.
Go outside again, right, and put the bone into the mailbox. Close it back.
Go back to the room upstairs, use the phone (full view), and dial 137049. Click on the button above the 1 to dial.
Once the call is over, go back to the mailbox, and open it to get a wrench.
Go down the hole melted into the ground into the sewers, go forward, click the glowing grid.
Combine magnet and rope (full view on rope, use magnet on it) and use it on the round shape.
Combine the scrowl head with the hold (full view on the hold, use the head on it)
Go back to the main room, zoom in on the tv, put the "trap" dvd into the player, close it, and click the "play" on the tv.
Once the screen flashes and the lights turn off, go to full view of the scrowl scepter, and click the head to freeze time, rod should turn red.
Go back to full view of the room, click the chainsaw, and use it on the man.
Turn around and take the hood off the dead man. Examine it, and click the bottom of it to find a key inside.
Go down the stairs to the basement, use the the wrench on the bolts and the key on the hatch. You're out.
Posted by: Seregmegilmor
October 2, 2008 4:27 AM
I actually needed far less help to get through this than I normally do! To celebrate, I thought I'd attempt to write MY VERY FIRST WALKTHROUGH EVAR. Even though there's already a walkthrough. Because I've seen multiple walkthroughs featured before, so what have I to lose?
(I'd meant to finish and post this last night, but something in the game made my browser crash and by the time I'd have rebooted ... *sigh*)
It starts in the usual way. Click to get through the intro text and find yourself at the starting point.
Hm. Ostensibly a room escape game, yet the front door is banging in the breeze. Certainly an invitation to step outside and investigate!
Well, now we're facing the entrance to the house, and what's that turning tantalizingly above us? We must investigate!
A ghostly figure peers out from the window. A bit of rope sticks to the blade of the windmill. An obvious invitation to retrieve the object.
Back down we go and to the left. The grabby hand wants to pluck the pink pot, and who are we to argue with big honkin' hints provided by the game developer?
Typically, pots are for putting things in, so let's see what the pot's got. A-ha! A key for the toolbox. Now where's the toolbox?
A locked door needs unlocking. We'll find the right key eventually.
An outhouse. Hm. Not much doin' now, but will probably figure in the plot somehow or other later.
Back and alll the way to the right. Hey, what's that in the tree? Ooh, a diary!
The birdhouse/mailbox thingy is interactive. Must mean it'll be useful later.
Well, the outside's been exhausted for now. Let's go back inside.
Hey, there's something on the side of the entertainment center. Probably contains useful information. Ah, the Handyman again. We'll have to call him at some point.
And what's going on ahead? We start toward the kitchen, but get interrupted by an apparition, apparently. "Don't go in there"? Ah, well. Onto the kitchen go we.
A butcher's job is thirsty work! But how do we distract him long enough to get the items we need to get? Obviously, some more exploring is in order.
Hey, what's that on the chair? Oh, Handyman! Drat, no bars. We'll have to keep checking it until we can pick up a signal.
Right is a good direction. Let's go right. Wow, it's the place we escaped from in the first game! And now the objective of our quest has been revealed: We need a wrench and a key. One would assume a specific key, naturally.
Back to our starting spot, which now makes sense. Good continuity, Godlimations! Anyhow, now we have an entertainment center staring us once more in the face. It's about time we checked it out, hm?
Wow, there's a DVD in the DVD player. Who'da thunk it? Wonder what we need it for, though.
The entertainment center is not sitting flush against the wall, so of course this means there must be something to be found 'twixt the two. And behold!
There's one more door to pass through, so let's check it out.
How lucky, we just picked up some matches for these candles.
Did you notice the extra shadow cast by one of the candles? This can only mean one thing.
We knock on the door, but with no effect. Wait, didn't we read something about that before? Let's refresh our memory.
Nothing more to be done here for now, so let's return to the task of distracting the butcher. We should have the right tools for the task now.
Hint: We need to make him GO, coughcough.
Nasty noises indicate our success, but we obviously don't want to be seen. We leave the kitchen to allow him easy passage out, and watch the cutscene, which deposits us in our hiding spot. Now we can return to the kitchen and get everything we can get from there.
Salt. And hey, music! And we know just how this comes in handy now, too! Let's go.
Okay, this is simple in theory, but tricky in practice. It may take a number of goes before you get the rhythm just right. Click the eyeball under the treble clef, then position the cursor over the door at the top of the stairs so that it's a magnifying glass. Now click in time to highlight the notes as the line goes down the staff. But don't worry: You'll only have to go through all this just the once. The door will continue to remain accessible afterward. The trick is to click JUST before the line hits the note.
A room with a bed and a computer. Of course we're interested in the computer. Eh? Another apparent apparition. "Help me!" Well, to the computer we go.
Another DVD. This must be the one we need, because it's ominous and because the other one's gone missing.
Around and around and around we go, and where we -- Hey, another room!
A bathroom. And a towel. I think it's an unwritten rule that games with curtains or towels cause your character to develop OCD. So go on, play with that towel. You know you want to.
And our efforts are rewarded! We have a feeling we know what this key opens, too.
Hey, let's check the phone again. Bars! Now we can call the Handyman!
"Pay me." Means we need to find something of value to leave for him. Well, let's go!
The flapping door beckons us outside once more. Morbid curiosity leads us leftward.
Oh, poor thing. Do we have anything in our inventory that's good against her problem?
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!
Let's see now: Locked door, key ... Yep!
There's the toolbox! We must need something from it, or we wouldn't have been looking for it. And we're done in here.
Whoa! It's the axed creature from the first game! Don't panic, it's just a cut scene. Hey, the loo's unoccupied and stinky now.
Well, none of the shovels from the storeroom were clickable, so there must be another way to retrieve what needs to be retrieved. Well, let's see: The eyedopple's bones are metal, and the butcher seems to have dropped off some "precious" kids. Didn't we just get something out of the toolbox?
Now that we've attended to that nasty bit of business, let's check out what happened in the cut scene. Rightward, ho!
There's a tunnel under the tree now where the creature was ripped apart. Not much to do but follow where it leads.
One of these grates is not like the others... Okay. Ball plus distance equals how do we extend the reach of a grabby thing we just used for a similar task?
Now that we've got it, we can go. Dunno about you, but I'd rather not carry around that dirty object much longer. I'd feel much better if we could wash it off somewhere.
As we enter the house, we see the butcher's back in the kitchen. We'll just have to make use of the other sink.
Oh, hello again. "Give it back," she says. Happy to oblige. Surely we have something of hers that we don't need anymore?
Something slightly personal?
And she left something behind for us! Something that seems to go with another item we just obtained. Ah, so that's how it works.
But on to our task at hand: Cleaning the filthy remains. Ooh, hey. Valuable, hunh? Wonder if it's worth anything in trade.
And back down we go. Now, where can we leave something of value for the Handyman?
Out by the tree, maybe?
Handyman won't come until he knows his payment is ready. Back to where we can get a signal. "Okay." Well, that's encouraging. So back down we go and, hey, why don't we see what's on the new DVD we got, as long as we're here?
Brr! Scary! And what was that noise? What's behind us?
Was that real or an apparition? We're back at the TV again. Let's review the DVD!
The eyedopple was standing right where we are now when the chainsaw guy stepped out of the poster. If only we could freeze time to avoid repeating that grisly fate. Oh, wait! We can!
Time can't stay still forever, so let's take his chainsaw from him and use it against him.
He's dead now, and the grabby hand says we can get something else from him.
Unmasked! That's rather pointless. Perhaps...? Yep! This could be the very key we need. Now let's see what the Handyman left for us.
A wrench! Just the thing we've been needing to escape! Well, we know where to go from here!
Back downstairs with the tools to get us to freedom!
Posted by: ray9na | October 2, 2008 11:35 AM