An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Monster Basement

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4.2/5 (158 votes)

Monster Basement is a chilling room escape game that injects mood and atmosphere into what is often an almost apathetic genre. The motivation to leave is made all too clear; this room with its vampire flies, blood stained meat hooks, and grotesque abominations sitting in fluid filled beakers, scares the jebus out of you, and as you slowly work through a way to leave this terrible place, things aren't likely to get better either.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Item Collection


You will be facing the light on the ceiling. When you click on the bottom-left of the screen, you will be facing the main door entrance, right beside a table with vampire flies hovering around it. Go up those stairs and click the bottom left corner of the poster that says "Godlimations". Collect the GREEN KEY from the underside. Go back to the main room by clicking the bottom right of the screen.


Turn left one screen and you will be facing a lab table. ((Quick fun note: the two paintings behind the table change in the light or in the dark. :) You can zoom in to look at them better. The one with the two people only changes when the lights are completely off.)) Anyway, click the trashcan underneath the right side of the table and grab the EMPTY SPRAY CAN and the WHITE CRUMPLED PAPER. Return to the main view of the lab table and click the yellow object right above the trashcan. Collect the GOLD SUPPORT STAND and use the empty spray can on the red substance to the immediate right of the support stand to fill it. Cancel the item by clicking in the top right and go back to the main view. Click the drawers on the left side. Open the middle one to get the YELLOW CRUMPLED PAPER. Go back to the main view and click the red phone on the left.


The two pieces of paper give you two numbers to call - 944-521-644 for "The Handyman", and 725-828-466 for "The Salvation Army" (SALVATION on a phone is the number listed above). Call both of these and they both agree to help you. You will get a notification that something came to the door. Return to the main screen and turn right.


Turn right and go back to the main door. There will be two letters - one from the Handyman and one from the Salvation Army. Click the handyman's letter to open it and click the eyeball to receive the SCREWDRIVER. Click the Salvation Army's letter and click the metal object to receive the FISH EMBLEM. Go back to the table with the vampire flies and spray them with the spray can to kill them. Retrieve the AXE.


Click the lightswitch (the white box to the left of the green wheel) and click the very top of the screen to return to the light. Use the screwdriver four times on the light and take the LIGHTBULB. Click the bottom-left corner to leave the screen and turn right.


You will be facing a bookcase. Click between the bloody table and the bookcase to get the RIGHT GOLDEN ARM. Go back to the bookcase and click the green book at the top left. It is a DIARY that is opened with the green key. You need to click the green key, click to use it, click the diary, and then click the lock to open it. It details the life of the man that owns this basement, and shows you a couple of monsters he is trying to kill. If you click all the pages, in the very back of the diary is a GOLD KEY. Turn back to the lab table (either two to the left or two to the right) and click the drawers. Use the gold key on the last drawer to get the GOLD EGG.


Go back to the lab table and turn left. Use the axe on the wooden door. Go into the dark room.

The Other Room


You need to place the lightbulb in the circle socket at the top of the screen. When the light comes on, there will be a Mud Vile that will try to kill you. You MUST kill the Mud Vile with the axe BEFORE he covers the refrigerators on the left side with his arm. I only tell you this because of a bug in the game: If you kill him too late, you WILL NOT be able to complete the game. If he gets too far before you can click the axe, just wait until he engulfs you. The room will turn dark again and you can merely click the light socket again to restart that whole scene.


Once the Mud Vile is dead, click the bottom-right of the farthest refrigerator to get the LEFT GOLDEN ARM. Return to the main screen of the room.


Click the top of the nearest refrigerator for the SILVER KEY. Once you have those, go back to the other room.

The Golden Contraption and The End


Go to the bookshelf and click the cage. Open it with the silver key, and take off the blanket to reveal a dead Goliath. Take the BLANKET. Leave the cage, turn to the main table, and place the blanket on the table to mask the scent and make the vampire flies leave again.


Go back to the bookshelf and click the yellow circle on the second shelf. Place the support stand, both of the golden arms, and the golden egg at the center. Finally, place the fish emblem in front by clicking on the egg with it. The device will start projecting a light.


Turn around and click the wall behind the lab table. Click on that wall until it reveals a HEART and a VITALITY POTION. Take them, and the phone will ring. Answer it if you want to; the Monster that owns the basement will say he is coming to get you. Turn to the main entrance and place the heart on one of the meathooks to your left. The monster will be stopped by the vampire flies.


Turn to the deceased Goliath in the cage and use the vitality potion on him. Watch the last cutscene.

Congratulations, you win! :D

On a side note, I forgot my username and password for my JayIsGames account, so I'll have to use my Typekey until I can remember. :(


ForrestTheMagnificent August 11, 2008 2:54 PM

I remember playing this a long time ago. Still good.

The mummy behind the door

scared me just as badly as it did last time I played this.

The_Corruptor August 11, 2008 3:12 PM

man, I loved this game way back when I played it the first time. The ending is really clever.

Vogonviking August 11, 2008 3:16 PM

I've got stuck!

I've managed to break the door down with the axe but how do I get some light? A switch?


i love this game!, glad to see it on jayisgames:)

Blossomsong August 11, 2008 3:34 PM

It's been a pretty good game so far, but i got stuck after I

put the blanket from the cage on the bloody table.

Help would be greatly appreciated =)



You need to get the lightbulb from the main room


Im stuck

I've killed the mummy and opened the monster's cage, now what?


Blossomsong August 11, 2008 3:46 PM

Well now I've gotten

the device to work, and there's a monster pounding on the door. I have a potion of vitality and a heart, but I can't give the potion to the goliath (or what i assumer is the goliath) because the monster seems to be too weak to knock down the door.



Try putting the heart on the meat hooks near the front door.


Ok I have opened the back door and retrieved the items in there. I have opened the cage and got the item. but now I am stuck

In particular, I am missing one piece of the

golden item on the book shelf

Any suggestions are welcome


There's a key

Under one of the poster's bottom left corner on the staircase.



key behind the poster


used to open the journal, where you find another key

which is used to

open the drawer

. (Sorry Jay/everyone, this is my first comment and I'm not sure if I got the HTML correct).

bubba1977 August 11, 2008 5:01 PM

You need to find all the golden pieces and the end result will show you the way to defeat the monster.


I got the first key from under the bottom left of the first poster. It is to open the journal.

At the back cover of the journal you will find a yellow key to open the drawer, from where you got the golden egg.
Put the golden egg on the device to compete it.
An eye will appear which rays reflects on the wall and table infront of the shelf.

At this point, I'm stuck.. What then..??


Nice plot, indeed. Reminds me of some episode of "Twilight Zone" for the final.

In that episode, a good-looking woman is driven mad by doctors for being "a monster". The whole is filmed from the woman's point of view, and the image remains blurry until a few minutes from the end. It's only then you can see the faces of the medical staff in bright light : monstruous faces !

Will there be a sequel ?


"An eye will appear which rays reflects on the wall and table infront of the shelf.
At this point, I'm stuck.. What then..??"

I'm stuck too...does anyone know what to do next???


Where do you find

The pieces to the contraption and what do you do once you've opened the cage?

sonicscrewdriver August 11, 2008 5:21 PM

All the pieces of the device are as follows:

The stand

On the desk with the 'experiments'

The egg

In the locked drawer, you'll need the golden key which is in the locked book

One arm

Behind the refrigerator in the back room, you'll need to have unscrewed the light bulb and put it in the new room and killed the mummy with your axe first.

The other arm

To the left of the shelves on the floor in the main room

The fish symbol

Got by phoning 'sanctuary' in numbers on the phone (using the hint from the screwed up bit of paper found in the bin). The fish symbol will then be in an envelope at the entrance.

When you have assembled the device it will cast a shadow. Hit the wall just under this.

sonicscrewdriver August 11, 2008 5:30 PM

And then it gets really scary!!!!

When someone starts to come in at the entrance

You should have made a hole in the wall; grab the heart and vitality potion from it.

Stick the heart on the hook by the door and the attacker will start to come in - eep!

But be stopped by the vampire flies - phew!

So give the vitality potion to the (deceased) creature in the cage... and stand well back!

There's a 'surprise' ending which I'd already pretty much figured out because of the diary entries, but it was still lots of fun.

Yay! Great game!


The music at the end seems way out of place. But the game is fun.


Wow, LOVED the ending! A few days ago I played Project Pravus and was really annoyed by the ending, so this was even more of a delight.


anyone else find a bug? i opened the journal in the hallway and then it wouldn't allow me to minimize the journal and navigate back to the main room. hmmm...

Blossomsong August 11, 2008 7:00 PM

Thank you amofilem =) all i need was that little tidbit


pretty old game, has JIG never reviewed this before???

Iheartescapegames August 11, 2008 7:10 PM

I'm having a bit of trouble with the back room I can't figure out

how to find and get the light bulb for the back room?

Patreon Crew SonicLover August 11, 2008 7:36 PM

This game needs a narrative walkthrough. I'd write one, but I don't do horror very well.



Go over to the table and see what you can find

Get the gold stand from the table

And the paper from the drawer

Get the spray can and paper from the box under the table

Look at the pieces of paper

note the white one could be converted to a phone number


Getting rid of the flies

Select the spray can and click on the bubbling fluid on the table

Spray the vampire flies to get the axe

Turn the handle on the wall

Using the phone numbers

Phone the 2 numbers

Go to the front door to get the envelopes

to find a grey key

click on the bottom left corner of the right poster

Open the envelopes

to get a screwdriver

and a fish shaped thing

Look at the shelves

Get the diary from the shelves

Use the green key to open the diary

click through the diary to find a gold key

Click to the left of the shelves to get a gold "arm"

Note the yellow circle on the shelf and the cage on the floor

Using the another key

Use the gold key on the drawer

Take the gold egg

To get into the next room

Turn off the light and use the screwdriver to get the lightbulb

Use the axe on the door next to the cage

and use the lightbulb in the fixture (on the ceiling)

Use the axe on the monster

Look around

Find the key on the fridge and

the other "arm" to the right of the fridges

Using the 3rd key

Use the grey key on the cage

take the blanket and

put it on the table where the axe was


Assemble the contraption (using the gold things and the fish shaped object) on the shelf

Click on the "egg" to open the eye

It begins to flicker

Look for the fish's shadow on the opposite wall and

click a few times to find a vial and heart

Answer the phone

Put the heart on the hook near the front door (it will attract flies)

Give the vial to the monster in the cage

Well that is one ending, I'm not sure if there are others, 'cause I didn't use the trapdoor in the floor! You're outta there!


I love this! It's not too freaky, the puzzles are not too hard, but there are definitely those 'OMGwtf what do i do nownownownow??' moments. And it's a friendly game! :D


You never do find out about the pipes/hatch in the floor, do you? Hmmm, I sense a secret ending...

No idea how you might get it though.


At last.. I'm out.. waw.. what a game!!

The secret is call "salvation" which means call s=7, a=2, l=5, etc.. so 725-828-466
You will receive an envelope with a fish symbol in it.
Use the fish symbol with the golden eye.
Notice where it points on the wall..

Find out the rest by yourself.. but it's really creepy and.... waw..

[Edit: Spoiler tags added. -Pam]


That is neccesarily the "Secret"... the "secret" is where you get stuck! I got that part just fine, but I had trouble with another part and had to come here for the answer, so I would consider that the secret.

Either way... use spoiler tags!

The Wolf's Shadow August 12, 2008 4:50 PM

wow, freaked me out a couple of times, cool game, really good music! his other games are awesome too.


The only scary thing about this so far is the loading time :(.


Finally got it to load! That was pretty cool, atmospheric, and although admittedly I am easily scared, it was really quite creepy. It did irk me that the puzzles didn't make much sense logically, though.


The title's right up there with "Attack of the Clones" but the game's pretty solid. The atmosphere makes this game, because otherwise it would be an average room escape game. There's also that realization that you can die, which adds to the trepidation.


Oh wow I used

the light bulb

and now I've

nearly wet myself lol


SWEET!!! That was "THE BEST ENDING".... ever. I hope theres a sequel, oh please let there be a sequel.


i'm stuck after the cloth on the table. What's the poster everyone is going on about? I cant find it.. Help would be appreciated :)

Demonskrye August 13, 2008 6:46 PM

That was pretty fun. I needed some help, but I nearly always do, so that should hardly be counted against the game. Really fun plot and, unlike that text adventure where you're getting ready for work from a while back, the twist ending is definitely not the only interesting thing about the game.

Lud, the poster is

in the room that's through the door next to the table with the flies.


lol the ending was nice!



Item Collection


You will be facing the light on the ceiling. When you click on the bottom-left of the screen, you will be facing the main door entrance, right beside a table with vampire flies hovering around it. Go up those stairs and click the bottom left corner of the poster that says "Godlimations". Collect the GREEN KEY from the underside. Go back to the main room by clicking the bottom right of the screen.


Turn left one screen and you will be facing a lab table. ((Quick fun note: the two paintings behind the table change in the light or in the dark. :) You can zoom in to look at them better. The one with the two people only changes when the lights are completely off.)) Anyway, click the trashcan underneath the right side of the table and grab the EMPTY SPRAY CAN and the WHITE CRUMPLED PAPER. Return to the main view of the lab table and click the yellow object right above the trashcan. Collect the GOLD SUPPORT STAND and use the empty spray can on the red substance to the immediate right of the support stand to fill it. Cancel the item by clicking in the top right and go back to the main view. Click the drawers on the left side. Open the middle one to get the YELLOW CRUMPLED PAPER. Go back to the main view and click the red phone on the left.


The two pieces of paper give you two numbers to call - 944-521-644 for "The Handyman", and 725-828-466 for "The Salvation Army" (SALVATION on a phone is the number listed above). Call both of these and they both agree to help you. You will get a notification that something came to the door. Return to the main screen and turn right.


Turn right and go back to the main door. There will be two letters - one from the Handyman and one from the Salvation Army. Click the handyman's letter to open it and click the eyeball to receive the SCREWDRIVER. Click the Salvation Army's letter and click the metal object to receive the FISH EMBLEM. Go back to the table with the vampire flies and spray them with the spray can to kill them. Retrieve the AXE.


Click the lightswitch (the white box to the left of the green wheel) and click the very top of the screen to return to the light. Use the screwdriver four times on the light and take the LIGHTBULB. Click the bottom-left corner to leave the screen and turn right.


You will be facing a bookcase. Click between the bloody table and the bookcase to get the RIGHT GOLDEN ARM. Go back to the bookcase and click the green book at the top left. It is a DIARY that is opened with the green key. You need to click the green key, click to use it, click the diary, and then click the lock to open it. It details the life of the man that owns this basement, and shows you a couple of monsters he is trying to kill. If you click all the pages, in the very back of the diary is a GOLD KEY. Turn back to the lab table (either two to the left or two to the right) and click the drawers. Use the gold key on the last drawer to get the GOLD EGG.


Go back to the lab table and turn left. Use the axe on the wooden door. Go into the dark room.

The Other Room


You need to place the lightbulb in the circle socket at the top of the screen. When the light comes on, there will be a Mud Vile that will try to kill you. You MUST kill the Mud Vile with the axe BEFORE he covers the refrigerators on the left side with his arm. I only tell you this because of a bug in the game: If you kill him too late, you WILL NOT be able to complete the game. If he gets too far before you can click the axe, just wait until he engulfs you. The room will turn dark again and you can merely click the light socket again to restart that whole scene.


Once the Mud Vile is dead, click the bottom-right of the farthest refrigerator to get the LEFT GOLDEN ARM. Return to the main screen of the room.


Click the top of the nearest refrigerator for the SILVER KEY. Once you have those, go back to the other room.

The Golden Contraption and The End


Go to the bookshelf and click the cage. Open it with the silver key, and take off the blanket to reveal a dead Goliath. Take the BLANKET. Leave the cage, turn to the main table, and place the blanket on the table to mask the scent and make the vampire flies leave again.


Go back to the bookshelf and click the yellow circle on the second shelf. Place the support stand, both of the golden arms, and the golden egg at the center. Finally, place the fish emblem in front by clicking on the egg with it. The device will start projecting a light.


Turn around and click the wall behind the lab table. Click on that wall until it reveals a HEART and a VITALITY POTION. Take them, and the phone will ring. Answer it if you want to; the Monster that owns the basement will say he is coming to get you. Turn to the main entrance and place the heart on one of the meathooks to your left. The monster will be stopped by the vampire flies.


Turn to the deceased Goliath in the cage and use the vitality potion on him. Watch the last cutscene.

Congratulations, you win! :D

On a side note, I forgot my username and password for my JayIsGames account, so I'll have to use my Typekey until I can remember. :(

Anonymous August 16, 2008 4:47 PM

fun but the suspence scared the crap outta me


Hello again, Jay and all;

A nice little game. Found at least one bug: if you don't pick up the

little gold arm between the bloody table and the bookcase

pretty soon after you start the game, it vanishes and you need to restart. Happened to me twice; third time I went right for it and no problem.

I was hoping for a real frightener, but found it more camp (in a "Tales From the Crypt" sort of way) than scary. Still a sweet little tale, and a very nice ending twist.

Now I have an urge for jump-moments. Think I'll go play the Exmortis games again. In the night. In the dark. ;)


I can't get the heart and potion.
I clicked on the wall and

nothing happened.


How do you know the phone number?

heartoffire_777 November 14, 2008 12:45 PM

That was the best escape game I have ever played! Awesomly done. I think that I did the second one to this one a while back. lol


omg i love this game! love the 2nd one too! have any of u guys played the 2nd one?



You have to put the fish emblem in front of the eggy so that there's a fish shape at the wall of the lab table . Once you done that , click the fish until the potion and heart comes out


Wow. Never thought it would end like that.

shelli2087 February 3, 2009 11:36 PM

Sweet Ending!!! Never would have thought that I would be playing

a Goliath Monster


Well, that was interesting. It wasn't bad and the ending was good


how do you complete contraption


Hey, loved the game. Also played number 2!
Wish the glitch wasnt there.. and you complete the contraption by putting the Salvation Army's thing on it. Wish there would be a Monster Basement 3!!


That thing behind the door which you kill with an axe is not a mummy, it's a mudvile (read the journal if you don't know what a mudvile is, damnit!)


i loved it! I extremely loved the end but does it end differently and what's the next one? spoilers helped a lot though i love when there's people who play and help people who don't know how to so they don't feel sad and don't whine about losing hee hee


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