Kidnapped for Life
In Kidnapped for Life, a short new escape game by Abroy, your ransom is a small but diverse smattering of puzzles such as kakuro, code-breaking and a jigsaw puzzle. You'll enjoy finding all the pieces so you can assemble your kidnapper's evil visage at the end. On the flip side, your abductor probably takes delight in tormenting you by surreptitiously concealing essential tools from your view. You can almost hear his hollow laughter as you scrutinize every secret recess and puzzle over the gathered clues. When you get right down to it, being held captive in a locked room, forced to decipher arcane clues lest you be stuck there forever, is quite akin to kidnapping, ain't it?
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Need help with a lot:
There is a color code I have no idea what to do with.
on one wall i see two bricks of strange colors but I don't know if it is related, and i am colorblind so I can't figure it out
there is the pentagram puzzle that I have no idea how to solve. I can rotate the wheels and get the pentagram in many possibilities that all seem exactly the same to me.
I have 4 parts of a picture and i don't know what to do with them
I managed to brute force some of the puzzles.
the pentagram and the colors, but I have no idea how i was actually supposed to solve them.
I still need help:
I found where to put the picture pieces and found some more, but I am missing one. perhaps it has to do with the fact that I don't remember using the snippers at any point in the game. what do i do with them
Kidnapped for Life
Puzzle Solutions and Item Locations
Desk Drawer Puzzles
Top Right Drawer
Kakuro is like a mathematics crossword.
The numbers on the top are the sums to reach by adding down.
The numbers on the side are the sums to reach by adding across.
Besides that, you are also not allowed to repeat a single number in a row or column.
Example: if the number on the outside is an 8, you can use 5 and 3, 6 and 2, 7 and 1, but not 4 and 4 (because 4 cannot be repeated in that row or column).
(across, from top to bottom)
Right Middle Drawer
4-digit Number Code:
Look under some food:
Bottom Right Drawer
4 Color Code:
Look on the wall for the answer:
Directions for the colorblind:
1 click -- 4 clicks --2 clicks--3 clicks
Top Left Drawer
Medal Puzzle:
The star's top should be a point (a 12 o'clock position).
Each brass stud on the outer ring should align with one of the star's points:
Screenshot: Top Left Drawer
Left Middle Drawer
Tile Puzzle:
Turn the tiles to reassemble the picture:
Screenshot: Left Middle Drawer
Bottom Left Drawer
3x3 Symbols Grid:
You'll find the clues in two different places in this room (a pillow and on the desk). Move objects to reveal a symbol; under the symbol will be a series of dots; those dots show you where on the 3x3 grid the symbol belongs:
Six-Pointed Star -- left column, middle row; all rows of the middle column; right column, middle row.
Overlapping Triangles -- the four outer corners.
Screenshot: Left bottom Drawer
Finding and Using Items Around the Room
Brass Knuckles:
Under the pillow on the top bunk
When facing the bathtub, click the bottom right side of the wall (above the navigation arrow).
Move the book.
Use the brass knuckles to break open a cracked cobblestone in the floor.
Screenshot: Using Brass Knuckles on Cobblestone Floor
Under the suspension bed
Cut the head off the rubber duck (in tub)
desk drawer
On left nozzle of the sink
desk drawer
On light fixture on wall above the bathtub.
desk drawer
On the left side of the toilet (thin metal)
Padlock Key:
desk drawer
Unlock the padlocked chain on the bars.
Step back from the padlock and it will fall open.
Then, you can go through to the iron door.
Jigsaw Pieces Locations
1 is under the soap (far left corner of the bathtub)
1 is in a light fixture (see: screwdriver)
2 are in the desk (solve puzzles)
1 is in the floor (see: brass knuckles)
1 is in the duck (see: knife)
1 is in the toilet (see: clippers)
1 is in the sink (see: spanner)
Getting Out (Final Jigsaw)
Click on the lock of the iron door.
A blank black puzzle window will open up.
You'll need 8 jigsaw pieces to continue:
Drag jigsaw pieces from your inventory to the puzzle board, moving them to roughly the spot where you think they should go (they won't stick if not in the right spot).
When you've correctly assembled the jigsaw image, you'll receive a brass skeleton key.
Use the key to unlock the iron door.
Congratulations on the escape!
The colour code puzzle for the colour-blind:
The code
Under the light on the wall, it reads blue, red, green, yellow
Colour order on the drawer
First click gives you blue, next click gets you green, then yellow then red
So to put it all together, you do
One click on the first stone/blob
Four on the second
Two on the third
Three on the fourth
As for progress, I managed to
Find five puzzle pieces, key for the gaol (jail)-like door, screwdriver, knife, knuckle duster, spanner
And frustration for the kakuro puzzle.
I want to finish it, but it's getting frustrating.
Fun little distraction but I wish reliance on pixel-hunting in escape games would go away. That was always one of the few things I disliked about point and click adventure games back in the day. Also, the UI could be a little clearer; I'd rather have the entire right, left, top, or bottom 1/10 of the screen control movement rather than a small area in the corners.
Kidnapped For Life Walkthrough
Cell Door/Table View
Cell Door
You examine the cell door only find that it is locked. Better get busy finding a way out of here.
Table Top
Mmmm... donut.
Note the number.
Turn left. Bunks.
Lower Right Bunk.
Check under the lower right bunk.
Retrieve the knife.
Check the top of the bunk. Move the pillow. Note the symbol
Two triangles with four dots.
The Wall
Note the four colored stones in the wall.
Blue, Red, Green, Yellow.
Top Left Bunk
Move the pillow. Retrieve the Fighting Knuckles.
Lower Left Bunk
Nothing here.
Turn Left. Desk/Sink/Toilet
Check out the top of the desk.
Move the book(?) just below the pencils.
Note the symbol. Star of David with five dots in a cross pattern
Below Desk
Top Right Drawer.
This is a "kakuro" puzzle.
Add the numbers 1 through 9 to each box so that each row or column adds up to the number beside or above it.
Do not use the same number twice in any row or column.
1 7
3 9 7
x 8 9 3
x x 8 1
Receive snippers.
Middle Right Drawer.
Needs a four digit number.
Use the one from under the donut.
Recieve a piece of picture.
Bottom Right Drawer.
Need four colors.
Use the ones from the colored stones.
Blue, Red, Green, Yellow.
For the Color Blind:
1 click, 4 clicks, 2 clicks, 3 clicks.
Recieve a piece of picture.
Top Left Drawer.
This one is a matter of lining everything up correctly.
Sart by turning the outer circle until one of the dots is directly at the top. This will be the dot between the words "SPIRITUS" and "AURA".
Next turn the next ring in until the silver points of the star are lined up with the dots.
Continue working your way in lining up each ring to create a star.
Finally turn the red gem in the center until it clicks into place.
Receive the coveted Screwdriver.
Middle Left Drawer.
Turn the individual squares to complete the picture.
Receive Spanner
Bottom Left Drawer.
Use the symbols you found earlier.
Also uses the dots for placement.
The double triangles go on the four corners. The rest are Star of David.
Like this: (T = Triangles, S = Star of David)
Receive Key.
Use Spanner on left faucet.
Retrieve piece of picture.
Examine the Toilet.
If you point at the lower left side of the toilet it says, "Pretty thin metal sheet.."
Use snippers on this area.
Retrieve piece of picture.
Turn Left. Tub.
Check out the light on the wall.
Note the loose screws. Use your trusty Screwdriver. Retrieve Piece of Picture.
There is something in the tub.
He seems to be hiding something.
Use your Knife to commit Duckycide. Reteive the piece of picture.
Soap Dish.
Examine the Soap Dish.
Knock the soap off of the soap dish to find another Piece of the Picture.
Bit of a pixel hunt here. :(
Click on lower part of the wall about halfway between the tub and the "right arrow" to reveal an algebra book on the floor.
Move the book to reveal a crack in the floor.
Use the fighting knuckles on the crack.
Retieve the piece of picture.
Turn Left. Back to the Cell Door/Table.
Cell Door.
Zoom in on the Cell Door and use the key on the lock. Back up, and the door will open.
Steel Door.
Exit the cell to face the Steel Door.
Looks like you need another key.
Click on the handle to reveal the picture.
Place all of the pieces onto the picture correctly to receive another key. Note that the pieces are turned. Hold them over the proper part of the puzzle and when you let go, they will turn and snap into place.
Use the key on the door, and you are OUT!
It's no Tesshi-e. or Neutral.
Maybe I'm spoiled but I love the artistry that you see in a Tesshi-e or Neutral, etc room-scape. Plus the quality of the puzzles is far better in those designer's games. No pixel hunting or creepy pics or breaking open a sink knob with brass knuckles(??).
This was lacking in the graphical design - the puzzle design as well as puzzles/objects just making sense. It wasn't entirely bad...I'm just waiting for the next Tesshi-e or Neutral contribution...
On a good note - it did introduce me to Kakuro.
For those stuck on that last puzzle piece/brass knuckles, I included another screenshot in the walkthrough:
I couldn't even sustain an attempt at this game for more than a minute. The primitive shapes look like something I might make myself in Sketchup if I'm in a hurry. The textures look okay, until you see the obvious seam in the middle of the wall.
Navigation is headache-inducing. The lack of a changing pointer makes it hard to determine what you can interact with, and several items at first glance let you move them over, but you gain nothing for the trouble.
In addition to all that, they felt it necessary to put an ad for the site in a visually prominent spot, and it never goes away. The site's slogan, "Games for smart people" tells me what they think of anyone who decides to steer clear of them. Having this phrase on-screen at all times doesn't improve my opinion of them.
If you have the patience to get through this game, more power to you. I had to stop when I realized I was grinding my teeth.
Navigation was annoying, both simply turning about the room and zooming in on particular spots.
The click-n-drag mechanic for using items was irritating - it's much better to just be able to click the item to select it then click what you want to use it on.
The look was kind of dull, too. And too busy where it didn't need to be.
I don't mind the fact that the puzzles were pretty basic overall. If the programmer/designer can get the other things down pat, then they can work on upping the puzzle ante if desired. But with good design and play mechanics even basic puzzles will be tolerable.
If Abroy is for smart people, JIG is for Geniuses.
Of the few Abroy games featured here on JIG , this one has to be the worst. And, their only passable game was Masonic Mystery. Today's game, Kidnapped for Life (self-defining), is similar in design to the boring Gamershood type games. It simply does not meet the high standards that Jay has invoked upon all of us. JIG commands excellence.
This year's end is near. So, in this finishing stretch, we need to find and determine the best Escape-the-Room game of 2011, commensurate to last year's Linkage from Neutral.
Let's revisit this year's games, and discover the new games from our top tier contenders like: 58works, Dismantlement, Jalbartus, MSkutnik, PlaceofLight, Robamimi, just to mention a few.
I appreciate elle's contribution, and I surely hope that my constructive criticism is not insulting in any way. It is not meant to be. Beautiful elle does a wonderfully good job here at JIG.
[Thanks for posting all this, I appreciate your enthusiasm for what we do here at JIG. I edited your comment to remove external links to games, at least one of which will be reviewed here next week for Weekday Escape. We would prefer to not have people commenting about other games here in this thread, it makes things messy for us to administrate. Thank you. :) -Jay]
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Walkthrough Guide
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Kidnapped for Life
Puzzle Solutions and Item Locations
Desk Drawer Puzzles
Top Right Drawer
Kakuro is like a mathematics crossword.
The numbers on the top are the sums to reach by adding down.
The numbers on the side are the sums to reach by adding across.
Besides that, you are also not allowed to repeat a single number in a row or column.
Example: if the number on the outside is an 8, you can use 5 and 3, 6 and 2, 7 and 1, but not 4 and 4 (because 4 cannot be repeated in that row or column).
(across, from top to bottom)
Right Middle Drawer
4-digit Number Code:
Look under some food:
Bottom Right Drawer
4 Color Code:
Look on the wall for the answer:
Directions for the colorblind:
1 click -- 4 clicks --2 clicks--3 clicks
Top Left Drawer
Medal Puzzle:
The star's top should be a point (a 12 o'clock position).
Each brass stud on the outer ring should align with one of the star's points:
Screenshot: Top Left Drawer
Left Middle Drawer
Tile Puzzle:
Turn the tiles to reassemble the picture:
Screenshot: Left Middle Drawer
Bottom Left Drawer
3x3 Symbols Grid:
You'll find the clues in two different places in this room (a pillow and on the desk). Move objects to reveal a symbol; under the symbol will be a series of dots; those dots show you where on the 3x3 grid the symbol belongs:
Six-Pointed Star -- left column, middle row; all rows of the middle column; right column, middle row.
Overlapping Triangles -- the four outer corners.
Screenshot: Left bottom Drawer
Finding and Using Items Around the Room
Brass Knuckles:
Under the pillow on the top bunk
When facing the bathtub, click the bottom right side of the wall (above the navigation arrow).
Move the book.
Use the brass knuckles to break open a cracked cobblestone in the floor.
Screenshot: Using Brass Knuckles on Cobblestone Floor
Under the suspension bed
Cut the head off the rubber duck (in tub)
desk drawer
On left nozzle of the sink
desk drawer
On light fixture on wall above the bathtub.
desk drawer
On the left side of the toilet (thin metal)
Padlock Key:
desk drawer
Unlock the padlocked chain on the bars.
Step back from the padlock and it will fall open.
Then, you can go through to the iron door.
Jigsaw Pieces Locations
1 is under the soap (far left corner of the bathtub)
1 is in a light fixture (see: screwdriver)
2 are in the desk (solve puzzles)
1 is in the floor (see: brass knuckles)
1 is in the duck (see: knife)
1 is in the toilet (see: clippers)
1 is in the sink (see: spanner)
Getting Out (Final Jigsaw)
Click on the lock of the iron door.
A blank black puzzle window will open up.
You'll need 8 jigsaw pieces to continue:
Drag jigsaw pieces from your inventory to the puzzle board, moving them to roughly the spot where you think they should go (they won't stick if not in the right spot).
Screenshot: Completed Jigsaw
When you've correctly assembled the jigsaw image, you'll receive a brass skeleton key.
Use the key to unlock the iron door.
Congratulations on the escape!
Posted by: elle
October 27, 2011 5:20 PM
Kidnapped For Life Walkthrough
Cell Door/Table View
Cell Door
You examine the cell door only find that it is locked. Better get busy finding a way out of here.
Table Top
Mmmm... donut.
Note the number.
Turn left. Bunks.
Lower Right Bunk.
Check under the lower right bunk.
Retrieve the knife.
Check the top of the bunk. Move the pillow. Note the symbol
Two triangles with four dots.
The Wall
Note the four colored stones in the wall.
Blue, Red, Green, Yellow.
Top Left Bunk
Move the pillow. Retrieve the Fighting Knuckles.
Lower Left Bunk
Nothing here.
Turn Left. Desk/Sink/Toilet
Check out the top of the desk.
Move the book(?) just below the pencils.
Note the symbol. Star of David with five dots in a cross pattern
Below Desk
Top Right Drawer.
This is a "kakuro" puzzle.
Add the numbers 1 through 9 to each box so that each row or column adds up to the number beside or above it.
Do not use the same number twice in any row or column.
1 7
3 9 7
x 8 9 3
x x 8 1
Receive snippers.
Middle Right Drawer.
Needs a four digit number.
Use the one from under the donut.
Recieve a piece of picture.
Bottom Right Drawer.
Need four colors.
Use the ones from the colored stones.
Blue, Red, Green, Yellow.
For the Color Blind:
1 click, 4 clicks, 2 clicks, 3 clicks.
Recieve a piece of picture.
Top Left Drawer.
This one is a matter of lining everything up correctly.
Sart by turning the outer circle until one of the dots is directly at the top. This will be the dot between the words "SPIRITUS" and "AURA".
Next turn the next ring in until the silver points of the star are lined up with the dots.
Continue working your way in lining up each ring to create a star.
Finally turn the red gem in the center until it clicks into place.
Receive the coveted Screwdriver.
Middle Left Drawer.
Turn the individual squares to complete the picture.
Receive Spanner
Bottom Left Drawer.
Use the symbols you found earlier.
Also uses the dots for placement.
The double triangles go on the four corners. The rest are Star of David.
Like this: (T = Triangles, S = Star of David)
Receive Key.
Use Spanner on left faucet.
Retrieve piece of picture.
Examine the Toilet.
If you point at the lower left side of the toilet it says, "Pretty thin metal sheet.."
Use snippers on this area.
Retrieve piece of picture.
Turn Left. Tub.
Check out the light on the wall.
Note the loose screws. Use your trusty Screwdriver. Retrieve Piece of Picture.
There is something in the tub.
He seems to be hiding something.
Use your Knife to commit Duckycide. Reteive the piece of picture.
Soap Dish.
Examine the Soap Dish.
Knock the soap off of the soap dish to find another Piece of the Picture.
Bit of a pixel hunt here. :(
Click on lower part of the wall about halfway between the tub and the "right arrow" to reveal an algebra book on the floor.
Move the book to reveal a crack in the floor.
Use the fighting knuckles on the crack.
Retieve the piece of picture.
Turn Left. Back to the Cell Door/Table.
Cell Door.
Zoom in on the Cell Door and use the key on the lock. Back up, and the door will open.
Steel Door.
Exit the cell to face the Steel Door.
Looks like you need another key.
Click on the handle to reveal the picture.
Place all of the pieces onto the picture correctly to receive another key. Note that the pieces are turned. Hold them over the proper part of the puzzle and when you let go, they will turn and snap into place.
Use the key on the door, and you are OUT!
Posted by: Itt
October 27, 2011 6:08 PM