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Weekday Escape N°35

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Weekday Escape

elleWe probably should stop meeting like this. I know what you're here for. You know what you're here for. But first the glance, the meeting of eyes, a little repartee and, perhaps, a shared chuckle... this is the dance we do to pretend we're all cool, just casually browsing the web for informational and intellectual enrichment. And, oh hey, here's a few escape games that I happened to stumble upon from Tototo Room, Neat Escape and Yomino Kagura. I know you're really busy with your important worky work stuff and other meaningful things us responsible grown-ups do, which you'd totally never shirk for just playing around. But, you know, when you get around to it. Since they are free and already right here, just a few I thought you might like. One little click or two is no big deal, right? It's not like it's going to be a habit or anything...

Button Escape 20Button Escape 20 - by Tototo Room came out a bit earlier than the last find-the-button game we featured in Weekday Escape (but you probably guessed that already, given the subtle signs, like the number "20" and such, we escapers being a brilliant crowd and all). Like before, all the gameplay centers around uncovering and clicking on 11 buttons to open the door. You'll see them under things and on things and, happily enough, secreted away behind locked cupboards giving ample opportunity for all that good decoding we love to do. The puzzles here are twisty enough to involve lateral thinking without holding you up. Yes, it's as much fun as Button Escape 22. We're sorry we took so long to come around to Tototo Room but just think of it like we've DVR'd them, now taking our time playing through.

Escape from the House with a View of the SeaEscape from the House with a View of the Sea - from Neat Escape indeed has a pretty keen seaside vista to behold, but the inside of this shack seriously needs a visit from the designing divas. In realtor speak, this place would be called "quaint" and "full of character", read: a tad bit pixel-hunty and a couple less-than-intuitive tasks (a strange device, a hydroactive sheet, and so on). Yet it's remarkably able to deliver a satisfying escape-the-room quickie, engaging the brain long enough to give substance and polished enough for visual appeal—sized right to transition from buttons to diamonds.

Escape from the Room of the Diamond Apparatus Escape from the Room of the Diamond Apparatus - Yomino Kagura's formula is readily identified the moment you enter, with a smattering of standard puzzle techniques, as straight-forward as doing simple addition, and still it manages to make the puzzle-solving aspect as gratifying as ever. There's a changing cursor and no fussy pixels, although a needed item hidden in plain sight might still be overlooked. Though Escape from the Room of the Diamond Apparatus doesn't have the complexity the title tends to promise, there is a quiet enjoyment in well-implemented puzzles that flow smoothly from one task to the next.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Button Escape 20 Walkthrough

Button numbering (see the indicator board above the door)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Buttons, in roughly the order I found them

Click the toothy monster's eye.


Open the toothy monster's mouth.


Move the toothy monster's foot.


Lift the gray rock on the shelf.


Click the rolled-up red carpet under the table, then click the end that opens.


Zoom in on the paintbox on the floor.


Lift the life vest (well, what else could it be?) on the small white table, then lift the table.


Click the rolled-up banner on the wall to the right of the door.


Note the "RYGB" on the banner. Click the red door and enter the code. Colorblind: 6 clicks, 3 clicks, 1 click, 2 clicks.


  • Note the symbols behind the red door.


    Click the eyes of the "scream" statue and notice what symbols they make.

    Left eye (as you're looking at it) = dash, right eye = X

  • Click the eyes & mouth according to the code.

    left, right, mouth, right, mouth, right, left

    Notice the number: is it backwards or upside-down?

  • Click and hold the nose of the statue and notice what happens to the code.


  • Put the numbers into the blue door. Get the key.

  • Use the key on the "Museum" sign.


Note the writing on the back of the museum sign. Combine with the front of the sign to get a four-digit number.

If MU = 69, then what does UM equal?


Use the number on the red box on the shelf. Wait for the figure to wake up and move.

Exiting: don't forget to hit the "OPEN" button above the door.

Diamond Apparatus Walkthrough


Door view

There's a box on the round table with a diamond on top and three buttons in this designer's usual primary colors. (Colorblind: red, blue, yellow)

TV/wardrobe view

  • Open the top of the wardrobe. Note the diamonds on the top shelf. (Colorblind: blue yellow blue yellow yellow red)

  • Get the red circle from the bottom shelf, and note that the box will want you to add two circles. (The circle you just collected doesn't seem to be one of them, however.)

  • The bottom of the wardrobe is locked.

  • The TV probably needs a remote.

Picture view

It's a wobbly picture with a quarter-note on it.

Couch view

  • The couch has a big red circle with the number 130 in it.

  • On the coffee table is the usual checkerboard box with slots for three shapes. You can go ahead and put your circle there, if you want.



Use the code from the top of the wardrobe to open the box on the round table.

middle, right, middle, right, right, left

Get the key.


Use the key to open the bottom of the wardrobe. Note the big blue circle with 53 in it. There's also a box with a blue square on it.

Adding circles

Use the two circular numbers you've found to open the box in the top of the wardrobe.

130 + 53 = 183

Get the blue square.


Look at the square you just found. Flip it around and note the writing. 9IL? That doesn't look too useful, but what if it's not the right way up?

Turn it upside-down (in your head) to get 716.

Use the code to open the box in the bottom of the wardrobe. Get the remote.

Wobble wobble

Use the remote to turn on the TV: it's a quarter-note, that looks familiar. Observe the numbers in the corners. Click the corners of the wobbly picture according to those numbers.


Get the yellow triangle.

Last box

Put your three shapes into the checkerboard box on the coffee table. Get the key and use it on the door.

Sea View Escape Guide

It may be helpful to note that all of the Japanese phrases are followed by English translations, including "About Item" descriptions, in case you aren't sure what something is.

Left Right Code locked box

Find the Left-Right Code on the Door.

Use the grey panes for your clue.



Find the PAPER behind the picture

Click the right side to move the picture right

Shaved Ice

Find the ICE in the freezer.
Zoom in on the outlet beside the low cabinet to use the EXTENSION CORD
Press the power button on the ice machine that you just plugged in. Use the ICE on the machine.
Take the shaved ice and wait for it to melt. Look it again and it should be a bowl of water.

Green Numbers

Combine the water and the paper to get the code for the Green Numbers box.

Red Numbers

Use the telescope to get a closeup view of the yachts reflected in the window. One of them will have the three-digit red code


I know it's too soon, but this red key is actually the exit key. More time to enjoy the view, I guess.


aceadventurer August 6, 2014 2:02 AM

Responsibilities Schmesponsibilities, I like taking a little time for some escape gaming. Finished Escape from the Diamond Room pretty quickly and on to the next one. A nice little break from the day indeed.


Well, they all managed to be quite easy. Be prepared for some pixel hunting.


Hmmm. I guess I can't brain. I'm stuck on Button Escape -- I have all but two smiley faces. I think what's holding me up is

the "1350" being projected by the head on the right. I can't make that number work on either of the two doors I haven't opened yet.


Button Escape 20 Walkthrough

Button numbering (see the indicator board above the door)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Buttons, in roughly the order I found them

Click the toothy monster's eye.


Open the toothy monster's mouth.


Move the toothy monster's foot.


Lift the gray rock on the shelf.


Click the rolled-up red carpet under the table, then click the end that opens.


Zoom in on the paintbox on the floor.


Lift the life vest (well, what else could it be?) on the small white table, then lift the table.


Click the rolled-up banner on the wall to the right of the door.


Note the "RYGB" on the banner. Click the red door and enter the code. Colorblind: 6 clicks, 3 clicks, 1 click, 2 clicks.


  • Note the symbols behind the red door.


    Click the eyes of the "scream" statue and notice what symbols they make.

    Left eye (as you're looking at it) = dash, right eye = X

  • Click the eyes & mouth according to the code.

    left, right, mouth, right, mouth, right, left

    Notice the number: is it backwards or upside-down?

  • Click and hold the nose of the statue and notice what happens to the code.


  • Put the numbers into the blue door. Get the key.

  • Use the key on the "Museum" sign.


Note the writing on the back of the museum sign. Combine with the front of the sign to get a four-digit number.

If MU = 69, then what does UM equal?


Use the number on the red box on the shelf. Wait for the figure to wake up and move.

Exiting: don't forget to hit the "OPEN" button above the door.


Ah, thanks, Reka! Oddly, I did try the correct combination on the door I was working on, but the combination didn't work until I had found the clue for it by

holding down the statue's nose.


Escape from the House with a View of the Sea had me stumped for a minute because despite multiple attempts, I couldn't click something in exactly the right spot to get it to move in exactly the right way. :P

shipoopie August 6, 2014 7:41 AM replied to Tenzhi


Yeah, I had the same problem. Seems to be a problem with many games. It makes you think you've done everything possible in that area until you get mad and click there some more and accidentally get the right spot. Other than that, I don't feel like I was hunting pixels on the sea view game.

The sea game is easy enough to not have to be prepared for what kind of sheet you may encounter before you go into it. When I had those two items that's the first thing I tried.

shipoopie August 6, 2014 7:53 AM replied to Tenzhi

There's an evil video ad on that sea game that has audio and starts playing a few seconds after you've made the game all big and centered and then you have to look around for what's making the noise. It might not always be there but the five times I've tried going to that page it's been the same annoyingness. Also, in order to get the "click here to go to the top of the page" widget to get off of my nice and big zoomed in game I have to turn off styles in my browser. It's an anti bigness bug!

The sea game was mostly straight forward. I kept wanting to

do something under the sink until I was able to get that stupid picture to move the other direction

but nothing else gave me any problems.

I had trouble on the buttons game because it took me a while to figure out that you had to

push the nose on that guy and then keep it pressed for the clue to re-clue

but the rest of it was pretty easy. Except of course the parts where you click on something and

then have to click again on something in a different spot.

That took a little bit of remembering other games and how they did that same thing.

Room's Room this time was SUPER easy. The keys all look the same, but that wasn't really an issue this time.


I feel like an idiot. I finished the first two easy enough, but on the diamond room, I can't figure out what to do with the tv or note picture.


Diamond Apparatus Walkthrough


Door view

There's a box on the round table with a diamond on top and three buttons in this designer's usual primary colors. (Colorblind: red, blue, yellow)

TV/wardrobe view

  • Open the top of the wardrobe. Note the diamonds on the top shelf. (Colorblind: blue yellow blue yellow yellow red)

  • Get the red circle from the bottom shelf, and note that the box will want you to add two circles. (The circle you just collected doesn't seem to be one of them, however.)

  • The bottom of the wardrobe is locked.

  • The TV probably needs a remote.

Picture view

It's a wobbly picture with a quarter-note on it.

Couch view

  • The couch has a big red circle with the number 130 in it.

  • On the coffee table is the usual checkerboard box with slots for three shapes. You can go ahead and put your circle there, if you want.



Use the code from the top of the wardrobe to open the box on the round table.

middle, right, middle, right, right, left

Get the key.


Use the key to open the bottom of the wardrobe. Note the big blue circle with 53 in it. There's also a box with a blue square on it.

Adding circles

Use the two circular numbers you've found to open the box in the top of the wardrobe.

130 + 53 = 183

Get the blue square.


Look at the square you just found. Flip it around and note the writing. 9IL? That doesn't look too useful, but what if it's not the right way up?

Turn it upside-down (in your head) to get 716.

Use the code to open the box in the bottom of the wardrobe. Get the remote.

Wobble wobble

Use the remote to turn on the TV: it's a quarter-note, that looks familiar. Observe the numbers in the corners. Click the corners of the wobbly picture according to those numbers.


Get the yellow triangle.

Last box

Put your three shapes into the checkerboard box on the coffee table. Get the key and use it on the door.

Patreon Donator Reka August 6, 2014 11:58 AM replied to elle

@elle, actually, the red circle

doesn't have anything on it. Check the couch instead.

aceadventurer August 6, 2014 1:34 PM

Pixel hunting, bleh... Good thing the review mentioned it otherwise I may have given up a little too quickly. A couple of times Escape From the House With the View From the Sea was giving me trouble until I clicked in the "right" spot

aceadventurer August 6, 2014 2:17 PM

Did pretty good on button escape until I got stuck. Had to look at walkthrough.

clicking on the nose of the statue to reverse the code, doh!

Patreon Supporter Scaper August 6, 2014 5:15 PM replied to Billy-o

Same here.


Help! No amount of pixel hunting seems to be showing me what to do next in View of the Sea and during one of my pixel hunts I accidentally had equipped the

pile of powder(?) made from the brick in the machine and the powder disappeared!?!? I think somewhere around the door...

I also have

some sort of paper I found behind the picture and the dish left after the powder disappeared


Okay, never mind. I feel a little silly because

I now realize that the "cabinet" I found the "brick" in was actually a block of ice in a refrigerator and the "powder" was shaved ice and it melted not "disappeared" and the dish was actually now a dish of water that I had to put on the paper. Good grief.

JudyJetson August 6, 2014 11:57 PM

Sea View Escape Guide

It may be helpful to note that all of the Japanese phrases are followed by English translations, including "About Item" descriptions, in case you aren't sure what something is.

Left Right Code locked box

Find the Left-Right Code on the Door.

Use the grey panes for your clue.



Find the PAPER behind the picture

Click the right side to move the picture right

Shaved Ice

Find the ICE in the freezer.
Zoom in on the outlet beside the low cabinet to use the EXTENSION CORD
Press the power button on the ice machine that you just plugged in. Use the ICE on the machine.
Take the shaved ice and wait for it to melt. Look it again and it should be a bowl of water.

Green Numbers

Combine the water and the paper to get the code for the Green Numbers box.

Red Numbers

Use the telescope to get a closeup view of the yachts reflected in the window. One of them will have the three-digit red code


I know it's too soon, but this red key is actually the exit key. More time to enjoy the view, I guess.

JudyJetson August 7, 2014 12:16 AM

Enjoyed the Triangle Room the most of all of these.

I was sadly disappointed in the Sea View game. :(

I spent ages clicking everywhere. Two things really frustrated me. First, the stove was illogical. I kept trying to find a spot in the sun to melt the ice, and actually clicked the stove by accident after several minutes of aimless clicking. I didn't think the stove was functional because of the lockbox sitting on top. The sink wasn't working, but the stove was??? Who operates a stove when some huge thing is in the middle of it? Secondly, the pixel hunting drove me mad. I literally spent 5 minutes just trying to click the picture to move both directions, and it would only move to the left. I then clicked every spot on every board behind it and found nothing. I came back later to try again, same results. Imagine my chagrin when I checked the picture for the 4th time and clicked it to the right by accident as I was trying to back out of the scene, revealing the paper behind it.

After all of that drama, once I had the

water and paper

I was out in 90 seconds. A game meant to be solved in 5 minutes but that takes me 30 minutes instead because of something so simple as that is a disappointing let-down to say the least.

But I enjoyed the other two games a lot. Too bad walkthroughs were already posted for those, and the only one left was the one I hadn't enjoyed. Haha. Well, better luck next time.

Patreon Donator Reka August 7, 2014 9:18 AM replied to JudyJetson

Sorry. ]:>

(Sometimes, I write better walkthroughs for games I didn't enjoy than ones I did enjoy; with the latter, I get so hung up on not spoiling the game that I get into awkard chicken-and-egg situations, and/or nested-way-too-deep spoilers.)


Ok, about Button Escape 20,

what exactly was that creepy little guy sleeping in the red box?


I don't understand the

oven on sea escape. it says i'm to put the shaved ice on the oven to melt it but no matter where I click nothing works.

please help :(

JudyJetson August 10, 2014 12:37 PM

Oh no. I just came back to check on this to see if walkthroughs had been posted yet. Glad to see my contribution was honored by being put at the top of the page. :) But unfortunately :( I didn't replay the game before posting the walkthrough, and I noticed two errors. :( Do I need to repost the whole walkthrough (not a big deal, just a matter of copying and pasting) or is it better to just amend it with a separate comment?

JudyJetson August 17, 2014 7:11 PM replied to elle


1. The line for finding the paper should read "Click the right side to move the picture right"

2. In the description for how to melt the ice, I stated that it needs to be put on the stove. But that didn't work the second time I played it. I'm not really sure what the trick is. I would change the walkthrough to say "The ice needs time to melt. Click around the scene for a minute until the cone of ice in your inventory disappears and water appears in the container instead of ice."

Thanks. :)

[Done! -elle]


@eondivad, yes! I scrolled all the comments hoping for an explanation, so here goes:

The reason she's sad is because there's only a tiny amount of space behind that door. She's lived there for a long time, so long she lost hope of ever seen the sun again. And, she's got a button pressed in his back.

That's it! She's sad because she's been uncomfortable for a long time, and just wishes somebody would press the button that's been jammed against her in the little box.

She's like an uncooked gingerbread princess lying on a button-shaped pea.


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