Escape from Test Kitchen 2
Escape from Test Kitchen 2 is a standard escape-the-room game from 58works of Japan, somewhat reminiscent of a game from the gotMail folks. Players must collect bottles and mixers,
pieces of a map, safe combinations, and the like to find a solution and escape from what appears to be a small cozy restaurant. You will have to be creative in your problem solving, and be willing to explore without aid of help text, as this one is entirely in Japanese. That shouldn't be much of a problem, though, especially if you're an experienced Weekday Escaper. Please make use of the comments to help those of us who need a walkthrough to nudge us when we're stuck.
Pixel hunting is present, but bearable. Alcohol abounds, so let's keep the kids away from this one.
Walkthrough Guide
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From Start:
Turn Right x3
Press Red Rectangle (turns on Lights)
Turn Left, forward to plant
Get Knife
backup, turn left
click white corner in center bottom of screen (advance to bar)
get white bottle
advance twice to trombone
note colors of glasses (red, green, purple, yellow, blue)
click plant
click grey disk behind plant ( gets ashtray)
look at ashtray in inventory
click center disk twice (gets key)
backup, turn right, advance into kitchen
open freezer, get ice
turn right, click cupboards under counter, click under table left of counter
get flute, backup
use key on right door, open door, get hammer
expand iceblock, use hammer on ice, get speyside label
turn right, advance to metal drawer to right of trombone shelves
open drawer, get tomato juice, zoom into flute and fill with tomato juice
backup, advance past bar, note number on green poster left of front door (2100)
turn right, move both box piles, advance to black strip on wall then door
change number to match poster. click red button (cupboard opens)
pull ring and quickly get grey bottle
backup and turn left
advance to front door, turn left x3, advance upstairs x2
click on speaker twice to remove grate (click near top of speaker)
click silver center (might need knife) and get shaker
Expand Shaker, get Lowland note. Combine speyside and lowland notes into right-half note
backup. click on white door. click right side of white door to open
press buttons in order of glasses by trombone (red, green, purple, yellow, blue)
get red eye note, backup.
turn right, click between bookshelf and wall. get whiskey. backup
click green bottle near plant, get green bottle
turn right, click to ceiling, use knife to cut string, get mold, backup.
turn right, advance downstairs x2, turn left twice, advance to trombone
turn right and click yellow corner on grate under right cabinet
attach the green bottle to the beer tap
backup and click to faucet
combine beer from faucet with tomato juice in flute
backup, advance into kitchen, advance to sink
turn on water, fill mold with water, backup
open freezer, put mold in freezer
backup, advance to stove
click left burner and get whiskey
backup, turn right and click on wall alcove
put grey bottle in circle hole, put white bottle in square hole
get islay map corner. Combine maps
use tomato juice to clean the red eye note. Get scotland corner. Combine maps.
run around until ice melts. keep checking freezer to get mold
zoom on mold. get ice key
return to entrance, turn around to malt fridge
use ice key on malt fridge. get third whiskey from bottom right shelf
Solution: Return upstairs, open brown box. Put map and three whiskeys in box.
all white label back-left. black and white front-left. yellow front-right.
drawer opens, get key.
Use key on front door - YOU'RE OUT!
Posted by: phil | November 19, 2008 3:39 PM