Control your boxy twin escape artists with the [arrow keys] and switch control from one to the other with [space]. Walls decorated with a streak of color can be set in motion by moving a 'bot over the corresponding switch, which is of course usually located in the opposite room. If you get stuck, or if one of your characters gets crushed by moving walls, restart the level with [B] or [N]. Pressing [P] brings up the Pause Screen, which also contains an hint for each level.
Analysis: Two Rooms is a classy production in many ways, from the title menu screen, which is like a mini-puzzle of its own; to the way you can instantly flip between levels you've completed with the [Q] and [W] keys, to try for better completion times. However, there are a few options only accessible by mouse, and I'd prefer never to have to jump from the keyboard to the mouse, since the game does require two hands to play normally.
Later on, there get to be a lot of differently colored walls and switches, and the subtle color choices can be almost indistiguishable. In other respects, the visual presentation is readable and handsome, if somewhat charmless. I'm no huge fan of random googly eyes on game characters, but I would have liked at least a blinking red eye on my lifeless protagonists here, just so I could identify more strongly with them than I do with the surrounding walls.
I want to make special mention of the musical score here, since Lilley Design take obvious pride in it, and offer you an unusual amount of control over the background tunes. Besides the option to turn off the music or sound effects, the Sound section on the pause menu allows you to choose between cycling through all five available tracks or repeating your favorite one. The Credits screen, a model example of how the credits for Flash games should be done, links each individual song to its composer's page on Newgrounds. The generous selections here do give this a long load time for a game of its type, but it's worth it for music this entertaining.
The overall game length feels a little skimpy, but there's no shortage of variety. Almost every one of the game's 30 stages teaches you something new, and the final stretch of challenges combines everything you've learned into a meaty stew of complex chain reactions. It's just about perfect for an hour's worth of puzzle solving, and because most levels require both speed and smarts, your whole brain gets a light but refreshing workout.
Two Rooms gets especially interesting once it starts hiding switches and other game objects inside crates, or putting entire maze sections within movable walls, but there's far too little of that kind of thing. The unexplored potential there could make for an excellent sequel ("Two Rooms Two" is pretty catchy), but this is already a satisfying chunk of blocky shifting puzzle action.
Thanks for sending this one in, Treniac, Theprogram00, and Sarah!
can someone help on the last level?
i don't know how to reach the yellow key
For level 30
1.Hit purple key on the right room
2.Hit the blue and green keys on the left room.
3.Arrange your timing such a way that purples will press blues, the system will stop.
4. Hit the red key on left room, it will pass through blue ones.
5.Pass through blues to reach yellow key.
This was a great game!
I am sadly and frustratingly stuck on 15. I got part of it
to hid the left side in the hollow
But I am really stuck on how to
where how to get the right side to someplace safe while the blue wall moves so the left side can hit the brown button.
Does that all make sense?
I found a glitch... In level 16, if you reset the level after pressing the blue switch, the blue gate doesn't reset back to its initial position.
It's kind of awkwardly written, but here's a walkthrough for the game:
In this game, you control two different gray boxes, one in a room on the left, and one in a room on the right. To prevent confusion with some of the items that appear in later levels, I will be referring these boxes as the "left player" and the "right player".
Title screen:
Activate the right player (press space), move over the red button in the upper left corner, then switch back to the left player and move to the upper goal grid (the one labeled "PLAY").
Level 1:
Using the left player, press the green button. After the green gate has moved out of the way, switch to the right player and head toward the goal.
Level 2:
Press the green button with the left player, then press the brown button with the right player, then press the purple button with the left player, the head toward the goal with the right player.
Level 3:
Using the right player, go up, hit the green button, and remain there. Then use the left player to press the blue button and enter the goal area.
Level 4:
Press the brown button with the left player, but before the gate hits the wall, press the right player's brown button to stop the gate's movement. It may help to position the right player near its button before pressing the left player's button. Then, just enter the goal with the left player.
Level 5:
Use the right player to hit both the green and purple buttons. Then, before the green gate hits the wall, stop its movement by switching to the left player and hitting its green button. Press the brown button, then switch to the right player and enter the goal area.
Level 6:
Position the right player near the right side of the purple gate. Switch to the left player and hit the purple button. Then switch to the right player and hit the purple button to cancel the gate's movement before it blocks the left player's path. Then just press the green button, switch back to the left player, and enter the goal area.
Level 7:
Position the right player all the way to the left of the green gate. Using the left player, hit both the green and brown buttons, then move the right player into the goal area before it's crushed by the green gate.
Level 8:
Using the right player, collect both the items at the bottom of the screen. Switch to the left player so it is easier to control, then move it into the goal area. Switch back to the right player, move right until both players have hit a wall, then move up. The level ends once both players are in their respective goals at the same time.
Level 9:
The only trick to this area is to collect all the beads and enter the goal, all using the right player, before the left player is crushed by the wall. Make sure to get the beads in the two middle dead-end hallways before moving through the hallway leading to the goal area, so you don't have to backtrack and get those beads later.
Level 10:
Using the left player, press the blue button, then hit the brown button as soon as you can afterwards. The brown gate should hit the blue gate and stop it from moving before it conceals the purple button. Then, just hit the left player's green button, and wait until the green gate has moved enough so that the right player can pass through and press the purple button. Move into the goal area with the left player.
Level 11:
Using the right player, hit the blue button, then switch back to the left player. Wait until the bottom blue gate has hit the purple gate, then press the purple button, and run into the goal as soon as you can.
Level 12:
Use the right player to push the crate into the path of the blue gate, then move out of the way. Press the blue button with the left player and get out of the way of the gate. The crate should be pushed into the left player's area by the blue gate, then broken open when it hits the wall. Press the red button that comes out of the crate to open the way to the goal area.
Level 13:
Using the left player, push the crate out of the doorway and press the brown button. Use the right player to push the purple crate into the path of the green gate, then press the red button. Switch to the left player and press the green button. Wait until the crate breaks against the wall, then switch to the right player, press the purple button, and enter the goal area.
Level 14:
Using the left player, push the giant crate as far to the right as you can. Then switch to the right player and push it down as far as you can. Press the red button with the left player, and, after the crate breaks open, enter the rather slim portion of the goal area now available to the right player.
Level 15:
This level requires some delicate timing. Before starting, position the left player just below the blue gate. When you're ready, press the blue button with the right player. Wait until the blue gate has moved through the small middle hallway in the left area, then position the left player in that hallway. Once the blue gate is halfway into the partition separating the left and right halves of the level, press the green button with the right player. If all has been done correctly, the green gate will not run into the blue gate, and it will safely pass over the left player. Next, press the red button with the left player, and hopefully you still have enough time left to move the right player into the goal area before it is crushed/blocked.
Level 16:
Move the right player up so that it touches the brown gate, but [i]do not[/i] push the crate or collect the shrink item when doing so. Switch to the left player, press the green button, then move out of the way of the gate. Press the brown button once it breaks out of the crate, then switch to the right player. Before collecting the shrink item, go move the crates surrounding the purple button: Push the bottom crate all the way to the left, push the middle crate to the right, and the top crate upwards. Then collect the shrink item and push the purple button. Use the left player to press the now-revealed blue button, then enter the goal.
Level 17:
This level is more about careful movement than anything. It's not timed, just push the crate over each of the four buttons in any order to open the four gates. Just be sure not to push the crate so close to a wall that there's no way to push it back the other direction.
Level 18:
Using the left player, press four of the available buttons in the following order, waiting enough time between each one for the individual gates to finish moving: brown (second from the bottom), orange (bottom), green and blue (top two buttons). Then, move the crate in front of the red gate and move out of the way (do NOT press the yellow button). Use the right player to press the red button, then move to the bottom of the room. Use the left player to press the yellow and purple buttons, then head down to press the blue button. Use the right player to press the magenta button, then move the left player into the goal.
Level 19:
Be prepared; after pressing the first button, you'll have to do a lot of things at once. Use the right player to press the red button, then move all the way to the left of that same button. Use the left player to hit the three buttons now available to it. Before it gets blocked by the red gate, move the right player into the faded brown area to collect the shrink item, then press the purple button when able to fit into the hallway containing it. Then use the left player to press the blue button to open the goal for the right player.
Level 20:
In order to collect all the beads in time, you need to pick them up in a very specific order, and do it fast. Using the right player, collect the six beads to the left of the red gate, then the two just below the gate, then the two/three beads remaining at the top. Then use the left player to collect the beads five beads directly below the purple gate, then the nine remaining in the adjacent room. Doing this should open the gate sealing off the goal area.
Level 21:
Move the left player counter-clockwise around the room so it can get to the right side of the crate without pressing any buttons. Push the crate left, then down, until it goes through the teleporter. Using the right player, push the crate down enough so that it is to the left of the red gate, but will not be smashed against the blue gate once the red gate starts to move.
Moving back to the left player, press the red button on the right to get the red gate to start moving. Once the red gate has pushed the crate enough so that it is above the green button, press the remaining red button to stop the gate. Then, press the blue button. This should cause the blue gate to push the crate over the green switch, revealing the goal area; if not, you'll just have to start over and reposition the crate accordingly.
Level 22:
You can do all of this one using only the left player. Collect the item, then press the following directions, holding each key down long enough so that both players hit a wall: up, left, down, right, up, left, down. If you've done this correctly, the right player should be in the goal area, and the left player should be on the lower left side of the hallway just above the starting point. Now head up just enough so the left player can reach the goal by going right, then head right to enter the left player's goal area, and press down until the right player enters its goal area.
Level 23:
This one's simpler than it looks. First, place the left player directly above the blue button. Then, using the right player, just head straight up until both players have hit a wall. Once all the gates have stopped moving, press each of the following keys until both players have hit a wall: right, left, down.
Level 24:
This level is split into two separate speed-based segments, one for each player, the first more complicated than the second.
First, for the left player, press the first brown button and the bottom blue button, but do not press the top blue button just yet. Wait until you see the blue hallway on the gate connect with the hallway leading to the remaining brown button, then press the second blue button, collect the shrink powerup, and press the remaining brown button. If you managed to stop the brown gate before it blocked off the hallway to the goal, then you are free to stop and examine the next section before continuing.
For the right player, first press the red button. Hurry over to the green button, but don't press it immediately. Wait until the green gate is in a position to run into the red gate, then press it. If you do this successfully, both gates will be stuck in such a position that the hallway toward the goal is still clear to you. Press the remaining button to open the final gate, then just head toward the finish line.
Level 25:
Using the right player, go up just enough so that you are free to head left, then go all the way left. Go down until the right player is in front of the gate, but before the left player presses the purple button, then head right until the left player is safely below a wall. Go down into the safe area, switch to the left player to hit both buttons, then move both players into the goal.
Level 26:
Everything aside from entering the goal can be managed with just the left player, here. Hit the first blue button, then wait until the blue gate has completely left the room. Then hit both the green and blue buttons at the bottom, and position yourself so you're prepared to press the red button.
Once the blue gate has entered the right room and pressed the purple switch, but not the orange switch, hit the red button to halt the blue gate in its tracks. Then run down and hit the yellow button before the green gate prevents you from doing so, and you should be in the clear.
Level 27:
Using the left player, press the yellow button, then move up and stand in front of the teleporter so that the crate in the right room safely passes over it and hits the orange switch. Push the other crate over the blue switch, then press the purple button, and the goal will be clear for the right player.
Level 28:
Using the left player, push the bottom crate into the teleporter, position the top crate to the right of the purple gate so that it can be pushed over the orange switch, then move the left player so it is standing directly in front of the goal area. Next, use the right player to push its crate to the right of the red button (left of the red gate, of course), press the red button, then move down out of the way. If the crates have been positioned just right, the rest of the level plays itself, so just wait until the green gate opens.
Level 29:
Well isn't this a doozy. Using the left player, press the purple, red, and blue buttons, in that order. Then, using the right player, collect the shrink powerup, move to the lower left to press the magenta button, then up to press the red button. Once all the gates have finished moving, the way should be open, as long as you followed the steps as fast as possible.
Level 30:
Using the right player, hit the purple button; don't move up or down at all. Now use the left player to press the green and blue buttons at the bottom right, then move to the left side of the room. Wait for all the gates to stop moving. Move the right player down out of the way of the red gate, then use the left player to press the red button. Move the right player into the now-opened center area to press the orange button and open the goal. Be happy! You won!
Fun, but easy, game.
Very well designed game. A couple of minor glitches it seemed at times and the overall difficulty level was low (and I'm not one to usually find puzzle games easy). I'm looking forward to the sequel!
A word of warning to all: Level 18 is EVIL!!!
I love the game music. Makes me want to play more!
Awesome game, really good music.
Managed all the levels without hints :D
Seems to glitch an awful lot. I can't get past level 19; not because I'm stumped, but because when I grab the shrink powerup with the right-hand robot, it teleports to the left hand side every time-- leaving you with two robots on the left hand side and nobody to get into the goal.
@Thp: I'm experiencing the same glitch on level 19. It didn't happen the first time I managed to get to that point, but it's been happening every time after that.
can someone plz help me get past lvl 28
Push one of the left crates to the right of the purple wall then push the other left crate into the teleport. Move the right crate to the left of the pinky wall, step on the pinky button then scurry out of the way. This should get you most of the way. Make sure that you have each crate lined up so that it will squeeze through a narrow gate.
lvl 16 glitch! collect green switch while holding up. after you die keep holding it.