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A Guide To In-Game Bonuses

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However you look at it, it is usually nice to get something extra.

That is exactly what a bonus is. An additional reward that you had to do something extra to achieve. Sometimes, these can come about by simply watching an ad, carrying out an additional task, or overcoming a particularly fiendish obstacle. Sometimes bonuses are there to help the company behind the game monetize gaming with in-app purchases and adverts. However, in many instances, bonuses are there as perks to keep you engaged, help you get more out of your leisure time or make you choose one particular game or platform over a competitor's. The rewards can come in the form of additional content, add-on costumes or power packs, gold, or, in the case of online casino games, free spins, sign-up bonuses, or even cash-out rewards. Here, we are going to take a look at some of the bonuses you will come across when playing online games.

In-game currency
Virtual currency is digital money used within games to make purchases and transactions. It can be used to buy all kinds of in-game items like cosmetic enhancements, upgrades, and unique features rather than earning real income from gaming. Each game will have its own form of virtual currency, like gems, gold coins, tokens, or notes, that can be bartered and traded. You can either stock up on virtual currency by purchasing it with real money or earn it through in-game activities. Many games offer bonus 'coins' for showing up daily, while others provide bonuses for watching an ad or climbing a leaderboard.

Players get a sense of progression and accomplishment by accumulating and disposing of their virtual wealth and contributing to the game's virtual economy. One of the reasons people love the transactional nature of games with virtual currencies is that they allow them to personalize their gaming experience, get their hands on desirable objects, and get special advantages within the game.

Special features and unlockable content
Sometimes, all the virtual coins in the world will not let you into certain areas of the game. This unlockable content is usually hidden or inaccessible to players at the start. It could be levels, items, experiences, or special bonus features that can only be accessed on completion of particular milestones. Players have to meet specific challenges to get their hands on these in-game bonuses, which can include unlocking new playable characters, superior weapons, access to secret areas, and even alternative narratives or gameplay modes.

These bonuses provide experiences that are additional to the core gameplay and can give players a great sense of satisfaction and achievement. They are great for player engagement and extend the enjoyment and longevity of the game.

Casino game bonuses
Bonuses are a huge part of online casino gaming. They are the elements that can really make one platform stand out from another. In a busy marketplace, sign-up and loyalty bonuses are an essential part of the marketing department's tool kit. However, once a player has decided they like the look and feel of a particular online platform, they still have to choose which game they want to play. Some casino bonuses require players to deposit real money to receive the bonus, while others are awarded for simply signing up, writes Adam Ryan. The best in-game ones give players free spins on slot games or virtual coins for use in social casinos. Online slots also offer additional spins as prizes from playing to keep players engaged and 'at the table'.

Playing Boosts
If unlockable assets get you access to new parts of the game, boost and power-up bonuses are temporary enhancements that give players a short-term advantage. They can allow you to inflict increased damage or increase your speed, upgrade defenses, and regenerate depleting health, supplies, or special abilities - but only for a limited time. As with other in-game bonuses, these boosts are awarded for reaching milestones, completing tasks, or collecting items. They add strategy, variety, and excitement to the game. They also keep players engaged in the short term because you never know quite when your new superpower will be gone.

Experience Points
Experience Points or XP are used to measure progress and accomplishments. Unlike boosts, they build up gradually and are predictable. They are more like earning a regular income as opposed to getting a bonus. However, they are all part of the in-game bonus scheme. Players collect XP by completing challenges, tasks, and levels within a game. Sometimes, they must fulfill a specific challenge before moving on to the next stage of gameplay. However, they collect XP along the way. The accumulation of XP lets them advance through the game's levels. The more XP, the more chances they have to unlock new abilities and areas of the game. XP allows players to find new features.

XP is a representation of a player's dedication and skill; XP is something that is usually earned and cannot be bought with virtual coins or other currency. It shows the player's growth and development within the game's virtual world. XP serves to motivate players and rewards them for continual engagement. At its simplest level, this could be a streak, but there are usually points (and prizes) for players who meet targets and invest effort and energy in the game.

Players who earn XP see their progression through the game and get the satisfaction of tracking their advancement. Many games have leagues and leaderboards where player XP is used to rate one player against others in the league. In some game environments, a daily or weekly cup or shield might be awarded to the player with the most XP in a particular league. The reward for these will invariably be a power-up or boost feature or some virtual currency to drive further engagement with the game.

All in the play
Ultimately, bonuses, in all their guises, are there to reward players and keep them playing. The developers want their game to be the most fun or one with the most interactions. Alongside excellent interaction, narrative, and graphic content, bonuses help to keep players engaged for longer.

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