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How to Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions While Gaming

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Concentration is one of the most important factors in personal effectiveness.

According to scientists, 90 minutes is the maximum time for clarity of mind during a process, after which it is necessary to take a break. That is why our team emphasises this point and has added some effective tips to the text.

In addition, we talked about the importance of time management and how best to stick to it. The recommendations in the text will help to stay smart and focused throughout the day and reach new heights while playing. We also added insights on why it is essential to have a supportive environment around you and how it is useful.

Time Management
Time management is something that business coaches and other successful people always emphasise. It helps to maintain a high level of productivity and health. The best thing to do is to set aside specific times in your schedule to play. For example, set aside one or two hours in the evening after work or school. Such clear planning will help to avoid stress and overload.

In addition, to maintain high concentration during the game, you can use the so-called Pomodoro technique. It consists of dividing time into short intervals, usually 25 minutes, followed by short breaks of about 5 minutes. Then, after these breaks, it is necessary to take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.

Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle
This point is important not only for mobile gaming and but also for everyday life. To stay focused during the game process, you need to sleep well. Insufficient rest can lead to fatigue, decreased concentration, moodiness, and other problems. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Also, switch off all gadgets an hour before bedtime to reduce exposure to blue light.

A balanced diet also contributes to maintaining energy and concentration during the game. Meals should be regular and balanced. Include foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. For example, greens, vegetables, and fruits.

Do not forget about regular physical activity. Sport should be a constant part of life to keep your mind sharp and your concentration level high. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, whether it's walking, running, yoga, dancing, swimming, or any other activity you enjoy.

Set Clear Goals for the Game
Several studies show that people are best focused when they have a specific goal. Usually, aims are set on a larger scale and are long-term, for example, for a month or a whole season, but this idea can be easily adapted to each game. In addition, it is possible to interact with your friends for support and exchange tips and strategies. This will help not only to achieve the desired result but also to stay motivated in a supportive environment.

Many people underestimate this tool, but research and other people's practice have shown that it can increase concentration by 20%. It doesn't have to be an hour-long session, as you can start your practice with 5 or 10 minutes and gradually increase it. Before starting to play your favourite games that are not on GameStop, take a few minutes to calm down and focus. This will help you get ready for a new round or relax after a hard day at work and experience the world of adventure. In this process, the main thing is to sit down comfortably, close the eyes, inhale deeply through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

The Importance of Limiting Night Gaming
We have already mentioned the importance of sleep above, but it is also worth noting that night games hurt the physical and mental health of players. It is usually easy to lose track of time during night games. However, even if you fall asleep later, the quality of the sleep you get will be reduced due to the high level of excitement. In addition, insufficient naps and prolonged sitting can lead to back and neck problems.

More Useful Tips to Stay Focused
Our team has prepared some useful additional tips to help you stay focused. However, remember that new habits take time to learn, so the key is to keep going. Here's what you can do today and notice good results:

-First of all, turn off notifications on the phone or switch on Do Not Disturb. If you still find it difficult, just leave your phone in another room for a while.
-Your space for playing should be as comfortable as possible. For example, use a comfortable ergonomic chair to minimise physical discomfort.
-Don't forget to protect yourself from external noise with earplugs or headphones.
-It's also important to take short breaks so that the mind and eyes can rest.
-Make sure you have a glass of water with you at all times to avoid distractions in case you become dehydrated.
-Turn down the brightness of your screen to make it comfortable for your eyes and thus avoid eyestrain.

To keep and maintain a high level of concentration while playing the best games, it is important to manage time properly, limit nighttime gaming, get enough sleep, and eat healthy. It is equally essential to set clear goals while playing to stay motivated and focused. With new habits and an adjusted lifestyle, it is possible to achieve better results not only in gaming but also in life.

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