The Naked Alien
The Naked Alien is an action platformer by Lucas Paakh that offers players a quirky encounter of the nude kind, as its titular being sets out to map uncharted territory. It's a little by-the-numbers, but The Naked Alien is strangely amusing, and definitely showcases the developers prodigious artistic talents.
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Visually stunning, and the little guy is cute :)
Is it just me or are the keys for this things really sticky? Seemed to get worse the further along in the game I got - not jumping when I pushed jump, or there being little micro-delays in moving sideways after hitting the left-right keys after jumping. Enjoyable game, but kind of frustrating towards the end. Gave up on the boss at the end after two goes because it felt too much like I was having to game the system to make it function with the movement bugs - e.g. hitting the movement keys early to compensate for the delay in response.