An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The House 2

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4.7/5 (47699 votes)

In the sequel to smash-hit point-and-click horror game The House, the locals think an abandoned dwelling is haunted for good reason... the entire family committed suicide there. But that's just a legend... right? One of the most stylish and terrifying free online games you'll ever play!

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Walkthrough Guide

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The House 2 Walkthrough:

FYI, the spoilers are glib and will ruin the experience.


Scary backstory!

1. Click.
2. Click "Get Inside."

Yes. This looks like a fun place to hang out.


That blood looks like a good sign, doesn't it?

3. Click on the door 6 times.

The door opens...


4. Click the photo, note, and switch (on wall) in rotation until something happens.

"Something" = "Ghost"

5. Click the photo.

Oh no, it's covered in blood from my blood-hole! I knew I should have disposed of that according to EPA regulations.

6. Click the photo, note, and switch in rotation until something happens.

Yeah, "something" pretty much means ghost from here on out. Was anyone else hoping for a French maid outfit? Anyway, she drops a note.

7. Click on the new item (note). Read it.

Year of birth. Yeah, that means NOTHING. Thanks a heap, unsexy-ghost-maid.

8. Click on the note in the chair.

It's changed! Ghost magic at work, presumably.

9. Do the note-picture-switch-other note clicking rotation again. Nothing happens.
10. Click on the photo.


11. Click on the note in the chair again.

Ghost magic again. And... ghost blood? Maybe real blood. Stupid blood-hole.

12. Do the click-on-everything-in-order tango a couple more times.

Ghost maid appears in the chair. WHEN SHE SHOULD BE WORKING! It's so hard to get good help these days.


13. Click on everything (bible, faucet, toilet, shower) a couple times until something happens.

You can't click quickly... give a couple seconds between each click. Oh, and in case you're forgotten, "something" means "ghost."

14. Click the faucet.

Ahh, blood in the plumbing. Always a good sign.

15. Click the note floating in the sink.

The writing looks like his pen was running out of ink. Has that ever happened to you? Yeah, you'd want to kill someone too if you couldn't find a working pen.

16. Click everything again.
17. Open the curtain.

Feet. BE SCARED! (If you hate feet. If you have a foot fetish, BOY ARE YOU IN LUCK!)

18. Click the note.
19. Click everything again.

There's a dude waiting for you in the shower. For the first time in this game, I'm scared. Don't drop the soap.


This is where the magic happens.

20. Click everything (teddy bear, music box, frame) until the music box starts winding.
21. Click everything until something happens.

Yup. Ghost.

21. Click everything until notes appear on the wall.
22. Click each note.
24. Click the frame.

If only she was 18...

25. Click the note popping out of the dresser.
26. Click everything until two somethings happen.
27. Click the music box.
28. Look at the screen closely.

You're welcome.


It's dark.

29. Find and click on the light switch (left side, between the windows).
30. Click on everything (bottle, note in drawer, rope) until something happens.

You should note the year of birth on the birth certificate, too. Remember the ghost-maid?

31. Click on everything once.
32. Turn out the light.
33. Click on the glimmer in the middle of the screen.


34. Turn on the lights again.
35. Click everything until something happens.

"Something" in this case actually means the ghost goes away. Sorry to lead you astray, there.

36. Click the note under the bed.
37. Click on everything until the note under the bed changes.

Yeah, changes to a creepy-lookin' kid.

38. Click everything again.

Ghost hands steal the creepy-baby photo.


39. Click on the safe.
40. Enter the code.

The year of birth.

You had to remember ONE THING.

Seriously, don't try any escape the room games.

1947. *sigh*

41. Click the note in the safe.

Same pen as earlier, I'll note.

[Cutscene] May have to click?

42. Click on the lower hinge.

Yep. Bad suspicions confirmed. Gee, I wonder why none of the LOCALS ever hang out at this place?

43. Click again. Maybe. I'm bad with cutscenes.

You're done!

Are you dead? Maybe. You just tango'd with a ghost. But you have a key, so that's cool. Also, don't worry, none of this was real. In case you're inclined to think Flash games are real.

They're not.


Nothing is quite as stupid as flipping to JIG right before bed and saying, "Oh, cool, a scary game." I couldn't get past the living room. After my heart started beating again, I closed the browser, put on Gregorian chants, and turned all the lights on in my room. Suffice to say, this looks to be an awesome scary game. Someone braver than me, hurry up and play and post the walkthrough so that Tabs the Chicken Liver (i.e. me) can get through it, in broad daylight.


Stuck in the living room.


I'm having trouble in the working room. Any suggestions?


Meh. Good atmosphere, but mostly a "I'm going to spend my time clicking EVERYTHING until the next spooky thing is supposed to show up" game.


Hm. Apparently, the 'special room' is just darkness.

Also, I didn't like having to click on one thing multiple times to make progress, with no indication on whether or not I'm actually getting there.

I'll have to rate this 2 out of 5. Good job on the creepy factor, but the clicking just felt out-of-place.


No sooner did I hear the manic piano stomping viciously into my ears and see the grainy black and white images of the dilapidated old house did I think, "I'm back."

One of the things that I love so much about the original and this new installment is that they so completely and totally own their own little niche. No, they aren't standard point and click adventure games as we know them today. But, I think very few games are so completely themselves the way The House and The House 2 are.

That is, there isn't really any obligatory bones thrown to any specific genre, and no real attempt to make a game where there isn't (a game I'm currently playing, for example, makes you solve like three different puzzles to plug in a laptop, and you get the feeling like this is specifically so the game designers could say, "see, we provided puzzles"). Instead everything is built around sucking you in and making everything else cease to exist.

And then, once you've forgotten your surroundings, and then you've forgotten the adverts on the side, and even the shell of your browser, then when you are focused on nothing but the grainy black and white photos and your own beating heart, THAT'S when the game gets you.

Well, at least I know that if we have to wait another five years for the next installment it will be worth it.


Oh, god. The House has a sequel now? I gave up on the original after freaking out multiple times in the first two rooms.

Is this one even scarier than the first one?


Woah. In the Living Room when that first smear of blood came on the walls, I honestly didn't even flinch.

By the time I got to the Working Room, I turned off the sound and put on my Ipod, made the screen as small as possible, and actually yelped when the lights flickered. Very nice game, but like some others said its kind of ruined by needing to click the same things over and over.


I can't get past the first room.....
oh and the house the first one was okay, not that scary


It's not an experience that will scare everybody. (Is that even possible?)

Just taking a look through the hundreds of comments posted for the first game, it's an experience that seems to polarize its audience into two camps: "OMG SO SCARY" and "not scary at all".

I found this one to be very similar to the first one in terms of mood and atmosphere, only slightly different in terms of art and story.

Overall, another excellent piece of work by Sinthai Studio, and a worthy follow-up to the original classic.


This game straight confuses me. It's spooky and frightening, but I feel like I'm not actually the one making progress. I'll click on everything clickable hundreds of times, and suddenly something will happen. I have no idea if it happened because of me, or if I am supposed to just sit back and wait. Bizarre game with a frustrating progression. Nothing is logical, so it's neither a puzzle game nor a horror game. Would be insanely hard to write a walkthrough for this game.


I hate. Hate. HATE. the pointless clicky gameplay, which is like if you turned one of those phone service commercials into a game. "Can you scare me now? How about now?"

What this thing has in spades is style and scares. Yeah, they're mainly all jump scares, but they're effective. Like that one. That one in the transition screen. You know the one.




Ahughhughhughugh. *shudder*

Play it with a bunch of friends crowded close around the monitor late at night for extra fun.


Dora: You know what that transition reminds me of? Resident Evil 2 where you are going through the standard door opening transition scene when all of a sudden A PAIR OF ZOMBIES LEAP OUT AT YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STYLIZED LOAD SCREEN!!!!


I got past the living room yeah!!! you just click something not gonna tell you repeatedly

sgtdroopy April 21, 2010 1:23 AM

It is kind of ridiculous that there are only three things to click in the Living Room and yet you have to continuously click them all to get through.

Roseate Spoonbill April 21, 2010 1:37 AM

Still not as scary as Exmortis.


wtf does the key you get in the working room do? after i finished the game. it said that i got the key. i clicked and and nothing. the screen just goes dark and the music still plays... help me whoever finished :).. p.s. scare factor on a scale of 1-10 id say seven. it was scary with like stuff popping out of nowhere but the faces of the girl looked like "the ring" and "the grudge", just saying... :D


- its like that in all rooms.... have fun clicking!


how do you get into he special room!!

CuteSly26 April 21, 2010 2:32 AM

Wow, this is my very first comment after visiting this site for years (just recently decided to register :D)

I think the countless clicking adds to the suspense coz i have no idea how much more do i have to click for something to jump out of the screen :D

Anyway, stuck in the bathroom and the suspense is killing me!!

Anonymous April 21, 2010 2:46 AM

Imagine if you were playing Zork and you had to type "open mailbox" repeatedly (and inexplicably) to advance in the game. That's how exciting this game is.

Stylish and atmospheric, but nothing else to recommend it.

SINTHAIstudio April 21, 2010 2:56 AM

the special room link is

i dont know what happen why some cant get in there ??


The special room works for me.


Gave up in the bathroom. I find screamers cheap, and the absurd progress system got me quickly wondering if I didn't have any more interesting things to do, like... anything else.

The soundtrack was cliched, but well crafted, best part of the "game".


i told you, it's difficult. i manage to finish it but don't ask me for a walk through because i barely made it myself. all i did was keep on clicking on random stuff like in the first one.

Guybrushtr April 21, 2010 4:04 AM

Meaningless game! What is that about random clicking and pixel hunting?
Oooh yeah I'm too scared! I'm truelly suprised that there is dead bodies inside bathroom and blood is flowing through the tap. That was unexpected..




apparently what you get in the special room is the storyline and some wallpapers and shirts.

Merricat April 21, 2010 4:26 AM

TABS - very well put. You (I) figure "what the heck, I love horror movies and scary games, LOVED Exmortis, so this should be a nice little end-of-day game before bed.

Yeah. I know: stupid idea. Pass the defibrillator.

The Gregorian chant didn't do it. I had to go with inane 80's bop - The Bangles, no less - to get my heart beating again (with all lights blazing, of course).

This should be fun...but it's going to be laptop-in-bright-daylight playing.


A really lame Ring rip off. Even worse then Scary Movie(s) attempts.


Absolutely terrifying (though I have to admit, even though I love being scared, I am a sook.) I had no sound on, in a well-lit room, with the news turned on to distract me when I needed a break from the intensity of it, and I STILL put my hand up in front of my face to somewhat block my view of the screen when I knew I was getting close to the end of the 'room'. If you're as big a sook as me go to the link SINTHAIstudio posted ( (Don't know if you can get there without finishing the game?) If you don't mind spoilers, you can see the faces of the dead people there as wallpapers, and they won't scare you as much when they pop out. (Theoretically!) I'd do a walkthrough, but I'm too chicken to play it again right now! (And yes, I know how sad that is.)

anonymouse April 21, 2010 6:09 AM

nooooooo! the bedroom isn't loading for me D:


Had I played this at night with the lights off like some people, I'd probably be needing a new pair of shorts right about now... I don't do the whole jumpy spooky thing too well. Thankfully I played in the daytime with the sound off!

I do agree that at times I feel like I'm just clicking randomly and there were a few occasions where I'd actually missed an item so I spent about two minutes clicking for no reason. Then again, the randomness helps contribute to the spooky factor - you never know when something is going to happen!!


It's an alright game, but more interactive art than anything else.
I know I'm not playing this in the dark (and nor do I intend to) but the random clicking doesn't make it any more or less scary, just annoying.

I am still in the bathroom (in-game, it isn't that scary) and waiting for another cliched 'screamer' style popup.

No offense to the developer as there was obviuosly quite a bit of work put into this, but it could be a little more game-like and less like looking through an interactive photo album.

LadyOfTheNight April 21, 2010 1:40 PM

To be honest, I did not find the first House scary at all. I expected the second to have improved, and be more frightening.
Suffice to say, I was not disappointed.

Like when the light switch made a fizzling sound on the first levl, i actually found myself thinking: ‘Dear God, don't let the light go out!'
The atmosphere started to fade a little in the bathroom, when I clicked everything a million times and nothing happened. but then I realised I'd missed clicking on the toilet, and things got going again. When the ghost at the window appeared, my fear returned- I couldn't bring myself to open to shower curtain again. But when I did, and found the body in the shower, I actually cried out: ‘I don't want to play anymore!'
Unlike the first game, by the third room I actually feared the sound of the heartbeat- I knew it signalled the biggest scare was near.
In the bedroom, at the end, when the little girl's face popped up, I actually screamed. It was the first time a game had ever made me scream- indeed, the only time anything visual had ever made me scream.
The workroom scared me the most at the start- everything was so dark. I wasn't scared of what I could see, but what I couldn't. When the lights went out again after I out them on, I actually moaned ‘No, no, put the lights back on!' and clicked on the switch frantically, trying to find illumination. I screamed again when the hanging body popped up.
I almost started crying at several points, I was so scared.
I turned the game off before completing the work room, after finding the photograph of the baby (I think it was Alrena?). I just couldn't go on anymore.

My favourite thing about the game was how everything was black and white, except for the blood. That really added atmosphere.

Another thing I loved about this game was the back story. I felt so sorry for that family, in the end. My theory of what happened is:

The little girl (Alrena) was sick, for whatever reason. Really sick, and in horrible pain. So her father poisoned her to put her out of her misery. The parents then adopted another child, to try and fill the hole Alrena's death had left in their hearts. But the family was haunted by Alrena's ghost. The mother found out what her husband had done, and refused to forgive him. He killed himself, and took the rest of the family with him.

That's the impression the game gave me. Now, hopefully I can get into the secret room to find out how close I am to being right.

Wow, this comment was so long. I think I'm going to spoiler almost the entire thing, to avoid putting people off the game or clogging up the page.
Now I'm going to watch some Chance and Andy videos to try and calm down.

LadyOfTheNight April 21, 2010 1:43 PM

Just checked the Special Room.
I wasn't right, but I was close. Yay for me.

LadyOfTheNight April 21, 2010 2:02 PM

Just checked the Special Room.
I wasn't right, but I was close. Yay for me.


Click *sigh*, click *something happens*, click *sigh*

All in all one great big sigh. Seems the only intent is to creep you out and then scare you. Well I don't scare easily so all this did was irritate me with all the clicking. Graphics are nice, mood is creepy enough for most, but overall boring to play.

Anonymous April 21, 2010 3:44 PM

omg soooo easy and not scary


hurrah! just signed up after years of visiting! Thank you for a fantastic website; I'm convinced that my university experience would have been far less stressful had it not been for the lure of!

Anyway, The House 2...

This game is really, really frustrating. It was scary in places but the atmosphere was completely diminished by the tedium of clicking everything many times randomly.


In the final room when the safe opens and that lass crawls out only to disappear with nothing but the echoing menace of footsteps behind you - absolutely terrifying!!

That scene managed to redeem an otherwise disappointing game.

Leemondo April 21, 2010 6:57 PM

Is it just me or is the most tedious 'non game' ever invented? pointless clicking on 3 objects untill something dull happens! Please don't ever bring out another game like this!

hothotpot April 21, 2010 7:36 PM

Got to the second room, and realized that at some point later in the scene something terrifying was going to be behind that damned shower curtain, and I closed the window. NO THANK YOU!


I'm on the fence with this game. Although it's annoying to repeatedly click items to get anything to happen, the scares come when your guard is completely down. Right now I'm stuck in the working room and have clicked all available items about 1,000 times each. I'm completely stuck.


Save yourself the trouble. Watch the Exorcist on your computer and just click the mouse randomly throughout the movie. Same experience, less frustration.

Amy Waldron April 22, 2010 2:12 AM

I was super excited when I saw that there was a sequel. I couldn't wait to get started. I must say I was horribly disappointed and frustrated with the amount of clicking you have to do just to get to the next room. I love the atmosphere and the effects; really scary, no complaints there. But a person can only click and click and click for so long before it's not worth it anymore. I give the game an A+ for graphics and scare factor, but it just takes too many clicks to do anything. Very annoying and frustrating. :(


The House 2 Walkthrough:

FYI, the spoilers are glib and will ruin the experience.


Scary backstory!

1. Click.
2. Click "Get Inside."

Yes. This looks like a fun place to hang out.


That blood looks like a good sign, doesn't it?

3. Click on the door 6 times.

The door opens...


4. Click the photo, note, and switch (on wall) in rotation until something happens.

"Something" = "Ghost"

5. Click the photo.

Oh no, it's covered in blood from my blood-hole! I knew I should have disposed of that according to EPA regulations.

6. Click the photo, note, and switch in rotation until something happens.

Yeah, "something" pretty much means ghost from here on out. Was anyone else hoping for a French maid outfit? Anyway, she drops a note.

7. Click on the new item (note). Read it.

Year of birth. Yeah, that means NOTHING. Thanks a heap, unsexy-ghost-maid.

8. Click on the note in the chair.

It's changed! Ghost magic at work, presumably.

9. Do the note-picture-switch-other note clicking rotation again. Nothing happens.
10. Click on the photo.


11. Click on the note in the chair again.

Ghost magic again. And... ghost blood? Maybe real blood. Stupid blood-hole.

12. Do the click-on-everything-in-order tango a couple more times.

Ghost maid appears in the chair. WHEN SHE SHOULD BE WORKING! It's so hard to get good help these days.


13. Click on everything (bible, faucet, toilet, shower) a couple times until something happens.

You can't click quickly... give a couple seconds between each click. Oh, and in case you're forgotten, "something" means "ghost."

14. Click the faucet.

Ahh, blood in the plumbing. Always a good sign.

15. Click the note floating in the sink.

The writing looks like his pen was running out of ink. Has that ever happened to you? Yeah, you'd want to kill someone too if you couldn't find a working pen.

16. Click everything again.
17. Open the curtain.

Feet. BE SCARED! (If you hate feet. If you have a foot fetish, BOY ARE YOU IN LUCK!)

18. Click the note.
19. Click everything again.

There's a dude waiting for you in the shower. For the first time in this game, I'm scared. Don't drop the soap.


This is where the magic happens.

20. Click everything (teddy bear, music box, frame) until the music box starts winding.
21. Click everything until something happens.

Yup. Ghost.

21. Click everything until notes appear on the wall.
22. Click each note.
24. Click the frame.

If only she was 18...

25. Click the note popping out of the dresser.
26. Click everything until two somethings happen.
27. Click the music box.
28. Look at the screen closely.

You're welcome.


It's dark.

29. Find and click on the light switch (left side, between the windows).
30. Click on everything (bottle, note in drawer, rope) until something happens.

You should note the year of birth on the birth certificate, too. Remember the ghost-maid?

31. Click on everything once.
32. Turn out the light.
33. Click on the glimmer in the middle of the screen.


34. Turn on the lights again.
35. Click everything until something happens.

"Something" in this case actually means the ghost goes away. Sorry to lead you astray, there.

36. Click the note under the bed.
37. Click on everything until the note under the bed changes.

Yeah, changes to a creepy-lookin' kid.

38. Click everything again.

Ghost hands steal the creepy-baby photo.


39. Click on the safe.
40. Enter the code.

The year of birth.

You had to remember ONE THING.

Seriously, don't try any escape the room games.

1947. *sigh*

41. Click the note in the safe.

Same pen as earlier, I'll note.

[Cutscene] May have to click?

42. Click on the lower hinge.

Yep. Bad suspicions confirmed. Gee, I wonder why none of the LOCALS ever hang out at this place?

43. Click again. Maybe. I'm bad with cutscenes.

You're done!

Are you dead? Maybe. You just tango'd with a ghost. But you have a key, so that's cool. Also, don't worry, none of this was real. In case you're inclined to think Flash games are real.

They're not.


My everlasting gratitude to you, basseq! Not just for the walkthrough, but the brilliant verbal style that made it possible for me to keep my heart beneath my ribs every time "something" happened ("wink, wink").
This is good interactive experience. I don't mind the multiple clicks needed, that's equivalent to nothing scary happening in a horror movie until the next gasp. ("Gasp" being a euphemism for my womanly routine of squeaking in terror, hiding behind anything I can grab and vowing never to watch a scary movie again.)
Is it normal that now I find the "Captcha" picture below here creepy?

RexiaXIV April 23, 2010 2:31 AM

Holy- a second one!? 8D

First one scared the hell out of me and it's 8:25 PM, so I'll do it later.

Hmm, is it still 'click til something happens'? Oh well... That's the only thing I didn't like about these.

The beauty of the House game is the atmosphere. The music, setting. And this plays with suspense and nerves perfectly. Even if it is pointless, the suspense and the feeling of 'ohholycrap holy crap, what'sgoingtohappennext' makes me want to play. Even if I'm horrible with jump scares. 8'D

But the play on nerves and emotion is really the only thing. x'D I think it'd be amazing if they tried to put more gameplay in this and more point/purpose. If they could put good gameplay in this, it'd be an EPIC horror game in my opinion.


A little spooky, but nothing too original. All of the ghosts look like the Grudge. Gameplay gets a big fat zero. Nice storyline, if only you could figure out WHILE playing the game, rather than having to read everything in the end notes. Nice effects. OK game, and should scare you, unless you watch horror movies as often as I do. 5/10


Finished the game!!!!! Freaking scary >.<


yyyy, after working my way out form the living room I've decided to wait until ma husbands comes back home. I'd rather I werem't alone, even in broad daylight. Either this game is excesively scary, or I'm terrible chicken liver


Meh. Another game with a lot of cribbed Ring/Grudge "creepy little girl" Photoshops and jump scares. Also, the door closing sound is the same as what you hear when a friend leaves MSN, which sort of ruins the effect. The clicking was really irritating, too.


I haven't played the game yet. I opened it, and the piano music started, and I couldn't go in. I hate that music! I've played the first one at least 10 times and I still have to cover my eyes. Anyway:

I went to the special room because I wanted to know the plot. I was unpleasantly surprised midway through reading...

Is it just me or is the plot more believable than the first game?

It was quite common for families to kill disabled children in that time period. Setting aside the ghost part, it could be true. The first plot, was...sketchy. A woman kills her family so they can die with her?!?! Not as believable to me.

TheJoker April 28, 2010 3:54 AM

Too scared to play, too scared to play!!! Argh, i'm gonna play!


I'm stuck in the bathroom...I've clicked on the shower curtain, the Bible, and the faucet 1000 times...and nothing is happening

SINTHAIstudio May 2, 2010 12:50 AM

You missed the Toilet

Anonymous May 6, 2010 9:50 AM

Need help in the Working room! Where's the bed!?!

Anon Y Mous May 11, 2010 3:22 AM

Pretty good, just involves a little bit of waiting, but the suspense is actually a good thing. It kind of gives the feeling of you kow something is gonna happen, especially the last scene. You just want it over with. Also any game that makes you talk to the ghosts in the game is pretty good.


Freaking scary man!!! It looks like their real daughter is the ghost. They killed because she was seriously ill and she came back and killed everyone even the adopted daughter !!!!!!!


Ok now that game is much more nerve-wracking and frustrating than the first... I actually got a walkthrough for the first (And much more scary games)

I would say, the only thing that got me was when...

When the note changed to that CREePY LITTLE KID in the Working Room...


Hoooly Crap! This game REALLY IS SCARY! Gave me quite a shock here and there! So if you get scared or startled or shocked easily, I really wouldn't play this at night!


scary for the first time but not for the second!


guys?does anybody know the combination to the safe in the safe room?


the code is 1947, Alrena's birth year
Alrena is the daughter of the couple who commit suicide that has been told in the intro.
For more information, finish the game.

Remember, the code is 1947


Does anyone know how to get to the Special Room which is supposed to explain what happened to this family? When I click on the key to the special room (after getting through the Safe Room), I get nothing but black...



Or better yet, just tell me the story behind this game! (With spoiler alerts, of course)



So many requests for this. Hope this will help.

If your special room will not load, open the door by entering
Be aware, Google Chrome users. Sometimes Google will be Josh and will say it doesn't exist. When it does.

I'll list what clickables there are in each room.

Living Room : Note in the chair, light switch to the left, and the picture with the ugly kid.

Bathroom : Sink that floods with blood (Rhymes :D), shower that has the curtains slide open quickly, a bible, and the toilet. (a Note will appear in the sink when blood gushes out)

Bedroom : Music Box, Note in the drawer, an award to that ugly girl (YOU NEED A MAKEOVER DUMB GIRL), and a teddy bear.

Working Room : The dead body, the picture of the dead baby, the light switch, a bottle of poison, a rope (which if clicked, has a hanged person pop-up), the note in the drawer, and the key that glimmers on the dead body.

Safe Room : Input the date of birth. You should know this by now (Or you were closing your eyes too much) 1947. >:( You silly little cat. Then click on the note in the safe. Soon enough (You might want to click if your game sucks at loading) the safe goes.... *SLAM* shut.

If you're a REAL wimp about these games, you're in luck. Never fear; Josh is here!
These are the jump scares.

This will ruin the scares, but no one wants to see you have a heart attack, right? But it is PG-13, and it is your choice to go in or not. (I love these sorts of things. I'm only 1 year over 13 anyway.)

Living Room : This isn't scary at all. No need to list the scares. And if you're dead scared by the time you're in the bathroom, get out of the house. (There's a big button that's red and has a lonely X over it. Remember it?)

Bathroom : You'll see the dude in the shower. (I was like "No Homo, Dude")

Bedroom : Oh, I'm sure creepy lookin' girls with blood on their faces that pop-up are much scarier than OOH! Scary Maze game Exorcist girl! (She looked retarded anyway) The pleasure is mine?

Working Room : The body that falls from the ceiling and when the hands pop-up to steal your photo of the poor baby.

Safe Room : I don't really approve this one to be a pop-up. The girl just covers her face with her hands, then opens and screams. (No fun at all when there's just random screaming for no reason. Go tape her mouth.)

Haha, was bored. But too many requests. I AM NO HERO.


AnimeLover June 26, 2010 7:55 PM


This is what the story of the house 2 is about. The legend, to be exact. SPOILERS (Didn't think a donation page would have a pop-up on it -.-)

This house had been the site of a group suicide and has been left empty for decades since.
This house was once the home of a small family: father, mother, daughter, and the maid.
Something unusual happened in this house. the maid could feel it when she had just moved
to work here,to look after their daughter. And she also came across something that should
not been known about the daughter: that the daughter was not the real daughter of this
couple, but she was the orphan that this couple had adopted. The maid also knew that the
couple used to have their own child before, named Alrena.But before the maid learnt more
about this family, she was killed.The step daughter also did not know that the couple
(her parents whom she stayed with) had their own child before and she often saw a
long-hair girl during the night time. And... where's Alrena, the real daughter of the
couple? Alrena was born in 1947 severely disabled. The couple raised her for some time
but knew so that she must have been suffering and would never have a good future. so the
couple poisoned her and put her dead body in the safe, putting the code as Alrena's birth
year. Ever since then, that room has been locked and no one has ever been in there. Time
went by and the couple adopted a child but they never forgot what they had done in the
past and were sometimes still confronted with.... Alrena. Finally that family all decided
to commit suicide. But Alrena's spirit is still there in the house...she has grown up...
she has not been dead... as she wanted to live.

Well, that was exactly from the page itself.


Thank you Josh01 and AnimeLover! At last!!

OchaMaharani June 29, 2010 4:44 AM

LOL to waste time clicking on things in the room that is not important! not at all spooky and scary! and very old ghosts are out. funny

Renbrook July 4, 2010 12:58 AM

This wasn't very scary i was hoping for something to scare the hell out of me and i really hate the multiple clicking nice game though.


I MADE IT!!!!!!!!

Sanguine August 5, 2010 8:56 AM

? Ok, so it has a good jump factor. But why, oh why do you have to click three things 5 million times just to get a minor shock? xmortis and Ghostscape was ten times better than this in both gameplay and scare factor.
Btw, I'm stuck in the bathroom!!!! *grumbles*

DeadGirl August 5, 2010 9:50 AM

God I just finished playing the game and it was even scarier then the first one! I was about to quit when I was in the bathroom when I thought "Dude, I made it this far can't quit now!!" Obviousley I regreted it later on the working room and even more on the safe room (Man I hate girls with blood all over them -_-) but man that was some awesome game!! =) I can still feel my heart pumping like crazy! XD

George L. August 9, 2010 8:34 PM

We're stuck in the working room...we're frustrated..what do i do? Please help me! D: =O >:( ohh and we can't find the picture under the bed or the key. What do i do??

I got this!!
-pounds on chest-


Before I go on telling you guys how much this freaked me out, I'll give you a tip:

- this game is all about clicking the same things a lot of times to unlock new things to keep clicking on. So don't get frustrated if it takes some time, then you just have to start clicking the same things again.

So now my review:

Talk about a scary game! This is just what I like, I hate when it's all bloody that's only gross not scary, this makes your nerves work constantly, and drives your mind crazy cause you KNOW something will happen in one point - but when?
I was playing this alone at night, which I recommend if you're extremly hardcore (I thought I was) - but if you don't feel like jumping and screaming at least play it during daytime:)

This reminds me of the time I watched The Grudge and The Ring alone in 6th grade.. I don't think I could sleep properly until 8th grade - and thats years ago, although I'm only 16 now, and I have recovered, this brings back the memories of feeling stalked, and I was actually a bit scared opening the curtain to my shower after this game...

Before I post this, let me just add:

WTF WAS UP WITH THE LAST SCENE?! That scared me out my mind....

northwind August 23, 2010 8:53 AM

i loved the humor in the walkthrough (basseq). good job! got stuck in the bedroom so i looked for help. the girl scared the wits out of me!


Just imagine this game made into a movie XD It would be hilarious if some guy what flicking the lights and looking at the same paper over and over again xD

Redhairsword September 22, 2010 7:13 PM

My first thought on hearing that tinkling piano was "I wonder if I can play this whole game without breathing?" I'm terrible with jump scares and have to usually turn the sound off. I even jumped when the board slid on the DOOR for crying out loud! And I wasn't even IN the house yet! TT_TT I'm such a wimp...
Yet here I go!


i was scared when i playd this game. but i did it. first i was stuck on the bathroom, but then i passed it. I was so scared all the time i played this, that sometimes i couldn't even watch. The Special Room was a great end for the story, but i didn't want to watch the pictures. I think it's fun to be scared, but still, i don't know if i ever wanna play this again...


Actually i think it is a great game and you should play it with friends and joke around it together playing it by yourself actually is scarier and i dont want to type anymore cause i once played a game where i typed and something popped out of the screen... i only managed to enter the bathroom cause i dont want to see the legs hanging in the bath and OMG the captcha looks so scary!!


haha I played this game with my 10 year old brother in the night!!! It really scary!!!! I just clicked without see the game!!!! .. and we made it!


awesome! it's like you're investigating the murder of the guy you play as in the house1!


I've already finished this game ..

At the end .. it says that ..

Alrena was born in 1947 severly disabled. The couple raised her for some time but knew so that she must have been suffering and would never have a good future. So the couple poisoned her and put her dead body into the safe, putting the code as Alrena's birth year. Ever since then, that room has been locked and no one has ever been in there...


Special room didn't work for me, so thanks for the link - it was interesting!

Anonymous October 28, 2010 3:36 AM

duuuuude :S im stuck in the bathroom. no matter how much i click and what i click and WHEN i click, nothing changes. ????? heeeelp :)


Everything blends in well...
It's a very good game if Halloween is coming up 'cuz it's just freaking shocking....
I happen to play it late at night with my friends...
We're all shocked to death...
The clicking somehow makes us expecting something but it didn't come out then when the surprise comes we got a heart attack!


I canot accses special room

SINTHAIstudio November 16, 2010 6:47 AM

There was a special room 'TheHALLOWEEN' launched on Oct 31 2010. or

have fun!



I have trouble in the safe room


i guess this game appeals mostly to half of who it is targeted towards. great try at scare tactics, others would say just "successful try"

to be quite honest, i was really bored. I can see how it would be scary, and i was a bit scared myself; alone at night with the lights off and the sound on.. just to see..

BUT. it was predictable. i couldn't help this squint in my eye every time i suspected a scary something, and i was never wrong. it came through like an on-time menstrual cycle- always there before it's "there"

kind of like this game.. only not as exciting as menstrual cycles, however i do appreciate the art, music(sound?) and everything else that went into this game, just not the predictability.

better luck next time


well actually this game is pretty scary but i just can't stand the clicking thing. honestly, i'm posting this comment while waiting for something to happen in the bathroom 'cause i've been clicking like hundred times and nothing happened. i think this game isn't really suitable for impatient people like me


the game is actually scary but the only thing that ruins everything is the clicking. i really want to finish this game 'cause i think it's better than the first The House game, but somehow i got stuck in the bathroom. i kept on clicking the Holy Bible, water tap and shower curtain till my index finger aches but nothing happened. i wonder if there's something wrong with the game or what.


What's the "Special Room"?


ok heres exactly what i did to get passed...
1. The Living Room
idk if you have you have to do them all but i did: picture, letter, light switch, picture, picture, letter... after that is:picture, letter ... then: picture .. then: lightswitch, letter, picture, letter, lightswitch ... then: picture, letter x4, lightswitch? then: note on the floor, letter, lightswitch, picture. and finally, letter, picture, lightswitch, note, letter? :P im pretty sure thats what i did if it doesnt work for you sorry lol

InstantClassic January 30, 2011 8:53 PM

one word.. okay maybe two.. TRULY AND ENTIRELY AMAZING!!!! ..fine four words O_O..
lol anyways i thought this was great except for the fact that i had to change my pants after every room... that kinda sucked :P lol next time (like theres gonna be a next time for me YEA RITE) im turning the lights on and sound off,yea not the smartest thing for me to do that backwards...

Raychel Jayne January 31, 2011 9:34 PM

What's up with working room? So far all thats happend is some chick hanging. What do I do to move on?

Rockmusic500 February 4, 2011 3:13 PM

Is there a House 3? ... Cause if there is i wanna play it NOW!


I'm such a wimp

I only get as far as when the blood runs down the wall in the first room before I exit out of the game; even if I'm playing it without sound.


How do you get through the bathroom, I seem to find myself getting stuck there.


how to get through the safe room?
what is the password..
so difficult to finish this game..


what happened to Nicole? where's her body?


I had to stop playing because for some reason every time I clicked that stupid toilet in the bathroom, my head felt like someone was stabbing me with a sharp object...stupid toilets.

Anywho, I would just like to say I LOVE whoever wrote the walkthrough. It made my day a bit.


how do you get through the work room?


the safe code is 1947 but then i dont know how to get to the special room


OMG!!!! that was very scary my heart even beating fast and i play scary house 1 and 2. MY friend play scaryhouse 3 i never play that before. and that game it very awsome and it scary i been playing like 65 time to show my family and my brother sister everyone lol


Got stuck in the working room for long time, got the safe key. someone help.


Stuck in the bathroom. Help!!!

Deandra June 5, 2011 3:55 AM

i'm stuck in the bedroom. please help, i can only found 3 items that can be clicked her : the certificate, the doll, and the music-box

vertex138 June 23, 2011 11:49 AM

Trying to click the "lower hinge" in the fifth room on the vault door. NOTHING IS HAP... Woah! what was that? *opens screen* holy... hi... WOAH!!! oh, hi...

Special room? ok... Ah, screen went black, won't do anything... Time to play the vault again... 1947... note... cutsceen... NOTHING IS STILL HAPPENING! DUMB GAME!

this is sad...


Why do you think the adult's faces are blocked out? I mean, the kids faces are left exposed

for the bedroom and ending

but why did the adults faces get blacked out?


My god, this is the most scary flash game I've ever played. God. I couldn't even look at the ghost in the end, in case I couldn't sleep when lights off until the next month. God.
And thanks for the 'suprise' in the walkthrough. Yeah. Totally cool, bro.

K3yoTEY July 23, 2011 3:32 AM


..oh yii July 26, 2011 5:14 AM

..i cannot pass in the living room what will i do?


password is the birth year, i think 1947. I can't see anything in the special room. Anyone know how to pass that room?


Awesome game and awesome walkthrough dude you're hilarious!


whats the #'s in the last room in house 2


The password is 1947 :)

Ebilmeeki December 8, 2011 8:20 PM

It's not that scary i got spooked once or twice, but nothing really. When I clicked the key for the special room it just blacked out, But It was a really awesome game.


i know the code, it's 1947

alexis canales December 12, 2011 7:10 PM

im stuck at the living room,ugh.


I don't know why do we have to click it so many time. It will just make it boring.


To pass the safe room first you have to click the safe and put 1947 in then a note appears click on it than the lights go out and a girl crawls out then there is blood hand prints on the wall and you click them then the safe snaps shut then the lights go out again and this person is covering their face with their hand you keep clicking then she screams, you pee and your done x


And for the living room keep clicking the light the letter and the photo eventually something happens

Soekenthir February 3, 2012 10:21 AM

O My God! Scariest game ever!!!! XD

Mathew Johnes February 27, 2012 12:46 PM

The passwordin The Safe House is 1947.That's the birthdate of some person in the game.

novascottch March 14, 2012 10:34 PM

There seems to be some confusion about the Special Room Key. It's not a key to a special room. It's a special key that allows access to all rooms, so you can go back and replay any part of the game. Just wanted to clear that up. Had me a little let down, too :)


AH crap stucked in living room


I managed TO Finish the Game xD

The Password for the Safe in the Safe room is 1947 ^^
It's pretty easy you just need to click a bunch of things over and over and over again...


Stuck in the bathroom. WHERE IS THE SHOWER?!

luisafmallet June 3, 2012 11:43 AM

That girl on the photo looks like my hamster.
Idk but my hamster is not that scary. O-o
And good game btw. .-.


The house 2 walkthrough but just until working room ( im stuck on working room )but i just tell you what that can be clicked

1st room :.there are family photo, lamp plug, letter and, second letter after seeing the 2nd ghost

2nd room : there are bible, toilet flush, curtain, wastafel faucet, letter after the sink full of blood

3rd room :There are doll, a toy on the bed, 3 letter (gone after you click it), picture ( on the drawer in the left and before seeing the final ghost)and adoption letter

4th room : Im stuck in this room , what i find is just poison and a birth letter and rope before seeing the ghost at the rope.

5th room : 1947 is the code

hogpotter July 15, 2012 12:50 AM

Am I the only one who finds this game boring?


Not the only one, but you're definitely in the minority according to the ratings on this game. There's no "one-size-fits-all" game out there that I know of. :)


so scary and full blood and make me want to slap this flash game

mommaluck October 19, 2012 5:56 PM

not scary. Kinda creepy, but not AT ALL scary. from all the comments, I was expecting to be at least a little scared.
As an Interactive Art piece, this is kinda neat & creepy.

Game play consists ONLY of random clicking repeatedly on 3-4 different items on the screen, repeatedly, until something happens. Did I mention REPEATEDLY? No skill, strategy, or anything needed, except for 1 small number recall at the end. Got on my nerves. Then, it's over. Really short, like 15 minutes or so.

I really am not understanding all the "SO SCARY" comments, unless those are young kids. Like, I wouldn't let a


Click click click click.. I have clicked on the note and the photo better than 100 times.. And reloaded clicked some more.. When your board ya count ... OK so I am getting NO WHERE Scared... NOT A bit.. I am in the second category..
well if someone has some ideas.. I would like to get past the photo and the note. thanks


I am with the one that feels it is pointless to click click click and not know if we are getting somewhere. I dont feel like what I am doing is doing any thing.. SO I click click.. Something happens.. Click click click and something else happens.. by the comments that is how it is going to go. I hope not.. But am still trying to get past the note and photo..


ok finally got through it. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWN mm..


Hi all! Im a girl and I certainly LOVE bloody stuff!!! ^^ and I can't really not help drawing stuff like somebody killing someone else with a sword,arrow,knife etc. OMG D: Plus,I totally love this game! I've been playing it all these days in a row... I can play much more than Transformice or Fly Like a Bird 3 or Lif... I started playing it after my friends (two boys) were watching the walkthrough. I felt like I needed to play it like at that moment. I really DON'T get scared without any sound ( so that means the SOUNDS scare me off) but with them I jump,but I don't scream-at all. Man,and The Safe Room is actually pretty easy to finish LOL. When Alrena's grown-up ghost appears with her scream I was like LOL this is NOT a scary ending! (NO LIE!!!) XD


Ohhh this game is really scary , well the first time i played it , it was so scary , even the second and the third time, and its a bit boring cuz u keep on pressing on things until something scary comes


Not so scary.. in indonesia this is a good place for play "jlangkung" :p anyway.. i m stuck in living room..

Reply September 23, 2013 9:50 AM

This game was well done. I do not scare easily at all, and I'm in a constant search trying to find something that will creep me out. This game was recommended on youtube under the top five free scary games, so I thought I'll come check it out. I was not scared sh**less or anything, but I found the atmosphere nicely creepy, and I was even startled by some of the startle scenes (which seldom works for scaring me). The story is a little similar to The Ring/The Ring Two (that is not to say the similarity is deliberate) but I still enjoyed playing it and found it compelling enough to play to the end. It left me with a creepy feeling afterward.

cecekat312 October 2, 2013 11:54 AM

Anyone else notice

the toilet seat is up in the bathroom?

george.married.mindy December 10, 2013 2:11 AM

Ok...well...yeaaah, i had to turn the game off i got through the living room after what seems like a million clicks. i was gonna quit then but i really wanted to see what was gonna happen. so then im in the bathroom and i clicked the shower 100 times and nothing. i flushed the toilet 44 times and nothing. i clicked the bible and almost fell asleep.

harrysqomarul December 18, 2013 9:17 AM

have complete the whole series...all of it...well for me i got the scariest part is here:

when i complete the bedroom i thought just a simple loading screen...but suddently that B*&%# Mary scare me with peek a boo...but i really love that part


DON'T even try to go into special rooms...when i was playing it offline by downloading the .swf file there'a a file called "conclusion".I was confuse what it is so i try came with the story of the house 2...when you reading all the story DON'T even try to click randomly in story page or alrena will come to give you surprise!!


I just keep clicking on everything over and over again, until things started to happen, did take a while though


The code is the birthday on the certificate in the workroom

TowerWizard July 27, 2014 12:11 PM

This is not really a game. You just click on the clickable areas agan and again randomly until the game trows something at you seemingly at random. Yes, the jump scares are scary, but what else is new? There is nothing to do but click... A good thing it just takes ten minutes to go though to the unbelivable conclusion. 1/5

Tuvstarr March 8, 2015 9:19 PM

played both games the house and the house 2 all i got was goosebumps on my left arm lol. was not scared at all i did play this 1 AM to 2 AM XD. going to bed now YAWN. Ask me for help to scare the shit out of people when making The house 3 ok? :D. more klickable stuff then just 3-4 things would be nice and several jumpscares in a row with random length between them :3. That should do it. It was good entertaining though ps why i do not get scared played alot of scary games :3. hehe. cya night night it is 02:18 am here now. need sleep.


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