Manuever the ship with the mouse, and fire by left clicking. It can take a minute to get used to the way your bullets travel towards the center of the screen, but f1ash is generous; in addition to a gentle difficulty curve, the two lines dividing the screen into quadrants act as crosshairs which mark the point that every shot must pass through. Precision targetting pays off, as consecutive hits will quickly rack up your combo meter and earn big points. You're only allowed to have 4 bullets on the screen at once, another incentive to make every shot count.
Invader360 earns a bit of replayability with random placement of its waves of enemies. Although an overall lack of frills such as music, powerups and colors might turn some players off, Invader 360 is ideal for perfectionists and high score chasers. The game may run slowly in fullscreen for some users, which makes it far too easy. Use this link to play a smaller version.
18780 points. Original, entertaining and well executed. 4 out of 5.
dang, only 18580... the ship's gun apparently "runs hot" after a certain amount of shots in a row, and needs to cool down, but clicking still makes the shooting noise, quite irritating
This game is awesome. Daniel you might be hearing the enemy shots; they have the same noise.
High scores are really easy to get if you keep a chain going.
Woo, 57248 :)
The difficulty ramps up nicely and the varied patterns are like varied enemies. Enjoyable!
THanks for the link to Torus Trooper. At lvl 10 I dont really know whats going on, its just insanity. It actually makes me giggle. XD
Question: how do you get a chain? my bullet only hits 1 enemy then dissapears.
My first playthrough, I shot myself XD
For me, it's best to vary strategy. If I just lost a big chain, I move to the far side of the board from the enemies and let loose a barrage. You get bonus points for "long shots" I think. Then when things quiet down again, I go back to precision shooting.
Altogether, a really fun game.
81085 - on a laptop
my score is 26760!
That was pretty fun...
You get a chain by destroying multiple enemies in a short period of time. I'm not sure, but missing may break the chain.
50700 on my first try. Its very fun and a great thank you for sharing it. :)
There's no actual gun cooldown, but you can only have 4 shots on the screen at one time. Standard game mechanic, stops it being too easy :)
The chain is just however many enemies in a row you have shot without missing. If you miss, then the chain is broken and you have to start over again.
All the game needs are bosses and powerups. :)
Great, simple game.
My best score 343,947, got by getting a 230+ chain of hits.
Haha, this game is so fun and addicting. I don't know what my high score is right now. The thing is I have a problem with accidentally shooting myself.