An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

You're Grounded!

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You're Grounded!

DoraYou're Grounded! Words any kid hates to hear, especially when you're a child genius who just needs to dismantle a few more household appliances to make his inventions. But in Random Games' point-and-click puzzle game, your evening spent stewing in your room is interrupted by... you! From the future! Seems the city is about to be destroyed and only you can stop it, but you've only got a few minutes. Luckily, you've got a time machine that you can use to rewind (and only rewind) time, so all you need to do is gather everything on the list your Future Self left you (or build it... once you figure out what it is...), assemble the machine, and save the day! Easy!... right? To play, just click any item that highlights when your cursor passes over it to interact. Click any two items in your inventory to try to combine them, and click the numbers at the bottom of the screen to travel to different points in time, though be warned... you can only move backwards, not forwards, though at least you can do so as much as you like!

You're Grounded!You're Grounded! is one seriously cute little game, packing in a ton of expressive detail and animation despite its simplistic graphics. What's interesting is how well the game plays with its core concept of time travel... you're not just gathering items and using them in simple point-and-click fashion, you need to figure out when to take certain actions and even work with the shadows of your past self in order to accomplish certain objectives. Heck, sometimes you'll even be working against yourself if you're trying to use an item for another purpose when your past self is already snatching it up for something you've tried before. There's so much to interact with in the room that it can be a little overwhelming, especially since most of the items on your list of necessities will take a little puzzling and ingenuity to figure out. The game offers few hints, so largely it's up to you to experiment and figure out what to do, and not everyone is going to appreciate wandering or waiting around, trying to figure out what to do next, or when. Still, fiddling around is actually a lot of fun despite the way having to click each dialogue bubble closed is mildly annoying. You're Grounded! is a funny, clever little gem of a point-and-click puzzle game that's definitely worth a play, and its creativity and bright design means we hope this isn't the last from its developer.

Play You're Grounded!

Walkthrough Guide

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  1. To open the box, use the pencil on the front table.

  2. To find out how to use the machine, check the science fiction books on the shelf and read “The Domestic Time Travel”.

  3. Materials to fix the motor:

    • Liquid Time (requires the switch)

    • Can be acquired after cutting the wire behind the dusty trunk. Combine the bandage box with the broken time machine and you’re good to go.

    • Four Legged Conductor

    • Grab the glass from the desk, fill it with water from the fish tank and pour the water into the bowl. Wait until Josephine stops in front of the dusty trunk and push it. Go back in time to help yourself push the trunk away. Take the toy sword and use it on the fork above the bed. Finally, 4 of you will be needed on top of each other to get the fork down.

    • PVC Stick

    • The PVC stick will fall off behind the trunk when the turtle chews through it.

    • Magnetic Tape

    • Once the trunk is pushed, grab the scissors from the opened drawer below the lamp. Use them to unlock each of the trunk’s locks at the same time. Lastly, use the scissors again on the Walkman to take the tape out.

    • Electrolytic Cell

    • Turn on the fan, get the robot down and use the scissors on it.
      Rope and magnet – Grab the rope from the lamp. Give the cup of water to the cat so that he’ll get up and get the tape. Pull the bottom left corner of the carpet and go back in time after a while. Grab the key and use it on the desk drawer. Repeat the process to get a new key and open the second one. Then simply combine the tape, the rope and the magnet together.
      Turning on the fan – get three of you on top of each other. With the 4th one, use the rope to reach the chain.
      Getting the robot down – Check the bottom right corner of the list of materials. The number written there is the combination to break the fan and get the toy down:


      Getting the batteries – once the robot is on the ground, simply use the scissors to open it and take the batteries. After putting one in the flashlight and one in the RC radio you’ll have one extra for the motor.

    • 9V Battery (requires Electrolytic Cell)

    • Put a battery in the RC radio and use it. Once you find the car, use the scissors on it to get the 9V Battery.

    • Switch (requires Electrolytic Cell)

    • Put a battery in the flashlight. Turn it on and wait for the blackout (the lightning icon in the timeline). Once the power is back on, go back in time and use the scissors to cut the wires behind the dusty trunk during the blackout.

    • Antenna

    • Click on the TV and then on its antenna.

  4. Connecting four motors

  5. Read the domestic time travel to learn how to travel to the future. Grab a motor and travel to the 5th minute. From the game over prompt select “Yes, I’m too young to die!” and repeat until you have 4 motors.

  6. Shoot the beam and save the city

  7. Flip the switch behind the trunk.

  8. Take a nap

Wait until the “-1” button appears on the timeline and click on it to take a well deserved nap.


-=MarkR=- July 16, 2015 2:05 PM

Really nice game! But stuck...

I found:

- Hexagon part

pencil on desk

- "How to time-travel"

2nd shelf of book closet on the right

- RC

on desk

- tape

take glass, scoop fish with glass, use glass on cat

- power cord

take from left light

- scissors

from left drawer, you might have to try more than once to open the drawer

- sword

under the really heavy trunk

can't push it by my self...

Start pushing for a while. Go back and help your counterpart to push the trunk.

- flashlight

Wait for yourself to appear in the top closet, click and catch the light. At ±2,7

- key

lift the carpet and wait

Done this before. So get the key while your counterpart lifts the carpet

- magnet

use key to open right closet, bottom drawer. Oh no! Key breaks!

Just get another key by taking it again from the floor

Now combine cord, tape and magnet to one sticky magnet-on-a-cord kind a thing

But then...

You can launch the fork into the bear

use the sword on the fork on the dart board

And it is possible to

form a human stair by climbing onto yourself

, but I don't know how to get the fork from the bear

-=MarkR=- July 16, 2015 2:58 PM

O, and

- antenna

by moving the television

- glass

by getting the glass again after you used it for the fish/cat

Yes! Started all over for this walkthrough, and now

I succeeded in getting the fork:

Go back to [0] and flip the fork over to the other side. As soon as it hits the bear, click on it. Wait until [1]. Click again to [0], wait until you reach for the fork and click on the fork again. You will then climb yourself. Wait until [1] again. Go back to [0], wait for yourself to climb onto yourself, click the fork again and climb onto both of you. Once more to be able to get the fork!

Next steps:

Open the trunk and get the


use scissors on trunk


So go back and use the scissors again

Magnetic tape

by combining the scissors and the walkman

turn the fan

by making aonther human stair

and finally use the magnet on the power cord

To get the robot

and some bandages

read the notes again

Numbers on the side?

set the fan speed to 2, 4, 1 and 6. The robot will fly through the room!


use scissors on robot to get some batteries. Use these on


to get RC-car

and on


To get 9V battery block

use scissors on RC car

Next, conquer darkness!

go to [2], use flashlight and wait until darkness is over

But stuck again... (for now ;) )

Tspider July 16, 2015 3:44 PM

here are the next steps

use scissors on exposed wiring

and then

grab pvc plastic cover on floor

Oh No

use bandages on time machine

eoyount July 16, 2015 3:54 PM

@Tspider: what

exposed wiring?


VoxPopuli42 July 16, 2015 4:26 PM

Wow, that was fun. I restarted three times because my past shadows were getting in the way of everything, but very satisfying to get it all right in the end!

Reply July 16, 2015 4:27 PM


I couldn't connect the 4 motors. After you've thrown everything on your list into the motor (in order), you can pick up the motor. When you're holding it, you can travel both forwards and backwards. However, I can't get it at any point now, because my past selves are all holding it. Also, the game doesn't end with the explosion anymore. I think I may have gotten myself in an unwinnable situation.

VoxPopuli42 July 16, 2015 4:28 PM replied to eoyount


The exposed wiring behind the trunk (which you'll need help to move)

You'll also need a certain hungry turtle to chew off the racetrack covering the wiring

She's only hungry once she's not thirsty

VoxPopuli42 July 16, 2015 4:31 PM replied to

I didn't find that you needed to do anything to connect them

Just press cancel to put them down next to each other, making sure to wait for previous ghosts to put theirs down first

Night Stryke July 17, 2015 12:46 AM

Good game. I had some problems with my past selves, notably

when I had to stack on them; if I messed up and wound up with a past self at the top of the stack or one I accidentally ended the action prematurely on a past self and dropped the stack I'd have to redo it completely in a different time segment because they're now in the way and there's no way to undo it.

I also had the game bug out completely near the end - I couldn't move or travel through time - so I had to restart the game, but it was much easier the second time around so that wasn't too bad, though still annoying as I was right at the end. Overall, good game. Like the premise and graphics, and I thought the puzzles were all good - logical without being too easy; gameplay was all right but could maybe have been improved with a limit on past selves or some way to undo them.

PrinceOfStars July 17, 2015 1:14 AM

I've got everything in the machine but the switch. How do I get it off the wall?

Night Stryke July 17, 2015 1:19 AM replied to PrinceOfStars

You don't.

Grab the green wire connected to it and connect that to the machine.

PrinceOfStars July 17, 2015 1:22 AM replied to Night Stryke

Just as I figured it all out, the game bugged and everything froze. So much work down the drain ;_;

Night Stryke July 17, 2015 1:26 AM replied to PrinceOfStars

Sounds like what happened to me. At least if you do decide to start over it's much smoother, if you remember all the steps.


What is the "liquid time"?

fran55sh July 17, 2015 2:00 PM replied to VoxPopuli42

Hi! I have 4 motors aligned, how do i shoot the beam?? :)

fran55sh July 17, 2015 2:22 PM replied to fran55sh

Oh i got it! Thanks for this awesome game!!


walkthrough please.


I can't seem to figure out how to shoot the beam, after all that hard work! I could use a hint, thanks in advance!

Jade July 18, 2015 7:39 PM replied to Jade



ummm ok.

Pizdorro July 21, 2015 4:49 AM replied to Shmeeg

I'm also stuck with liquid time. Please Help

Dingding321 July 21, 2015 5:38 AM replied to Pizdorro

Is there anything in your inventory other than the time travelling machine that has some icky green "liquid time" on it?

the box of bandages/band-aids you used to "fix" the time machine maybe?

Pizdorro July 21, 2015 6:48 AM replied to Dingding321

Got the ansver already. But thx

billyswong July 21, 2015 11:25 PM

i followed everyone's hint but have some issue with the scissors and bandage...

cutting exposed wire => electric shock, cutting failed
combine bandage with time machine => no response
did i still missed something?

Ezicle July 22, 2015 11:45 AM replied to billyswong

You have to cut the wires during the blackout

billyswong July 22, 2015 8:07 PM

thank you ezicie! i didn't get the wire exposed before blackout, so i never thought of that until you spoke of it!

Now what's left is the "electrolytic cell"....

billyswong July 25, 2015 8:02 AM

3 days and still no idea the "electrolytic cell". argh!!!

akjoltoy July 26, 2015 4:07 PM

How could anyone here not have the intelligence to mention putting water in the turtle's bowl to expose the wiring? Unbelievable.


akjoltoy July 26, 2015 4:12 PM

Also no explanation of "four legged" conductor. No idea what that is. I worked hard to get the cat into the motor.

akjoltoy July 26, 2015 4:22 PM replied to akjoltoy

I figured it out on my own due to my superior intelligence.


Question: What is "Magnetic tape?" Where do i find it?

youregrounded July 29, 2015 10:28 PM

Great Game!! Love it, except the bugs and glitches, hope they fix it soon.
Someone actually did a video walkthrough on youtube, I'm not sure if I'm allow to post the link. But here's the youtube ID "47_LLUuLIWQ"
Thank the dude whoever made the walkthrough. :D

billyswong July 31, 2015 10:33 PM replied to K.T.H.

K.T.H., the magnetic tape is

a cassette tape.

Miray August 1, 2015 1:25 AM replied to akjoltoy

It's the fork

ruth7railway August 3, 2015 3:24 PM

This had a serious glitch which ruined it for me. The PVC stick vanished from my inventory. I can't pick it up again because it says I already have it, but I can't see it in the inventory (there's no scrolling button either), so I can't finish the game.



  1. To open the box, use the pencil on the front table.

  2. To find out how to use the machine, check the science fiction books on the shelf and read “The Domestic Time Travel”.

  3. Materials to fix the motor:

    • Liquid Time (requires the switch)

    • Can be acquired after cutting the wire behind the dusty trunk. Combine the bandage box with the broken time machine and you’re good to go.

    • Four Legged Conductor

    • Grab the glass from the desk, fill it with water from the fish tank and pour the water into the bowl. Wait until Josephine stops in front of the dusty trunk and push it. Go back in time to help yourself push the trunk away. Take the toy sword and use it on the fork above the bed. Finally, 4 of you will be needed on top of each other to get the fork down.

    • PVC Stick

    • The PVC stick will fall off behind the trunk when the turtle chews through it.

    • Magnetic Tape

    • Once the trunk is pushed, grab the scissors from the opened drawer below the lamp. Use them to unlock each of the trunk’s locks at the same time. Lastly, use the scissors again on the Walkman to take the tape out.

    • Electrolytic Cell

    • Turn on the fan, get the robot down and use the scissors on it.
      Rope and magnet – Grab the rope from the lamp. Give the cup of water to the cat so that he’ll get up and get the tape. Pull the bottom left corner of the carpet and go back in time after a while. Grab the key and use it on the desk drawer. Repeat the process to get a new key and open the second one. Then simply combine the tape, the rope and the magnet together.
      Turning on the fan – get three of you on top of each other. With the 4th one, use the rope to reach the chain.
      Getting the robot down – Check the bottom right corner of the list of materials. The number written there is the combination to break the fan and get the toy down:


      Getting the batteries – once the robot is on the ground, simply use the scissors to open it and take the batteries. After putting one in the flashlight and one in the RC radio you’ll have one extra for the motor.

    • 9V Battery (requires Electrolytic Cell)

    • Put a battery in the RC radio and use it. Once you find the car, use the scissors on it to get the 9V Battery.

    • Switch (requires Electrolytic Cell)

    • Put a battery in the flashlight. Turn it on and wait for the blackout (the lightning icon in the timeline). Once the power is back on, go back in time and use the scissors to cut the wires behind the dusty trunk during the blackout.

    • Antenna

    • Click on the TV and then on its antenna.

  4. Connecting four motors

  5. Read the domestic time travel to learn how to travel to the future. Grab a motor and travel to the 5th minute. From the game over prompt select “Yes, I’m too young to die!” and repeat until you have 4 motors.

  6. Shoot the beam and save the city

  7. Flip the switch behind the trunk.

  8. Take a nap

Wait until the “-1” button appears on the timeline and click on it to take a well deserved nap.


What an excellent game. Great graphics with a wealth of detail and a good sense of humor prevent the time repetition mechanic in this short yet complex game from becoming tedious. You don't even feel like you are solving puzzles, which are disguised in very clever plot loops and an intriguing interface. The game welcomes and relies on experimentation, adding challenge without frustration. Cannot recommend highly enough.


Correction to the walkthrough! You don't wait for the -1 thing to appear - you have to

pick up the quantustatic generator first.


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