Your goal is to help the two adorable caged moppets escape whatever fate awaits them... hopefully. Click around on the screen to interact with items, and try to figure out what you need to escape. Witch is not what you might call logical, unless I missed something and my education was woefully inadequate in the many applications of pumpkin vomit. You'll need to experiment with every object you can click on to figure out how to reach one of two different endings. While this sort of gameplay does encourage a nice sense of discovery and experimentation that will appeal to some players, others may be put off by the trial-and-error approach. Fortunately, the Witch's hut is small, and little visual clues will steer you in the right direction.
Once you've figured out the correct order to click on which places, Witch is a pretty short and simple game. The game does not save your progress, and certain puzzle clues don't repeat, so make sure to keep a mental (or physical) note of any diagrams that might appear important if you want to save yourself some frustration on one puzzle. Despite its cute presentation, Witch earns her rating for some mildly ghoulish moments that might upset younger children. I can't imagine why not. I mean, I pop my own eyes out all the time when I cook. That's not weird. Just dedication. Speaking of, um. Did you happen to find anything... odd... in that soup I made for you yesterday? I'm... uh... missing something.
Thanks to Bogdan and Chiktionary for sending this one in!
A little rough on trying to figure out the right order of stuff, but good!
Well so far, I have gotten the fly to move the key, got the cheese, used the tentacles, used the hot peppers. But I can't move the cat and I cant get feathers from the bird... so any advice is welcome.
Well eventually figured it out, but it was a little frustrating guessing what was in the creaters mind. Particularly the order around the corn.
Cute game!
this only gives you one ending.
Click on fly next to pumpkin, so it lands on the key.
Click on wallpaper above pumpkin until the bug crawls up the wall.
Click on purple radish under cleaver until eyeball appears.
Click on eyeball. Read paper. Note that the raven enjoys cheese.
Click on yellow bell pepper under cleaver.
Click on black and white tentacle on the lower left side. Click on raven until severed tentacles fall above pumpkin. Quickly click all three severed tentacles so that three drops of blood land on the pumpkin and turns it into a puking jack-o-lantern.
Click on the fly until it brings pumpkin guts to the key. Click on the spider. The key will fall.
Click on the side of the recipe book nearest the cauldron. A picture of a mouth on fire will appear. While that picture is up, click on each of the three red peppers next to the cheese (you will need to click the recipe book three times to do this).
Click on eyeball where peppers were.
Click on the boy so he picks up the cheese.
Click on the mouse hole near the boy. Boy and mouse will make a deal for the mouse to get the key.
Click on the recipe book again, it will ask for feathers. Click on corn cob next to candle.
Click on the raven while it eats the corn -- the tentacles will get some feathers and drop one on the ground.
Click on mouse hole near the boy and then quickly on the feather. Mouse will get the feather. Click on mouse hole near the cat. Mouse will use feather to disturb spider to incapacitate cat. Click on mouse hole near cat again so mouse gets key.
When mouse has key, click on mouse hole near boy, and boy will trade cheese for key. Click on lock and cage will open and tentacle will fall down. Get eyeball from tentacle. Paper will arrive showing how to operate the door lock.
Keep clicking on bug until it gets near mushrooms. Click on mushrooms to transform bug into fairy.
Click on fairy to transform witch into frog (alternatively, if the children leave the cage first, the fairy will knock over the poison bottle to grow the man-eating plant)
Click on girl
Use buttons on door lock until symbol lights up (it makes the same symbol as the crow discusses) First left button until middle ring is in place, then bottom button until outer ring is in place, then left button until center ring is in place.
you're free
I'm at the same point as phdavoid, the fly moved the key, got the cheese, used the tentacles, used the hot peppers. But I can't move the cat and I can't get feathers. The crow says something, but I don't know what it means. I think I got to move the broom...
Thanks a lot for the review guys.Luv!
I did almost everything in the walkthrough, except the bug-fairy-frog thing. Instead I...
I let the kids out of the cage, then clicked the door. The witch then chases after the kids with the tentacle. While this is happening, click on the poison bottle on the shelf that leaks into the plant by the book. The crow then flies to uncap it, it tips over and empties into the plant, changing it into a maneating plant. It eats the witch and you are free to unlock the door.
can anyone understand
the combination? i've been struggling for over 15 minutes
Click the Raven. He'll show you the way.
When you have the ring in the right place it glows. Put the outermost ring in the correct spot first (use the left most button), then the middle ring (the middle button), and finally the inner circle (right most button).
Does anyone know how to get the middle three achievements? #4 - 6 on the sign?
Red Hot Chili Soup- The key to this is clicking the chili peppers in the right order. Click the witch's cookbook and she'll think of making the soup spicy. Click the far right red pepper in the pot. Click the book again, and choose the middle pepper. Click the book a third time and she should still be thinking of making the soup spicier and click the last (far left) pepper. This should also reveal an eye.
Rodent Bravery - After killing the cat/getting the key, click the left mouse hole again (prior to giving the key to the boy). The mouse celebrates its kill.
Wicked Eyes-Get all four wicked eyes.
1 - behind yellow bell pepper/purple radish on the witch's table
2 - click the three peppers on the round table
3 - get the Red Hot Chili Soup award. There's an eye in the chili plant pot
4 - after opening the cage, click the striped tentacle that comes down to get another eye
Something bizarre happened, I got a witch turned into a toad, and a witch that is still walking around, and I'm stuck
It was the third time I played it, and I didn't use any eyeballs.
Cute game! I personally don't see why it got the Y rating, but I'm a fan of "Better Safe Than Sorry," so no complaints. I did have one glitch - the game froze on me and I had to shut down IE and restart. Anybody else have that, or is my computer just being tempermental today?
I *am* a touch surprised no witches have complained about the stereotyping. I'm also surprised you didn't mention kite-eating trees in your article.
I don't understand why anyone is asking for walkthrough, there's a built-in walkthrough.
Anyone got the "alternate ending"?
I got two diferent finishing moves for the witch (frog or plant) but no diffrence in the ending...
i tried that. even when all rings glowed nothing happened. oh well.
Loved the game, great work! Tried it two times to get both endings (are there more than 2 endings?).
There are 2 mouse holes. There is a mouse hole near the boy. Click on the on hole near the boy to get the mouse to get the feather, then click on the hole near the cat.
I'm missing # 7. help!
Achievement number seven is
Love is free: When the children are still in the cage, but the boy has unlocked the cage door, click on the girl and she will give him a kiss.
Could anyone tell me how to get the flower person achievement ? I've already click the raven