An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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PsychotronicWindosill is the story of a toy car, a little blue box with wheels and a smokestack, who one day dares to journey outside of its confining storage shelf. You, armed with the power to touch, carry, poke, prod, and experiment, will lead the toy through a cool blue dream presented in stages, a series of shadow-boxes full of curious characters and structures, each with its own puzzle to be solved.

WindosillThis is the new point-and-click (and drag and tug and spin) game from Vectorpark, a.k.a. Patrick Smith, who brought us the enigmatic Feed the Head, among other wonders. In fact, Windosill is very similar to Feed the Head. It lets you explore a surreal environment by touching things, watching their incredibly smooth animation as they respond to you, and unpeeling their internal logic. You do travel from place to place this time, but as with all of Smith's work, the focus is always, always on playfulness and discovery.

Unlike Feed the Head, Windosill costs a few dollars to play the full game. The first half is free, however, and worth experiencing on its own.

Is it worth buying the second half of the game? Yes. Yes, it really is. It won't occupy you for long, but neither will it waste your time. Playing through it more than once reveals all kinds of connections you wouldn't notice the first time. Even the winking blob in the first room has new resonance when you know the fractal mutant it appears as later.

Analysis: It's a joy to play Windosill, because although the tone is dreamlike, the population is so physical. Each object has its own weight and material, its own squishiness, sproinginess and yield. When you click on some widget or worm, your cursor disappears as the object reacts, and every time, you feel like you just reached into the screen and grabbed hold of something solid.

Smith offers a world where everything is magical, where you can discover the rules from scratch, like a child. The laws of physics are more or less familiar, but everything else is new. You play with Windosill and it plays back, sharing its secrets in baby steps, never cheating, never even betraying the presence of puzzles or goals. It feels like before you arrived, all these geometric plants and bird heads and giant moons were just sitting there lonely, blue, waiting for a playmate.

Windosill may be short, but it feels complete. The beginning is just like any other morning, right down to pulling open the curtains to check the weather, but the ending is downright spiritual. This game will reward you and intrigue you, inspire you without preaching, leave you wanting more.

Play Windosill

Thanks to Languidiir, Marglark, and Asher for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Windosill Walkthrough
This walkthrough will simply tell you how to get to the next screen. I REALLY suggest you take the time to enjoy each one before moving on.

Scene 1

  • Turn on the light

  • Put the cube in the hole above the door on the bottom right

  • Open the door and push the car through

Scene 2

  • Pull open the curtains

  • Pull the dot off the i

  • Put the cube in the hole, open the door and push the car through

Scene 3

  • Click the cloud to main the raindrop fall

  • Click the puddle until a worm pops out

  • Click the top of the tower do the bird appears, and give it the worm.

  • Use the cube in the door and move on

Scene 4

  • Pull the top of the sphere off until there is just a tiny ball left

  • Put the ball in the cylinder

  • Click and hold on the donut until it fills the cylinder

  • Push the top of the cylinder down

  • Click and hold on the pyramid to make it shoot out a ball, and catch the ball by clicking and holding on the cube

  • Use the cube on the door

Scene 5

  • Click around the face of the square as much as you can to open as many boxes as possible. Eventually you will find the cube

  • Pull out the cube and then use it on the door

Scene 6

  • Push the bricks out of the tower on the right until you can pick up the beach ball

  • Place the beach ball on the top of the second tower

  • Click and hold the bottom of the tower on the very left from bottom to top to push the cloud out.

  • Spin the globe on the second tower to the right slowly until the cloud is centered over the third tower.

  • Click the cloud to make it start raining. Click the third tower and use the legs that come out to kick a cube into the foreground by clicking them.

  • Use the cube on the door and move on

Scene 7

  • Simply pick up the different objects in the background until you pick up the pipe.

  • The pip will puff out smoke and eventually one of them will turn into the cube

Scene 8

  • Spin the planet around until you see the moon

  • Spin the moon around until you see the man in the balloon with the magnet and the cube.

  • Grab the cube and pull it to the hold above the door

  • Grab the magnet and use it to grab the car. let go and let it pick up the car, then drag the car over to the other side of the gap.

Scene 9

  • Drag the car to the middle guy, and let him pick it up.

  • Once he does pull off his hat and get the cube

  • Drop his hat and put the cube in the door and pull the car through as fast as you can. If you are too slow the dragon will get you.

  • If the dragon catches you, repeat the first step, and get through the door while the dragon is fetching the hat

Scene 10

  • You have to make a Rube Goldberg-esque machine to get the cube.

  • The cube comes out of the third from the right on the top row, bounces off the diving board on the third to the right on the second bottom row, gets kicked by the foot on the very right of the same row, into the cannon on the second from the right one row up, onto the cloud far right top row, into the umbrella two left from the cannon, in front of the fire in the very center, drips down into the pipe below the fire, and comes out the pipe one up and left from the fire, into the ladle one left and below the pipe it drains from, onto the cart one left from that, drops down into the tail below the cart, and onto the finger two right from the tail, then into the foreground.

Final Scene

  • Drag the car around the tower until it reaches the top.

  • When it gets to the very top a star will shine in the top right and a door will open.

  • Once it makes a path out of stars drag the car up and out to freedom!

  • Now play around with the stars that start glowing. After you play with each one for a bit a new one will appear and eventually you will see the car again, driving happily through space.


Patrick Smith is a master magician.

That's the only thing I can think of that comes close to describing the talent behind this experience.


Definitely worth the $3. True story.

jaywalkar April 26, 2009 11:34 PM

This game is a lot of fun.
I am buying it for sure, it's only $3.


This is an AMAZING game.


I had a smile on my face during the entire game.

zbeeblebrox April 27, 2009 12:00 AM

This is worth more than $3.


It's fantastic and wonderful and whimsical. Really a work of art.


I feel like I'm going crazy. How do you finish the level with the multiple moons?! How do you get across the gap? It's making me feel ridiculously stupid.


What a beautiful, charming game. So many of these levels just cheered me up to see them. And there was such great attention to detail! Overall, just a joy to play.

gmpilot, I had a lot of trouble there too:

You have to finagle it so that the third (smallest) moon is right above your truck, then pull its magnet down and attach it (seems to be a sweet spot you need to hit to make it work). Then spin yourself over to the other side.

jaywalkar April 27, 2009 1:25 AM

I am also stuck on the moon level, I can't get the magnet to stick to the truck...


FANTASTIC game... well worth the $3.... solid feel, amazing atmosphere, and would love to see the levels in screensaver format too :)

Anonymous April 27, 2009 1:44 AM

what am I suposed to do to get past the bird and the rain cloud on the third level

snickerbar April 27, 2009 1:50 AM

How do you get past the level with the five "plants"? I'm stuck and need some help! Thanks.


What a wonderfully relaxing game! Great find, as per usual.

A three dollars very well spent.

snickerbar April 27, 2009 1:52 AM

JIGuest, you want to

keep clicking on the rain cloud until it drips enough to get a worm. Then you taunt the worm in front of the bird until it finally takes it and then it gives you the block.

After that, I'm stuck!


JIGuest - Level 3 with the bird and clouds:

Can you make the cloud rain?

Have you tried playing and splashing in the puddle?

Still stuck? Try splashing A LOT.


snickerbar - Level 4 with the 'plants':

Get started by prying the top off the sphere.

snickerbar April 27, 2009 1:56 AM

Never mind... Got it!


Windosill Walkthrough
This walkthrough will simply tell you how to get to the next screen. I REALLY suggest you take the time to enjoy each one before moving on.

Scene 1

  • Turn on the light

  • Put the cube in the hole above the door on the bottom right

  • Open the door and push the car through

Scene 2

  • Pull open the curtains

  • Pull the dot off the i

  • Put the cube in the hole, open the door and push the car through

Scene 3

  • Click the cloud to main the raindrop fall

  • Click the puddle until a worm pops out

  • Click the top of the tower do the bird appears, and give it the worm.

  • Use the cube in the door and move on

Scene 4

  • Pull the top of the sphere off until there is just a tiny ball left

  • Put the ball in the cylinder

  • Click and hold on the donut until it fills the cylinder

  • Push the top of the cylinder down

  • Click and hold on the pyramid to make it shoot out a ball, and catch the ball by clicking and holding on the cube

  • Use the cube on the door

Scene 5

  • Click around the face of the square as much as you can to open as many boxes as possible. Eventually you will find the cube

  • Pull out the cube and then use it on the door

Scene 6

  • Push the bricks out of the tower on the right until you can pick up the beach ball

  • Place the beach ball on the top of the second tower

  • Click and hold the bottom of the tower on the very left from bottom to top to push the cloud out.

  • Spin the globe on the second tower to the right slowly until the cloud is centered over the third tower.

  • Click the cloud to make it start raining. Click the third tower and use the legs that come out to kick a cube into the foreground by clicking them.

  • Use the cube on the door and move on

Scene 7

  • Simply pick up the different objects in the background until you pick up the pipe.

  • The pip will puff out smoke and eventually one of them will turn into the cube

Scene 8

  • Spin the planet around until you see the moon

  • Spin the moon around until you see the man in the balloon with the magnet and the cube.

  • Grab the cube and pull it to the hold above the door

  • Grab the magnet and use it to grab the car. let go and let it pick up the car, then drag the car over to the other side of the gap.

Scene 9

  • Drag the car to the middle guy, and let him pick it up.

  • Once he does pull off his hat and get the cube

  • Drop his hat and put the cube in the door and pull the car through as fast as you can. If you are too slow the dragon will get you.

  • If the dragon catches you, repeat the first step, and get through the door while the dragon is fetching the hat

Scene 10

  • You have to make a Rube Goldberg-esque machine to get the cube.

  • The cube comes out of the third from the right on the top row, bounces off the diving board on the third to the right on the second bottom row, gets kicked by the foot on the very right of the same row, into the cannon on the second from the right one row up, onto the cloud far right top row, into the umbrella two left from the cannon, in front of the fire in the very center, drips down into the pipe below the fire, and comes out the pipe one up and left from the fire, into the ladle one left and below the pipe it drains from, onto the cart one left from that, drops down into the tail below the cart, and onto the finger two right from the tail, then into the foreground.

Final Scene

  • Drag the car around the tower until it reaches the top.

  • When it gets to the very top a star will shine in the top right and a door will open.

  • Once it makes a path out of stars drag the car up and out to freedom!

  • Now play around with the stars that start glowing. After you play with each one for a bit a new one will appear and eventually you will see the car again, driving happily through space.


This game has crashed on me three times so far. I paid my three dollars, I want to get to the end!


What a joy to play, definitely worth $3! and many of the flashtoys on his site are worth visiting, I just spent about 10 minutes on levers:

[Edit: Pointed to our review/discussion of it. :) -Jay]


Make that six times. Even after a reboot. I never know if the next screen is going to load. I don't think I'll ever make it to the end. It's a shame.


oops, I see that his other toys have already been featured, blame me for not looking through the tag archives :)

HairySammoth April 27, 2009 5:58 AM

I get a black screen every time I get to level 8 - can't go any further. Even the icons at the bottom of the screen disappear. Anyone else having this problem? Where are you crashing steve?


Beyond charming. It's MAGICAL! To anyone wondering if it's worth it: The best $3.00 I've spent in a year. It actually made me happy.

charlatan April 27, 2009 7:16 AM

i get a black screen when i get to level 8 just like 'hairysammoth'


HairySammoth April 27, 2009 9:10 AM

For those of you with the black screen bug - I just got an answer from the game author about it! Open Internet Explorer and delete your cache. No, really - even if, like me, you don't ever use IE. Once cleared I restarted the game, and it now works perfectly. Bizarre!

[Thanks a lot for sharing this information with everyone :), Kayleigh]


This game is amazing so far, definitely has a magical feel to it! Unfortunately, I am also having the crashes-after-you-get-to-level-8 problem. It just goes totally black and I lose all the little icons and everything. Quite frustrating as I was really getting into it. Probably for the best though as I have work to do for tomorrow!


Hi, I'm the creator of the game! I'm aware of the issue with levels not loading for some people. It seems to be some kind of caching issue affecting only certain users. You can try clearing your IE cache, and that may do the trick. (That's where the Flash standalone caches files, weirdly.) I'm looking for a better fix.

Thanks to everyone who has submitted bugs. If this is happening to you chronically, and you want to help out, contact me at support[AT]windosill[DOT]com and I may ask you to help run some tests. Thanks a lot for your patience.

- Patrick

[Thanks for stopping by and for the support :) ~ Kayleigh]


I am on the first screen where you chose to buy or download free game.

I put the block in and opened the door, then pushed the car through, but I can't find the light switch it talks about in the walkthrough. Am I missing somthing?

I need help!


Hi, me again.

I'm hopeful that I've tracked down (and fixed) the 'blank-screen' bug that is affecting some users. It's difficult for me to be certain, though, because it seems to be tied to a Windows configuration that I can't replicate. So, if you're still experiencing this particular issue, please let me know at support[AT]windosill[DOT]com so I can better nail it down.

Thanks again for everyone's patience, and apologies for stepping on the discussion thread (and apparently bringing it to a halt!)

- Patrick


@Race: If you've already put the block in the door you've turned the light on already.


Race: The screen where you choose to download the game is not part of the game itself; run the program you downloaded and then you should be able to see the switch.

charlatan April 27, 2009 12:09 PM

aww that was way to short :((

i hope you'll do some more of that in the future, really nice work.


After I click the cube on Scene 7, the game froze.. :(

I don't mind spending the 3$, it was worth it, but I hope the bug doesn't return after I try to play it trough the second time.


While you're at it, just go ahead and delete IE entirely. That browser is more problem and headache than it's worth.


Cool. It all worked fine the second time around.

Fascinating game. Well worth the 3$, if not more.

harpdevil April 27, 2009 2:24 PM

I love games like this. The same kind of care-free delight in solving puzzles as can be found in Samorost.
Developers take note, point and click games don't have to be about filling in the magic square, the reading of journals or sticking the monkey wrench into the potted plant to turn on the pixel that if ever found will turn on a laser *breathe!*

Beautiful, simple puzzles and a joy to play, and with far more substance than the endless find-a-object games we seem to have advertised here now. Thank you.


Amen, harpdevil!

This is a beautiful game; the game equivalent of a poem, or perhaps a surrealist painting. I'd like to add, to harpdevil's mention of the importance of the joy of play, the joy of exploration - this is perhaps the biggest drive that gaming helps to satisfy for me, but there are too few games that really cater to it. Most of the settings and possible actions are usually generic, and therefore not that interesting to explore. I love games that take me to a world that feels fresh and strange - ideally, when I play a game I want to feel like a traveller in a new world, or perhaps like a child discovering the world for the first time.


I'm stuck, on the first level of all places... i read the walkthough and i can do all sorts of neat things but i can't for the life of me

turn on a light. I can make this bounce, spin ghosts, get the bar bell things going back and forth. i just can't seem to figure out how to turn on the light....


Purely stunning.

Simple graphics, elegance, no music to force the tone, just simple joy.

chuck - look bottom right


Thanks Miasere. It took a reverse screen print for me to find it.
Having a bit more fun with it now ;o)


I can't get enough of this game. Well, sadly, maybe I'll have to settle for half. I don't have a credit card I can use online right now. :'(


Fantastic game, I'd just love to play the whole thing!
I used Google Checkout about 15 minutes ago, and am still awaiting an email with the activation code.
So much for instant Internet.

Jason Harper April 27, 2009 5:58 PM

Look at WHAT in the bottom right? Like chuck, I'm having difficulty in following even the first step in the walkthru. Here's a screenshot, I suspect that the whole thing is simply not loading for me. OS X 10.4.11 on a G4 Mac.


Hi Jason, that screenshot definitely does not look right.

Try updating your Flash Player? I'm running version 10.0 r22 (on a Mac) and there's something in every box on that screen.


Hey Jason, it might be a G4 hardware vs Flash 10 player issue. If you drop me a line (patrick[AT]vectorpark[dot]com), I can send you a Flash 9 version. That *might* work. (I'd be interested to find out either way.)


Jason, most of us are turning the light on by clicking the lightbulb. But your entire screenshot looks wrong, with many things missing. Look to see if System Update tells you about a new version of Safari or Flash.


I cannot download the game.

I have mac (OSX 10.4) and the latest flash player; yet when I click to download the free version for mac and choose to save it, no matter where I do so, it merely does nothing.

Anyone else experience this problem, or just me... and if so, what might I be doing wrong?



Well, scrap what I just wrote. Apparently, it download's directly, and avoids my browsers download window. I am now feeling quite foolish and happily playing!

Thanks anyway!


Hi, just a quick note for those of you suffering from the 'blank screen' bug. I received a note from a user who said that upgrading from IE7 to IE8 fixed the issue. If anybody can independently confirm this as a fix, I'd appreciate it.

You can contact me at support[AT]windosill[DOT]com



Looks like the site's down =(

[Sorry, but I just tried it and it works fine :) ~ Kayleigh]

Sonicloon April 28, 2009 2:47 AM

Can you do anything else besides close the game on the final scene?


Well you can stare at it for hours and hours...


I fixed the problem I was having yesterday by deleting the cache and cookies in IE (really I should uninstall that, I only use Firefox anyway), and today the game worked perfectly! What a beautiful creation, it really seems to take you on a magical journey. The last level was my favourite, the pure cleverness of it alone made me smile. I loved how you could explore so many things, and I just felt like a kid again. Definitely worth paying the mere $3 (£2 for me!) for the second half.


I've had Feed the Head on my favourites for a while now. I always tend to enjoy the games with a focus toward whimsical journeys. Enigmatic replay value makes it sound worth $3, but the free half-version should be enough to entice me into splurging for the rest of it.


This looks so fun. Too bad I can't play it in Linux. :(


I found it to be quite entertaining, I'll be for sure paying the $3 to acquire the full version. Thanks for pointing this game out.


I love the game, but I also want to praise the business model. Give the public half of a good product for free, and then a low price for the rest (3 dollars is the perfect sweet spot) and people will be extolling the virtues of even a very very short game.

I'll agree, totally worth it, I would love for a whole market of such games to crop up, as long as they were as well done as this.


I really enjoyed the free portion of the game, so I bought the second half and now I'm stuck! Anyone know how to

get one of the cubes with the feet in level 6? I keep trying and can't seem to do the right thing.


Even well worth $4.75!! (AUD) :-)


Dayna: I got really stuck there too,

stop the cloud right over the tower with the legs, then kick one of the legs until the foot hits one to you


Well worth the small fee for the entertainment given in return. I loved Feed the Head, and was glad to see Windosill arrive. It delivered a very similar discovery experience that should appeal to all ages. Just plain FUN!

@HairySammoth - Thanks for the "black screen bug" fix. All I had to delete were the Temporary Internet Files, and I was good to go.


This is more than likely an issue connected to my laptop rather than the game itself, but has anyone had their computer shut down abruptly during the game, usually during the second half?

I'm almost certain that it's a problem with my laptop - but I don't think it's ever happened before, so I'm wondering if there is anything specific to the game's design that could be causing this. Anyone have any suggestions as to what could be going on?

It's an absolutely beautiful and stunningly creative game - I didn't hesitate to purchase the second half. But as of the writing of this comment I've played it to the final level a few times and my computer has died before I could finish. Which is obviously frustrating. I've had the same black screen issues as a few other people, by the way, but clearing IE's cache has been working fine.

If anyone can think of anything, I'd appreciate the input. If not, playing the game even in part has still been more than worth it.



Utterly beautiful. I agree with all that the $3 pricing and, as Alex said, the business model in general is faultless.

I hope he makes a million out of this.

sepehr May 1, 2009 1:46 AM

0 level walkthrough!

this level is on the ( page:

Pull the dot off the i

Put the cube in the hole

open the door and push the car through!

Marglark May 3, 2009 12:21 AM

I can't believe this.

I paid for it, put in the code, then I finished the game.

I tried showing it to my friend and then it asked me for the code again, and since I didn't remember it, now i need to pay another 3$ to play it again. It was a great game, but I wish there was a way to retrieve your code.

I'm severely disappointed


Marglark - You should have received an email with the subject "Windosill activation code". You might find it still in your inbox if you didn't delete it.

That being said, it would have been nice for the game to remember that it was activated.

Granted, it's a minor inconvenience, but it's an inconvenience none the less for people who do pay for the game.

Patrick? Do you think you could do that by using the Flash local shared object?


I have a problem. No matter where i download it, it just doesn't show up. People say that it downloads instantly, but when i go to where i supposedly have put it, it isn't there? Any help?


Maglark (& Jay),

The activation is supposed to cache, but we've had some issues with how different OS's store (and flush) their local flash data. I believe that it's fixed, although I'm not certain.

Your activation should have been sent to you as an email, but if you didn't get it PLEASE contact me at the address below:


(That support address is also available in your paypal/google checkout receipt.)




The download should appear on your desktop, or wherever your downloads normally materialize. If you're sure it's not there, just drop me a line at the address in the last post, and I'll send you a copy directly.

- Patrick


Enjoyed this so much. Nice and quick and cheap.
Can't help but feel there's more than just what's on the surface. I'm sure END isn't the real end.

Angelus May 11, 2009 7:23 AM

This walkthrough is not complete...

there's still stuff that can be done to progress things


This Game a Lie?


Beautiful game. I received my activation code tonight and played the rest of the game. My girls, ages 4, 5, and 7 love it!

Windowsill May 23, 2009 2:48 PM

My dad won't buy windosill, but it's awesome.

Eeemail May 24, 2009 2:35 PM

Windosill is great! But they spelled windowsill wrong... also the game has little to do with windowsills.

[Edit: Perhaps the spelling was intentional? Especially considering the second point you make... ;) -Jay]


Hey Patrick I've put in the 3$ and checked my email, but I didn't find the code, so I keep doing it and I'm down to 2$. Please someone tell me the code.

[Edit: you better mail Patrick directly - i'm sure, he will help you :) [email protected]] ~ Kayleigh


oh lol, you can even

at the download page, take the dot off the I and put and in the squared hole right over the door to the right! then you can push the car through!

Anonymous June 6, 2009 6:29 AM

Is a fully standalone off-line version of this a possibility? Playing it with spotty internet is very frustrating as I find myself having to repeat levels. Fortunately this is not too much of a problem thus far because I can't get too far without having to restart because of a broken connection.

risarah June 9, 2009 10:16 PM

I am slightly irritated. Each time I try to open the link to the game, it seems as though I am only getting half of the first screen. By reading other posts, I can only assume that there is more to interact with when the game first appears. However, the highest I can see is the dangling foot, and the farthest to the left is half of a toy. That's it!


I've no idea what you're seeing risarah. Maybe post a link to a screenshot?

The Windosill page makes the game as large as will fit in your browser window, no matter how small, so you should be seeing everything.

What OS, browser and Flash versions are you running?

risarah June 9, 2009 10:50 PM

Hey Jay. I've solved the "problem" not even a minute ago. I had to minimize my window to see everything, then I was able to stretch it out more without cutting out any of the game. Thank you so much for responding promptly! This game looks awesome, and I'm addicted to your website, (especially since I'm on summer break :)


Great! I'm happy it's working for you now. The game is wonderful, enjoy it! :)

kattastic June 17, 2009 6:53 PM

you are never gonna believe this! i found a bug, submitted it, screwed around with it, found out more about it, submitted the new stuff, and Patrick Smith himself sent me a free activation code. No offense to the amazing Mr. Smith, i just had to post this along with the bug. When i got to the seventh screen, the cube just wouldnt go into the hold above the door! i tried for hours, literally, and still nothing. i think it was probably just my computer, but if anybody else has this problem, please submit it.


I like the game but it's not fair that you have to pay 3 dollars to continue. :(



bet you werent expecting that!


Beautiful animation! It was so smooth. I loved everything about this game.

I would love to pay $3 to play, but even if I paid with my own money, I don't think my parents would allow it considering they just had to cancel some purchases made by someone else. xD;

It wasn't hard at all except for the stage with the plants since I had trouble

with shooting the ball into the square plant (until I figured out that I could MOVE the square plant instead of getting frustrated with aiming with the triangle flower.

Since it was easy for me, I was able to enjoy how pretty everything looked. Kudos to the maker! He's got great talent and I eagerly look forward for the next time you guys put up another game made by him!


Wow! This game was awesome! It was so worth it to see the amazing ending! Buy this game!

SORRY SO SORRY June 23, 2009 2:25 AM

I'm sorry! So sorry! I'm very, very sorry that I complained about the spelling! Also the second room appears to be a windosill. Sorry, windowsill.


i know exactly what you mean, Rexia.

As for Chuck, it's fine if you start at the first level and don't know what to do, but, here is how you turn on the light:

You can see the dim bulb in the bottom right hand corner, wait until it stops jumping around, if you pressed anything else, and just click on it. Simple.


Enchanting concept and beautiful design. However, I wish the puzzle aspect of it had been taken more seriously. It's irritating in these kinds of games when there are so many red herrings and when simply waiting long enough or clicking enough is what you need to progress rather than logic. Feels like a cheap trick, and pointless. Also, I was disappointed that the game went so quick -- not feeling it was really worth the $5. (I won't be buying any more games there, so yeah, it amounts to $5.)

Christie July 12, 2009 3:38 PM

This game is very beautiful. Nice graphics! I love the colours.

spiderkid July 19, 2009 1:13 PM

Please do not ask for the code here. Support the author and buy the game. It's only a couple of bucks.

ollyw123 July 20, 2009 4:28 PM

how can this game score an average of 4.9? Surely it should not get less than 5.0


Huh I paid 5 Bucks!... Still worth it though...

zebeast12 July 30, 2009 11:19 PM

Amazing game. The 3 dollars are worth it and it supports him. My only complaint is that it wasn't long enough.

Gobsmacked August 1, 2009 4:19 PM

Wow. How did I miss that this hit JiG? I've been looking for this again for a week after stumbling across it somewhere else some late night.

I can't believe I'm the one to say this, but this is darn near perfect. It's not childishly easy, yet it provides cues and never makes you feel hopelessly lost. It's gorgeous and relaxing to play.



I have to disagree with everyone here it seems. I HATE LUCK AND TIMING GAMES.

I don't care if it's just one level I'm not going to keep trying hoping to roll the dice just right. Everything moves h o r r i b l y s l o w l y which is incredibly annoying as well.

Waste of three bucks.


This game rules! Has anyone else figured out that

you can pull off the leaves on the trees in the title screen, and if you pull them off enough they will start having different colors and shapes?


I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I don't feel this game is magical or worth $3. The graphics are nice enough and the interactivity with objects is cute, but this is more reminiscent of a children's book than a work of art. This game feels like it would be appropriate for a child except some aspects might be too difficult for them.


Sam: While you are indeed entitled to your opinion, I think you are neglecting to consider what goes into creating such a work of art as this is.

It is extremely difficult to create such smooth, natural appearing animation such as this, and Patrick has a unique talent to be able to do so.

No question about it in my mind, this is definitely art.


Rosie- I have figured out the leafy thingo. Actually, no offense, my 3-year-old sister figured it out. I am eleven. I love this game and Feed the Head. So cool...


lol on the title page you can knock all the letters down then a big hand comes and picks them up... =D

Draxbonai October 24, 2009 9:10 PM

I enjoyed this game thoroughly. It was definitely worth 3$. I'm quite frankly shocked at the amount of bickering going on for 3 bucks. That's the same price of a bag of M&M's. A lot of development time went into this, and I'm glad to those involved are receiving (comparatively small) compensation for their masterpiece.

Patreon VIP Chiktionary November 25, 2009 12:57 AM

Yup, definitely art, for any age.
I acitvated Windosill months ago and it's still nice to pop in and play after a while. I even discovered something new about the game today, and I've played it half a dozen times so far!

I'm sure lots of people have already discovered this, but I discovered today that you can stretch the worm by not letting go of it when you give it to the bird. Once you let go of it - nice sound effect

Vectorpark's website is also a wonderful place to visit. I've wiled away quite a bit of time exploring there...

Patreon VIP Chiktionary November 25, 2009 12:58 AM

And actually, I think the game is about windowsills: the car traverses across a different window sill in each scene, and there's a different world outside each window...


Playing this game was truly a wonderful experience. It was so creative and full of surprises.

Meredith March 5, 2010 6:55 AM

A perfect game - gorgeous, quirky, humorous, imaginative, self-explanatory, and even sweet at the end. Thank you so much for hosting this, Jay. Patrick, congratulations on your tremendous achievement; I can't wait to play more of your artistic creations!


truly a magic game! great phyiscs!


I have purchased a code, but where is the code? I have only received the receipt for the purchase.


wow good game i still havent paid but wow


in scene 9

you don't need to be fast to get through the dragon, all you have to do is let the middle guy throw your car towards the door, and hold the dragon up while doing that.

Ruffles July 5, 2010 4:02 AM

I have to disagree with AaronzDad. The game was very responsive and not slow for me at all. I would not say it is a luck and or timing game at all.

I found the game was very short but has a lot of character. Very fun and completely surreal. Great little game. Loved it.

DreadPirate December 4, 2010 6:12 PM

In the review, it says that the winking blob in the first room turns into a fractal mutant. 1. It blinks, not winks, and 2. How do you turn it into the fractal mutant?

This is a really great game. Wonderful colors and animations. No matter how many times you go through it, it always feels like you are in an unknown world for the first time, and for good reason. There are so many tricks and puzzles to explore that you could probably discover a new one every day. Most point-and-click games are about mysteries, romance, finding random objects, and escaping from rooms. But Windosill is unique. It's probably the only game in the world about a blue toy car driving over windowsills solving puzzles. It's like a dream, but everything in it seems so real. If I had a choice between, say, Linkage, and Windosill, I would choose Windosill every time.


Just picked this up as part of the latest Humble Bundle. I can't believe I missed this when it first came out. Truly beautiful and stunning game.

Reply February 1, 2013 9:57 PM

Anyone know how to clear a cache? I'm not a total expert at computers ^^'


It depends on what browser you're using. What browser are you using?

Reply March 3, 2013 2:46 PM

My game won't load, no matter where I'm playing it!It's not a blank screen bug, but more like a loading coruption bug.It's like this:It says "Loading" on the screen, but it doesn't load and basically corupts the loader.Is there anyway to fis it?Thanks!

(new name)


The game is loading just fine for me in all browsers, latest Flash Player. Try updating your browser(s) and Flash Player. Also try disabling any browser extensions you may have installed that often cause interference with Flash games (ad and script blockers).


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