Today a brand new game has been released called the White Chamber, an escape-the-room game with much the same look-and-feel as the Viridian Room before it.
From the Fasco-cs website:"WHITE CHAMBER is an interactive game that you escape from by finding, using, and combining items you find in this room. You only have to click the right places on the screen. Using the graphics, the sounds, and the responses as clues, you are to escape with your idea and your inspiration."
That sums them all up fairly well. The items that must be found are in all corners of the room, and even in places you cannot see nor even access at first. Items can be examined in your inventory by clicking the item and then clicking the "i" tab that appears next to it. When you want to use an item, simply click on the item in your inventory, and then click on the place you want to use it. Be sure to look at the room from all angles. Although there are only 4 walls to the room, there are many more times that in perspectives that exist.
Upon a successful escape, you are rewarded with a special ending scene with credits similar to the authors previous games. Also, upon finishing, you will be given the opportunity to leave your name and a comment among those who also have finished.
Besides the opening and closing credit music, the sound in the game seems to have been taken directly from the Viridian Room. Although this is not necessarily a negative, it would have been nice to have given this game a fresh set of sound effects to go with its fresh music tracks.
And there is not much in the way of a narrative here as there was in the Viridian Room. After having escaped we still know nothing about the person who owned the bike or why she was locked in the room.
Still, it's yet another excellent puzzle game in Takagi-san's famous escape-the-room series, a fun casual Web game for people of all ages, and one that provides a decent challenge for even the sharpest puzzle-minded peeps. Click.
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete Walkthrough:
When you start, you should see a motorcycle on your left, a dustbox/wastebasket in front of you, and a tinted window on your right. Click on the dustbox to examine its interior, and then click on the "tiny, blocky things" inside to take them.
Click on the shelf above the tinted window to see if anything is there. Take the remote control sitting there.
Head right until you see a poster on the wall. Click on the poster to examine it more closely - you'll see a little red square near the top (right above where it says "hint" if you can read katakana). Click on the red square to receive the red memory chip.
Head right again, and you'll see something that looks like a silver box on the wall in front of you, and a worktable to your right. Click on the manual sitting on top of the worktable. You can keep clicking on it to cycle through the pages, to gain hints about what you're supposed to do. When you get to the final page, a torn slip of paper with morse code markings will fly out onto the table - take it.
Click on the area underneath the table to examine its underside. There are 3 items you should take here: a yellow mount (on the floor), the steel stick hanging on one of the table's legs, and then the brass hook that the steel stick was hanging from.
Head right until you see the teal-colored, steel door in front of you. If you look carefully at the grey ledge above the door, you should see a black dot sitting on top of it, a little over to the right side. Click on the dot to zoom in, and click on the black motorcycle key to take it.
Head right again and you'll see the motorcycle directly in front of you. Click on the bottom region of the center of the motorcycle to zoom in on that section, and you'll see a yellow square sitting there - click on it to receive the yellow memory chip.
Click on the passenger (rear) seat of the motorcycle to zoom in on that section. You'll see a slot for a key right below the seat; use the black motorcycle key on the slot. The seat will pop up, revealing a wrench underneath - take it.
Click on the rear wheel of the motorcycle, and then click on the space just above the rear wheel on the next screen, and you'll find yourself on the other side of the motorcycle. Click on the tiny key on the ground to take it.
Click on the top part of the screen to examine the control panel on the motorcycle. You'll see five colored buttons on the panel, but nothing will happen if you click on them now. Just above the yellow button is the ignition slot - insert the motorcycle key into the ignition.
Make your way to the right until you see "the door that never opens" in front of you (it's the one to the right of the tinted window). Click on the area above it to examine the ceiling. There's a piece of paper on the ceiling, but it's too high for you to reach it normally - use the steel stick that you found underneath the worktable to take it. The two torn pieces of paper will automatically fuse together in your inventory. If you examine the paper, you'll notice that there are 26 sets of morse code - one set for each letter of the alphabet. A through M are listed in the left column (top to bottom, in alphabetical order), and N through Z are listed in the right column.
Head back to the screen with the silver box on the wall, and then click on the top part of the screen to look up at the ceiling. You'll see another box attached to the same power line: a yellow and silver one. Click on it to zoom in, and you'll see another keyhole. Insert the tiny, silver key that you found behind the motorcycle to activate the power.
Now, if you return to the silver box below, you'll find that you can open it by clicking on it. Doing so reveals two buttons: a blue one on the left and a red one on the right. A little experimentation will reveal that pressing the blue button will result in a "dot" appearing, and pressing the red button will result in a "dash" appearing. Once you enter a combination of buttons, the machine will process the symbols from left to right; each "dot" yields a short sound and each "dash" yields a long sound.
In case you didn't realize it by now, this box is asking for a password, but you're required to enter it in morse code. If you go down the list on the paper that you have in your inventory, eventually you'll discover what the password is - each time you uncover a correct letter, it will show up in the top-left corner of the box, in green text.
The password here is "OPEN." The button sequences, in order, are: red-red-red; blue-red-red-blue; blue; and red-blue.
After inputting the password, the buttons will dissappear, leaving only the word "OPEN" visible. Click on the word to close the box completely. You'll see a blue door magically appear to the left of the silver box.
Click on the blue door to zoom in, and then click on it again to open it, revealing a closet of sorts. You'll see a blue memory chip on the top shelf inside - take it.
Now it's time to put all those memory chips to good use. Click on the remote control in your inventory and then click on the "i" bubble to examine it closely. Click on the space around the perimeter of the remote control to flip it over, revealing four square indentations on its underside. If you look at the indentations, you can see that one of them has a blue line, one has a yellow line, one has a red line, and one has both a grey line and a purple line. Click on each of the memory chips in your inventory to insert them into the remote control, and then click on the grey memory chip to the bottom-left of the remote control to insert that one as well. Then close the inventory screen.
Click anywhere inside the closet to close the door. You'll see that the remote control appears, automatically pointing at the door (if it's not, you just click on the remote control in your inventory while looking at the door to bring you to this step). Press the large purple button on the remote, and you'll see the blinking light on the remote change from grey to blue.
Click on the door again to open it, and take the headlight on the top shelf. Close the door again. Press the button on the remote again, and the light will change from blue to red.
Click on the door again to open it, and take the binoculars on the top shelf. Close the door again. Press the button on the remote again, and the light will change from red to yellow.
Click on the door again to open it, and take the mirror from the bottom shelf. Close the door again. That's it for now, but you'll return here shortly.
Go back to the motorcycle, and click on the front wheel to zoom in. Click on the top part of the screen to focus on the front section of the bike - you'll see a yellow strip of metal with a hole in it near the top. Click on the mount in your inventory, and the wrench will automatically pop up. Click on the yellow strip to attach the mount to the bike.
Click on the headlight that you found in the closet, and the wrench will pop up automatically again. Click on the mount you just attached to affix the headlight. Since you turned on the motorcycle's power already, the headlight should be on.
Head back to the screen with the teal-colored steel door. Just to the right of the door, where the headlight is shining, there's a little black dot. Click on the dot to zoom in. If you click on the dot again, you'll learn that it's a hole in the wall. Insert the brass hook from your inventory into the hole.
Hang the mirror that you found in the closet from the brass hook. This will reflect the light shining from the motorcycle back towards the tinted window, allowing you to see inside.
If you go back to the screen with the tinted window and click on it, you'll look inside the now-lit room. There's a car in front of you, but more importantly, there's something on the wall to the left of it. It's too far away to examine normally, but using the binoculars will reveal a randomly-generated, 6-digit code. Make note of this number sequence.
Go back to the control panel with the colored buttons on the motorcycle (if you're looking directly at the bike, clicking on "YAMAHA" will take you to the control panel). You'll notice that each one of the colored buttons corresponds to a number: green = 1, red = 2, yellow = 3, blue = 4, and orange = 5. But where's the sixth button?
Click on the right handle to see the cleverly-hidden sixth (purple) button. Now that you know where all six buttons are, press the buttons in the order shown on the far wall in the room with the car in it. For example, if the code read "252316," then you would press the buttons in this sequence: red-orange-red-yellow-green-purple. You'll get a message that the engine doesn't start, but you'll also hear something being opened or unlocked.
Head around to the other side of the motorcycle again, but this time, check out the front tire. From the screen with the sixth (purple) button showing on the motorcycle's handle, click on the top-right part of the screen, and then the space just above the front wheel on the next screen. You'll see a clamp attached to the front wheel, with six colored squares on it. Clicking on the clamp will zoom in on it. Clicking on it one last time will move it out of the way, revealing a purple memory chip - take it.
Examine the underside of the remote control in your inventory again, and swap the grey memory chip for the purple chip that you just found. Head back to the closet, and keep pressing the purple button on the remote control until the blinking light changes to purple. Open the door to reveal a yellow panel with a blue button, and then click on the panel to zoom in.
Now it's time to put those purple blocks that you found in the dustbox to use. Clicking in the blocks in your inventory while looking at the panel will make them appear onscreeen. You'll notice that only two blocks will appear at once in the bottom-right corner: the left block has a "dash" groove in it, and the right block has a "dot" groove in it. You can click-and-drag a maximum of four blocks onto the yellow panel, and then press the blue button to have the machine process them...does this sound familiar to something you already did?
This is another panel asking for a password in morse code. Again, if you go down the list on the paper that you have in your inventory, eventually you'll discover what the password is - each time you uncover a correct letter, it will show up below the yellow panel, in red text.
The password here is "HELP." The button sequences, in order, are: right-right-right-right (....); right (.); right-left-right-right (.-..); and right-left-left-right (.--.).
After inputting the correct password, the panel and button will begin to flash. Click on the button to retract the yellow panel, revealing a golden key.
Examining the key will indicate that it is used for the motorcycle. Head back to the control panel on the motorcycle, remove the black motorcycle key from the ignition, and insert the golden key in its place. Then, press the purple button on the right handlebar to start the motorcycle up. The motorcycle will rev up and crash into the teal-colored steel door, providing an exit. Congratulations, you've just escaped from the White Chamber!
Posted by: chelsea | June 19, 2006 8:32 AM