An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Where is 2015?

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Where is 2015?

DoraMateusz Skutnik has already helped us ring in the New Year in years past, point-and-click puzzle style, and with Where is 2015? we go on a gorgeous, subtly animated photographic journey through the months of the year, reassembling a calendar and hopping from place to place. To play, just click when the cursor changes to show you can interact with something, and click on items in your inventory to pick them up to use, or view them up close. Where is 2015? is similar to the 10 Gnomes style of interaction, where you're exploring environments made up of beautifully detailed pictures and close-ups trying to find hidden items or mechanisms, though not every location or view has something for you to find. Just remember to look in every nook and cranny, examine your inventory, and revisit places you've been before!

Mateusz Skutnik's "Where is..." games tend to be short and simple, so this longer, more involved game is a real treat no matter what time of year it is. The full colour photography is beautiful no matter what the subject matter, blending with a fantastic atmospheric soundtrack to create an immersive, thoughtful experience. Because places you can click on aren't always obvious, you'll spend a fair amount of time waggling your cursor over every inch of the screen when you get stuck, usually because you've missed a transition to a new view. Most of the puzzles you'll encounter are either straight-forward or obviously hinted, so largely the gameplay is focused on tracking down objects and switches. It feels like a treasure hunt, with just the right amount of whimsy spun in, and taking in all the detail is both part of the charm and the challenge when it comes to finding all the items you'll need. Remembering where you might have seen a character or place you need to return to can be tricky with all the different up-close perspectives, and having to comb through every available location for sneaky hotspots when you're stuck may get frustrating, but with patience and a careful eye you'll persevere. Where is 2015? is lovely, relaxing, and just a little bit magical in all the right ways, and a fine farewell to the year before.

Play Where is 2015?

Walkthrough Guide

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For those who prefer a text walkthrough:

Walkthrough for "Where is 2015"

There are many views that are for your enjoyment only; I won't describe them here, but please explore!

Starting scene

The sign "EAU NON POTABLE" is missing three letters: A, O and P.

Pick up the calendar from the window. The calendar now contains one link, numbered 0. It will take you back to this scene.
You'll gather links to move between scenes as you progress.

If you look closely at the lower right corner of the window, you'll find a tooth. Pick it up.

The faucet of the fountain contains an upside down number: 022. When you move the mouse over the faucet, the number will be shown in a 'tooltip'.

There is a little gap above the tap. Zoom in on it to see a switch. Turn it on (you'll hear a hum).

The link to the scene for January is found in the rightmost rainpipe. It will be added to your calendar, as the link numbered 1.


There is a tooth in the hollow between the legs of the right-hand bench. Pick it up.

The link to the scene for February is on the ground below the table, in front of the right-hand bench.

Click on the right-hand side of the scene to view a pole with two signs. You can pick up a letter O from the orange sign.


There are some openings in the rock-like formation in the foreground.

An opening on the left contains the link to the scene for March.
An hollow in the middle contains a switch; turn it on.

There is a golden tongue on the beach to the left of the rock-like formation. Pick it up.


There is a bunch of tools against the wall on the right hand side, in the back. There is another switch behind the handle of a spade.

The link to the scene for April is in the white paint bucket.

There is another tooth in a hole in a slice of bread to the left of the paint buckets.


There is a bunny on the basket on the left (in the back). Zoom in on the bunny (Boo!) and pick up the letter P to the left of it.

There is a second golden tongue on the cupcake with the blue and golden sprinkles near the upper right of the basket with cupcakes.

The link to the scene for May is attached to the black egg on the left hand side of the egg basket.


There is a little gnome on a block of wood with four hollows. If you move the mouse over the gnome it'll tell you that its collection is missing.

The link to the scene for June is near the stone ornaments on the left hand side of the scene.


Zoom in on the large cogwheel.

There is a golden tongue on one of the cogs slightly to the left of the top of the wheel.

There is a switch just to the left of the wheel.

The link to the scene for July is on a smaller cogwheel behind the large one, seen between the two topmost spokes.

Look all the way down to where the water swirls around the toothed rack. Zoom in and you'll find a tooth.


Zoom in on the water basin on the right hand side, then zoom in on the waterlily leaves. The fish will tell you that the turtle number can be found on the faucet.

The mouth of the large vase to the right of the stairs contains a switch.

There are two stone turtles to the left of the amphoras to the left of the stairs. The left one has 000 on its back. Change this to the number on the faucet.

We found this in the starting scene - the number is 022.

The turtle will turn around, and you can take a stone sun symbol from its back.

There are three jars on the wall above the amphoras. The second one from the left contains a wooden ball.

You'll find the link to the scene for August on the inside of the helmet in the alcove behind the jars.

Zoom out from the helmet so that you're looking at the alcove, then look up. There are six spaces. The stone sun symbol fits into one of them. We'll need to find five more!


Zoom in on the door, then on the sign on the door. Take the letter A from the word Ausrutschgefahr near the bottom. We now have the letters A, O and P...

The hole in the door below the sign contains a switch.

There is another stone sun symbol in the opening near the top of the sinker to the left of the door.

You'll find the link to the scene for September in a little gap at the bottom of the window to the right of the door.

Click to the right of the house to view it from the back. There is a series of electric wiring with lights, some of which are on.

There is a window blockedup with smaller stones in the wall. Near the upper right part of this window you'll find another switch. When you turn it on, one more light is on! Three aren't on yet, so three more switches to find.

There is a fourth golden tongue in the rubbish to the right of the mill wheel.

Time to bring another visit to the initial scene (0 on the calendar).

Remember the EAU NON POTABLE sign? We've found the missing letters. Place them on the sign. A little lid to the left of the sign will shift. You'll find another stone sun symbol in the opening.


An orca! The link to the scene for October is attached to its tail.

Zoom in on the orca's eye - moving the mouse over it and you'll learn that the orca has problems with its teeth. Hmmm - we found some teeth. And indeed, it is missing several teeth. You can place the teeth you found now, if you wish, but we'll need to find more.

There is an anchor to the left of the orca. You'll find a switch on the ring of the anchor.

Zoom in twice on the grass to the left of the ring to find another stone sun symbol.


Zoom in on the left hand side of the building, then on the bottom of the tree. There's a golden tongue just to the right of the trunk.

Zoom in on the roof above the door. There is a hard-to-find tooth on the roof.

Zoom out again. Zoom in on the gutter in the center of the scene, then zoom in on the center again, to find another golden tongue.

The link to the scene for November is attached to the gabled window above the gutter.


Zoom in on the head of the statue. It says "My poor frogs".

There are 8 frogs surrounding the statue. They are missing something - their tongue. We have found 6 tongues, we need 2 more.

There is another tooth on a copper knob near the leftmost frog.

The link to the scene for December is on the front of the pedestal.


There is a lot to find and do here!

Zoom in on the house on the left, then on the stones to the left of the door. If you look carefully, there is a handle protruding from behind a stone placed against the wall. Zoom in there to find a switch.

Zoom in on the stones to the right of the door, then zoom in on the stones in the back. You can just see the top of a can in the center left of the view. The can contains a golden tongue.

Zoom out again, then look at the stone with a face on it. Click just to the left of it to find another can with a golden tongue - we now have all of them.

Time for another visit to November.

Give the frogs their tongues back.

Look at the head of the statue - it now says that there is a reward in its pouch. The pouch (below the violin) has opened - take a key from it.

Go back to December.

Zoom in on the house on the left, then on the basement door/window on the left.

There's a slab to the right - look under it to find another tooth (zoom in twice). You should now have 7 teeth.

Let's visit September again.

Give the Orca its teeth back - 6 in the front view, 1 in the side view.

Then look at its eye - there is a reward under its arm (side fin).

Look closely just to the right of the side fin. There is another key.

Return to December.

There is a statue of a dragon or crocodile on the wall between the two houses. It has a stone ball in its mouth - take it.

Zoom in on the house on the right, then on the left basement window. Look in the culvert to the right of the window - you'll find another stone sun symbol.

Zoom in on the front door. We've got two keys, but it looks like there are four locks, so we're not done yet.

The cannon to the left of the door contains a snowball, and the cannon to the right of the door contains a cannonball. We now have 4 balls - what to do with them?

Visit May.

Place the four balls in the hollows of the wooden block.

Now look at the gnome. It says that there is a reward in the wreath.

The little box in the center of the wreath has opened. Take the stone sun symbol.

We now have all stone sun symbols. Visit July.

Go to the alcove with the helmet, then look up.

Place the stone sun symbols in the openings. The central stone slides aside, revealing a key.

Go back to December.

Zoom in on the right-hand house.

There is a switch at the top of the right-hand pillar at the front of the stairs. This is the 10th switch!

Visit August.

Click to the right of the house to view it from the back.

All ten lights are on, and the hub where all wires come together has opened. Take a key from it.

Go back to December.

Zoom in on the door of the right hand house.

Use the four keys to unlock the door (you'll have to experiment which key opens which lock).

2015 will come out of the door, accompanied by funky music.


Help me... i'm stuck with all calenders open and 3 stone sun symbol, somebody please tell me...


That was a fairly enormous game.

@rayquqaza - you're collecting five things, which are scattered all over the place.

There are six stone sun symbols. You'll use those

in July, above the helmet.

Eight golden tongues. Those are used

in November, on the frogs.

Ten switches. You don't collect those, exactly, but the results are in

August, on the right side of the building.

Four balls

Wooden, stone, cannon, and snow

that you give to

the gnome on the shelf in May.

Six teeth which are used

in September, in the orca's mouth.

All this will net you

four keys, which you use

on the right-hand door in December to find 2015 and end the game.


Haven't played yet but I'm just so excited to see a Skutnik game, always.


Is that orange bag of bread for feeding the sea gulls?


Terribly stuck.

Is the only 'far out' view the wall with spigot and sign?


One tooth, one calendar with date, and I've flipped one switch. I see the closeup with the EAU NON POTABLE sign - with the round thing next to it, and other closeups, like the pipes, the lever, the 022 at the spiggot end, the hole in the wall with two other closeups, etc

But I can't get further than that. Once I back out to the full wall scene (sign, spigot, pipes) there doesn't seem to be any other scene to go to.


David, you can click dates on the calendars to go to new scenes. The original scene is the "0" half-hidden on the bottom of the calendar, and each scene/month contains the next month somewhere to add to the calendar.

I, on the other hand, am missing only a single switch:

I've found 9/10. I haven't found any in months 1,4,5,10,or 11 but must have found two in one of the months based on how many lights are on.


Doh! Thanks Benabik!

miconoscomascherina December 31, 2014 12:52 PM

I'm still missing teeth...

daltonator December 31, 2014 1:21 PM

Keep in mind that there's technically 13 different scenes, including the one in which you start, which of course has things hidden in nooks and crannies.

wildflower12 December 31, 2014 1:33 PM

How do you get the spade off of the statue in November?

stupidcheeseboy December 31, 2014 1:38 PM replied to wildflower12

His pouch opens when all the frogs have their tongues

stupidcheeseboy December 31, 2014 1:52 PM replied to wildflower12

Okay, finally found all the sun symbols

January- when all letters replaced
May -in the wreath when all balls are placed
July - in the turtle
August - top of weight next to whiteball
September- in the rocks & weeds to the far L of anchor
December -under staircase to R house


is there a walkthrough in the works?

Hespetre December 31, 2014 2:15 PM replied to Benabik

There is one switch in


you have to

turn a corner.

Nikos199524 December 31, 2014 2:19 PM

Please tell me where i can find teeth.

silent george December 31, 2014 2:33 PM

I'm stuck after finding February. Two teeth, one tongue ... Help!

shjack180 December 31, 2014 3:28 PM replied to silent george

@Silent George
I just overcame that problem myself.

Go to February on the calendar. There's a hot spot near the middle bottom of the screen, just above your inventory.


I have one switch in all of:

Start, Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec

I must have another switch somewhere based on

The number of lights on in August

but I can't figure out where. So I'm missing one switch and flipped a switch I can't find again.

Rsrdaman December 31, 2014 3:42 PM replied to Benabik

About switches:

There are 2 switches in December, one to the right of the pigeon, and one to the left of the red door, in the rocks. Where is the one in August?

Hespetre December 31, 2014 3:43 PM replied to Benabik

I don't remember where all of them are, but:

There are 2 switches in



to the left of the red door (left door)

and one

on the column by the stairs to the right door.

I'm missing one


and I think that is the last thing I need to find...

Rsrdaman December 31, 2014 3:51 PM replied to Hespetre

I'm missing three. Do you mind saying where you found them?

Hespetre December 31, 2014 4:02 PM replied to Rsrdaman

I'm sorry, I don't remember much (I have been going to and fro for hours) but I found the last one in

April, among the cupcakes.

I don't take notes or play very systematically.

Found 2015! Thanks, Skutnik, for another lovely gaming experience!


I’m missing one tongue, one tooth, and one switch. Here’s a list of where most of the collectibles are:


One switch at the base of the pipe.
One tooth in the spiderweb nook.
One sun after solving the letter puzzle.


One tooth at the base of the chair.
One letter to the right, on the pole.


One switch in a hole in the sand.
One tongue in the sand flats.


One switch on the shovel handle.
One tooth in a hole in some bread.


One tongue in the cupcakes.
One letter behind the bunny.


One Sun after solving the ball puzzle.


One switch to the left of the gear.
One tongue on the left/top of the gear.
One tooth in the water at the base of the gears.


One switch in the right pot.
One ball in the left pots.
One sun after solving the turtle puzzle.


One switch in a hole in the door.
One tongue near the round stone on the side of the house.
One letter on the sign.
One sun on top of the black float.


One switch on the anchor chain.
One sun in the grass near the anchor.


One tongue under the eaves on the drain.
One tongue behind the tree.
One tooth above the door.


One tooth by the left frog.


Two switches: one near a pipe in the stone pile, one on the bannister near the sign.
One switch on the bannister near the sign.
One tongue in a can near the stone slabs.
Three balls: two in the cannons, one in the alligator statue.
One tooth under a slab near the “yeah, here” pigeon.
One sun under the cannon stairs.


PoP update:


8 also has a switch on the right side of the uneven stone square on the side of the house.


apparently there were only 7 teeth, and I wasn't missing any.

I'm still missing a tongue, though.


Whew, that took me wayyy to long. Thanks to Mantus for that list. I never would have found a certain hot spot in December if I had not known I was missing one.


Found everything! Had to go back and redo it while keeping notes and couldn't remember where one item was, but eventually I got it all.

Mantus, the thing you're missing is:

In December, behind the face stone in the left door area. There's another can back there.



Thanks, Merriman. Way too many stuff jammed into December, imo.

jayisgamed December 31, 2014 5:58 PM

Where are you supposed to put the sun symbols once you find them?

jayisgamed December 31, 2014 6:04 PM

Nevermind, I just saw jason9045's hint above!


Where is the alligator statue in December?? I'm totally missing it!


Ugh...nevermind, found it.

lepetitomnomnivore December 31, 2014 9:09 PM

Here's the complete walkthrough guys!
Happy New Year!


Ah, thanks to whoever made/posted the Youtube walkthrough. I needed it to find the last few things, since

you go round and round through the calendars and convince yourself you've already found the tongue/tooth in that location


Is it just me or at the end there did anyone think about Cool Guy Has A Chill Day because of the music?

hans.vogelaar December 31, 2014 11:05 PM

For those who prefer a text walkthrough:

Walkthrough for "Where is 2015"

There are many views that are for your enjoyment only; I won't describe them here, but please explore!

Starting scene

The sign "EAU NON POTABLE" is missing three letters: A, O and P.

Pick up the calendar from the window. The calendar now contains one link, numbered 0. It will take you back to this scene.
You'll gather links to move between scenes as you progress.

If you look closely at the lower right corner of the window, you'll find a tooth. Pick it up.

The faucet of the fountain contains an upside down number: 022. When you move the mouse over the faucet, the number will be shown in a 'tooltip'.

There is a little gap above the tap. Zoom in on it to see a switch. Turn it on (you'll hear a hum).

The link to the scene for January is found in the rightmost rainpipe. It will be added to your calendar, as the link numbered 1.


There is a tooth in the hollow between the legs of the right-hand bench. Pick it up.

The link to the scene for February is on the ground below the table, in front of the right-hand bench.

Click on the right-hand side of the scene to view a pole with two signs. You can pick up a letter O from the orange sign.


There are some openings in the rock-like formation in the foreground.

An opening on the left contains the link to the scene for March.
An hollow in the middle contains a switch; turn it on.

There is a golden tongue on the beach to the left of the rock-like formation. Pick it up.


There is a bunch of tools against the wall on the right hand side, in the back. There is another switch behind the handle of a spade.

The link to the scene for April is in the white paint bucket.

There is another tooth in a hole in a slice of bread to the left of the paint buckets.


There is a bunny on the basket on the left (in the back). Zoom in on the bunny (Boo!) and pick up the letter P to the left of it.

There is a second golden tongue on the cupcake with the blue and golden sprinkles near the upper right of the basket with cupcakes.

The link to the scene for May is attached to the black egg on the left hand side of the egg basket.


There is a little gnome on a block of wood with four hollows. If you move the mouse over the gnome it'll tell you that its collection is missing.

The link to the scene for June is near the stone ornaments on the left hand side of the scene.


Zoom in on the large cogwheel.

There is a golden tongue on one of the cogs slightly to the left of the top of the wheel.

There is a switch just to the left of the wheel.

The link to the scene for July is on a smaller cogwheel behind the large one, seen between the two topmost spokes.

Look all the way down to where the water swirls around the toothed rack. Zoom in and you'll find a tooth.


Zoom in on the water basin on the right hand side, then zoom in on the waterlily leaves. The fish will tell you that the turtle number can be found on the faucet.

The mouth of the large vase to the right of the stairs contains a switch.

There are two stone turtles to the left of the amphoras to the left of the stairs. The left one has 000 on its back. Change this to the number on the faucet.

We found this in the starting scene - the number is 022.

The turtle will turn around, and you can take a stone sun symbol from its back.

There are three jars on the wall above the amphoras. The second one from the left contains a wooden ball.

You'll find the link to the scene for August on the inside of the helmet in the alcove behind the jars.

Zoom out from the helmet so that you're looking at the alcove, then look up. There are six spaces. The stone sun symbol fits into one of them. We'll need to find five more!


Zoom in on the door, then on the sign on the door. Take the letter A from the word Ausrutschgefahr near the bottom. We now have the letters A, O and P...

The hole in the door below the sign contains a switch.

There is another stone sun symbol in the opening near the top of the sinker to the left of the door.

You'll find the link to the scene for September in a little gap at the bottom of the window to the right of the door.

Click to the right of the house to view it from the back. There is a series of electric wiring with lights, some of which are on.

There is a window blockedup with smaller stones in the wall. Near the upper right part of this window you'll find another switch. When you turn it on, one more light is on! Three aren't on yet, so three more switches to find.

There is a fourth golden tongue in the rubbish to the right of the mill wheel.

Time to bring another visit to the initial scene (0 on the calendar).

Remember the EAU NON POTABLE sign? We've found the missing letters. Place them on the sign. A little lid to the left of the sign will shift. You'll find another stone sun symbol in the opening.


An orca! The link to the scene for October is attached to its tail.

Zoom in on the orca's eye - moving the mouse over it and you'll learn that the orca has problems with its teeth. Hmmm - we found some teeth. And indeed, it is missing several teeth. You can place the teeth you found now, if you wish, but we'll need to find more.

There is an anchor to the left of the orca. You'll find a switch on the ring of the anchor.

Zoom in twice on the grass to the left of the ring to find another stone sun symbol.


Zoom in on the left hand side of the building, then on the bottom of the tree. There's a golden tongue just to the right of the trunk.

Zoom in on the roof above the door. There is a hard-to-find tooth on the roof.

Zoom out again. Zoom in on the gutter in the center of the scene, then zoom in on the center again, to find another golden tongue.

The link to the scene for November is attached to the gabled window above the gutter.


Zoom in on the head of the statue. It says "My poor frogs".

There are 8 frogs surrounding the statue. They are missing something - their tongue. We have found 6 tongues, we need 2 more.

There is another tooth on a copper knob near the leftmost frog.

The link to the scene for December is on the front of the pedestal.


There is a lot to find and do here!

Zoom in on the house on the left, then on the stones to the left of the door. If you look carefully, there is a handle protruding from behind a stone placed against the wall. Zoom in there to find a switch.

Zoom in on the stones to the right of the door, then zoom in on the stones in the back. You can just see the top of a can in the center left of the view. The can contains a golden tongue.

Zoom out again, then look at the stone with a face on it. Click just to the left of it to find another can with a golden tongue - we now have all of them.

Time for another visit to November.

Give the frogs their tongues back.

Look at the head of the statue - it now says that there is a reward in its pouch. The pouch (below the violin) has opened - take a key from it.

Go back to December.

Zoom in on the house on the left, then on the basement door/window on the left.

There's a slab to the right - look under it to find another tooth (zoom in twice). You should now have 7 teeth.

Let's visit September again.

Give the Orca its teeth back - 6 in the front view, 1 in the side view.

Then look at its eye - there is a reward under its arm (side fin).

Look closely just to the right of the side fin. There is another key.

Return to December.

There is a statue of a dragon or crocodile on the wall between the two houses. It has a stone ball in its mouth - take it.

Zoom in on the house on the right, then on the left basement window. Look in the culvert to the right of the window - you'll find another stone sun symbol.

Zoom in on the front door. We've got two keys, but it looks like there are four locks, so we're not done yet.

The cannon to the left of the door contains a snowball, and the cannon to the right of the door contains a cannonball. We now have 4 balls - what to do with them?

Visit May.

Place the four balls in the hollows of the wooden block.

Now look at the gnome. It says that there is a reward in the wreath.

The little box in the center of the wreath has opened. Take the stone sun symbol.

We now have all stone sun symbols. Visit July.

Go to the alcove with the helmet, then look up.

Place the stone sun symbols in the openings. The central stone slides aside, revealing a key.

Go back to December.

Zoom in on the right-hand house.

There is a switch at the top of the right-hand pillar at the front of the stairs. This is the 10th switch!

Visit August.

Click to the right of the house to view it from the back.

All ten lights are on, and the hub where all wires come together has opened. Take a key from it.

Go back to December.

Zoom in on the door of the right hand house.

Use the four keys to unlock the door (you'll have to experiment which key opens which lock).

2015 will come out of the door, accompanied by funky music.


thanks again hans. you rock :)


"2015, where are you?"
Scooby Doo: "Not here!"

Patreon Donator Infant Tyrone January 1, 2015 3:59 PM

Aw dang those hand-painted eggs are amazing. I'd love a Skutnik egg!

Carlington January 2, 2015 1:02 AM

This game makes me wish there were a way to play in full screen, the photography is gorgeous!


Yes, December is jammed with stuff, but after going through the calendar months more times than I could count, it only made sense that my missing item might possibly be there.


The bird in June sounds a lot like a North American Cardinal. Anyone know what it is? Lark? Thrush maybe?

antyradek January 3, 2015 7:01 PM

Does anyone know these places on photos? Skutnik used to live in my hometown, he took photos and I recognize some of the places.

December is a Mariacka Street is Gdańsk. How nice to see it.
Right there a Google StreetView
Near it is a Saint Mary Church, near which took place "Where Is 2011" game. That square is also on StreetView

November is a fountain in Toruń (the place of Copernicus). The legend says petting the frogs makes dreams come true - that's why they are so polished. You can search for name written on it.

October is a small restaurant in Sopot - Koliba Restaurant. It's amazing I noticed it - this park is a common place for walks. It's only few metres from the sea, how could Skutnik not include the beach there? Look how close it is!

I have no idea of February, it could be anywhere, most likely Gdańsk, or Sopot too. You can notice a (probably) Hel peninsula when you look into sea.

Other places are likely not to be in Poland, so it's the first time I saw them.

thegreatescaper January 5, 2015 8:51 PM

The photography is beautiful.
The sound effects are gorgeous.
The small amounts of speech scattered through the game I found strangely moving and mysterious. (probably my favorite part of the game)
What could go wrong? One word: PIXELHUNTING.

Rant begin here: it's spoilered so I won't be called a troll.

But clicking on every inch of the screen, thinking you've found everything and then missing a tiny hotspot hidden between hotspots? Not my idea of fun.

I love Skutnik, but a lot of his recent games (including Escape from JIG) I've found a little... lacking. I'm losing the sense of achievement his older games used to give. Now I just think, 'really? Those objects were hidden there? And now I need to find another four?'
Pixelhunting is my major, major, hate. Skutnik I love. Put those two together and I start to feel very uncomfortable. It's like having to eat the world's most delicious icecream using microscopic chopsticks.

Rant end.

Beautiful, breathtaking, atmospheric, and also terrible at the same time. I'm not sure whether to love this game or to hate it.


Just like his 10 Gnomes games: pretty to look at, but way, WAY too much Glob-danged pixel hunting.


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chrpa Jayisgames needs your help to continue providing quality content. Click for details Hi! Weekday Escape and Weekday Puzzle are here! First we have two new cans from tomoLaSiDo and then two small rooms from isotronic. That's all for this...  ...
chrpa Jayisgames needs your help to continue providing quality content. Click for details Welcome to Mobile Monday! We have another beautiful game from Nicolet and it's a winter game as it should be. Tasuku Yahiro have released another of their...  ...
chrpa Jayisgames needs your help to continue providing quality content. Click for details We've got a new game from Rinnogogo's magical world and this time it really is magical.. Not only do you get to meet cute animals that express themselves...  ...
chrpa Jayisgames needs your help to continue providing quality content. Click for details After a few weeks of patient waiting, we have been rewarded - the new game from Ichima Coffeedo is here. We got a wonderful new game - it's...  ...


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