Navigation through this strange little world is accomplished with the arrow keys. The left and right arrow will allow you to move, well, left and right. The up arrow key will allow you to jump and the down arrow key will allow you to interact with various parts of the scenery. Take your time and explore; for a five minute or less game there's lots to behold. Strangely non-linear, be prepared to move backwards and forwards, up and down, and gaze in amazement at the bleak surroundings. Oh, and try to find 2010, of course.
The artwork in this eerie, deserted world is in hand-drawn black and white, reminiscent of and probably a tribute to the DayMare Town series. Adding to the chill factor is the eerie sound of wind blowing through this deserted space. Yet, despite the bleak atmosphere, in the end this is some rather uplifting casual gameplay.
You might ask, for such a short game is it fun to play? The answer to that is in two parts: (1) It's Mateusz Skutnik, and (2) Duh! Is 2010 something real or just a state of mind? You'll have to play to find out. Have fun wandering in all directions, back and forth, up and down, and see what you can find. It's amazing what can be packed into such a small space and there's lots to see and do before it's all over. Atmospheric, moody, and yet surprisingly cute while simultaneously sending a chill down your spine, Where is 2010? is a perfect way to start the new year right.
This was a really cute game, and i finished it, I think, I have a question! What are the little money things for, those little blobs you collect. and i cant help but think that theres something more to this game. like theres a room i can see but cant get to, whats that all about, PLUS what are those symbols for?!
And what with the head?!
A very simple point and click game.
Just find all the switches!
Blinky, good questions! I once thought of them but forgot when I posted the last comment. Right, what's the "compass" symbol for? And the "head" lying on the ground? I thought they were clues for something but the game ended much earlier than I thought...
Perhaps this is an trial version of a game?
Blinky that's all part of it's charm. I think the money collecting is just for fun, you just collect as many of them as you can (27).
Another great game by Mateusz Skutnik!!! Finished, but I still think there's more!XDDD
The head is from the statue above the building on the right. I'm stuck at 26 coins. Where's the 27th?
Interesting, and since it didn't promise too much, it was fun to play.
If you get stuck near the well:
You can hop up the corner stones to get back to the other side of the building.
That had me confused for a minute. (Sad, I know!)
I also thought the controls felt a little off. But then I realized that most or all of the other Skutnik games are point-and-click, not walk-and-jump. It just needs a bit of work on the jumping.
It was pretty easy completing everything. However, there is something
in the building all the way to the left with three hooks. I get the feeling I'm missing something extra.
That was short and sweet and I could even figure out how to do it :). Though I'm mystified about the 27th coin, I only have 26. I wish they didn't blend into the background quite as well. Oh well.
As for the symbols laying around,
I think those just indicate which doors are operated by which levers. Symbol next to lever, symbol next to whatever it opened (only they don't use the symbols if the door or whatever reaction is obviously on the same screen as the lever).
And I think the extra room all the way off to the left was just to fill in some area and avoid blackness. But it would be a fabulous segue into a sequel. I could definitely tolerate sequels of this all year.
For the 27th coin...
you might be missing the one on the second screen near the top to the right of the flag. I randomly hit this one by accident.
I'm stuck. I don't know where to go after the 22nd coin o.0
. . . and I somehow found #27. I still don't really know where it is, even after bouncing through and extra time. I just know that
I get it while going back through the game after finding the baby.
Oh. I tugged on the rope. I believe the 27th coin which is the hardest to get is on the right courtyard map. On the ledge that connects to elm street jump LEFT.
I thought it was on the flagpole
Isnt it fab!
Hey Jay how about a competition for us tea guzzling game heads....with the prize a master class in how Mr Skutnik does that!
What a fun way to start out the year! Thanks to jamiekay for the 27th coin. I went back and forth about a hundred times trying to find it.
I liked it, got all 27 coins, just a nice short game to start off the new year :)
That was so much fun ... I only found 26 coins but I was so surprised when I found 2010. I was completely addicted to the Submachine games and I really liked Daymare Town I and II, so this was the best of both worlds.
Thanks JIG for all the enjoyment in 2009, and looking forward to more in 2010!
Hey. The game ended really fast. I think there were a few switches you didnt have to click to win the game. It was kinda creapy. Instead or the Green Face icon for rating, I think It maybe might fit into the Yellow Icon. Especially because of that head on the ground next to the well. This game was interesting and same for the Main Character. A good game to start off the New Year.
******************************Happy New Years!****************************
Oh, love. Only wish it was a little longer. This is like a sweet little teaser for the upcoming Daymare Town III. Can't wait!
This game was really cute even if it was extremely short. I agree with trish916 that it was a bit creepy also. The 27th coin threw me off until I read jamiekay's post. Thanks! I didn't even see that coin even when I knew where to look for it. Overall, a fun game. :)
the head on the ground fell off of the statue on top of the building. thats why its there. i dont think its creepy.
No bounus in Mateusz's game. Strange...
There is coins, some strange structures, sign and door above slaughterhouse.
Really strange.
I love it! Especially the ending which I thought was a cute little twist, unexpected.
I also thought the little fella's running style was quirky.
And it's a platform game! (not usually my fave type of game)
The link is not opening. Anyone else faced such a problem? Am using IE 7.0
I can't seem to open the game
Holy cow, I actually completed it without any help whatsoever! That's a big deal for a doofus like me.
Three coins on the first screen. Pull the lever to raise the platform on the right so you can reach the highest one.
While still on the now-tallest platform, jump far to the right. You will need to land on a mid-air platform.
Four coins on this screen, for a total of seven. Pull the lever and go left to return to the first screen.
A door to the left should be open that wasn't open before. Enter it.
Three coins on this screen, for a total of ten. Pull the lever and return to the first screen.
Climb back to the tallest platform and jump right to return to that mid-air platform.
Jump onto the platform attached to the building and jump onto the window ledge. From there, grab the hidden coin by the little flag. You should now have eleven coins.
Two coins on this screen, for a total of thirteen. Jump onto the bottom platform and pull the lever. This will raise the platform and allow you to collect the coins. Do this before you get on the other platform.
Pull the lever to move to the right. Now jump far to the right. You will need to land on another mid-air platform.
One coin on this screen, for a total of fourteen. Pull the lever to go right so you can collect the coin, then go right onto the next screen.
Three coins on this screen, for a total of seventeen. They are embedded in that thing hanging on the right-hand side.
You'll need to climb back up the side of the building to get all of them, unless you're clever enough to get more than one at a time, unlike me.
One coin on this screen, for a total of eighteen. Get it before you go down the well.
Three coins on this screen, for a total of twenty-one. They're all in a vertical line on the right.
Go all the way to the left before you go down the chute.
One coin on this screen, for a total of twenty-two. Pull the rope.
Now go right and down the chute.
Go left. A door to the left should be open that wasn't open before. Enter it.
Two coins on this screen, for a total of twenty-four. Turn the wheel.
Go right, climb to the top of the building, and go left.
Down below, a door to the right should be open that wasn't open before. Enter it.
Three coins on this screen, for a total of twenty-seven. Pull the lever.
You found 2010!
blinky: i think the head is from that statue thing up above the wall on the right side of the well. but idk
How do you get the guy onto that tall platform in screen one? I can't get him to jump that far.
thanks cmll for pointing out that the head came off the statue. I didnt see that. Although, I still think its creepy.
That game was scary u.u
If you take a running leap from the ledge with the lever, you should make it. What works for me is holding down the right arrow to traverse the small ledge, and then without letting go of the right arrow, press and hold the up arrow.
Don't like this pushing buttons, i can't get to where I want to go. When I stop the guy he goes anywhere he wants. I can't get to the flag part, so for now I'm stuck.
I love, love, LOVE the Daymare series and enjoyed this one immensely, although I wish it were longer.
But there's that room at the far left with the hooks. There HAS to be a way in. There's something more here. I just know it.
My goodness, I found 2010 and 27 coins without any help! I thought I had more places to go, but I guess that's life!
I'm playing through the mskutnik tagged games. This one is no longer playable as the link goes to an error page. Too bad!