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Weekday Escape N°121

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Weekday Escape

DoraIf you're there, and I'm here, then that means... congratulations! The ritual was a success. It sleeps once more, dreamless yet restless, even turning, beneath the earth's skin, and we yet live another turn of that infernal star. Nevermind "Dora, what are you talking about?" That's my burden to bear, you sweet, blessedly ignorant human. We've got games to play! This week! Primera's idea of a picnic involves a little more math and a lot less potato salad than you might expect. Vitamin Hana gives you doors, doors everywhere, and not a drop to drink... or... something. And Tototo Room gives you some fresh air and a little wiggle for your time.

PicnicPicnic - You know, usually picnics involve a lot less math and keen observation, and a lot more potato salad and burnt hotdogs, but you do you, Primera. The room you're trapped in is small, and sneaky locks secure every cabinet, drawer, and way out, so you'll need to start paying careful attention to your scant surroundings right away. You may find some of the puzzles a little unintuitive, but, well, if you want your shot at beachside vittles, you'll make the effort.

Where's the Door?Where's the Door? - The title of this delightful little escape by Vitamin Hana may seem a little weird, because, well... there's a door. There's actually several doors, right there, in front of you. But as to which one leads you out? Well, that's another matter entirely. A tasty blend of simple, smart puzzles that won't tax you but also won't make you feel like you're simply going through the motions makes this another game that proves why Vitamin Hana is always a welcome treat.

GardenGarden - It's time for Tototo Room to take things to the great outdoors!... well, as "great" as a moderately sized, enclosed park can be. But still! Smell that fresh air! Bask beneath that blue sky! Do the wiggle! This is definitely a weird one, but I'd say it's a cute one, too, and goodness knows that's a combination we could always use more of in our day-to-day lives.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.


Finished Where's the Door


Finished Picnic. But I did not open one of the cupboards with the color code. Might have missed an item


Garden was super short and easy


Stuck on Picnic. I've got the postcard, screwdriver, curtain, and rod. Tried a lot of ideas for the blue letters and the two number codes, but came up empty.

Josiah March 30, 2016 6:31 AM replied to J-Walk

For the number code

The postcard says to take away the 0 so add everything up with the Tel code +/- = the result

Daibhid C March 30, 2016 9:32 AM

Completed Garden but...

I never actually figured out what the double arrow number was - at first I tried 7 because I could almost see "VII" in the arrows on the door, and then I decided to just brute-force it since I had the others and it turned out to be 8. But even knowing that I still couldn't see why.


Clicking the WE image (rather than the title) takes you to WE 120.

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 30, 2016 10:45 AM replied to Daibhid C


Get ready to kick yourself. There were eight arrows.


OK, Primera, there's cryptic, and then there's ANNOYING.

That little parenthetical

"(-0)" in the corner of the postcard is apparently intended to mean that you should drop all of the zeros before you do any math. This is annoyingly unclear because the rest of the symbols operate according to normal math rules; it's just that one dash that has a magical meaning.

Coffeeteamix March 30, 2016 4:41 PM replied to Josiah

how did you

know the sailboat/crab/shell sequence

without opening that cupboard?

Patreon Supporter Scaper March 30, 2016 5:57 PM replied to Josiah

Please explain the final code to the clock.

I see that the answer is 8512 but I don't see how this relates to the 1200 on the clock, even upside down, which would be 0021.


Coffeeteamix March 30, 2016 6:06 PM replied to Scaper

@ Scaper:

the clock is not the only thing you need. If you look at the note again, you'll notice that

the arrows point to 3 different clues. You need to combine them.

So the 1st digit refers to arrows

on door

, the 2nd digit is the red box you're currently viewing, only the 4th + 5th digits actually have to do with the time.

crashlanding March 30, 2016 6:14 PM

I'm embarrassed to say I can even get started on Picnic T^T

WillYum March 30, 2016 6:56 PM replied to crashlanding

At crashlanding:

Picnic was not easy in places. In fact, I am stuck on the final puzzle.

Here are some hints for the first puzzle/how to start.

The grey thing in the middle of the orange door holds a postcard.

Start with that puzzle.

Three numbers needed.

Where can you find three numbers?

Ignore the heads.

Use the flowers painted on the wall.

Four flower blooms, but only three stems.

Count the leaves.


WillYum March 30, 2016 7:03 PM replied to crashlanding

Regarding Picnic:

Stuck on the final puzzle (opening the door) I think?

I have eight items. They are...

Postcard, cooler, bag of juices, curtain, chair, light, screwdriver, and umbrella.

Need a gentle hint/nudge in right direction.


Coffeeteamix March 30, 2016 7:36 PM replied to WillYum


Are you sure you're at the last puzzle? For example, have you

opened the cupboard with 4 letter code?


WillYum: you need to combine clues from

two of the things in your inventory to open the

wall cabinet in the second room.

The two things are

the postcard (message side) and the beach chair.

This gives you a

rag with which you can

wipe that smudge off the front door to reveal the code for opening it.

WillYum March 30, 2016 7:54 PM replied to Coffeeteamix

At coffeeteamix & juli:


I already have the clue for the door (final puzzle)!

I just got confused about it and thought it (door answer) was the answer to another clue.


That is what happens when you stop one escape puzzle to work on another.


crashlanding March 31, 2016 12:40 AM


Thank you thank you! managed to get through the rest of it on my own, but I hadn't thought to look at that!


Embarrassed to say *all three* stumped me this time! So many combination locks!!! I must be mentally out of synch.

I'm going to try again, resorting to walkthroughs if all else fails.

Thanks as always, Dora! It must be nice to know that 2000 people await your weekly posting!

Patreon Supporter Scaper March 31, 2016 12:01 PM replied to Coffeeteamix


Thanks for the explanation. I guess I didn't understand the

arrows on the clue paper!


Stuck on Where's the Door?

I have

Three cups (one marked coffee cup and used to open the letter-code door). The ladder is against the wall, but doesn't seem to affect anything.

Have tried using the tree groupings in the picture on the round-topped door, both as

2242332 and 442332

Also tried sequencing the three cups in the order I received them on the six-paneled door.

Oniya March 31, 2016 2:35 PM replied to Oniya

Addendum - have turned on the overhead light. Resulting clue also not working on round-topped door.

Oniya March 31, 2016 2:40 PM replied to Oniya

Power of posting - all out. *blush*

argyblarg March 31, 2016 3:30 PM

Uh, I think I cheated in picnic, and got out with less than half the puzzles solved and almost no inventory.

I got the postcard, got the lamp, entered the code and went into the second room.

Then I just entered the colored letters from the back of the postcard in the order in which they uniquely appeared: h e a t.

Wiped the door and was out.

Now I'm curious: What was I supposed to do?


Vitamin Hana is a strange little girl.

All those perfectly good, full-size doors, and we have to squeeze ourselves through a friggin' wall safe to get out.

azulrider March 31, 2016 4:00 PM replied to argyblarg

That's exactly what I did... Weird!

Coffeeteamix March 31, 2016 4:42 PM replied to argyblarg

@argyblarg and azulrider:

LOL. You were not supposed to know

in what order to put the 4 letters

In which case you would've

used flashlight to

light up the light bulb shape imprint beside the bike picture in the inner room, revealing an on switch, which turns on the bike picture

you'd then have the color code,
which leads you to order for the shell crab sailboat code,
which gives you screw driver,
which gives you a pole from curtains and 3 bottles of juice,
which lets you open the strawberry closet,
which gives you an umbrella to go with your pole,
which gives you the clue to the red circle puzzle,
which gives you a lawn chair,
which gives you the order to use the letter

which then leads you to where you ended up, lol XD Congratulations, you skipped like


steps, haha.

aglet April 1, 2016 1:19 AM replied to Oniya

@Oniya, would you care to give a clue? I'm stuck at exactly the same place you were. Perhaps the power of posting will help me, too, but I'm not hopeful!


The hidden game...

a forth game for this week

can be found


April Fools

argyblarg April 1, 2016 1:38 PM replied to Coffeeteamix

Thanks! Wow, that did simplify things! I'm going to the beach without any of the proper equipment, though :(

The funny thing is, I would have tried to make a word out of the letters even if they weren't conveniently in order already. I wonder if that was bad design or if it was intentional.


All right, I give up. I have tried for two days to figure out Vitamin Hana's doors. Even sleeping on it did not help. So going to the POP. Stuck at the same point aglet and oniya were.

ThemePark April 3, 2016 4:28 PM

@me, oniya, aglet:

The ladder gives you a code, follow the arrow. When you then use that code, you get something that tells you how to get the code for the round top door.


Vitamin Hana: Where's the Door? hint-through

Turn right and zoom in on the three pictures for the hint to

the right-hand door of the low cabinet (first view). Get a screwdriver.

Use the screwdriver

on the middle picture, get the red cup.

Look inside

the cup for the clue to the left-hand door of the low cabinet in the first view. Get the blue cup.

Turn left and switch on

the lamp for the clue to the door next to the three pictures. Get the ladder and the green cup.

Put the ladder

to the left of the numbered door. (Slight pixel hunt: you must be zoomed out, and you need to click near the bottom of the wall.)

Take the lightbulb

from the lamp and put it in the overhead fixture. Push the wall switch for the clue to the drawer (under the lamp). Get the box cutter and the paper.

The paper combined with

the numbered door is the clue to the round-topped cupboard.

Place the three

cups here for the clue to the numbered door. Get a wall switch.

Place the wall switch on

the exposed wiring between the lamp and the large picture. Push the switch to see where to apply the box cutter.

The round-topped cupboard with the mugs

is also the clue for this safe.

As Reka wrote, a bunch of full-size doors, and we have to exit through

a small square safe.



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