An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Weekday Escape N°109

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Weekday Escape

DoraUgh, weekdays. Ugh, responsibilities. Ugh, not being able to play three free online escape games in a row handcrafted by three different developers. ... wait, that last one doesn't apply to us at all! Muahaha, take that, productivity, procrastination wins again! This week! Nagamochi Games gets very tricky with an escape game where you can't take anything at face value. Vitamin Hana is so over doors and wants you to get a workout to break free. And Choko-Chai gives the kitties a rest for a wintry little treat.

Jump OverJump Over - To escape from Vitamin Hana this time, as the title implies, where you're going, you won't need doors. ... or, well, okay, you need doors, but the way to freedom is actually up and over the big wall in the backyard. This one is a little straightforward thanks to some spartan decor, but to crack the codes on its locked cabinets and ultimately scale the wall to the untold riches and glory that doubtless rest on the other side, you'll still need to give your brain a shake to wake it up.

New Year 2016New Year 2016 - Choko-Chai's kitties are absent for this Japanese-only wintry escape, where you find yourself trapped in a snowy but lovely little outdoor area with snowmen and a shrine. Even if you can't read the language, you should still be able to complete this short and simple game with little difficulty, as long as you remember to examine everything you have up close with the magnifying glass and poke in every nook and cranny.

Wicked Escape ZeroWicked Escape Zero - Nagamochi Games gets sneaky this time with tricky puzzles that play with your brain, though once again the text is is Japanese only. English only readers can still complete it just fine... provided they don't take every puzzle they see at face value! If you get stuck, try clicking around a little, because this is one game that loves being outright deceptive at times. You can handle it, right?

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Jump Over Walkthrough

1. Cabinet, left door (screwed shut)

Get the broom from the backyard, then use it to reach the screwdriver outside the front door.

The backyard is through the door next to the cabinet you're trying to open; the front door is the other one.

Get the blue hoop piece and note the code.

1-pink, 2-yellow, 3-green, 4-orange, 5-gray (or purple?), 6-blue

2. Toolbox (3x2 colored buttons)

Press the buttons in the order indicated by the code behind the left door of the cabinet.
Color help:

The buttons are:
  blue purple yellow
  green pink orange
So the code translates to: bottom center, top right, bottom left, bottom right, top center, top left.

Get the green hoop piece.

3. Hoop

You should already have the blue and green pieces. Find the other two:

Look behind the left side of the cabinet.


Use the broom to get it from behind the backyard fence.

Use "about item" on the pieces and click them to put together the hoop.

4. Table (4 colored digits)

You'll need the hoop to decode those numbers on the wall.

Put the assembled hoop on the wall and note which segment falls on which number.

Blue = 5, yellow = 3, green = 6, red = 2

Set each button on the table to the appropriate number.
Color help:

The buttons are blue, green, yellow, red, so the code is 5632.

Get the garden shears.

5. Cabinet, right door (3x3 buttons)

You'll need to trim the grass.

Go into the backyard and use the garden shears on the rough grass. Note the light and dark squares.


Get the staples? croquet gates? whatever those gray things are, and the small spade.

6. Trampoline

You need one more item for your trampoline. To find it, notice that you still have the broom.

In the backyard, sweep away the remaining bits of rough grass. Ah, X marks the spot!

Dig at the X (bottom right square) and get the rolled-up whatever it is.

Assembly time. Oh, wait, where's the hoop?

If you haven't already, get the hoop back from the wall.

Use "about item" on the hoop, then add the feet (those things that look like giant staples), then add the rubber mat (the rolled-up thing). Don't try to do "about item" on the mat and add the hoop, because it won't work. Trust me. [insert rant about nonsensical "order of operations" sensitivity]

7. Getting out

Place your assembled trampoline against the back fence, then click it to jump over.

New Year 2016 Walkthrough

Collecting items

  • Get the dustpan from the snowdrift to the left of the building.

  • Click the tree on the left.

    • Get the broom that's leaning against the tree.

    • Click the firepit (the bricks visible on the right) and get the flower ornament.

  • Click the building behind the gate to see a table with a black box on it. Get:

    • sweet potato (sitting on a plate in plain sight)

    • aluminum foil (that bit of red peeking out to the left of the black box)

    • hexagonal box (the brown cylinder-thingy with black trim and writing)

    • lighter (use the flower ornament to open the black box)

  • Click the snowman on the right edge of the screen. Get the mittens from the snowman on the right.

Cooking time (house ornament #1)

Click the tree on the left.

  • Use the broom to sweep up the three little piles of leaves into one bigger pile.

  • Use the dustpan to collect the pile of leaves.

  • Put the pile of leaves into the firepit.

  • Use the mirror, ahem, sorry, the magnifying glass on the sweet potato, then use the aluminum foil on the potato.

  • Put the wrapped potato into the pile of leaves.

  • Use the lighter on the pile.

  • Go away and come back, then use the mittens to pick up the potato. (Those are some highly magical leaves: not only do they burn hot enough to cook a sweet potato, they stay uninjured through the process!)

  • Examine the cooked potato to find the small key.

  • Use the small key to open the panel at the base of the left column and get the house-shaped ornament.

Why use a broom when you can use a snowball? (house ornament #2)

Use the mittens to collect a ball of snow (clicking the red bar of the gate seemed to work for me; basically, click around until you acquire a lumpy white ball in your inventory.)
Use the snowball on the house ornament that's visible on the gate (near the top of the right column).

Snowman puzzle (house ornament #3)

Use magnifying glass (really, it's not a mirror, all appearances to the contrary) on the hexagonal box. Click the box, then click the left button. Note the colors and the arrow.

Yellow, red, blue, red, blue, yellow

Lift the hats of the snowmen in the order indicated. Get the house-shaped ornament.

The hats are blue, yellow, and red, so the order is middle, right, left, right, left, middle.

Ending the game

(It's not really "getting out" per se.) Put the three ornaments into the box under the gate. Click through the dialogue until it ends.

Wicked Escape Zero Walkthrough

This game has two endings. To get the ordinary ending, ignore the documents on the desks. To get the perfect ending, you need to read (well, OK, look at, unless you can read Japanese) all three confidential documents.

  1. Get the key from the left drawer of the desk. (If you're after the perfect ending, don't forget to look at the document on the desk.)

  2. Use the key to open the box on the wall between the two doors. Turn on the power switch.

  3. Click the near door and solve the puzzle.

    Note that everything is white, except for the minus sign. Click the minus sign.

    M=12, D=31; that's December 31st, between you and me. If you add one day, what do you get?


  4. Go into the room and click the locker that's right in front of you. Ah, a classic matchstick puzzle.

    You need to correct the equation by removing one match. Open the matchbox, then click and drag the appropriate match into it. (You can only drag the correct match, but for understandable reasons, the cursor doesn't change when you point at it.)

    How do you combine 1 and 1 to get 0?

    Remove the upright portion of the plus sign to make the equation read
    1 - 1 = 0

    Get the doohickey from the locker. Click it a few times to discover that it's a flashlight.

  5. Turn toward the set of three lockers and open the middle one. Get the sunglasses.

  6. Go back out and click the other door. Well, how are you supposed to push 4 if there's only one button?

    No, the answer isn't to push it four times, but go ahead, try that. I'll wait.

    Did the button seem... wiggly to you? Try dragging it somewhere else.

    Well, lookee here! Another button! Wonder what's under it.

    Keep dragging the buttons until you see four of them, then click each one. (Order doesn't seem to matter.)

  7. Go into the room and click the single locker in it. OK, so it's a "click the corners" puzzle with the solution right there, but where are the buttons?

    Try looking at it another way. Literally.

    Use the sunglasses.

  8. Open the locker and click the top left corner of the back panel until it falls away, revealing another room. Go into the new room.

  9. Click just past the row of lockers to see another desk. The drawers won't open on this one, but what's that shadow behind the lockers?

    Get the ladder.

    If you're a perfectionist, don't forget to look at the note on the desk.

  10. Back away from the desk, then click the up arrow on the left. A tall blank wall... or is it really blank?

    Use the ladder to climb up and get the red key.

    Grab the ladder before you leave; it might come in handy.

  11. Go back out of the room and... wait, what? Oh, the stupid locker locked itself behind you.

    Use the red key to open the lock, then solve the puzzle. (It's a picture of a square spiral staircase.)

    Turn over the square that says "Puzzle" for the last piece.

    Seriously? It's a nine-piece puzzle. If you need more help than this, do your parents know that you're up past your bedtime? >:)

  12. OK, now go back out into the main room.

  13. Use the ladder (told you it'd come in handy) on the hole in the dropped ceiling on the right. From this point on, the game becomes "solve a puzzle, go up some stairs, rinse and repeat." (The third desk is in the alcove to the right of the door, by the way.)

  14. Click the panel next to the door. 7 buttons, but which one(s) do you press? And in what order? I wonder what could illuminate this puzzle.

    Yeah, that was a bit heavy-handed there. Sorry.

    Not heavy-handed enough for you? Use the flashlight on the panel. (Turn on the flashlight if you haven't already.) Click the buttons in the order indicated by the blue arrow.

  15. 3x3 grid, a big white dot, and some directional arrows.

    Oh, and two leetle tiny red Xs. However, if you move the dot over the red X in the middle of the grid and press OK, nothing happens. How infuriating. In frustration, why don't you hit, say, the up arrow a whole bunch of times.

    Move the dot over the other red X and hit OK.

  16. Uh, blackness?

    That back arrow looks awfully strange, though.

    Drag the arrow off of the button. If necessary, come back to the panel, then press the button.

  17. 123 and red arrows. And fractions of arrows.

    There are three almost-identical layers here. The top one can be dragged horizontally, and the second and third vertically.

    Move the top layer to the left until the arrow on it points at the arrow above the 1. Move the second layer down until its arrow matches up with the 2. Move the third layer up until its arrow matches up with the 3.

    Well, how about that: a button! Go ahead, press it.

  18. 3x3 grid, white dot, arrows, and a little red X. Haven't we been here before?

    Might as well try the obvious thing: use the arrows to move the dot over the X.

    Well, that didn't work too well, did it? Last time, we had to think outside the grid; this time, we have to think outside the arrows.

    Just grab that stupid dot and drag it over to the X, then hit the OK button.

  19. Now just keep going up and around until you're out.


Is the link to Wicked Escape Zero supposed to go to a different walkthrough site?


For Jump Over, where is the hint for the 3x3 grid?

I have the broom and 3 parts of the hoop. I'm assuming the 3x3 grid will give me what I need to complete the circle and open the drawer.

Manic Sprite January 6, 2016 1:10 PM replied to DTripVT


You can complete the hoop without opening that cupboard. Look for the last part elsewhere.

WillYum January 6, 2016 6:26 PM replied to DTripVT

You are probably missing the yellow section of the hoop. There are a total of four sections.

The yellow section takes some searching - at least it did for me.

If you cannot find it...

Look to the left back of the big cabinet.

WillYum January 6, 2016 6:32 PM replied to DTripVT

About New Year 2016 (without the kitties):

The thing under the red gate with the outline of three houses is...

NOT a BBQ grill.

I thought you would have to cook the yam on top of that, but nope.

Patreon Donator Reka January 6, 2016 10:10 PM replied to WillYum

You do need to do that, but not there.

You cook the sweet potato in a pile of leaves, but first you have to wrap it in foil.


Omg, I got stuck for ages on New Year 2016!

That coloured leaf looking thing kind of works like a key!

Then, in a weird anti-logic,

You can't just light the leaf fire (don't think our sweet potato/yam is going to cook without some logs, but that's beside the point). NOW you can wrap the thing in the aluminium foil (had to double-check my katakana for that one).

Strange ending.


Also, the clicking seems a bit finnicky in Jump Over. Or maybe it's me. The final puzzle is

To get your hoop, add the grey bracket things to it, then the roll of grey stuff to make something you can place against the outside wall to help you Jump Over it.


Jump Over Walkthrough

1. Cabinet, left door (screwed shut)

Get the broom from the backyard, then use it to reach the screwdriver outside the front door.

The backyard is through the door next to the cabinet you're trying to open; the front door is the other one.

Get the blue hoop piece and note the code.

1-pink, 2-yellow, 3-green, 4-orange, 5-gray (or purple?), 6-blue

2. Toolbox (3x2 colored buttons)

Press the buttons in the order indicated by the code behind the left door of the cabinet.
Color help:

The buttons are:
  blue purple yellow
  green pink orange
So the code translates to: bottom center, top right, bottom left, bottom right, top center, top left.

Get the green hoop piece.

3. Hoop

You should already have the blue and green pieces. Find the other two:

Look behind the left side of the cabinet.


Use the broom to get it from behind the backyard fence.

Use "about item" on the pieces and click them to put together the hoop.

4. Table (4 colored digits)

You'll need the hoop to decode those numbers on the wall.

Put the assembled hoop on the wall and note which segment falls on which number.

Blue = 5, yellow = 3, green = 6, red = 2

Set each button on the table to the appropriate number.
Color help:

The buttons are blue, green, yellow, red, so the code is 5632.

Get the garden shears.

5. Cabinet, right door (3x3 buttons)

You'll need to trim the grass.

Go into the backyard and use the garden shears on the rough grass. Note the light and dark squares.


Get the staples? croquet gates? whatever those gray things are, and the small spade.

6. Trampoline

You need one more item for your trampoline. To find it, notice that you still have the broom.

In the backyard, sweep away the remaining bits of rough grass. Ah, X marks the spot!

Dig at the X (bottom right square) and get the rolled-up whatever it is.

Assembly time. Oh, wait, where's the hoop?

If you haven't already, get the hoop back from the wall.

Use "about item" on the hoop, then add the feet (those things that look like giant staples), then add the rubber mat (the rolled-up thing). Don't try to do "about item" on the mat and add the hoop, because it won't work. Trust me. [insert rant about nonsensical "order of operations" sensitivity]

7. Getting out

Place your assembled trampoline against the back fence, then click it to jump over.


New Year 2016 Walkthrough

Collecting items

  • Get the dustpan from the snowdrift to the left of the building.

  • Click the tree on the left.

    • Get the broom that's leaning against the tree.

    • Click the firepit (the bricks visible on the right) and get the flower ornament.

  • Click the building behind the gate to see a table with a black box on it. Get:

    • sweet potato (sitting on a plate in plain sight)

    • aluminum foil (that bit of red peeking out to the left of the black box)

    • hexagonal box (the brown cylinder-thingy with black trim and writing)

    • lighter (use the flower ornament to open the black box)

  • Click the snowman on the right edge of the screen. Get the mittens from the snowman on the right.

Cooking time (house ornament #1)

Click the tree on the left.

  • Use the broom to sweep up the three little piles of leaves into one bigger pile.

  • Use the dustpan to collect the pile of leaves.

  • Put the pile of leaves into the firepit.

  • Use the mirror, ahem, sorry, the magnifying glass on the sweet potato, then use the aluminum foil on the potato.

  • Put the wrapped potato into the pile of leaves.

  • Use the lighter on the pile.

  • Go away and come back, then use the mittens to pick up the potato. (Those are some highly magical leaves: not only do they burn hot enough to cook a sweet potato, they stay uninjured through the process!)

  • Examine the cooked potato to find the small key.

  • Use the small key to open the panel at the base of the left column and get the house-shaped ornament.

Why use a broom when you can use a snowball? (house ornament #2)

Use the mittens to collect a ball of snow (clicking the red bar of the gate seemed to work for me; basically, click around until you acquire a lumpy white ball in your inventory.)
Use the snowball on the house ornament that's visible on the gate (near the top of the right column).

Snowman puzzle (house ornament #3)

Use magnifying glass (really, it's not a mirror, all appearances to the contrary) on the hexagonal box. Click the box, then click the left button. Note the colors and the arrow.

Yellow, red, blue, red, blue, yellow

Lift the hats of the snowmen in the order indicated. Get the house-shaped ornament.

The hats are blue, yellow, and red, so the order is middle, right, left, right, left, middle.

Ending the game

(It's not really "getting out" per se.) Put the three ornaments into the box under the gate. Click through the dialogue until it ends.


Re Nagamochi the Four is giving me fits!


Nagamochi - Loved it! Once I caught on to the quirky logic it moved fast. This was fun!

Coffeeteamix January 7, 2016 5:52 PM

Wednesday is my favorite day of the week and it's all because of you guys. It's only Thursday and I can't wait for Wednesday again.

Thanks Dora, the rest of the Jayisgames team, the creative minds that come up with free escape games every week, and all of you commentors who help me escape from yet another virtual room.

River Cat January 8, 2016 12:37 AM

Wicked Escape Zero. I'm stuck on what seems to be the last puzzle, the empty screen. Any help out there?


River Cat: If you're where I think you are...

You need a

ladder to reach a red key

Meanwhile, I'm stuck somewhere else, where there's a screen with a seven scattered buttons.

J-Walk January 8, 2016 1:59 AM replied to River Cat

I replied in the main thread, by mistake.

odyssee January 8, 2016 2:23 AM replied to J-Walk

just click anywhere but buttons

J-Walk January 8, 2016 2:26 AM replied to River Cat

I just finished--and realized you probably meant the second empty screen:

drag the back arrow away from the button

odyssee January 8, 2016 2:27 AM replied to odyssee

I'm sorry I thought I could edit (first time i post here), but no way and I didn't use a spoiler tag
clever game indeed !

Patreon Supporter Scaper January 8, 2016 6:00 PM replied to WillYum

I could swear I clicked there many times and nothing happened.


Wicked Escape Zero Walkthrough

This game has two endings. To get the ordinary ending, ignore the documents on the desks. To get the perfect ending, you need to read (well, OK, look at, unless you can read Japanese) all three confidential documents.

  1. Get the key from the left drawer of the desk. (If you're after the perfect ending, don't forget to look at the document on the desk.)

  2. Use the key to open the box on the wall between the two doors. Turn on the power switch.

  3. Click the near door and solve the puzzle.

    Note that everything is white, except for the minus sign. Click the minus sign.

    M=12, D=31; that's December 31st, between you and me. If you add one day, what do you get?


  4. Go into the room and click the locker that's right in front of you. Ah, a classic matchstick puzzle.

    You need to correct the equation by removing one match. Open the matchbox, then click and drag the appropriate match into it. (You can only drag the correct match, but for understandable reasons, the cursor doesn't change when you point at it.)

    How do you combine 1 and 1 to get 0?

    Remove the upright portion of the plus sign to make the equation read
    1 - 1 = 0

    Get the doohickey from the locker. Click it a few times to discover that it's a flashlight.

  5. Turn toward the set of three lockers and open the middle one. Get the sunglasses.

  6. Go back out and click the other door. Well, how are you supposed to push 4 if there's only one button?

    No, the answer isn't to push it four times, but go ahead, try that. I'll wait.

    Did the button seem... wiggly to you? Try dragging it somewhere else.

    Well, lookee here! Another button! Wonder what's under it.

    Keep dragging the buttons until you see four of them, then click each one. (Order doesn't seem to matter.)

  7. Go into the room and click the single locker in it. OK, so it's a "click the corners" puzzle with the solution right there, but where are the buttons?

    Try looking at it another way. Literally.

    Use the sunglasses.

  8. Open the locker and click the top left corner of the back panel until it falls away, revealing another room. Go into the new room.

  9. Click just past the row of lockers to see another desk. The drawers won't open on this one, but what's that shadow behind the lockers?

    Get the ladder.

    If you're a perfectionist, don't forget to look at the note on the desk.

  10. Back away from the desk, then click the up arrow on the left. A tall blank wall... or is it really blank?

    Use the ladder to climb up and get the red key.

    Grab the ladder before you leave; it might come in handy.

  11. Go back out of the room and... wait, what? Oh, the stupid locker locked itself behind you.

    Use the red key to open the lock, then solve the puzzle. (It's a picture of a square spiral staircase.)

    Turn over the square that says "Puzzle" for the last piece.

    Seriously? It's a nine-piece puzzle. If you need more help than this, do your parents know that you're up past your bedtime? >:)

  12. OK, now go back out into the main room.

  13. Use the ladder (told you it'd come in handy) on the hole in the dropped ceiling on the right. From this point on, the game becomes "solve a puzzle, go up some stairs, rinse and repeat." (The third desk is in the alcove to the right of the door, by the way.)

  14. Click the panel next to the door. 7 buttons, but which one(s) do you press? And in what order? I wonder what could illuminate this puzzle.

    Yeah, that was a bit heavy-handed there. Sorry.

    Not heavy-handed enough for you? Use the flashlight on the panel. (Turn on the flashlight if you haven't already.) Click the buttons in the order indicated by the blue arrow.

  15. 3x3 grid, a big white dot, and some directional arrows.

    Oh, and two leetle tiny red Xs. However, if you move the dot over the red X in the middle of the grid and press OK, nothing happens. How infuriating. In frustration, why don't you hit, say, the up arrow a whole bunch of times.

    Move the dot over the other red X and hit OK.

  16. Uh, blackness?

    That back arrow looks awfully strange, though.

    Drag the arrow off of the button. If necessary, come back to the panel, then press the button.

  17. 123 and red arrows. And fractions of arrows.

    There are three almost-identical layers here. The top one can be dragged horizontally, and the second and third vertically.

    Move the top layer to the left until the arrow on it points at the arrow above the 1. Move the second layer down until its arrow matches up with the 2. Move the third layer up until its arrow matches up with the 3.

    Well, how about that: a button! Go ahead, press it.

  18. 3x3 grid, white dot, arrows, and a little red X. Haven't we been here before?

    Might as well try the obvious thing: use the arrows to move the dot over the X.

    Well, that didn't work too well, did it? Last time, we had to think outside the grid; this time, we have to think outside the arrows.

    Just grab that stupid dot and drag it over to the X, then hit the OK button.

  19. Now just keep going up and around until you're out.


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