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Weekday Escape N°108

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Weekday Escape

DoraUp and at 'em, escaperinos! Wednesday waits for nobody, and Weekday Escape has arrived to make it a little more bearable through the judicious application of puzzles, puzzles, and more puzzles. This week! A reader sends us an escape game with an old school feel and one whopper of a captor. A tree that isn't trimmed is no tree at all, so you'll need to wade through some cuteness to get it set up. And there are chores to be done before you can leave, because developers have given up all pretense of pretending that they really aren't making us do their grunt work for them!

Titan EscapeTitan Escape - This title by Nagamochi Games was submitted by reader R, who has this to say: "I really enjoyed this game, very refreshing and "old school" escape.... reminds me of say 2007. Website says "Japanese ability is required for it," but I did not find that to be the case at all! Solvable with just good old logic and ingenuity. Challenging without being frustrating, nice graphics. Wish more current escapes were like this one.

Xmas Tree Decorations!Xmas Tree Decorations - Regardless of whether it's Christmas, any day you wake up to find more Detarame Factory under the proverbial tree is a good one... especially when the escape games are as cute as this! (Click the last icon on the calendar to start.) Your goal is to trim the tree before you can leave, and that's presuming you don't keel over from the adorableness outside the window. Truly a fiendish trap!

Home MaintenanceHome Maintenance - Alright, I know I joke a lot about escape developers tricking us into doing their work for them in the guise of gameplay, but MayMay is just flaunting it in our faces now! Before we can leave, we'll need to break out the elbow grease and do some cleaning, because this is one dirty room, and it's even been tied into some of the puzzles! I tell you what, I'm going to remember this when Spring Cleaning rolls around... you can all come clean my place for free too, and I'll hide the key under the mat or something.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Titan Escape Walkthrough

There's quite a bit of clicking through text at the beginning. (If you're looking at the face of the big statue and vainly clicking the down arrows, click the face first, then the down arrows.)

This game very strictly enforces its clues: if you haven't seen the necessary hints, you will not be able to even attempt to solve the puzzles. In some cases, the game won't even let you pick up potentially-useful items until you've seen a use for them, which can be hella frustrating (I thought my Flash player was being buggy or something).

In the following, I've arbitrarily designated the exit archway as "north".

♈ (Aries)


west wall



It's that small post to the left of the wooden bench on the east wall.


South of the building (go around the east side), there's a bunch of concrete blocks. Use the spade to dig out the last one, then note which hole is filled on each brick.

Also pay attention to which end is which - note that one end has "feet", while the other end is square.

One of the bricks has a little arrow to tell you where to start.

4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4

♉ (Taurus)


Between building and west wall


The note on the east wall next to building, for which you need the stick from underneath the middle bench on the west wall of the main walkway.

This is one of those parts where you need to have actually clicked on the hotspot up on the east wall before the game will let you pick up the stick. Have I mentioned how annoying this is?


Ignore the cow; the fence is what's important.

Turn your head to the right to see that the front fence says 2503.

♊ (Gemini)


west wall


Watering can

Northwest corner, behind the right stool/stump/rock/whateverthatthingis.

Correction, a filled watering can.

Facing the building, click the left (east) pedestal.


It's back where you found the watering can.

Use the watering can to wash the dirt off the plaque on the wall.


♋ (Cancer)


West wall


spade, which leads to key, which opens the mailbox.
spade: see Aries.

Dig along the east wall, between the table & chairs and the maple tree.


Face due north, then turn right once. Find the hotspot near the ramp on the left.


Use the key to open the mailbox, then look at the paper.

Two long horizontal lines, a short horizontal line with a downward bit at the end... oy, there's gotta be an easier way. Hey, wait, isn't the cancer symbol usually horizontal, not vertical?

Turn your head to the right to see that the paper actually says llrurdll, or left, left, right, up, right, down, left, left.

♌ (Leo)


South of the building


Watering can, brick, stick
Watering can: see Gemini

The game is really brain-dead about this. You need to look at something that's totally unrelated to this puzzle before it will let you acquire the brick (from underneath the northernmost bench on the east side of the main walkway).

Look behind the pine tree on the west wall at the three, uh, "sculptures". I think you may even have to notice that the button in the rightmost one opens a door in the leftmost one, but by this point I tend to be so annoyed that I furiously click everything and its neighbor.

Stick: see Taurus


Look just to the right of the maple tree on the east wall. Use the watering can on the mudstain to see an arrow pointing down. You can move the big rock without help, but the concrete square is just too heavy. Maybe that small hole below it will help?

Use the brick and the stick to lever the concrete square out of the way. (Once you have the stick in place, click its far end to get the best leverage.)

Collect your brick and stick, and get the wire cutters. Now you can look at the picture of a lion. Also go look at the pillar: it has the same picture. Well, mostly.

It's a "find the differences" puzzle, made very, very difficult by the distance between the pictures. You can try taking a screenshot to help, or just read the next spoiler.

Top row both corners, middle row center, bottom row left corner.

♍ (Virgo)


West wall


brick, small key, wire cutters
Brick: see Leo.
Small key:

Look at the three square thingies behind the pine tree on the west wall. Put the brick into the rightmost one, then get the key from the leftmost one.

Wire cutters:

Solve Leo, at least as far as moving the big concrete square.


Face the building and look at the right pedestal. Use the wire cutters to release the lever and move it up. Look around: what did that do?

A new pillar appeared (so that's where the Libra code will go!), with a box at its base. Use the small round key to open the box.

1 one, 4 twos, 6 ones, 5 threes, 3 ones, 2 fives. Those counts are awfully... sequential, if you know what I mean.


♎ (Libra)


See Virgo.

Once you release the lever on the right pedestal, the pillar will appear just to the west of the pedestal.


Spade, which leads to coin, which leads to mallet; small key, which leads to scissors; wire cutters, which leads to large key, which leads to bird seed
Spade: see Aries.

Dig behind the tulips (east side of the main walkway).


Use the coin to open the cabinet in the northeast corner of the courtyard.

Small key: see Virgo.

Use the small key to open the box on the bench that's along the east wall (just south of where you got the mallet).

Wire cutters: See Leo (and/or Virgo).
Large key:

Use the wire cutters to get the key from the table and chairs along the east wall.

Bird seed:

Use the large key to open the cabinet in the southwest corner (go around the building on the west side).


First, fix the bird feeder.

Go to the southeast corner of the building. Use the mallet on that wooden contraption that's standing at an odd angle.

Next, open the bird seed.

Use "about" on the bird seed packet, then cut it open with the scissors.

Put the bird seed on the feeder (guess they don't have a squirrel problem here?). Go back around to the west side of the building and look at the note which the bird watching guy dropped (the one who used to be visible along the battlements).

The key to notice is that the second number in each pair is always a 3 or a 4. Look at the pillar: what could the 3 and 4 refer to?

The inner button of each segment is a triangle - three sides. The outer button is a trapezoid - four sides. So the first number refers to the segment, and the second number to the button. (If you've forgotten which symbol goes with which number, you can look at the note by clicking next to the "about" button; it's pretty simple, top = 1, then continue numbering clockwise.)

♌ inner, ♍ inner, ♉ inner, ♈ inner, ♈ outer, ♉ inner, ♊ outer, ♎ inner


Once you have all seven pillars solved, click the exit archway. Click the big statue, then watch as it disappears. Click the archway again.


Stuck on the last (Libra) puzzle in Titan. I have the clue, but am at a complete loss as to how to properly interpret it.


@Chris Ingersoll - I'm in the same boat :(


looks like the 4's and 3's relate to

the triangles and trapezoids

but I'm at a complete loss as to how.


nvm first attempt

top is 1 go clockwise


@James E Myers Ah, thanks! That's what I needed!


Xmas Tree Decorations by Detarame:

Looking out the window...

Awww, it appears that Mr. Bunny and Mr. Froggy are dancing in the snow. How cute!

But wait!

[looking closer]

Mr. Froggy approaches Mr. Bunny.

"Hello there Mr. Bunny! Would you like to come to my party? We have cookies and cake."

Mr. Bunny says nothing, but picks up something from the ground.

[a huge ball of snow zooms by Mr. Froggy's head]

"What!?! You almost took off my head!"

Mr. Froggy dodges to the right.

Mr. Bunny picks up another snow ball and whips it at Mr. Froggy.

"ACK! Noooo... What are you doing??"

Mr. Froggy desperately weaves back and forth as multiple projectile zoom by his noggin whilst Mr. Bunny cackles gleefully.

Mr. Bunny has an unlimited supply of snow and Mr. Froggy is getting tired.


How will this end?

Who will triumph?

Can you stop Mr. Bunny's mindless rampage??

biggityjiggity December 30, 2015 2:59 PM replied to Chris Ingersoll

Chris, give it another turn


Darn it, MayMay. NCEZ doesn't help me. >.


Eh, I had to brute force MayMay's Home Maintenance because of the above clue.


Titan Escape:

Regarding the Cancer puzzle (69 symbol):

I kept passing over both the key and where to use the key. They are dependent on some pixel hunting.

To find the clue, you have to find the...

Pink mailbox. And it is hard to find.

Facing the exit, go to the right. Now the ramp on the left side of the screen has a grey click area.

To find the key that allows access to the clue...

It is on the side of the wall opposite the four puzzle stands and buried under some sand.

Had to watch a walkthrough for the above information.

WillYum December 30, 2015 5:02 PM replied to Upaut

At Upaut:

What is NCEZ?

Are you referring to the color based clues in the MayMay game?


I must be missing something obvious, because I cannot find the clue for the Virgo puzzle in Titan; I've completed all the others and I've really enjoyed the game.

Billy-o December 30, 2015 9:22 PM replied to Green

That had me stuck for a while, too. To solve it, you'll need to use an item for the second time:

Retrieve the brick you placed in the block to the left of the exit. Use it:

as a fulcrum to move the stone block to the right of the red maple tree.


I appreciate the reply, Billy-o. Doesn't that give the hint for the Leo the lion (#5) puzzle? I can't find the Virgo hint (#6).


I'm stuck in the MayMay game. All I have in my inventory right now is


Anyone have any hints or a walkthrough.

Imzadi December 31, 2015 1:55 AM replied to Imzadi

Oops, never mind, I got that part. Now I'm stuck

with the numbers on the picture frame. I would think they are the code to the top drawer in the bedroom but can't figure out how.


WillYum December 31, 2015 5:48 AM replied to Imzadi

Reply to Imzadi:

You are correct - the numbers on the picture frame are the clue for the top right drawer in the bedroom.

Think of the numbers as single digits.

Notice that the buttons on the top right drawer are all the same color when you press them.

So that means...

The colors do not matter. It's the order that is important.

What you found already can be used in conjunction with the drawer.

Press the shapes in the order indicated by the numbers on the picture frame.

Imzadi January 1, 2016 6:10 PM replied to WillYum

@WillYum - Thank you so much for the help! I finally made it out. BTW, clever username.


Titan Escape Walkthrough

There's quite a bit of clicking through text at the beginning. (If you're looking at the face of the big statue and vainly clicking the down arrows, click the face first, then the down arrows.)

This game very strictly enforces its clues: if you haven't seen the necessary hints, you will not be able to even attempt to solve the puzzles. In some cases, the game won't even let you pick up potentially-useful items until you've seen a use for them, which can be hella frustrating (I thought my Flash player was being buggy or something).

In the following, I've arbitrarily designated the exit archway as "north".

♈ (Aries)


west wall



It's that small post to the left of the wooden bench on the east wall.


South of the building (go around the east side), there's a bunch of concrete blocks. Use the spade to dig out the last one, then note which hole is filled on each brick.

Also pay attention to which end is which - note that one end has "feet", while the other end is square.

One of the bricks has a little arrow to tell you where to start.

4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4

♉ (Taurus)


Between building and west wall


The note on the east wall next to building, for which you need the stick from underneath the middle bench on the west wall of the main walkway.

This is one of those parts where you need to have actually clicked on the hotspot up on the east wall before the game will let you pick up the stick. Have I mentioned how annoying this is?


Ignore the cow; the fence is what's important.

Turn your head to the right to see that the front fence says 2503.

♊ (Gemini)


west wall


Watering can

Northwest corner, behind the right stool/stump/rock/whateverthatthingis.

Correction, a filled watering can.

Facing the building, click the left (east) pedestal.


It's back where you found the watering can.

Use the watering can to wash the dirt off the plaque on the wall.


♋ (Cancer)


West wall


spade, which leads to key, which opens the mailbox.
spade: see Aries.

Dig along the east wall, between the table & chairs and the maple tree.


Face due north, then turn right once. Find the hotspot near the ramp on the left.


Use the key to open the mailbox, then look at the paper.

Two long horizontal lines, a short horizontal line with a downward bit at the end... oy, there's gotta be an easier way. Hey, wait, isn't the cancer symbol usually horizontal, not vertical?

Turn your head to the right to see that the paper actually says llrurdll, or left, left, right, up, right, down, left, left.

♌ (Leo)


South of the building


Watering can, brick, stick
Watering can: see Gemini

The game is really brain-dead about this. You need to look at something that's totally unrelated to this puzzle before it will let you acquire the brick (from underneath the northernmost bench on the east side of the main walkway).

Look behind the pine tree on the west wall at the three, uh, "sculptures". I think you may even have to notice that the button in the rightmost one opens a door in the leftmost one, but by this point I tend to be so annoyed that I furiously click everything and its neighbor.

Stick: see Taurus


Look just to the right of the maple tree on the east wall. Use the watering can on the mudstain to see an arrow pointing down. You can move the big rock without help, but the concrete square is just too heavy. Maybe that small hole below it will help?

Use the brick and the stick to lever the concrete square out of the way. (Once you have the stick in place, click its far end to get the best leverage.)

Collect your brick and stick, and get the wire cutters. Now you can look at the picture of a lion. Also go look at the pillar: it has the same picture. Well, mostly.

It's a "find the differences" puzzle, made very, very difficult by the distance between the pictures. You can try taking a screenshot to help, or just read the next spoiler.

Top row both corners, middle row center, bottom row left corner.

♍ (Virgo)


West wall


brick, small key, wire cutters
Brick: see Leo.
Small key:

Look at the three square thingies behind the pine tree on the west wall. Put the brick into the rightmost one, then get the key from the leftmost one.

Wire cutters:

Solve Leo, at least as far as moving the big concrete square.


Face the building and look at the right pedestal. Use the wire cutters to release the lever and move it up. Look around: what did that do?

A new pillar appeared (so that's where the Libra code will go!), with a box at its base. Use the small round key to open the box.

1 one, 4 twos, 6 ones, 5 threes, 3 ones, 2 fives. Those counts are awfully... sequential, if you know what I mean.


♎ (Libra)


See Virgo.

Once you release the lever on the right pedestal, the pillar will appear just to the west of the pedestal.


Spade, which leads to coin, which leads to mallet; small key, which leads to scissors; wire cutters, which leads to large key, which leads to bird seed
Spade: see Aries.

Dig behind the tulips (east side of the main walkway).


Use the coin to open the cabinet in the northeast corner of the courtyard.

Small key: see Virgo.

Use the small key to open the box on the bench that's along the east wall (just south of where you got the mallet).

Wire cutters: See Leo (and/or Virgo).
Large key:

Use the wire cutters to get the key from the table and chairs along the east wall.

Bird seed:

Use the large key to open the cabinet in the southwest corner (go around the building on the west side).


First, fix the bird feeder.

Go to the southeast corner of the building. Use the mallet on that wooden contraption that's standing at an odd angle.

Next, open the bird seed.

Use "about" on the bird seed packet, then cut it open with the scissors.

Put the bird seed on the feeder (guess they don't have a squirrel problem here?). Go back around to the west side of the building and look at the note which the bird watching guy dropped (the one who used to be visible along the battlements).

The key to notice is that the second number in each pair is always a 3 or a 4. Look at the pillar: what could the 3 and 4 refer to?

The inner button of each segment is a triangle - three sides. The outer button is a trapezoid - four sides. So the first number refers to the segment, and the second number to the button. (If you've forgotten which symbol goes with which number, you can look at the note by clicking next to the "about" button; it's pretty simple, top = 1, then continue numbering clockwise.)

♌ inner, ♍ inner, ♉ inner, ♈ inner, ♈ outer, ♉ inner, ♊ outer, ♎ inner


Once you have all seven pillars solved, click the exit archway. Click the big statue, then watch as it disappears. Click the archway again.


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